Reinstalled 2002 Opens To Configuration Screen?

Jan 27, 2014

After windows problem I had to reinstall Office XP Developer. All programs except Access work fine. It opens to install screen which searches and configures but nothing else?

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Form Opens When Database Opens

Aug 16, 2007

How can I get a form to open when the database opens?

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A Simple Login Screen / Also Access In Full Screen

Jul 27, 2006

I have tried to make a login screen, I have also searched for information and tried some of the examples but, I just can't get one to work.
Is there someone or somewhere where I can get information on how to build one step by step in simple easy instructions....(access 2003).

Also, how do you get access to open all the windows, tables, queries etc in full screen mode.
I have expaneded them and shut it down and then reopened it but they still want to open out of full screen mode.

Thanks, everyone has been a great help in creating my first Access program.

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Access Runtime Configuration

Nov 8, 2006

Hello all,

I have recently finished developing a Complaints Database for my company and we carried out some testing on machines that use runtime only and guess what? Good old runtime errors!
I aksed the IT department to give me a brand new blank login profile and when I used this, the database worked perfectly under the runtime environment. This tells me that the runtime on users machines that have worked here for some time, something has changed with the way in which runtime works.
What I would like to try and do is for these machines, when the database loads up, to re-install or re-configure Access runtime so it is effectively a clean Runtime slate for want of a better expression.
Does anyone know how I could do this or possibly even offer any assistance in another way. My understanding of runtime is that it has most of the Access capabilities but obviously without design, build, debug functions etc and is purely a 'cloak' to allow the mdb file to be viewed/executed.

Thanks folks.


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AS400 ODBC Configuration

Oct 14, 2004

Hi All
I need some help with configuring an odbc connection.
The issue is that when I go to another site I cant access the AS400 tables
I think this is due to the drivers being different on each site.

I have tried using "NS/ODBC" on system DSN this worked once and then crashed.

On the site that works all the time we use "Netmanage ODBC R/W Optimized 32 bit"

does anyone know if it is possible to connect using "NS/ODBC" or do I need to get "Netmanage ODBC R/W Optimized 32 bit" installed in the other site?

If it is possible to use "NS/ODBC" does anyone know what the RDB name should be ?

Any Ideas?

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Security And Deployment Configuration Issues

Dec 30, 2005


I have followed the very informative postings here on security and deploying a multi user access application and have started doing that myself. A lot has worked but there are a few things that are not working out right and I just wanted to get some clarification on that. Hopefully this will benefit others in my situation as well.

1. First, I put security into the database by creating multiple users some with Admin and some with user priviledges.

2. I created a different workgroup file (product.mdw)

3. I then split the db to front and backend. I used UNC to nk tables from FE to BE

4. I put the BE on a shared network folder along with product.mdw. The reason is I am still developing the app and may also need to tweak the user permission settings, so thought of putting teh .mdw file on a server rather than putting it on each users machine for now. I am then using a shortcut on each user's machine that references this .mdw file on the server

5. I also have the FE on the server for now and created a shortcut on each user's desktop (I am doing this for now so that I donot need to put the FE on each users machine every time I change something. this is temporary for a few weeks till I finish development. After that I plan to put the FE on each user's machine)

The problem I am facing is that after putting the shortcut in a user's machine, if the user even wants to open any local Access db on their machine (not my app), it is now asking for a UID and passwd.

Now, when I put the shortcut on the user's desktop (to repeat, I referenced the FE, and .mdw file on the network folder in the shortcuts Target settting), should I have done anything else on the user's machine. After just putting the shortcut on the desktop, the user could click on it and go directly into my database without any UID and passwd though I have security in my db. The I went to the user's Access install and changed the workgroup file to the one on the network folder (through Tools - Security -Workgroup Info ...). Was that necessary because I had alsready put in all the necesary parameters in the shortcut's Target setting?

I guess I am missing someting about how the .mdw file associates with Access. When you define a .mdw file in the Tools - Security - Workgroup ,..) setting, does that associate with a particular DB or for any db that this Access install brings up? If so, then how does one get aorund the problem of deployment to user's desktop where the users could be having their own local Access DB's that they use without a password but need to use a password to access a DB on the network. I cannot imagine that because I require the user to use a password for my db on the network means that I have to tell them that they need to use a password for any DB they use in their machine from now on.

Please let me know where I am going wrong. Thank you

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Multi-User Sharing Configuration

Feb 23, 2006

I built a MS Access db using the 2003 version for a friend of mine. Turns out she loved it and now want to share it with two other people. The database is split with FE and BE, but I know very little about networking. Each person work out of their homes and all live in different towns. Can someone tell me how to configure something like this, will this require a standalone Server machine and how do I go about mapping the user to the server?? I do not see the user community growing to more than 4 or 5 users.
Thanks in advance..
newbie to the site...

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Group And Sort Configuration On A Report

Oct 18, 2012

I have a database, in this database I have a "group and sort" set up on a report that I built from the database. The report is sorted by the "shape" field, then the "weight" field. The weight field is where I am having an issue. I have values in this field that range from .01 to 9. whatever..... nothing has ever gone over 9.*.

We now have a item with a 10.* value and when access sorts the report the "10" weight item is listed at the bottom of the 1's not after the 9's. I need to have access treat the 10 as a larger number than 9 not as the end of the 1's. So right now 10 is right before it goes to 2, I need it to be after 9. Is this possible ?

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Display Text Configuration Files Via Option Group

Sep 6, 2005

Hopefully this will be something new that someone will be willing to try since I haven't been able to find anything like this in the forum....

We have 7 pieces of equipment (routers/switches/encryptors) that all have large text file configuration data. What we want to do, if possible, is to create an option group and a memo block, so that when we click any one of the pieces of equipment in the option group, the text configuration file will display in the memo block and we will be able to save it as part of the record. Is this even possible or is there a better solution?

This would be the equivalent of simply using a command button to launch notepad with the configuration data.

Your help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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Opening A Report Instead Opens A Form (which Opens A Report)?

Jun 15, 2005


I've been given an existing database to modify, and I'm struggling somewhat to see how the author has implemented certain functions.

On a main menu form (autoexecs on starting the database), there are various "Search By" option buttons to generate a report, ordered in various ways. The "On Click" field for each of them refers to a macro, called Buttons, and a line in that macro dependant on the type of search (e.g. OnClick = Buttons.byPerson).

The Buttons macro runs an OpenReport command, the report corresponding to the search type (e.g. Buttons.byPerson has an OpenReport command for the "Report by Person" report).

However, when I click the search buttons (or indeed run the corresponding reports) I instead get another form which allows the search criteria to be specified - this then generates the report (I would assume based on the relevant query - e.g. Person Query), but I cannot understand how this works.

Google searches have not helped much as I can't seem to find an adequate search phrase to use, and I've been staring at the thing for some hours now. Any help getting me off in the right direction would be much appreciated!

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"Do Not Show This Screen Again" : Splash Screen

Aug 1, 2006

Hello all,

I have this splash screen, which welcomes all the users. It has an OK command button that exits the screen, and a checkbox that says "Do not show this screen again". I still do not have the code behind the checkbox. Thus I was wondering if there is a way where I could entirelly close or "get rid" of the splash screen until the user loggs in again. Because right now there is no code behind it, so everybody that checks it and click OK, leaves the screen. But they can still open it, if they select the "splash form".

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2002 Startup

Oct 18, 2005

I have a database (split) I developed using Access 2000 (Office Professional). I installed it in a lap top that has Office Prosessional 2002 and am encountering several problems: 1) The shift-key bypass does not work; 2) My application uses an access wizzard switchboard. With the lap top, when I open a form from the switch board and subsequently close it, Access closes; 3) When I just open Access in the lap top, I get none of the standard tool bars. (I don't know if I caused this). This has to be something obvious that I just cannot see. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Access 2000 To 2002

Jul 8, 2005

I need to develop an application that works in 2002. I tried to take a 2002 mdb, convert in 2002 to 2000 and try it on my machine at home. It didn't work and I couldn't find the missing reference. I then took an mdb that was originally a 2000 format, converted it to 2002 and it worked fine. So what I want to do is develop the app in 2000 and just convert it over to 2002. This allows me to work on it from home which is pretty important since my deadline is creeping closer. Am I ok doing this or am I courting disaster? Or is there another way of doing this?


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2003 MDE Does Not Work In 2002 (XP)

Aug 2, 2005

I have created a database using Access 2003. If I leave the database in the MDB format, it will run perfectly on my computer at work that has Access 2002. However, if I use Access 2003 and convert the database to an MDE file, and try to run it at work using Access 2002, I get an error that states "The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database is corrupt."

I know it is not corrupt because the same MDE file runs fine on my machine with Access 2003.

I would like to share the database with some fellow staff members, but I would like it in MDE form.

Any suggestions?

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Access 2002 Vs 2003

Dec 11, 2005

I'm looking to purchase Access 2002 because that is the version we use at work. The problem is, when I search the net for deals, it is more economical to purchase Office XP 2003 OEM instead of Access 2002.

Is Office XP - version 2002 unless it says Office XP 2003?

Or should I just purchase Office XP 2003 and just convert before I take my database to work? I hear the difference between 2002 and 2003 is mostly the VB coding functionality.

BTW I am looking at the following deal..Hope its not a scam

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Access 2003 And 2002

Jan 31, 2006

I have an application which I did in Access 2003 and it uses "Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library" and also "Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library".

I have converted it to 2002 format from database utilities where it says (2002-2003).

Now when this application is opened in Access 2002 the refrences are "Microsoft Access 10.0 Object Library" and "Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library", now the code starts throwing various errors.

Now what is the way out to avoid these errors? Should I copy the 11.0 libraries and add those in refrences on the machines where access 2002 is available.

ps: moving to access 2003 is not feasible.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Best Regards

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Access 2003, 2002

Nov 14, 2006

Hi All,

I did some initial searching but I am not sure what to search for. I have inherited an access application for maintenance. I am a C# developer by trade so developing code and ui inside the db is kind of weird to me not slamming it, just a little confused with the paradigm. Anyway, I had successfully added functionality to the code base as the per requirements. I made the changes using 2003. No database conversion dialog ever showed so I figured everything was cool. However the client is using 2002 and when they launch it the MDI parent shows the correct title but the form that is opened by default never shows up.

Any help would be extremely appreciated.


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MDE Files In Access 2002-03

Feb 20, 2007

I have no problems creating an MDE file from a newly created database but the system hangs when I try to do the same with a former Access 2000 database that I converted.

Any ideas?

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Access 2002 / 2003

Mar 20, 2007

My Access program crashes frequently. I tried the 'Repair Office' function, but that has made no difference. On checking, I see that it's Access 2002, not 2003. Can I still get Access 2003? Should I upgrade to that? I don't want to buy the new Office 2007 suite.


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Limitation In Access 2002

Apr 18, 2007

I am creating an access database and I want to know the following limitations;

1. Maximum number of users who can log into the database at a time

2. Maximum size of the database. Here I understand that it is 2GB, but I am confused as to whether it is for .MDB file or for each table in the database.

Can anywone help me in this regard? :confused:

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Using Links Access 2002

Aug 15, 2006

I have an existing database using access 2002 which has been split. In the part containing the data (back end I think its called) there are 3 existing tables which are clearly linked from the front end (forms queries etc.). If I now try to add another table in the back end it is not shown in the list when trying to create a link from the front end.

Anyone got the answer

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Access 2002 Import Xml?

Sep 18, 2007

I'm running Access 2002 at work and trying to import a form that was created in Acrobat 7.0 and saved as a xml file. The structure and data option is selected, yet only the structure imports, no data.

In Access 2003 (which is what I have at home) I can get both structure and data. Does anyone know away around this in trying to import the file into Access 2002 or why I might be having that problem with one version and not the other?


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Access XP 2002 - Report HELP!

Oct 7, 2004

G'Day all,

I am trying to build a database for my share trading and am having trouble doing some calculations in a Report.

In the Detail section of the Report I do this calculation:
=IIf([LVR]="0","0",((([Units]-([Margin Amount]/[Unit Price (o)]))*[Close Price (c)])/(1-[LVR]))+(([Margin Amount]/[Unit Price (o)])*([Close Price (c)]-[Unit Price (o)])/(1-[LVR])))

This calc is done on all my open trades and it returns the answer i want which looks like:

Margin Calculations

Open Trades

ASXCodeCurrent ValueMargin Available






Total Margin Available:$5.00

Inthe report footer i attempt to sum the answers this calculation returns using the Expresion:
to get Total Margin Available.

Margin is the name of the field that contains the above calculation and when I try to veiw the report it prompts me to enter a parameter for Margin? I would have thought no parameter is required as all I am asking it to do is sum the numbers the calculation is churning out, however if i enter a value ie 1 Total Margin Available totals the number of records and multiplies it by the value i entered as you can see in the above example ($5.00).

How can I get the sum to work?


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Connection To Access 2002 With VB.NET

Dec 5, 2003

Hello all,

It's the first time I use VB.NET. I already use VB to connect to an Access database with ADO objects.

But now, I don't know what should I use and how.

For now, I have try OleDbConnection object with the Provider Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0
but when I connect to my database, I have the error following:

"Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.


Line 54: OleDbConnection1.Open()


If you have any idea, please tell me


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Access 2002 Multiuser Environment

Jan 3, 2006

I have constructed a database in Aceess 2002 that four persons or more are going to work with. The users have there own computers in the same network. And they are going to work in the database at the same time the database is placed on a shared drive in the network. They must have the possibility to work in the same bookingformular.
Is there something that I have to think about so that everything works allright? I mean in the multiuser environment.
I had a lot of problems when rhe same people worked with an Access 97 database, But I hope that Access 2002 is better for multiusers. Is that correct?


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Problems With Access 2003 Vs 2002

Jan 22, 2006

Hi to all who look.

I have discovered a problem with access2003 which is annoying the hell out of me. If any of you out there open up the sample db 'Time and Billing' then go to the preview invoice form, via the clients button on the switchboard, the bottom 4 windows, Total hours, total hourly billing and total expenses give a #Name? error, while the amount due gives an #error? fail.
This all works perfectly well in 2002 and I have used it as a basis for a database.
Move it over to 2003 and I get the exact same errors.

Does anyone else see these faults and how on earth can I repair them?

I know a bit about using access but I'm not that experienced.

Your finest assistance plaese.

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