Relations After Splitting

Oct 21, 2005


I've split a database and the backend relationships are still intact but the front end they are not and it looks like this is causing a problem. Is this usual?

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Reports In Relations?

Aug 30, 2007

How do I make the reports show in relations?

I'm (as said before) totally new to everything that has to do with programming, and therefore I work in the visual way, and thus I need to have the reports shown in relations in order to work with it...

Any ideas?

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Is Relations A Kind Of ERD

Jan 12, 2008

After designing the database that mean after creating all the tables and when pressed on relations buttuon it shows a diagram with relations established. Is this a kind of ERD. in this it shows relations between entities so can we call that an ERD?

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Help With Some Simple Relations

Nov 24, 2004

Hi there,
I'm a bit stuck on this but it should be pretty easy.

Say I have a table secondHandCar - this contains infromation on the makeID (eg 123), price, number of doors. Now each car can have a number of images, this number isn't set so I have an images table...

makeID - key
number of doors

makeID - key
Image (ole, binary whatever)

Now clearly I have a problem: the images table is going to have many makeIDs with different images. I've just got stuck here - do I need an image id or something? But then my make ID will still repeat in tbl_images.

Thanks for the help :rolleyes:

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Relations Driving Me Crazy

Mar 3, 2007

I'm trying to build a mdb which holds customer details, which insurance they have, who sold them this and which Insurance company provided this.
The relations I have to make are driving me nuts !
When I try to enter a new customer in a Form, there is a advisor added, the package the customer wants is added. But this shouldn't happen for the advisor and the package allready exists !

Who can help me with the proper relations ?
Attached is screendump of the current relations.

Thanks a lot !

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Table Relations Problems!!

Aug 8, 2007

I have a DB and for some reason queries aren't working properly. My guess is the table relationships I made. If anyone else has an idea on changing my relationships so that all forms and queries will work to thier full potential please give my DB a look.

Any Help will be greatly Appreciated

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Relations Problem With Tables

Apr 19, 2005


I am creating some table for a database I want to use.

I had the following tables:

orgOrganisationID (primary key)

coContactID (primary key)

poPostalcode (primary key)

I have two postalcodes in the Contacts table. I can't create two one-on-many relations from the Postalcodecodes table to the Contacts table.

So I thougt I split up the contacts table and create a one-on-one relationship between the two new tables.

So it would look like this:

cgGeneralContactID (primary key, autonumbering)

cpPostContactsID (primary key, numeric)

I would create a one-on-one relationship between coGeneralContactID and coPostContactsID. And now I can create my one-on-many relationships between from the Postalcodes table.

1) Is this clever?
2) Should both these fields have a key?
3) I set coGeneralContactID to autonumbering and coPostContactsID to numeric. is this also correct.
4) I also use prefixes before the fieldnames 'cp-' for 'ContactsPost' is this naming convention ok? I think it makes programming easier. But are there condingstandards for that in Access/VBA?



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Relations In Db For Same Fields But Different Records

Nov 1, 2005

Access user,


I am looking how to generate a relation in one database between records of the same field type.

f.i. you have a database where you try to keep track of your parts.

You order a part1 but they deliver an identical part but from another brand so it has another part number.

You will store it under his correct partnumber being part2.

Due to the fact you still have stock of part1 and just recieved part2, now you will run out of stock when part1 + part2 reach zero stock.

In order to be able to monitor this you must be able to generate a relation between part1 and part2 showing that that parts are fully interchangeble.

How can you realise this in access?? Or is this impossible?

Also would it be possible to have for a certain part number multiple relations?

f.i. parts are fully interchangeble

restricted interchangeable

one way interchangeable

Thanks in advance

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Structuring Table Relations!!

Aug 9, 2007

Hi all,

I built a database and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to normalize my DB. I think my table relations are wrong.

I'll post my DB for you people to view.

Any Help will be appreciated

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Urgent DB Relations Seem To Have Broken Down

Sep 14, 2004

Can anyone shed light on why my Database seems to have stopped working so far as I've a combo box on a main form, which provides one half of a PK/FK relationship. The subform displays one or more records for this value. However, I've just entered the same 'value' (string) for an entry in the combo box as another, which shouldn't display any records in the subform yet - but it displays the records of the first combo 'entry'. This important thing is that the key's are all unique (I've doubled checked this), so why does it seem to not work?

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Form/subform Relations Help

Aug 16, 2006

I have 3 tables Metrics, FixedExpenses, Variable Expenses, I want them all to have a date in a form, and a subform for all the records to be added. I want to be able to do this without having 3 seperate date tables linked to the other three tables. I am not sure how to do this correctly. (I want to be able to see all the records for a certain day in these forms.)

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Tables :: Table With Multiple 1 To Many Relations

Apr 7, 2015

I have a table named [Brand] and several tables named [Brand@@@Models], one for each field in the Brand table.I want each field from the [Brand] table to be related to it's specific Model table. I thought like that so I don't have a Brand#1 related to Brand#2 models, etc.. I didn't want to have all the models for all the brands in a single table, was I right to think like this?

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Splitting DB

Nov 3, 2005

Getting ready to split a DB. No security really needed... Only the ability for multiple users needed. From what I have read here so far it seems best to use a MDE file on the front end and MDB file on the back end. One question is still not answered... I guess I will find out when I load the front ends on different stations.. BUT... I would like to know what to expect. I am assuming that each computer that I load the front end on I will have to go through and link the backend. Correct? I read a MS Knowledge base article about a form to do this... Is this only possible if you use the "developers edition" ??? Whats the common method for this task?

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Help With Splitting

Jan 3, 2006

I have created an application that uses all the 'normal' factors of an access app. My forms are triggered by events that initiate some vba code which executes and then does something. No big whoop, we are all doing this; but I am going freakin' insane keeping up with changes. The users are using this app in a "live" test enviroment and the changes/updates are coming in quicker than I can type. "This field is not right it should read like this"
Well I can't change it until everyone gets out - they don't like this answer:D

I jumped in before thinking a few versions ahead and did not split the database :eek: I have read a lot of posts here and other sites and I can tell that I need to split this app but am a bit hesitant. From what I can gather I would have a
Front-End - houses all my queries and forms
Back-End - houses all my tables

I have a few modules, where would they need to go so that I can work on them independent of what my users are doing?
I would give each user a copy of the FE or make it available via network drive; would I then keep a seperate copy of my FE to make changes? If yes, does this mean my modules would be in the FE?
Can I split the db now that it has been in live production? What are some common errors that I should look for prior to?
I tried to split the db one time before, but my drop down list box(s) on the forms would not work. They are controlled by a query, not any code. Error msg stated could not find xyz sorry I don't recall the exact error

I need the ability to change, work on and update at will AND NOT effect my users.

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MDE/Splitting Databases

Jul 14, 2005


I have been reading a lot about splitting databases on this forum. I still have some questions.
1) Will the FE (Front End) still show the tables?
2) Will users still be able to edit the forms, reports, etc.?
3) Will my code be hidden
4) Will all the users have up to date data showing when they open the Database?
5) Can more than one person open and input data in the database at the same time?

I also want to make an MDE copy, do I split first or make the MDE and then split?

The whole point is the following: I want the people (maximum 10) that will be using this database to only be able to do enter and view data. They should be able to generate the reports but not create new reports. I only want ONE person to be able to edit the forms, code, and reports. How would I do this.

Your help is much appreciated

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Splitting A Database

Aug 11, 2005

I am trying to split my database but when i run the database splitter it comes up with the following error messages:

Subscript out of range


Invalid procedure call or arguement

Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing these or how to fix it?


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Database Splitting

Sep 10, 2005

How can I change the location of the back end part, at the moment the front end is looking for the back end at a different location


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Splitting A Date

Feb 28, 2006

I've currently got a date of birth field in my database, but would like to query on just the birth month.
Can anyone tell me how to do it. Do I have to create another field which separates out the month, and if so, how do I do that.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Security + Splitting

Mar 16, 2006

Hi everybody,
I have been spending the last few days trying to find a way through the "access security Maze" which I believe I have just done. I have been following the "Ms Access Security Faq to the letter" and just now, I can open the database via a desktop shortcut including a custom workgroup address and I think everything is working fine. Now, I am trying to organise the next step which is splitting the application.

GHudson stated:
I find it easier to start out with one database that has everything in it
[including the security]. Then I copy the db. Rename them so that one is the
front end, one is the back end. The security will still be in both since they are
exact copies. Then remove the shared tables from the front end, remove
everything else from the back end [except the tables that will be shared].
Then relink the shared tables from the front end to the back end.

Using custom shortcuts will make it easier for the users to open the front
end with the correct workgroup. You can customize the shortcuts target
field with all the required file and workgroup info.

I Understand prtty well what's being said but am getting a bit confused of where and how the different part of the application should be organised on the network:

*The back end file should be on the network drive(drive F)
-That's fine...

*The front end should be distributed only on the station using the application:

1) Does that mean that I could place the FE on the F drive for a short
while and ask the different user to copy the application and past it on their own drive and then delete the FE of the share drive.

2) I will have to use the custom shortcut with the specific work group on each station. Should they all have the same shortcut which would mean that there is only one FE on the F drive and not make much sense or Should the shortcut link to the FE application save on their drive which doesn't make much sense either because they could open the DataBase without the shortcut with their own "default" Workgroup and wouldn't be secure anymore.

I apologize for my confusion and have probably missed a basic step in my reasonning but if anybody could redirect me in the right direction, I would really be gratefull.

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Create MDE Before Or After Splitting?

May 23, 2006

I setup my security (or lack there of, hehe) and split the database. I relinked the tables.

Now, Access gets hung up when I try to create an MDE of the FE to distribute. It starts the process, asking me to select a folder and file name, I do that, and it gets no further in the process. Access says (not responding).

Should I have created the MDE before I split it? Or does crashing of Access have nothing to do with whether i create the MDE before or after splitting?

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Splitting Db - Convert Or Not?

Aug 17, 2006

Hi, hope someone here has experience with this issue.

Our system was recently converted to much tighter secured network environment and moved to Office 2003 (still Windows XP).

Within the next couple of weeks we expect to split/secure our new db for shared use across a network (approx. 6-8 users at any one time).

I want to keep the db in 2000 as long as possible because I'm doing lots of the work at home and that's what I have. After deployment there will be lots more changes but in managed releases. (sounds official, eh?...)

Does anyone know of any risks I'm running by keeping it in 2000 within Access2003?

Thanks very much,

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Splitting A Database

Aug 21, 2006


I have been searching for more info on this and found out quite a lot about it; however, I am still wondering how to connect the front ends that will be in different machines to the back end that resides on server.

I know that when you split a database, the wizard asks where to save the first front end. But how about if you have many?

Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Splitting A Number

Sep 7, 2006

Can anyone help me to split a number using an access query to the left and right of the decimal point. I found it in a reference somewhere but have lost it. the number is generated in a query and I need to do something with the fraction


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DB Splitting And ACCDE

Feb 27, 2007

I have 2 questions.

The first is regarding splitting a database into 2 files, one for tables, and one for forms and queries. I have a database whose data will be accessed from about 4 computers, and almost never will this data be accessed concurrently. In that kind of situation, is it easier to just put the whole DB in a share and give each user a shortcut to it, or should I be splitting it and just putting the tables on the share?

Second question:

The option in Access 2007 to make the database an .accde file. From what I understand this just locks down the structure of the database so it can't be changed. Is this correct? Can it be edited by an admin once it's converted to this format, or does it just stay that way? I guess if it can't be edited, one could just keep a copy of the .mdb, modify that, then reconvert it to .accde.

Also, if I were to split my DB, would I first split and then convert to ACCDE, or the opposite?

Can someone enlighten me on these few things?


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Splitting The Database

Mar 14, 2007

i thank all for helping with the issue of mulitple users. after i did the splitthe database using the wizard. i noticed the tables lookes diiferent. but how do i put the front ends for users in their document since am on a thin client enviromemt. or
how do i transfer the front from the end. do i have to write codes??

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Splitting A Database

Jun 21, 2007

Hi. I would like to split my database which is used by various people on a shared drive.

Is it possible to specify a relative path to the linked tables in the back end?

Otherwise, if people access the shared drive via different drive letters, it fails.

Also, I like to keep a copy of the database myself. With absolute paths to the back end tables, I can't simply copy both sections from one place to another - as the links fail.


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