Refreshing A Default Date After Midnight?

Jun 23, 2005

I have a form open with a Text box displaying todays date, I have used the default Date().

If the user leaves the form open over night the date is still set to yesterday, any ideas how I can refresh the default? I want to refresh just that object nothing else.

it's name is 'Text29'

many thanks Jon

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Date Refreshing AfterUpdate Of Different Field

Aug 23, 2005

Hi all.

Benn looking through other posts and have found some things which look quite similar but nothing which answers the question simply enough for my standard!

Basically I have a form with 5 fields...Number, Name, Location, Date and Owner.
All fields are locked apart from Location and Date.
I have a combo box which lists the field "Number" and then displays the record's data. The aim of the form is to be able to update the Location field easily.
A user entering the form would use the combo box to select say number "3243". This would bring up record number 3243. The date displayed would be the last updated date. Currently 23/08/05. I am trying desperately to get the Date to refresh to the current date as soon as someone changes the "Location" field. I have tried putting in the AfterUpdate part of Location...Me.Date.Requery.

I feel that I may be well off track but that the answer I require is not too difficult. Please could someone advise?!?!


Think I've sorted it now everyone!!
My code looks like this, seems to do the trick.

Private Sub Combo15_AfterUpdate()
Me.Date = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yy")
End Sub

I guess I should learn to try my hardest before posting here!! :)

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How To Calculate Times Across Midnight.

Jan 15, 2007

Calculate time across midnight in ms access


I have created a database to store patient arrival date, arrival time and departure time.

I am trying to set up a query to calculate the total waiting time for each patient from arrival time to departure time.

At the minute I can calculate the total waiting time in minutes by:

Minutes: DateDiff("n",[Time Arrived],[Time Left Department])

and the total waiting time in hours and minutes by the following:

Waiting Time: [Minutes]60 & Format([Minutes] Mod 60,":00")

But this does not work accross midnight, as it gives a negative time for anyone seen before midnight and discharged after midnight.

Any help much appreciated.

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Time Difference When Past Midnight?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a field that works out the difference in time between two fields. However, whenever the end time goes past midnight, it calculates the difference as a minus figure. I understand that this is because of the date issue, but I cannot seem to find a way around it.

Here is what I have so far:

time_of_referral field. This is the start time. It is a short time field that is filled in by the end user.

time_of_arrival field. This is the end time. It is a short time field that is filled in by the end user.

Text31 field. This is not visible to the end user, and has the following control source =DateDiff("n",[time_of_referral],[time_of_arrival])

Text33 field. This is an unbound text box with the following control source =[text31]60 & Format([text31] Mod 60,":00")

This works out the time difference and presents it as hours and minutes.

I have seen solutions that add a day to the end time, but unfortunately this does not work when the end time DOESN'T go past midnight. Some will go past midnight, some won't.

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Executing A Query On Periodic Basis At Midnight At 00:05

Oct 31, 2005

I am trying to execute query every midnight at 00:05 and append data into a table. This query reads the data from a linked table and appends the records into the local table.

Access doesn't triggers so I have no clue which way to proceed.

Can anybody help me creating a logic to execute query at midnight?


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Queries :: Time Duration Over Midnight In Decimal Hours

Dec 22, 2014

I want to calculate decimal hours duration taken for a job starting before and finishing after midnight.

I have something that works but it seems cumbersome.

Hour(Format([Job]![Start_time]-1-[Job]![Finish_Time],"Short Time"))
+ (Minute(Format([Job]![Start_time]-1-[Job]![Finish_Time],"Short Time"))/60)

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Tables :: Calculate Default Date Value Based On Todays Date

Jul 16, 2014

I have a database which stores information relating to club members, which I'm in the middle of giving a bit of a facelift and one thing I want to automate is the calculation of the expiry date.

My memberships expire annually at the end of December and the expiry date is set as a default value within the table properties. This has to be manually changed every September (every new member from then pays for 15 months) to the following December.

Is there a formula I can insert in the defaul value field that will return December the current year if todays date is between January and August, and December next year if todays date is between September and December?

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Default Date In DB

Jun 6, 2007

Hi, I want to make a default value for the date when a record is inserted. I don't want to use Now() or Date(), I want to use one that only displays the month eg: "June" and that is all. Any ideas? Many thanks.

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Date And Text As Default

Aug 9, 2006

I tried searching everywhere and cant seem to find an answer to this one...

Is it possible to have a default value in a table which would be current month and year + text? Eg. mm/yy "text"

=now() & "text"
is fine but I need to format the date to mm/yy and cant seem to get it right.

eg. 08/06 Lease Payments

Also is there a way to do it for previous month, so if processing today it would give 07/06 Lease Payments?

Thanks in advance!

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Default Date In A Parameter

Apr 6, 2007

I have a query which prompts for two dates in the format of -
BETWEEN [Enter the start date] AND [Enter the end date]
How do I provide a default date for one or both of the dates?


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Text Box Default Date.

Mar 4, 2005

Hi Dudes

I have a text box on a form which is formatted as medium date and I want it to default to the Monday of the following week. So for today it should have 07-Mar-05 in the text box.

Can anyone please advise a method for this.



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Can I Have To Fields With Date() As A Default??

May 9, 2005

Hi everyone,
I have a form where one of the fields is set as a Date() for default. but I need another field where i been trying to set de default as date() but iget nothing the field shows nothing. What I am doing wrong?
what I am trying to do is to campute the date where the record was change and the date when it gets change and by whom.

Any help would be sure appreciated.

jac :o

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DTPIcker's Default Date

Sep 24, 2005


I am using Microsoft ActiveX Control "DTPIcker", in my form.
However when I open my form, the default value is the value set when it was made,

Is there anyway to make it have the current date,

I read somewhere to use:

me.dtpicker.value = date()

Where should I use it
I tried it as a code for DTPIcker, but it didn’t work
And starting it on Form Load, resulted in an error, not knowing DTPIcker,

Any Help is appreciated.

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Set Default Value Date Per The Time Of Day

Apr 25, 2006

I have search for an answer on this question.

What I am trying to do is set the default value =Date() until 11:00am and then I want the date to covert to the next day.

Can anyone please help me with this or is this even possible?

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Date To Default To January 1

Jun 11, 2006

I have a little application that includes information about insurance deductables.

Deductables revert to their maximum on a date set by the insurance company, but that is USUALLY January 1.

So, for the control on the form where a new patient is set up, I have a date field where that "revert" date is to be entered.

Since it's usually January 1, I want a default to appear of January 1, of whatever the current year is. I've been looking through the Access help screens as well as this and other forums and have not found anything to suggest how to go about this.

Not being trained as a programmer, I'm coming here asking for some help.

Can anyone give me the appropriate code to generate the default date I want?

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Using A Default Date That Can Be Altered

Feb 9, 2014

The Database I am currently running has multiple date fields. I want a particular date field to default to another date unless a specific date is entered.EG if Date2 field is empty use date1.

I have a formula which is based on date2...Neither of these dates are current dates and fall anytime 13 weeks+ in the the past.

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Default Value - Text Or Date? - Yy Or Mm Format

Mar 6, 2005

I am hoping someone can help me, a real novice at Access 2000 - I am trying to construct a couple fields in a table, 1 of which will show a default value equal to a 2-digit year (yy) based on the current date. The second will display a default value equal to a two digit month (mm) based on the current date. Text fields would be ideal, but date field could work if it's the only way. Thank you for helping out a newbie.

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Default Date For Unbound Textbox

Sep 29, 2005

i have an unbound form where users can enter as much or as little as they'd like to search the database. i'd like to have default values for two unbound textboxes for initial date and ending date. i was wanting to put in 1/1/1999 for initial and 1/1/2050 (or another high number) for ending date. however, when i put those values in the Default Value property for each textbox, it changes to 12/30/1899..for both the initial and ending do i get my dates to show up?

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Forms :: Override Default Date Value

Jun 6, 2013

I am developing a customers and orders database for a coffee sales company. I have, of course, a tblOrders that contains the fields 'OrderDate' and 'CallBackDate'. The 'CallBackDate', in most cases, should be 14 days from the 'OrderDate' and self-populate as a default value based on the 'OrderDate'. No problem with the concept there.

I originally wrote the following expression as the control source of the 'CallBackDate':[OrderDate]+14

Yes, works beautifully, populates field just as it should. However, if, for some reason, they want the 'CallBackDate' to be more than 14 days, you can't override and type in your own date.

I have also tried making the control source the 'CallBackDate' field and the default value [OrderDate]+14, but then it doesn't default, only leaves the field open for manual entry. I need to be able to somehow do this within Access. Text fields will allow you to override a default value.

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Forms :: Default Current Date

Aug 12, 2015

How can I setup that when opening a new record in a form - that one of the fields by default opens up with the current date...

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General :: Date From One Field As Default

Jan 21, 2013

Is there a way to use the date entered in one field in a table as the default date on another field in the same table?

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Forms :: Default Date Of System

Jan 7, 2015

I would like to have the date of each new record as the system date IF the field does not already contain a valueThe code below works but changes the fields date even if the field already contains a value

Date ()
Tried the following as the Default value, but they do not work

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Modules & VBA :: Setting Default Date Value

Jun 26, 2013

I have a button in a form that brings the user to a table to add a new record. I want the feild of "dates" to be automaticlly populated with a value that is 7 days after the previous date in the field. the code i have currently is

Private Sub Command14_Click()
DoCmd.OpenTable "Cincinnati Time Sheet", acViewNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

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Default Earliest Date And Latest

Dec 14, 2012

I would like for my report for default to the earliest and latest date ,should the user not select a start date and end date.

I have read about using MIN and MAX , but i am not sure how this would work.

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Default Values For Columns (Date Related)

Jul 27, 2007


I want to make the default value of my column "TimeonOW" to be the difference in months(past 12) from the entered date in "OWStartDate" and the current system date.

For for example

CurrentDate - OWStartDate = TimeonOW
07/01/2007 - 05/01/2005 = 26

I played around with the DateDiff function but to no avail.
=DateDiff("d",Now(),#2004-31-12#) etc

The reason behind this is because I need to count how many people fall into different month span categories, maybe theres a better way?

Thanks in advance.

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Text Box Default Value With Date / Time / Year

Aug 9, 2012

I am having an issue trying to add the year at the end of the following line:

=(1000000*(Month(Now())))+(10000*(Day(Now())))+(10 0*Hour(Now()))+(1*Minute(Now()))

If I put + (Year(Date())) it doesn't work..What I want displayed is this: 80911512012

8 = month
09 = day
1151 = time
2012 = year

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