Refresh Controls Populated From Combo Box

Jun 29, 2006

I have a form where the user selects a client from a combo box.

Doing so populates 4 controls with info about the client, using the Exit function of the cbo box. The Record Source of the form in question does not store this info; it comes from a different table.

This works fine.

When the record has been saved and I come back to it, however, those four controls do not display the client's information, since the combo box hasn't been exited.

What's the best way to get the form to repopulate those controls without having to reselect the combo entry?

Thanks a lot for the help!

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Combo Box Populated By Selection In Other Combo Box

Jul 13, 2013

I have a form with a number of combo boxes to select criteria in order to narrow down a list. A selection in any combo box should narrow your options in the other combo boxes.

For example:

Combo 1 is a list of all the states
Combo 2 is a list of all the cities

Selecting NY in combo 1 will change the list in combo 2 so that it only shows cities in NY

Or, selecting Rochester in combo 2 first will edit the list for combo 1 to show only states that have a city named Rochester

The point in me doing this is to be able to narrow down a list of over 230000 different but similar items by varying criteria in order to track inventory and value.

Scrolling through the whole list, typing criteria in manually each time and building new queries and reports every time I need to find something specific are not options.

I just need the combo boxes in a form to set the criteria to filter out the list in real time. Each selection made needs to narrow your options for the next selection.

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List Box Populated Depending On Combo Box Selection

Feb 1, 2006

I have quite a simple problem I think, but i don't know if I'm able to explain it properly.

I have three tables:

one for contacts
one for the groups contacts are a member of
and a junction table to solve the many to many relationship there.

What I want, is to create a form, with a combo box with a drop down list of groups. When a user selects a group, I'd like all the contacts (including *some* of their fields) to populate the list box below.

So a user can easily view the members of each group.

Does that make sense?

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Forms :: Auto Populated Text Box From Combo Box Value

May 8, 2013

I have a form for 2800 different records. I want to auto populate 4 text boxes based on the value of 1 combo box but when I change the data on 1 form, all the forms show the same data. I want to be able to able to change the data on each form and save separately.I have Table with Tech Initials(PK), Full Name(689), CellNum(691), TestGaugeSN(630) and Cal Exp Date(632). Want to use Tech Initials to populate the rest.

Here's what I'm using:

Private Sub Combo687_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text689 = Me.Combo687.Column(1)
Me.Text691 = Me.Combo687.Column(2)
Me.Text630 = Me.Combo687.Column(3)
Me.Text635 = Me.Combo687.Column(4)
End Sub

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Forms :: Selecting A Table To Be Populated Using Cascading Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I am trying to use a combo box to control which table a data entry form will write data to. I want to create a form that has a combo box to select from a top level table that I will call "Stores". Once a "Store" is selected from the drop down, the next field on the form will be a data entry field. The data entered in that field will be written to the table selected by the preceding combo box.

So, basically I would have say Wal-Mart, Macy's, Sears, K-Mart and etc, listed in my "Stores" table. Once I select one of the stores from the drop down, I would then enter a "department" name in the data entry field and based on which store I selected from the previous combo box, the data would be written to that stores department table (which each store will have its own department table), e.g., WalMartDepts, MacyDepts, SearsDepts, etc...

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Forms :: Storing Value In Another Text Box Populated From A Combo Box In A Form

Feb 3, 2014

How does one store the value derived from a combo box to another text box in a form?E.g. Supplier name is a combo box. The combo box has 2 columns, supplier and supplier ID.the supplier name stores the supplier in its own text box.When you select the supplier, the supplierID appears in another text box.I need to store this supplier ID.The control source is =[suppliername].[column](1) When I look up the table, the supplier is captured in the supplier name but the supplierID is not captured in the supplier ID field.

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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Combo Box Refresh

Jun 1, 2005

I tried in many ways, but Coudn't refresh the combo box values.

the problem is,
I hv created combo box contains Subject "Account","Maths","English". If I select "Account" from combobox, the Teachers name should display in text box which I created in form.
One teacher can take more than one subject.
Ex. First selection is Account, teacher name may be "a","B","c" and for "Maths" teacher name as "a","D","e"

By selecting particular department, the teachers name who all involving that department should display. And also
i need to display in how many classes that teacher involved in text box next to teacher name in the Form.

selecting one option from combo box then how to refresh for another selection in combo box Is anyone there pl.

your immediate reply will be highly appreciated

Thanks in advance

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Refresh Data After Changes To Combo Box?

Mar 10, 2006


I've currently got a Combo Box (in the form of a drop down list) in the main part of my form for data entry. I have recently created a seperate form called 'edit' to change current values that may be incorrect. As a part of this, I would like to make changes to the values displayed in the Combo Box (let's say there is a typo). So I have copied the combo box from the viewing page into my editing section, and made the change I want to the appropriate entry. I then go back to my viewing page, and the data hasn't automatically updated. (However, If I look at the drop down list now, the new spelling of the entry is there, the old one is gone, and I can select the new one; making the change complete. Is there a way that I can get it to automatically update all the fields that currently have the old spelling to the new spelling? (all I see on after update for the combo box is a list of my macros?)


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Refresh Combo Box Contents

Aug 3, 2006

I have a combo box on a form to enable users to find records. When the form opens initially, these boxes are blank. However, after a search has been performed, the selected information in the combo box stays there, as well as the record opening up. How can I make the combo box revert to being blank after the record has opened on the form?

Thanks in advance,


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Refresh Combo Box (Drop Down List)

May 16, 2007


I have a combo box in which it's value changes according to user input. It is working but it is annoying to have to click the combo box for it's list to refresh. How to make it seemless?

Thank you

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General :: Auto Populated Text Boxes To Display Rows From Combo Boxes

Jan 25, 2015

I have strange issue when creating auto populated text boxes which displays rows from combo boxes.

In one database auto populates works with simple text box Control Source edit "=[ComboName].[Column](NumberOfColumn)".

Somehow same method doesn't wotk in different database: here one time I have to insert VBA code at On change Event:

Me.TextBoxName = Me.ComboName.Column(NumberOfColumn)

And other time it wont work with On change but only with After Update Event (code is same).

Another thing this morning happens was that when I tried to add new record trough form where combo box and tex boxes are located, MS Office suddenly stopped working after selecting combo box selection (with message Microsoft Office has Stopped Working). It is 2013 version.

I got it work after deleting and re-inserting VBA code to autopopulate text box at After Update Event.

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Refresh Subform Based On Combo Box Selection

Dec 30, 2005

I have a form with three subforms, and I'm having problem with one of them. The link between subforms and forms are store number, which is stored in a combo box. Idealy, after a user pick a store from the combo box, the subform would update itself. Two out of the three subforms are based on two crosstab queries and they work perfectly fine. The last subform is a select query, and it seems like it's not rerunning itself after updating the combo box. The query is very simple, it just has store number, description, and grouped by amount. I tried with no criteria in the store field and run the masterform,seems like all it's doing is showing value for the first store in the table, and never changes afterwards, I also tried entering "forms!frmStores!cmbStore" in the criteria for the store, then the subform came out empty, it seems like it's only reading combo box's default value null. I have a line of code for the mater form frmStores as "me.[DisplaySubform].requery" for all three subforms, but it seems like it's working for the first two and not the select query. Anybody can help me with this? oh, the combo box is unbounded, because i do not want my table to be updated by selection. Please help

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Onexit A List Box, Refresh A Combo Box On Same Form - How?

Aug 15, 2005

Hi All,

I have a form with a list box where you can add new names, and a bombi box that lits current names already in use. I want the form to update the combi with the name just typed in the list box. I guess I use OnExit event, but I don't know the code I should use for updating the combi list..

any pointers appreciated.


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REFRESH Combo Boxes For Records On Continous Form

Jul 7, 2005

I have a continous form linked to a table and I have 3 combo boxes on the
form (linked to fields on the table). The combo boxes are called JOB TITLE,
SCHEDULE and SHIFT. The source for the combo boxes are queries named
respectively as LKUPJOB, LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT. For the three combo boxes listed abpve, the bound column is the first field of the underlying query and the column width of the first field is set to 0" (so that the second field of the query is displayed).

The way things should work is that for each record on the form, the
LKUPSCHEDULE and LKUPSHIFT queries (queries for the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes), the queries are filtered based on the bound field of the JOB TITLE combo box. The name of the bound field for the JOB TITLE combo is called Labor_Rate_ID.

Unfortunately, It seems like the value of the labor-rate_ID in the first
record (i.e. first job title combo box) determines the query list used by the
SCHEDULE and SHIFT comboboxes for all the other records on the form. That is, even though the form has lots of records displayed, the combo boxes for each record don't have a complete list to work with.

Hence, the SCHEDULE and SHIFT combo boxes for some records are showing a blank (since available otions in the combo query list don't match the value
in the table for that record.

Can anybody tell me how to get a continous form to refress the list for each
record on the form.

I also don't know whether the Requery command for a macro could work and how to use it. I think though, that this problem can't be solved by a macro.

Basically, the question is around what kind of code will let you manipulate the properties of individual controls of a form at the Record level.


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Forms :: Refresh A Combo Box On Close Event Of Edit Form

Apr 21, 2015

I have a Main form with a combo box that pulls names from a table. Alongside the combo box is a command button that opens a form which allows the user to edit the names in the table.

The problem: When a user edits a name and closes the edit form, the edit is not immediately displayed in the combo box. However, when the Main form is closed and reopened, the edit is properly displayed. Can I somehow refresh the combo box in the On Close event of the edit form?

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Disabling ALL Controls On A Form Via A Combo Box

Aug 10, 2005

My database has a form with a combo box where the user can select whether the record displayed is "Current", "Sold", or "Withdrawn". I would like to set up the form so that when the user selects "Sold" or "Withdrawn" from the combo box, all other controls on the form are locked and disabled (ie. can't be changed).

What's the best way to do this?

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Forms :: How To Link Combo Box To Tab Controls

Jul 9, 2014

On my data entry Form, I have a Combo Box [Condition] and five tab controls. Each tab has as many as 10 controls on it. The purpose of the Form is to populate a table. My questions are:

1) Do I still need to use a subform on each Tab or leave them as-is? i.e. the 10 controls are on each tab

2) How do I make the value of [Condition] transfer focus to the appropriate tab??

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General :: QBF With 2 Combo Boxes As Controls

Aug 12, 2013

What I am trying to do is, for example, I have 2 combo boxes, you can select a value in the first one and search and your results match the criteria, or you can select a value in the first AND second one and the records dispalyed will match the first AND second combo box criteria.

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Forms :: Hiding / Unhiding Tab Controls Based On Combo Box Selection

Oct 16, 2013

I have frmIncident that has a 2-column combo box (cmbIncidentType). Column (0) is IncidentType, Column (1) is YES/NO. This combo box feeds from a Query and currently has about 15 "types" of which 4 have a "Yes" tied to them, then rest "No".There are situated on a TabControl (tabIncident) with 5 sheet tabs. If the Incident Type selected in the Combo Box has a corresponding "Yes" in Column (1) then all 5 sheet tabs need to be visible. If it is "No", then only three of the five are visible. Here it he current code I am using for the AfterUpdate event on the combo box:

Private Sub cmbIncidentType1_AfterUpdate()
If Me.cmbIncidentType1.Column(1) = "Yes" Then
pgEmerIncidentRpt.visible = True
pgNarrClose.visible = True


When I open the form is will set the proper sheet tabs that need to be visible, however once I cycle to the next record, or select a different Incident Type, even one with a "YES' in column (1), it will only show the (3) sheet tabs. I can never get it to show all 5.

In the code, the only (2) sheet tabs that need to visible = true or visible = false are shown, starting with "pg".

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Subform Refresh After Combo Update For "<ALL>"

Jun 2, 2005

Hi All,

This is driving me nuts!!

I have a form with a combo box that populates a subform with data equal to the combo box value. I have added "<ALL>" to the combo box to display all records if selected. The after update code changes the queryDefs. The problem I have is that when "<ALL>" is selected, no records show. But the query has updated. If I close the main form and reopen it all the records show, but if I select a new value nothing happpens. But the actual query has updated. I have tried many combinations of refresh, repaint...etc.
Anyway, here is the code, any help appreciated.

Private Sub cboFeedMtrl_AfterUpdate()

Dim qryAllMat As QueryDef
Dim sql As String
Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb
Set qryAllMat = dbsCurrent.QueryDefs("qryViewData")

If Me![cboFeedMtrl].Value = "<ALL>" Then
qryAllMat.sql = "SELECT * FROM tblMachineSelection"

qryAllMat.sql = "SELECT * FROM tblMachineSelection where [feed Material] = [Forms]![frmView]![cboFeedMtrl]"

End If

End Sub

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Combobox Not Getting Populated. Why?

Jul 5, 2005

Any idea why a combobox would not populate? :confused:

When the form is opened, it is opened with DOCMD.OPENFORM with selection
criteria to send only those records for a particular dog (dogregnbr).
The query for the rowsource of the combobox works when run from the
query design window.

combobox: cboTrialDt (trial date)
combobox control source: trialclassID (from tblDogTitles)
form record source: tblDogTitles

The query for the combobox rowsource is:

SELECT tblDogTitles.dogtitleID, tblTrials.trialdt
FROM tblTrials INNER JOIN (tblDogTitles INNER JOIN tblTrialClass ON
tblDogTitles.trialclassID = tblTrialClass.trialclassID) ON
tblTrials.trialID = tblTrialClass.trialID;

tblDogTitles has the following fields:
dogtitleID - PK
dogregnbr - FK (key to record in tblDogs)
titleID - FK (key to record in tblTitles)
trialclassID - FK (key to record in tblTrialClass
and then some other fields not involved in this problem.

I have another combobox setup similarly that does get populated
properly. It's control source is titleID.

It's rowsource is:
SELECT tblDogTitles.dogtitleID, tblTitles.title
FROM tblTitles INNER JOIN tblDogTitles ON tblTitles.titleID =

After explaining why this is happening, do you have a suggestion for how I can get the trial date (trialdt) from tblTrials to display for the current dogtitle record (tblDogTitles)?


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Additioning A Non Populated Cel

Dec 29, 2004

i have field 1 field2 field3 and field4.

I would liek to sum all 4 fields. but some of the fields are not populated therefor my sum field does not sum that record.
Sum:[field1]+[field2]+[field3]+[field4] 'this does not work

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Default, Populated Fields

Nov 2, 2005

Hey All, I have a main form PID and and Building form I need to have the data from the building table display on the building form, upon adding a new record. Since my PID form and building form are linked to show the same records. PID Form contains- PIN NUM, ADDRESS, PARID. The Building form contains, PIN NUM, DATE, PHONE, OWNER, SIZE, LOCATION... I open my main form filter my results for my reocrds to show up... PIN-20053227, ADDRESS-MAINSTREET, PARID-NEWFIE22. This data is obtained through the PARID table. Now I click on the command button to see my building forms, there are 6 records, here I have the ability to add, modify, delete, save... What i want to do is add a new record, but have some generic fields appear from my table. since my name, PIN, address hasnt changed. So I would like to click add, and have appear from the building table, OWNER, PHONE etc... How might I be able to do this?? Thanks- NOTE: Hey all I double posted this incase you didnt notice this in the FORMS, Form.

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Lookup Table Value Must Be Populated

Feb 19, 2008

I have a table called tbl_workorders. One of the fields on this table is optional but because the lookup table is on the one side of a 1-to-many relationship using an auto-number key it is requiring that this field be populated to create a record on the workorder table. This is a problem because the field is optional.

JobSubtypeID (FK-many) <---- Lookup field

JobSubtypeID (PK-one)

Should I set the SubtypeDesc field to a default value of "none"? I know this is storing unnecessary data, but is there another option?

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Default, Populated Fields

Nov 2, 2005

Hey All, I have a main form PID and and Building form I need to have the data from the building table display on the building form, upon adding a new record. Since my PID form and building form are linked to show the same records. PID Form contains- PIN NUM, ADDRESS, PARID. The Building form contains, PIN NUM, DATE, PHONE, OWNER, SIZE, LOCATION... I open my main form filter my results for my reocrds to show up... PIN-20053227, ADDRESS-MAINSTREET, PARID-NEWFIE22. This data is obtained through the PARID table. Now I click on the command button to see my building forms, there are 6 records, here I have the ability to add, modify, delete, save... What i want to do is add a new record, but have some generic fields appear from my table. since my name, PIN, address hasnt changed. So I would like to click add, and have appear from the building table, OWNER, PHONE etc... How might I be able to do this?? Thanks

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