Referencing Records By Date And Time
Oct 11, 2007
Hello everyone,
I am pretty new to access and I am trying to reference records by date and time. I don't know how to do it. I am keeping track of aircraft flight time for our Fire Department Helicopter. When the crew gets back from a run they enter the ending Hours or 'HOBBS' time. I've queried the HOBBS to subtract from the previous HOBBS with the following lines:
PrevHobbs: (Select Max(Hobbs) from AircraftRecord Where ([Serial Number] = Aircraft1.[Serial Number] and [Hobbs]< Aircraft1.[Hobbs]))
Flight Time: [Hobbs]-[PrevHobbs]
-Aircraft1 is an Alias-
We have more than one helicopter so I needed to pick out the serial number as well. I modified this line from something I found on the internet and it works most of the time. It does not work when the crew gets a call and they don't run up any hours on the helicopter. If they enter the same hobbs time as the last run it will skip the last run and subtract from two runs prior, on account of the "<" in the 'PrevHobbs' line.
I cannot reference a run by the "Run Number" (autonumber) because people will occasionally forget to enter runs and come back days later to enter them. The run numbers are then no longer consecutive. The only thing that consistantly defines a consecutive run is Date and Time.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
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Aug 19, 2015
I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.
I have tried
Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]
Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"
Neither of which work ....
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Apr 26, 2013
I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.
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Jan 15, 2014
I have a complete working timeclock and trying to add the forms within the navigation form. I know I have to go back and re-reference everything and have already done so with the queries. But I cannot get the setfocus to work.
Here is the setup.
NavigationForm (navigation form)
frmClockIn (top form)
frmClockIn_SUB (bottom form)
Open Navigation > Time Clock.
Select an EmployeeID from the dropdown
Click on clock in. (successful)
cboEmployeID goes blank and try selecting the same employeeID to clock out and I get a debug at
I think there is a problem with my cboEmployeeID_AfterUpdate() as well.(related?) which used to be
Private Sub cboEmployeeID_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
I have replaced "me.refresh" with "Me.frmClockIn_SUB.Form.Refresh"
(It used to break here, but not after I changed it.)
Not too sure where to set these forms to in the code
I have attached a blank copy ....
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Dec 13, 2006
I have a basic trouble ticket type database that I built. It records troubles and auto fills the date and time when a new records created. I want a simple query that will display the number of calls that each person has taken today.
The problem being that If I use >Date()-1 I will get calls from this time yesterday until now. Is there a way to round down the time to today only? I don't want to lose my time stamp.
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Nov 5, 2012
I have not found the solution to this looking elsewhere, but basically what I am trying to do is the following:
person date
1 1/1/2012
1 12/15/2012
2 6/12/2012
1 6/13/2012
2 6/14/2012
3 6/16/2012
I want a query which shows the count or records for which a person has a date within 30 days of each other. This is being queried from a large table in which records would may not be sequential by person. Thus in my example above, the third record for person 1 would be omitted as well as the record for person 3.
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Aug 15, 2013
I have a database that is used (partially) to enter appointments during a day. In the appointment column I've entered the date and time as dd-mmm-yyy-hh-nn-ss. I'm now trying to search for appointments entered on a specific day through a user input ([Enter Date] in the query criteria) Problem is, this only returns records where the time hasn't been entered and the time shows as 00:00:00.
I've tried CDate which gives me add/mmm/yyy return. if I try to search against that I get nil returns though. As a test I put DATE() in the criteria but it then says that it's an invalid foremat. I've also tried various machinations of "Like" and "Between" without success.
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Aug 17, 2006
Hello buddies :D, do you have any idea how to make this work?
To select data that falls within this criteria of date range between cboDate and cboDate2 (fields on my form). The date in [tblJobDetails]![timeIn] come in this format "08/17/06 10:24 AM", but the cboDate/cboDate2 (takes in date only e.g 08/17/06) what i am after is to evaluate specific hard coded time in addition to the date entered, i.e. even tho, i haven't entered time on the cboDate/cboDate2, I want specific time hard coded where e.g If i select a date range of 08/17/06 and 08/18/06 on my cboDate and cboDate2 it should really be evaluating: 08/17/06 8:00 AM to 08/18/06 8:00 AM.
This is the criteria i curentlly have on my query in design view tha works perfect in selecting date only.
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And ([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)
How can I incorporate 8:00am to 8:00am into my cboDate and cboDate2. What can i do to make this happen? Your kindness will be greatly appreciated
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Jul 27, 2013
Component that is capable of putting a timeline on an Access form and displaying records with a date-time field.
What I want, is for example:
tabevents contains two basic fields:
eventtime (datetime)
eventname (string)
eventcomplete (bool)
What I want to place on the form is a visual timeline which calculates the time between the first and last event and places all events accordingly along the line, spaced out, ideally with an arrow/marker that moves along the line as time progresses, highlighting any events that haven't been marked as complete. Double clicking on the event would allow us to mark it as complete.
I know this is a long shot, but thought it worth seeing if such a thing exists.
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Mar 11, 2008
Another problem has thrust its ugly head into my personal universe.
I have a report to make that is to show a break down of employees hired in each month since Oct. '05 and to show what percentage of the total for that month remain.
I have created one query that grabs each of the relevant personnel;
SELECT Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),4)+" -"+Str(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]))+" : "+MonthName(Month([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate]),True)+" '"+Right(Str(Year([dbo_personnel]![originalapptdate])),2)+" Hires" AS hire_month, [dbo_personnel]![lname]+"; "+[dbo_personnel]![fname]+IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![mname]),""," "+Left([dbo_personnel]![mname],1)+".") AS name, dbo_personnel.badge, dbo_personnel.originalapptdate, IIf(IsNull([dbo_personnel]![dateoftermination]),[dbo_personnel]![assignedorg],"EOS'd") AS EOS
FROM dbo_personnel
WHERE ((Not ((dbo_personnel.badge) Like "R*" Or (dbo_personnel.badge) Like "9*")) AND ((dbo_personnel.originalapptdate)>=#10/1/2005#))
ORDER BY dbo_personnel.originalapptdate;
I've saved this query as "2-yr Service Check Baseline."
And then this query that does the count;
SELECT [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active") AS EOS, Count([2-yr Service Check Baseline].EOS) AS CountOfEOS
FROM [2-yr Service Check Baseline]
GROUP BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active")
ORDER BY [2-yr Service Check Baseline].hire_month, IIf([2-yr Service Check Baseline]![EOS]="EOS'd","EOS'd","Active");
The output from the second query stores the Active count on odd numbered records and the terminated ones on the even numbered records.
So, to get the percent left, I'd need to sum the two count fields from the two relevant records and then divide this into the Active count.
But, in the report, how do I reference a field from a record other than the current one?
Thanx in advance for any help!
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Jun 5, 2005
nuther question from the forum dunce I'm afraid,
I want to ensure the user of the form cannot enter the same [cboPlayerName]
twice for the same [txtMeetDate] (thanks for the advice trubolotta, I changed
the name of the [Date] field.) The user will select the PlayerName from a combo
box. Can I have the list in the combo box diminish by each player as they have
been selected for a [txtMeetDate] I suspect a monstrous amount of code &
intellectual input will be required to achieve this. Basically, what I'm asking
(this time !) is how can I have my program search my tblScratchScores for
duplicate names for the [MeetDate] that I am currently inputting Data for?
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Feb 23, 2015
I am trying to add a save/close button to a form that will only close if certain conditions are met and if they arnt then display a message box.I got the basics on how to save and close the form, do a simple if statement and display the message I want but the problem im running into is my subform can have multiple records and of those records each records status is set by 3 different checkboxes. I need all of those records status to be same when the form is closed.
if I do an if statement like
If Me!frmDataform1subform.Form!StatusID.Value = 1 then
then all it looks at is the first record, how do I get my if statement to look at all the records in the subform?
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Apr 17, 2014
I have two tables, One table containes customer name, etc., tblcustomers the other table contains the tbltimelog, log of activity start time end time. No issues. I want to generate a form based on the dateofentry for the time record. I am not able to get a summary lets say I spent 20 hours on ABC and 20 hours on CBS. If I spent 3 different days on ABC and 6 different days on CBS it will not add them together it will list it ABC 3 times and CBS 6 times. I have tried the distinct function but it doesn't work because the date is distinct. Is there a way to do this as an SQL or whatever. Thinking I could just create a new table and calculating the totals but that seems to be a waste.
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Mar 13, 2014
I have a database with date and time each stored in a separate field. Now I want to query the database based on a start date/time and an end date/time. I started with the code below but it only returns events within the same time range on each day when what I really need is every event from a specified date and time through a specified date and time.
SELECT myTable.ID AS myTable_ID, myDate, myTime, FirstName, LastName
Staff.ID = myTable.StaffID
WHERE myTable.myDate >= #3/2/2014#
AND myTable.myDate <= #3/3/2014#
AND myTable.myTime >= #8:00PM#
AND myTable.myTime <= #11:00PM#
ORDER BY myDate desc
In the above example what I want is every event from 3/2/2014 8:00PM until 3/3/2014 11:00PM. But what I get instead is every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/2/2014 and every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/3/2014.
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Sep 22, 2005
I tried the idea sugested in post ( but it didn't seem to give the cross referencing that I had hoped for .... example 1 is related to 4,3, and 5 while 6 is related to 1 thus implying an extended relationship to 4,3, and 5.
In a standard one-to-many I'd look at record 1 and see that it is related to 4,3,5 but if I were to look at record 6 I'd only see that it is related to 1. How would I set up the table relationships to drill further to see that 1 is also related to 4,3,5?
How do you do a many-to-many from one table back to that same table?
EventID(AutoNumber) EventTitle(Memo)
1 memo content
2 data
3 more memo content
4 some info
5 more stuff
6 other text
EventParrent EventChild
1 4
1 3
1 5
6 1
3 2
In addition ... how would one set up the integrity to prevent loops from forming?
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May 31, 2014
I have a table with only two fields and one record: BegDate and EndDate (beginning and end date of the reporting period respectively). I also made a function with variables that look up those values for use as a date parameter in a query.
Here is the code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function getCurrentRepDates() As Date
Dim dtBegDate As Date
dtBegDate = DLookup("BegDate", "tblCurrentRepDates")
[Code] ....
I am getting a syntax error for the line marked red. How can I use "Between" function in VBA code? Access 2010
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Apr 23, 2014
Is it possible to create a query to select all dates from a given reference date? I don't mean all dates in a table - I mean all dates generally?
(The idea being to fill the first field in the resultant dataset with the list of dates, then run subqueries off that to fill the remaining calculated fields)
I'm currently using a date field in one of my tables to populate this first field (the full SQL is in a separate thread here)
But that was just a convenient way of getting a list of dates; the dates in that table don't actually have any significance to the resulting dataset (other than they should roughly overlap with the dates I'm looking for)
The flaw in that method is that the table from which I get those dates can only ever have dates up to and including yesterday. I also need to get today's date in there (and calculate the subqueries based on that date as well).
It's also possible - although unlikely - that there could be random dates missing from that table as well - in which case I need to plug those gaps and calculate my fields for those missing dates as well.
For clarity; that first field (AsOfDate) should contain every weekday from the earliest date in that table (i.e. Min([tblBalances].[BalanceDate]) up to and including today. It doesn't matter if any of the dates inbetween are missing from tblBalances as the subqueries will just return zeroes for those dates (which is exactly what I want to see).
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Nov 8, 2013
I have a database that stores information for lab testing. Each time a tech does a "step" in the test process he logs it in the table, using an input form. There are different categories, for example preparation, testing, analysis, etc, and each of those steps take time. I have the form autopopulate the date and time with NOW() evertime the form is updated. What i want to do is calculate the time it takes to do each in days. I can easily get how many days it was from now since they logged the test, =NOW()-TestDateTime. What I want to do is get the number of days it took to do each step, ie the number of days between each event. Is there a way to do this?
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Apr 3, 2014
I have an attendance database and I connect the time attendance machine db to my access db, what i am trying to do is to generate a report that shows the time in and time out for specific date. the type of attendance db is date/time.
Please see the attached screenshot db from attendance machine.
an also some time there is duplicate entry, I need to get the first and the last entry only for specific date.
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a date/time text field on a form with the General Date format and a combo box next to it that has sequencial times as the row source (IE. 12:45 AM, 1:00 AM, 1:15 AM, 1:30 AM, ETC.) When the user chooses a time in the combo box, I want the time portion of the text box to be updated with the chosen time in the combo. I have tried a few things but cant seem to get it right.
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Apr 10, 2015
so i created a system to have events booked, and i am trying to check time availability of the event room available, but i dont know what wrong. it either my query or vba code. i have attached the attachment,
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Mar 6, 2007
Wonder if someone can help please. I'm quite new to Access so please bear with me.
I have a data field in my database consisting of both a date and time.
I then have a form containing two fields where the user can type a 'To' and 'From' date to extract the records that they are interested in. The query behind this uses the 'Between[Enter The Date] And [Enter The Date]' coding.
The problem is that because the field contains a time it doesn't return any records when I run the query.
Can anyone offer a bit of guidance on how I could ignore the time part of the field perhaps by adapting the above.
Many thanks
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Mar 19, 2014
I have a column/field named [DateTaken] which contains test dates and times in the same cell. I am needing to find those with a test time less than 2:30 pm or <14:30pm.
data looks like this:
8/22/13 4:23 PM
1/29/14 12:21 PM
1/28/14 3:27 PM
8/26/13 4:27 PM
this is what I have come up with to extract the time component of data set so that I can then later, sort it by the time in a query.
JustTime: TimeValue([YourField])
JustTime: ("hh:mm",([DateTaken])) and or ("hh:mm",[DateTaken])
I get either invalid operator or invalid syntax errors trying both of these.
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Jan 16, 2015
I am using Access 2010 and I currently use a command button on a form to add new records to a table using data that the user has entered into the form using the code below:
Although this is pretty self-explanatory, here is a key for reference:
Me.lstFacilities = ListBox
Me.cboMeasure = ComboBox
Me.cboYesNo = ComboBox
Me.txtTarget = TextBox
Private Sub cmdAddMet_Click()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Integer
Set DB = CurrentDb
[Code] .....
This works great but I would like to be able to pull in data from another database based off of Me.lstFacilities.Column(1, i) which is the FACILITY_ID field and is located in the other database's table. I thought about adding in another string variable(strSQL1) and opening up a separate recordset and database:
Set DB1 = OpenDatabase("serverotherdb.accdb")
strSQL1 = "SELECT [FieldName] FROM [tblOtherDatabase] IN 'serverotherdb.accdb'"
Set RS1 = DB1.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
However, I'm not sure where to start pulling in the data from the [fieldname] in the [tblOtherDatabase] when I start the loop below:
For i = 0 To lstFacilities.ListCount - 1
If lstFacilities.Selected(i) = True Then
RS!RELATIONSHIP_ID = Me.lstFacilities.Column(0, i)
[Code] .....
Is it even possible to do this?
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a form with Date of Death (DOD) field. I would like update DOD from a table dbo_patient into Z_Patients table.
I have set the datatype as Date/Time in the form for Date of Death.
Private Sub Update_DOD()
Dim rcMain As New ADODB.Recordset, rcLocalDOD As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DOD As String
rcMain.Open "select distinct PatientKey from Z_Patients", CurrentProject.Connection
[Code] ....
However I am getting some error Run-time error '-2147217913 Date type mismatch in criteria expression in section below.
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "update Z_MAIN_Processed_Patients set DateOfDeath = '" & rcLocalDOD!date_of_death & "' where PatientKey = " & !PatientKey
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Feb 18, 2014
In VBA, how to compare date variable with date/time field from table, as when defined the data type in table, date/time option is the only choice for date data type even though I don't want the time portion.
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