Referencing Fields From Non-current Records

Mar 11, 2008

Another problem has thrust its ugly head into my personal universe.

I have a report to make that is to show a break down of employees hired in each month since Oct. '05 and to show what percentage of the total for that month remain.

I have created one query that grabs each of the relevant personnel;

SELECT Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),4)+" -"+Str(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]))+" : "+MonthName(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]),True)+" '"+Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),2)+" Hires" AS hire_month, [dbo_personnel]![lname]+"; "+[dbo_personnel]![fname]+IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![mname]),""," "+Left([dbo_personnel]![mname],1)+".") AS name, dbo_personnel.badge, dbo_personnel.originalapptdate, IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![dateoftermination]),[dbo_personnel]![assignedorg],"EOS'd") AS EOS
FROM dbo_personnel
WHERE ((Not ((dbo_personnel.badge) Like "R*" Or (dbo_personnel.badge) Like "9*")) AND ((dbo_personnel.originalapptdate)>=#10/1/2005#))
ORDER BY dbo_personnel.originalapptdate;

I've saved this query as "2-yr Service Check Baseline."

And then this query that does the count;

SELECT [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active") AS EOS, Count([2-yr Service Check Baseline].EOS) AS CountOfEOS
FROM [2-yr Service Check Baseline]
GROUP BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active")
ORDER BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active");

The output from the second query stores the Active count on odd numbered records and the terminated ones on the even numbered records.

So, to get the percent left, I'd need to sum the two count fields from the two relevant records and then divide this into the Active count.

But, in the report, how do I reference a field from a record other than the current one?

Thanx in advance for any help!

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Referencing Subtotals Fields On Mainform From Subform

Mar 9, 2005


i'm working in access 97 and am having difficulties pulling a subtotal or referencing any fields on my subform on my main form. I've searched the forum and help and tried to apply the info provided, but i still can't seem to get it to work.

as far as i can tell this should work:

but i'm still getting the dreaded #Name? error.

anyone got any clues as to what i'm doing wrong?

what about the case where the subtotal i'm referencing is a calculation such as =Sum([Quantity]*[FacilityArea]). Should i still be able to reference it on my main form by pointing to the name of the field?

Thanks very much!

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Automatically Updating Yes/No Fields By Referencing Other Tables.

Jan 10, 2008

I am working on a database at my workplace. We have a list of available IP adresses that can be used for printers, not all of which are in use currently.

I have a table for the printers at each branch, and that printer's IP address.

I have an IP addresses table that contains all available IPs, a domain name field, and a yes/no field entitled "In Use?"

I want my IP address table to check my printer table, and put 'yes' in the "In Use?" field if the IP address exists in both tables, or a 'no' in the "In Use?" field if the IP address is not currently assigned to a printer.

Can this be done, and if so, how?
Much appreciated,

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Tables :: Lookup Fields Referencing Another Field

Apr 2, 2015

I created tables that have lookup fields referencing another field. Actually I have several tables that all have relationships and object dependencies in my database. Now that I am trying to create some different reports, when I run the report I get the ID rather than the contents of the field. Also, I have a 'Report Dashboard' so to speak that I can run different reports from. On the form I have Combo boxes that reference one of the tables. I can generate the report showing the information, however I tried using a text box (criteria)(=[Forms]![Reports Form]![Combo47]+" County") in the header of the report to reference the selection made in the form combo box. When I run the report I generate the ID in the do I get rid of the lookup fields in the tables, or is there another work around?

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Referencing "Current" From In Query

Dec 14, 2005

Hi guys, I think that I am being dumb but here goes.

I need the query associated with a Combo Box row-source to filter records based on another field on the form.

I can get this to work just fine if I explicitally include the form name in the query, ie SELECT Client.Client FROM Company INNER JOIN Client ON Company.Company = Client.Company WHERE (((Company.Company)=[forms]![allcalls]![company])); My form name is AllCalls.

However, I will be having many similar forms so do not want to reference the form by name. I am sure that the form can be referenced by me! or something like that but try as I might I cannot get it working.

Am I making sense? and does anyone have a solution?



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Referencing Records By Date And Time

Oct 11, 2007

Hello everyone,

I am pretty new to access and I am trying to reference records by date and time. I don't know how to do it. I am keeping track of aircraft flight time for our Fire Department Helicopter. When the crew gets back from a run they enter the ending Hours or 'HOBBS' time. I've queried the HOBBS to subtract from the previous HOBBS with the following lines:

PrevHobbs: (Select Max(Hobbs) from AircraftRecord Where ([Serial Number] = Aircraft1.[Serial Number] and [Hobbs]< Aircraft1.[Hobbs]))


Flight Time: [Hobbs]-[PrevHobbs]

-Aircraft1 is an Alias-

We have more than one helicopter so I needed to pick out the serial number as well. I modified this line from something I found on the internet and it works most of the time. It does not work when the crew gets a call and they don't run up any hours on the helicopter. If they enter the same hobbs time as the last run it will skip the last run and subtract from two runs prior, on account of the "<" in the 'PrevHobbs' line.

I cannot reference a run by the "Run Number" (autonumber) because people will occasionally forget to enter runs and come back days later to enter them. The run numbers are then no longer consecutive. The only thing that consistantly defines a consecutive run is Date and Time.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.


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Avoiding Duplicity & Referencing Records

Jun 5, 2005

nuther question from the forum dunce I'm afraid,
I want to ensure the user of the form cannot enter the same [cboPlayerName]
twice for the same [txtMeetDate] (thanks for the advice trubolotta, I changed
the name of the [Date] field.) The user will select the PlayerName from a combo
box. Can I have the list in the combo box diminish by each player as they have
been selected for a [txtMeetDate] I suspect a monstrous amount of code &
intellectual input will be required to achieve this. Basically, what I'm asking
(this time !) is how can I have my program search my tblScratchScores for
duplicate names for the [MeetDate] that I am currently inputting Data for?

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Modules & VBA :: Referencing All Records In Subform

Feb 23, 2015

I am trying to add a save/close button to a form that will only close if certain conditions are met and if they arnt then display a message box.I got the basics on how to save and close the form, do a simple if statement and display the message I want but the problem im running into is my subform can have multiple records and of those records each records status is set by 3 different checkboxes. I need all of those records status to be same when the form is closed.

if I do an if statement like

If Me!frmDataform1subform.Form!StatusID.Value = 1 then

then all it looks at is the first record, how do I get my if statement to look at all the records in the subform?

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Cross Referencing Records From A Single Table

Sep 22, 2005

I tried the idea sugested in post ( but it didn't seem to give the cross referencing that I had hoped for .... example 1 is related to 4,3, and 5 while 6 is related to 1 thus implying an extended relationship to 4,3, and 5.

In a standard one-to-many I'd look at record 1 and see that it is related to 4,3,5 but if I were to look at record 6 I'd only see that it is related to 1. How would I set up the table relationships to drill further to see that 1 is also related to 4,3,5?

How do you do a many-to-many from one table back to that same table?

EventID(AutoNumber) EventTitle(Memo)
1 memo content
2 data
3 more memo content
4 some info
5 more stuff
6 other text

EventParrent EventChild
1 4
1 3
1 5
6 1
3 2

In addition ... how would one set up the integrity to prevent loops from forming?

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Modules & VBA :: Public Function With Variables Referencing Table Date Fields

May 31, 2014

I have a table with only two fields and one record: BegDate and EndDate (beginning and end date of the reporting period respectively). I also made a function with variables that look up those values for use as a date parameter in a query.

Here is the code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function getCurrentRepDates() As Date
Dim dtBegDate As Date
dtBegDate = DLookup("BegDate", "tblCurrentRepDates")

[Code] ....

I am getting a syntax error for the line marked red. How can I use "Between" function in VBA code? Access 2010

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Queries :: Referencing SubQuery Fields In A SubQuery

Dec 3, 2013

We are developing a complaints tool. Each completed complaint needs to be signed off by 3 leads and I'm hoping to display the progress of this in a form. Obtaining the first is simple and I was able to do that relatively quickly. The subsequence ones are now giving me a headache as it doesn't seem I can reference the initial subquery field in the others.Here's what I have so far:



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Modules & VBA :: Add Records To A Table Referencing A Table In Another Database - DAO

Jan 16, 2015

I am using Access 2010 and I currently use a command button on a form to add new records to a table using data that the user has entered into the form using the code below:

Although this is pretty self-explanatory, here is a key for reference:

Me.lstFacilities = ListBox
Me.cboMeasure = ComboBox
Me.cboYesNo = ComboBox
Me.txtTarget = TextBox

Private Sub cmdAddMet_Click()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
Set DB = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

This works great but I would like to be able to pull in data from another database based off of Me.lstFacilities.Column(1, i) which is the FACILITY_ID field and is located in the other database's table. I thought about adding in another string variable(strSQL1) and opening up a separate recordset and database:

Set DB1 = OpenDatabase("serverotherdb.accdb")
strSQL1 = "SELECT [FieldName] FROM [tblOtherDatabase] IN 'serverotherdb.accdb'"
Set RS1 = DB1.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)

However, I'm not sure where to start pulling in the data from the [fieldname] in the [tblOtherDatabase] when I start the loop below:

For i = 0 To lstFacilities.ListCount - 1
If lstFacilities.Selected(i) = True Then
RS!RELATIONSHIP_ID = Me.lstFacilities.Column(0, i)

[Code] .....

Is it even possible to do this?

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Turning Current Fields Into Autonumber

Jun 26, 2007

Hi all.

I have been tasked with replacing an external database in house and obviously the external database has multilpe tables joined by various id fields. I'm assuming when they created the db they were assigned autonumber qualities etc to create unique numbers.

However, I can't replicate that in mine. I have the external references for existing data fine. But ho do I now create a new record with a unique number in the existing field.

I tried setting it to primary key and/or no duplicates etc but it's expecting me to enter a number.

I imagine I've got to set some kind of loop to count from one and matech it and then when it finds a number not currently in use it'll stop and use that but how to do that........

Cheers for any help.

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Counting Month Fields For The Current Year?

Nov 4, 2007


This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads.

Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you.

Heres a link to the database below

Total count is easy: =Count(tblMain!ID1)

What I want to do is count the amount of records for each individual month of the current year so I don't have to change the year date everytime a new year comes round. As soon as the next year comes around they all reset to 0.

The clever way would be to count the records for the current month -1 current month -2 etc and automatically update the month labels but I think that would be getting a bit comlicated.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Auto Populate Fields On Current Form

Jul 16, 2006

Hi. I tried to find out if this issue was already posted, but did not find. If anyone can help me, I am trying to auto populate two fields on a subform. The field I want to populate is the description of a role. So if the user selects the role name from the combo box, the description field will automatically update. Thanks.

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Queries :: Linking Two Fields And Bring Current To The Top

May 7, 2015

I have a query that does a great job at fining duplicate master records

How to this query so that it fining duplicate master records like the query show and add one more record that will link up as shown in the example.

[sql]SELECT subqry2.maxdatereferral
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].master
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].RecordNumber
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].FirstName
,[PSB Accout Linkingqry].LastName

[Code] .....

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Printing Current Records

Aug 29, 2007

Hi Guys (again),

Hope you can help and I'll explain this as well as I can but I've put it in general as it's a culmination of things.

I have written a call monitoring database for a call centre (all good so far), but they want historical searches (again all good). I've written the relevant queries for these so that the searches can be done for Adviser, Manager and also by a date range. However, they now want to be able to print out the current search from the screen.

The way I have done it is this. I have written the report be adding in a subreport and putting in the relevant historical search form, and then written a macro that is assigned to a button on the historical search form to print the current record.

The problem that I am having is that when they click on the button to give them the history they fill in the relevant advisor or manager name and the date range which gives them the info in form format but, when they click on the button to print the current 'screen' if you like, it asks for the information again. I know this is because the actual report is written from the same query but is there anyway that it will just print what's displayed on the screen? I don't do VBA so if it has to be done that way could you please display it as it should be inserted.

I do hope that that has made sense and that someone can at least help me, cos you're all wonderful and I've had some really excellent help in the past from this site.

Thanks in advance.

Donna x :confused: (as always)

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Only Return Current And Following Records

Oct 1, 2007


I have a query with the following sort of information:-

10/2007 £55

As today being the 1st October, I would like the query to return the values for Oct and Nov.
The same values would be returned on the 31st Oct, but then the following day, only the Nov value would be, basically, it only returns the values of the current month and following months..

I am assuming I put something in the criteria of the query under the month? I have tried a number of things, with none working!!!

Thanks for reading....


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Client Not Able To View Current Records?

May 23, 2006

Hi guys. I am trying to help a client regards an un-supported access database. They have a DB that is shared across a network (only have experiance on database on single client, never set up security etc....). The DB is installed on the Server.
The DB is access via a mapped network drive. The Database folder contains the following files:
MKC Clients_Quesries.mdb
MKC Clients.mde
MKC Clients_.des

On one machine the MKC Clients.mde is launched and 1086 records are visible. On a second machine the same MKC Clients.mde is opened but displays only 977 records?? An I missing the obvious?

Any help appreciated, she is a nice lady!!

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Use Current Date To Change A Value In Records

Aug 12, 2006

I have a db that is a checkbook register. I use a field in each transaction record to tell whether the transaction is current or is a future transaction (if it is in the future then it doesn't yet affect my balance). For instance, if the item is not scheduled to be paid for two weeks (I schedule payments with online banking), I check the "future item" box, then that record for that item isn't included in the report that tells me my current balance. How can I automatically take away that check mark on records when the date in that record becomes todays date (or before today)? Because at that point it is no longer a "future" transaction but is current. I could do this manually but it seems like there should be a way to do it automatically.

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View Only Records Of The Current Year

Dec 19, 2006

The solution might be in front of my nose but I cannot see it... I have a query with all my records I need to extract only records of the current year, so that now will show all 2006, as we enter into the following year it will show all the 2007.
What is the criteria I should put into the "Date" field I have?

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How Do I Only Show Current Records Image?

Oct 12, 2005


Just wondering if anyone could help me with my little problem :)

I am making a register (as in a class register of students) I have a table with the lessons on and one with students on. I have made a relationship between them etc.

I have a form where the parent allows you to choose which lesson you want to view, and the subform displays the students for that lesson. This all works fine.

My problem is that I also want a picture to be displayed for the student that is currently selected, I have managed to update the picture by using

Private Sub Form_Current()
[student_picture].Picture = [student_image]
End Sub

student_picture is the name of the image on the subform, the student_image is a row in my student database that contains the location of the image e.g. c:abc.jpg

and this works at updating the image that is show. The only problem is that the image is shown on all records/rows. Is there anyway of making it so that the image is only displayed on the current row?

Thank you


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Email ONLY To Current Subform Records

Jun 9, 2006

I have been reading quite a bit on this and other forums about email automation and looping queries to gather email addresses. However, I am unable to restrict my list of email addresses to only that are currently being viewed in a subform.

An image of my form is attached. I have 3 tables being used:


The EventAttendance Table is a join table to determine which Contacts attended which Events.

When I try to loop a query to capture email addresses, I am only able to return email addresses for the entire query (all people attending all events) not just those that are listed in the subform for the current event.

How do I adjust the code below to only use the emails that match the EventID I am viewing?

Private Sub Command19_Click()

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strEmail As String

rs.Open "EventAttendance Query", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

strEmail = ""
Do While Not rs.EOF
strEmail = strEmail & rs!Email & ";"

DoCmd.SendObject , , , strEmail, , , "test", "Test", True

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

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Reports :: Records In Current Month?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a table with those fields:

Name date(d,m,y)
John smith 1/2/2013
Mary loe 25/2/2013
Mary loe 1/3/2013
Jim tonel 3/3/2012
Jim tonel 5/3/2012

I want to create a report or query that will calculate how many times a name appears in current month(03/2013) and if not it should return 0.

For example the report or query should look like this:

Name count
John smith 0
Mary loe 1
Jim tonel 2

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Add Current Date And Time Into Separate Fields After ID Entered

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to add the current date and time into separate fields after an ID is entered.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.Date_Received = Date()
Me.Time_Received = Format(Now(), "hh:mm AMPM")
End Sub

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Queries :: Calculate New Fields Based On Current And Prior Year-end Numbers

May 6, 2013

I am creating a Make Table Query and calculating new fields based on current and prior year-end numbers. If the prior year-end number does not exist (Is Null), I want the use the current rate or calculate the change in rate. I have typed the below in the Field Box:


However, when running the query, I get the attached error message.

The screenshot will also show how the two tables are joined.

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