Referential Intergrity On Tables With Compound Key

Mar 3, 2008

I am trying to enforce referential integrity on tables where a compound key is implemented.

I want to enforce integrity on the DETAIL table so that it can only use an SOR_ID from the SOR table that has a corresponding PhaseID in the HEADER table. Here is my current diagram:

The only solution i can think of at the moment is to build two queries. One which concatenates SOR.PhaseID & SOR.SOR_ID, and another which concatenates HEADER.PhaseID & DETAIL.SOR_ID... and then create a relationship between the two queries.

There must be a much nicer way of doing this though?

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Referential Integrity And Linked Tables

Jul 7, 2006

Just a quick question, it appears that I can't Enforce RI for relationships where one of the tables is linked from another *.mdb (the checkbox is greyed out)... is this a general thing with linked tables?


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Tables :: Enforce Business Rules Though Referential Integrity

Nov 7, 2014

I am building a new project which has some core tables..

The key tables are:




I want to enforce the rule that a Business can only have clients within the same country.

Can I enforce this through referential integrity in Access ? Do I need to redesign my tables ?

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Set Relationship Between Two Tables - Violates Referential Integrity Rules

May 14, 2013

I am new to access and I am trying to set a relationship between two tables, with the data types the same but keeps coming up with violates referential integrity rules....and I simply do not understand what this means, and how to solve it...

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How Do I Make A Compound Key?

Jan 31, 2007

Howdy all,

I'm attempting to set up a junction table.

The help for junctions says to make a compound key in the junction table, but I don't understand the intructions for this. Do they mean make all three of ID's the junction table PK's or is there a literal "Make a Compound Key"
button somewhere?

Currently, the table has an AutoIncrementing field as the PK and the two FK's copied in from the Primaries (converted from Auto to Number). As a result, I can only make one-to-one relationships to the junction table.

Please let me know what it is I am missing here.


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Compound In A DLookUp Function?

May 26, 2015

In these three formulas for the Ceil tutorial found here:


one of the formulas is:

=IIf(IsNull([RoomNumber]),"",DLookUp("RoomType","Rooms","RoomNumber= '" & [RoomNumber] & "'"))

If one were interested in BedType or Rate then simply substitute that term for RoomType.

Now I am somewhat familiar with how DLookUp works. In other words get RoomType from a table Rooms where there is a given RoomNumber.

Where I get confused is the last clause:

"RoomNumber = '" & [RoomNumber] & ""

I realize it is a compound statement hence the &, but it uses two &s and more.

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How Can I Valid A Compound Key With Dlookup Function

Jul 5, 2006

In a form named PRODUCTION there are 3 text box for invoice data: xtype, xserie, xnumber

I need valid this data from the INVOICE table, where its key is a compound key (TPINV+SERINV+NUMINV)

I tried with:

Private Sub xnumber_AfterUpdate()
Dim searchinv as string
searchinv=Dlookup("*","[Invoice]", [tpinv]="& Forms![production].[xtype] and [xserie]= &Forms![production].[xnumber] and "&Forms![xnumber]
If searchinv ="" then
MsgBox ("Invoice doesn't exist'")
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

... but it doesnt work.

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Reports :: Format Line In Compound Chart

Mar 27, 2014

When you create a column chart and then change one of the series to a line, how can you then apply formatting to that line? I've attached a stripped down database showing what I'm trying to do. Series 1 shows individual monthly values (percentages) and series 2 shows the target which is 80% for each month.

The problem is that although I can apply formatting to the column series, I can't see any way of selecting the line series so I can set the formatting I want. I'm using Access 2003, on Win XP Professional, in case that's important.

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Modules & VBA :: Determine If Field Is Primary Or Compound Key Using ADO

May 2, 2014

How to determine if a field within a table is a primary key or part of a compound key using ADO?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Compound Interest Form With Loops?

Nov 22, 2014

I'm trying to create a compound interest form using loops and the following formula:

TotalVariable = TotalVariable + (TotalVariable * (RateVariable / 100 / 12))

I'm not sure whats wrong with my code and it's not working!

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DB Design To Eliminate Duplicates While Avoiding Compound Key Fields

Nov 10, 2013

I'm getting back into Access after retiring and about 10 years of isolation (from Access). I have 2010 version and know that one should avoid duplicate entries and a way to do this is make those fields unique key fields. I have a Customers table and have bounced back between CusID (AutoNumber) and Compound Keys (CusFName and CusLName) as the key fields. The compound keys prevent duplicates but become very hard to work with later in code and expressions. The CusID is preferable from that standpoint, but can't prevent inadvertent entry of duplicate names.

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Modules & VBA :: Total Based On Combination Of Criteria - Compound If Statement

Aug 15, 2013

I'm trying to get a total based a combination of criteria. Here's my issue:

If ([Vendor Billed Amount] > 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] = "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]
If ([Vendor Billed Amount] < 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] <> "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]

I think I'm missing an argument with the nested If statement.

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Referential Integrity

Jul 27, 2005

I am creating a money loan database and I would like someone to give me some advise here.

I have created three tables for this money loan database as follow:



BorrowerID or LoanID (this is where I will need some help)

I would like to know if tblBorrowers should be the ONE side of tblPayments or if it should be tblLoans

Any help would be appreciated.

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Referential Integrity ?

Jan 31, 2008


When i define a referential integrity between 2 tables, does the access database automatically create an index for the relationship ?.


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Referential Integrity And Forms

Feb 19, 2007

Hi all,

Many thanks for all the help thus far with my Scout Database :)

I have a problem with referential integrity, I am getting errors.

In my form 'frmHeader' , when I select a member, and click achievements (a command button in top right corner) i always have to enter a date, it never creates a record in VenturerDetails (table) for a Venturer.

When it goes to frmVenturerAchievements (for a Venturer) I get referential integrity errors when I enter data into the subforms.

Scout Database (

I am experimenting with a Scout and a Venturer.

Any help would be much appreciated :)

Many thanks in advance,


P.S. I'm using MS Access 2003 to design it.

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Enforcing Referential Integrity

Aug 16, 2007

Basically, I want to use this ^ .

I have a load of tables with primary key fields and then a table with just the appropriate foreign keys (we'll call this the f table). I have all the table links set up to Enforce Referential Integrity.

When I import the data i need into the f table a warning comes up.
It basically says 200 records will be "Lost" as they dont relate to the primary key tables.

Now i dont mind this as I know some of the data is bad and needs ammending ('??' or 'UNKNOWN' etc. in some fields).

THE PROBLEM i have is: Is there anyway to see this "lost" data after the import so that i can easily go through it as a block correcting the irregularities? it seems to me this "lost" data in has actually been deleted- is there anyway of retrieving it?

Ideally id like it to be able to export this "lost" data into a new table, spreadsheet (or anything else!) so i can sit down and go through it all as a block.

I know i could go through, editing the original data before importing but this will be a needle and haystack situation so i'd like to avoid at all costs!

Can anyone suggest any advice on approaching this problem?

Thanks very much!


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Referential Integrity Problem

May 23, 2005

Basically I have a table Customers and a table Accounts. #customer is the sole primary key of Customers, and #account+#customer is the composite key of Accounts.

A customer cannot create a new account without being a customer, and so normally I would enforce referential integrity and in access it would appear as a one to many relationship.

However, according to my boss, in rare circumstances, an entry in Customers can be deleted, and the orphaned accounts associated with a new #customer.

So at the moment I have it set up how I would have, only without referential integrity, but I don't think this is going to work properly for three main reasons:

1) The address in Customers needs to be displayed in the accounts form.

2) The #customer part of the composite key would need to be changed somehow.

3) There is obviously no referential integrity, and there are too many customers to limit accounts.#customer to a combo.

Note that I've made this simpler than it looks - the customer table is connected to other repeating groups too.

I think my question is whether this is a common problem, and if so is there a common solution to it?


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Referential Structure Not Working

Jul 3, 2005

Here’s one to look at:

These tables have been imported from another Data Base.
I have copied the fields into a new table and they don’t work.
I have made new tables and they seem to be functioning normally

The tables:
Working Links
Customer-House Type
House Type-Elevations

Non Working Links
Elevations-Options Per Elevations
Elevations- Copy of Options Per Elevations
Options Per Elevation-House Type Materials Details

I’m going to construct new tables from scratch, unfortunately I have over a thousand records in the details table that I’ll have to deal with but what are you going to do?

The reason I’m putting this on the forum is to see if anyone else has ever come across this, or if you know a fix.

It’s always something; as they say,


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Referential Integrity Problem

Jan 13, 2006

I have a new database with two tables, one of which is a linked table. I want to link the two using a one to many relationship from one table to the other.

I have a primary key field in the main table which is an autonumber, and a foriegn key field in the second table which is a number type. The field size is long integer. When I go into the relationship view to set up the relationship, I dragged the primary key field from one table to the foriegn key field in the other table. The create relationship dialog box comes up, but it does not allow me to set Referential Integrity. The Access help indicates that the database of the linked table must be open, in order to establish Referential integrity betwee a linked table and a local table. I tried that and still could not establish Referential integrity. The dialog box does not give an error message, the check box for Referential integrity is just grayed out.

Has anyone had this problem, if so what was the fix? I have never had this happen before.

Thank you

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Cannot Enforce Referential Integrity

Feb 3, 2006

Dear All,

Please see attached word document with a screenshot of my tables and their relationships. I'm trying to link from Table:Line,Field:Line to Table:Shift-Line and similarly with the shift table and access is not able to maintain referential integrity.

Can anyone explain why? and generally what I've done wrong with my relationships please?

Much Appreciated


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Relationship And Referential Integrity

Aug 6, 2006

Being as how I'm new in using Access I need some guidance. I have three tables I've set up my relationships as follows:

tblPatient tblContact tblPhone
PatientID PK ContactID PK PhoneID PK
PatientAccount FK PatientID FK PatientID FK
PatientFirstName ConatctFirstName ContactID
PatientLastName ContactLastName
Intial Visit

I have set up a 1 to many between tblPatient PatientID and tblContact PatientID.

and a 1 to many between tblContact ContactID and tblPhone ConatctID

I have given each table referential integrity, to mine understanding in short it means change it in one table it changes in all tables. Please let me know if I'm headind in the right or wrong direction the way I have this set up.

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Enforcing Referential Integrity

Oct 21, 2006

I just read in another thread about enforcing referential integrity between tables so that deleting a record in a primary table won't leave orphans in a subordinate table. I was able to edit the relationship for one subordinate table to enforce referential integrity (cascade update and cascade delete), but not for the other two. It keeps giving me an error saying that referential integrity for those two tables can't be enforced. I've gone through every record in those two tables, and I can't find any more orphans. What am I doing wrong?

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How To Remove Referential Integrity?

Sep 20, 2004


I am trying to remove a 'Referential Integrity' from a relationship in an MsAccess database using Visual Basic.
Does anybody know how I could achieve this?

with kind regards,


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General :: No Referential Integrity

Jul 19, 2012

I am currently working in A2007. I added a table to the db to hold look up data and when I went into the the relationships to drag and drop to create the relationship it pops up an error stating that it cannot create referential integrity. See the attachment below. I checked and double checked the data types are the same.

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Enforcing Lookups Without Referential Integrity

Jan 23, 2006


I'm fairly new to access.

I'm trying to design a database for my work network which will show how nodes are connected. I currently have the following tables:

section - refers to agreggate cable links between buildings/sites

media - refers to individual links

Network_element - refers to switches/routers

section (section_id PKEY,media_type, start_site, start_building, start_cabinet,
end_site, end_building, end_cabinet).

media (section_id PKEY, from_pair, to_pair, from_ip, to_ip)

Network_element( Name PKEY, MAC, IP)

I'd like to be able to make sure access will only allow from_ip and to_ip to be entered if there is a corresponding value in the Network_element table, however I do not know how to enforce this.

Any help much appreciated.



ps - if anyone has done something similar, I'd be keen to see how they gone about it.

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Database Structure - Referential Integrity

Jun 8, 2006

Hi i have a quick question

Lets say u have a database that keeps track of all items sold and their respective prices. So u have a items table that keeps the product information and price. Then these items are displayed on invoice kept in a invoice table linked with a foreign key and a one to many relationship.

My question is lets say the price of an item should change....will the invoice table of old invoices display the new price or old price. Is this where the referential integrity comes to play ? Should u select it when doing the relationship ticking the cascade update related fields and cascade deleted records boxes respectively or not ?

Anyone have any views on this ?

Ur help will be much appreciated

Kind regards

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