Relationship Problems... Of The Database Kind

Nov 29, 2007

(see sig for details on what I'm capable of before you toss code at me ;P )

Here's my current setup:

Instructor <related to Instructor table, pulls data from there)
Academic Year
Fallcourse# (where # = 1, 2, 3, 4), (course pulled from Courses table)

Coursename (unique)
Coursetype (required, elective)
Courselevel (ugrad, grad, MAS)


The purpose of the database is to assign courses to various professors and append supplementary compensation and, if necessary, notes to each course assignment. Each professor can be assigned up to 4 courses (or something to take the place of a course) per quarter.

My problem. I have created a quite a few reports with this setup including an academic year schedule, compensation reports for the year, sabatical / course release listings, etc. I am having trouble with what I am hoping to be my final report.

Requirements for the final report:
List of all courses for an academic year (filter by year)
group by level (easy)
group by type (easy)
append instructor's name to the end

Report/Relationship Problem:

I can't seem to set the relationship to allow more than one field's data into the report. I can only show courses from the [Fallcourse1] because I can't relate multiple fields from the "Assisgnments" table to one field in the "Courses" table. Effectively, that's what I want to do, but my mind's burnt and can't seem to figure it out.

Maybe you guys could help me out? Suggestions, questions - all welcomed.

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Protecting The Database - What Kind Of Solution?

Oct 11, 2005

Hi there,

I have built a Access solution for a music school, It was installed on 3 machines.

I'd like to protect my database from installing onto another machine without my permission.

I did install database as a mde file so they cannot see my codes. However, if they copy the database to another machine (esp. another machine in different school) they can use my software without my permission. How can I prevent this? If they copy the mde file into unauthorized machine, database should work as a demo version (such as limiting the number of records in tables to 10). How can I do this? What should I check, hd id, mainboard serial or what? Is there any ready solution (at least modifiable) for that kind of problem?


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Is Relations A Kind Of ERD

Jan 12, 2008

After designing the database that mean after creating all the tables and when pressed on relations buttuon it shows a diagram with relations established. Is this a kind of ERD. in this it shows relations between entities so can we call that an ERD?

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Is This Kind Of Count Possible?

Jun 20, 2006

Im very new to sql so please excuse my ignorance, I ve been trying to do this for a while and not getting anywhere:
I have a table that has customer and product data in it. Its super market data.
I have a field that has customer education level (education), this holds text, (bachelors degree, graduate degree, high school degree, partial college, partial high school)

and a field low_fat which is boolean (0 or -1), wether the product purchased was low fat or not.

Im interested in the realtionship between education level and number of low_fat products purchased.

I'd like a resultset that counts the number of low_fat products purchased for each category of degree level. Something that looks like this

EDUCATION Low_fat_Count
bachelors degree 500
graduate degree 234
high school degree 124
partial college 333
partial high school 124

Is this possible?

So far I've come up with this:

SELECT education, COUNT(*)
FROM AllTablesMerged
WHERE low_fat=-1
GROUP BY education;

but access asks me for specify parameters for education and low_fat.

Thanks in advance for any help on this!

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Special Kind Of Calendar

Aug 28, 2006

Can anyone give me a direction for the following problem please :

I would like to create a yearcalendar that might do the following job for me:

I have 12 firms with different amounts of people working for them. We need to see those people once a year and give every firm an amount of days that they can come see us. Every firm may send 5 people each day but we can see up to two firms per day. So we receive 10 people on a daily base but only a max of 5 belonging to one firm.

I would like to have a means of automaticaly according dates to those firms over a period of one year but I must be able to exclude or instance, week-ends, holidays and so on...

I hope you can give me a start because I realy don't know where to begin

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What Kind Of Query Is Needed For This?

Aug 13, 2007

Hello all,
I need help with making a query this will check the OrdQty for all items in a specific order against the Sup1inv field, then if supplier 1 can not fill the order have it check against Sup2inv field.
Here is an example of the data im working with

Order# Item# OrdQty Sup1Inv Sup2inv
555 widget1 2 1 3
555 widget2 1 1 4
556 widget3 1 3 0
557 widget1 7 1 3

The part i am having trouble with is making sure the query "understands" that both items on order 555 are the same order so the end result would tell me that order 555 needs to be placed at supplier 2, not 1.

Thanks in advance for the help,

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How To Set Up This Kind Of Master And Sub Form?

Jun 14, 2005

There are total three tables tblInternal, tblExternal, tblCourses. Table
tblInternal and tblCourses is one to many relationship by reference foreign
key InternalID from tblCourses to tblInternal. If I just use these two table
to set up Master form and subform in ACCESS, you can in subform Field Linker
window of subform property Data tab select primary and foreign key to
generate link between Master and subform. So if you select user name from
tblInternal in Master form ComboBox, you can see the detailed information the
user relates to.

Same relation between tblExternal and tblCourses.

Now I want to merger tblInternal, tblExternal to list user name in ComboBox
by Union statement. But in SubForm Field Linked window I just see one primary
key from one of these two tables instead of two primary keys from each table.

How to solve this issue?

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Kind Of Countdown Reminder In A Date Column

Jun 29, 2007


Sorry to open with a question but its usually the way, i'm quite an experienced computer user but never used any office products before and just thought i should learn as i'm losing money every week by not keep track of things properly.

So then to my question..

I've made a table to cover all the orders i have had placed, this includes a date column for when that order was placed. I just wondered if it would be possible to have some kind of system where after 7 days without any acknowledgement from me it either pops up or turns red or something similiar. I'm thinking the acknowledgement could be the yes/no box and i tick that when i recieve the item back, if i dont it either pops up or turns red or something :confused:

any help much appreciated

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Database Relationship Diagram

May 25, 2005

I need some help. I have to design a relational database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores.Books are sold by a sales person to a customer through an order. A order may consist of one or more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from one store and are sold by one salesperson.

Field name
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID
Book Type
Book type description
City country
Cust ID
Cust name
Cust Type
Cust type descr
On hand
Order date
Order no
phone number
phone typr
phone type descr
publisher ID
Publisher name
salesperson ID
Salesperson name
Salesperson Phone
Selling Price
Store Address
Store City
Store email

How do I start the database

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Relationship Problems In Database Design.

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to design a database that would help track the daily supply of natural gas on multiple contracts. Each contract has a supply side and a delivery side which are equal in volume (when fuel is taken into account). My problem begins with the fact that each contract has a different capacity. That capacity is a total of the capacities of each point on the contract. Some points are on multiple contracts so they have different capacities on different contracts. I can’t figure out how to setup the relationships in order to make this database successful. Any hints?

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How To Get A Page From Access Database With Relationship

Oct 22, 2012

I want to get a page like following through DW8+ASP



database like following

ID name profile website
1 Yageo *** ****
2 Vishay *** *****

ID name category
1 yageo resistor
2 yageo capacitor
3 vishay diode
4 vishay transistor

How can I do to get a page above?

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General :: Achieve Data From One To Many Relationship Database

Mar 10, 2015

I am using Access 2007, I need to achieve some data from my database, what is the best way to do this.

I have a one to many relationship database, so 1 customer could have many orders, how would you achieve this data?

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Tables :: Split Database Not Updating Relationship

Jun 2, 2014

I have a split database. I have just created anew table in the back end and created a relationship to an existing table. All done in the backend.

I have opened up my front end and imported the back end end. But when I check the relationships in front end neither the table or link is there.

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Forms :: Link One2one Relationship Database To One Form?

Dec 26, 2013

Is it possible to link One2one relationship database to one form?

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Unable To See Relationship Diagram In Database After Upsizing From Access 2003 To SQL

Nov 9, 2011

I have upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2008 R2 using upsizing wizard. Everything works fine. But I don't see relationship in SQL SErver 2008 R2 if I go to database. But I set relationship in Access 2003 before upsizing it.

Amso I don't see relationship (diagram) in Access 2003 , which I was able to see before.

So do I need to again recreate the relationship amongst the table in Access 2003 Or SQL SErver 2008 R2 ? I thought, if you link tables, everything should be taken care but i don't see relationship structure any more.

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Tables :: Set Up A Database But Wanted To Check Relationship Of Main Tables

Mar 4, 2013

I am about to set up a database but wanted to check the relationship of the main tables before I add to it. I have attached the relationship design

For a PROJECT, there can be many TESTS, for a TEST, there can be many PRODUCTS

Is my design reasonably sensible?

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Another "what Kind Of Query Is This" Thread

Oct 22, 2007

I have a Customer table in an Accounts Receivable late-payments database that has very basic fields:

CustomerNumber, Name, BillToAddress1, BillToAddress2, City, State, Zip, Phone

As we get changes from new invoicing activity, I need the table to update the contact info. So, we get a spreadsheet each day with new invoicing activity, some of which will already have customers in our database. I need to capture any new addresses or other contact information to update my current records. We append the new info to the Invoices table, then need to grab the new addresses and update the Customer table.

I don't know why I don't know how to do this, as it seems so simple. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Jan 14, 2006

Hi All,
I am new to access and this forum, so hello all.

I am trying to build a database to keep records of my bird sightings. As you might have surmised; I am a birder.

I have come to a holt on creating a complex relationship between the Bird Entry From and the table that contains a list of British birds.

In Bird Entry From two of the fields are for entry of the bird name, one field being the Common Name and the other being the Latin Name. They are both drop down lists that contain all the birds from the table, this being done by import data. The table that holds the bird list has two fields One is called Common Name and the other is called Latin Name, this being the same as the filed names in question in the Bird Entry From

This is where I am coming unstuck. What I would like to happen is that when I enter a bird in the Common Name field (either by typing until the bird is auto entered from the drop down or using the drop down to find the bird) it automatically enters the Latin name in the Latin Name field and visa-versa, but I have become very frustrated with trying to do this.

Am I wasting my time? Or is it possible? And if so would anyone be kind enough to tell me how?

Many thanks,


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Relationship Help Need

Feb 28, 2007

Hi i need help with one of my relationships

I need help with linking Member 1: N Reservations

the entites are

Video (Vcode, VTitle, Date Made, Director, Genre)
Copy (CopyNum, Vcode, Due Date)
Loan (LoanMemNum, CopyNum, Ldate, In, Out)
Member (MemNum, MName, MAddress)
Reservation (VCode, resMemNum, Resdate, CollectDate. Collected Not Collected)

The keys are underlined


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May 16, 2007

Hi there!

I've three tables in my database, tblInfo, tblSavedInfo & tblCountry.
for tblInfo I have this fields - Ref: Cost: RefCountry:
for tblSavedInfo I have this fields - Ref: Cost: Country:
for tblcountry I have this fields - RefCountry: Country:

My problem is when I save from tblinfo to tblSavedInfo I want it from RefCountry on tblInfo check wich country is on tblCountry and save on tblSavedRef the country instead the refCountry.

As tblInfo has about 200.000 rows I need something to make it quick. Is there anyone that can help me please.


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Many-to-many-to-many Relationship

Jul 25, 2005

Any advice? I've tried some things and no success with linkage

Rooms Table
Room No

Project Table
Project ID
Faculty Assignment
Project Grant No
Project End Date

Student Table
Student ID

Many rooms with many projects, many of those projects in many of those room, with many students working on those projects. Many rooms, many projects, many students. Argh...
I've already tried two junctions between rooms and projects // and projects and rooms

What is making this so difficult?

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Relationship Help Please

Aug 14, 2005

As you all know Im not a expert on databases but work in a volunteer basis in a small community area where we have no money for people to do anything for us.
Im proud because I did the other database and its up and working but this one has got me beat.
Im setting up one for the volunteers, which has computer knowledge, any basic training they need, when they are available and what tasks have been set for them.
I need to have a one form which has just their personal details but to be able to put in data on the other forms and it will link back to the volunteers name.
Ive attached what Ive done and Im sure your all going to laugh - but any help would be appreciated


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Many To One Relationship (I Think...)

Aug 19, 2005

Trying to set up a fairly simple DB. Here is the layout:

tblRoom(roomID, roomNumber, rackOne, rackTwo, rackThree)
tblStudent(studentID, name)

Each student will be assigned to one, and only one, rack. There will be 3 students to one room. One student can only have one room but a room can have many students... I store studentID in the rackOne, Two and Three fields. My problem is when I try and querry for the information so as to display actual names rather than ID's. I'm not sure If my querry is the problem or if I've set the tables up incorrectly. Any insight is much appreciated.

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Relationship Help

Aug 30, 2005


I'm having some problems setting this up right.

I have 3 databases.


LAST NAME both primary

Movie Data

DATEboth primary



USHER 1 First
Usher 1 LAST

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Relationship Help

Aug 30, 2005


I'm having some problems setting this up right.

I have 3 databases.


LAST NAME both primary

Movie Data

DATEboth primary



USHER 1 First
Usher 1 LAST



I have a one to many relationship between the movie and date between the attendance and movie data table. I have tried linking the name to the usher fields but I"m not getting the result I want. I want to be able to open up the volunteer table and have it show me the movies they have worked on. The movie data table will list who worked it, but the volunteer tables are not.

Any ideas?


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Relationship Help

Sep 11, 2005

I have to tbls which have indeterminate relationships and I'm told that ther is no unique index found why is this?

i am using emplyID on both tblCommission and tblSales both are number type.

I might not need the commission table as I'm using this is calculate commission as said im my previous post

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