Remembering Field Location On A Form

Feb 10, 2005

I have a form with a sub form (ms access). On the subform are a number of textboxes for input by the user. What I need is for the sub form to "remember" the last textbox it was in when the form closes. Then, when the form opens again, the focus in the sub form "returns" to the last text box it was at when the user wants to continue entering data.... This resolves a problem with the user overwriting existing data on the subform because they "forgot" to go to the textbox where further data needs to be entered.
I set up an "extra" field in the database, and included it on the sub form so it could be used as areference point. The text box is called "NameFld". However, my further attempts at resolving this issue via vba are not working.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Remembering If Checkbox Has Been Clicked In A Form

Jul 3, 2013

Here's the scenario:

I have a table of Clients, each of which can have zero or more Contacts. Clicking the Contacts button on the Client form opens a pop-up form that displays the Client's Contacts.

Each Client can have a default Contact, indicated by a DefaultContact checkbox on the Contact form. If the user checks this checkbox, I want to run a piece of code that checks whether any of this Client's Contacts are already set as default and, if so, warns the user before proceeding. If the user goes ahead, 'default' status is assigned to the current Contact & removed from the other.

It seems to me that the obvious place to do this is on the Contact form's BeforeUpdate event, when the record is being saved. However, it's only necessary to do this when the DefaultContact checkbox has been clicked. But there's no 'Dirty' flag for checkboxes & the only way I can think of is to set a global (within the scope of the form) variable and get the BeforeUpdate code to check it before running my 'Default Contact' code above.

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General :: Attachment Field - Specify Location To Search

Jan 14, 2013

Using an attachment field - can we specify the location to search?

We have an Access 2007 DB and need to attach files from only 1 location - we hope to attach a copy of these files into the database efficiently.

I have a few sample DB's that use VB but I am hoping there is a quick and easy solution for this.

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Change The Number Of (Location) Field To The Actual Name On Report

Mar 8, 2015

="Summary for " & "'Location' = " & " " & [Location] & " (" & Count(*) & " " & IIf(Count(*)=1,"detail record","detail records") & ")"

NOTE: I need the number of the location to convert to the name instead i.e. 6 to Delaware.

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Delivery Costs & Location Form?

Aug 8, 2006


I'm setting up a delivery cost and location form. What i need this form to do is say i select Guildford for delivery i need the delivery cost text box below to say £12.50 without manually looking up the costs for that area and if it was Farnham then £24.00. What is the easiest way of doing it?


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Need A Form To Browse Folder Location

Jul 21, 2006

I would like to create a form to allow the user to choose a location to place a file. I would prefer to have a browse command button so when he/she clicks the windows explorer view opens and the user can select the location. I have seen this done, but I am not sure where to start. If anyone has an example to show me, it would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Text Box Location In Form Using VBA

Mar 30, 2015

I have one text box with the name of nametxt and one it's label with name of namelabel. I want to relocate this text box with it's label when the button02 is clicked to the new location. Thus i have tried using this code:


Private Sub Command02_Click()
nametxt.Top = 0.2083
nametxt.Left = 1.0833
namelabel.Top = 0.2083
namelabel.Left = 0.5833
End Sub

But this code is not working correctly and relocate the text box to the up left corner of form. How fix this issue.

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Determining A Forms Location (when Form Is Not Current)

May 31, 2005

Greetings. :)

I am trying to position opened forms so that they are cascaded on the screen. I have discovered the movesize action (for the DoCmd) and Move property of a form (for Acc 2002/2003). However, if the application is opened up on different monitors (e.g.; 17" or 19"), the relative location of the opened form is not the same (i.e.; on the bigger monitor the opened form is too far over to the right and too high).

What I want to do is ...

When the subsequent (or second) form is opened up I would like to find the absolute location of the first form (always centered). This way I will be able to reposition the second and third forms relative to the first form.

Is this possible?

I'm having trouble referencing the first form from within the second form. The first form is still open, but they are not linked forms (not parent/child). I've tried:


but this does not work.

I've gone to online help and I've looked around in the newsgroups. But can't find any info. Anybody out there will suggestions?

SueB :confused:

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Locating Form In Specific Location On Screen! Please Help

Nov 25, 2005

hi guys,

would someone please tell me if it is possible to locate the form in a specific location on screen, e.g. starting from top left corner or basically have the form open in centre of screen?!

I have created my database in Access and now trying to make the forms appear on screen as neet as possible. I have a main form which is on screen all the time and it should cover the whole screen. I have set the size of the form but everytime i open it it doesnt cover the screen as it does not start from the top left corner!

i also have a few pop up forms which i want them to appear in the middle of screen. how can i do this?!!!

i would appreciate any help or suggestions on alternative soloutions!


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Auto Fill Location Details On Form?

Sep 14, 2006

I have stumbled through making a few new forms and tables for my new job, and have done alright so far (even if it takes me forever to do so), but there is one thing that keeps tripping me up. I just cannot figure out how to do it, even by looking at the designs and properties of other tables/forms.

Part of my form requires me to input location details. A table is setup with every City, State and Zipcode for usage on the form. Our old form was designed to auto-fill (is that even the right term?) the City and State fields upon entry of a Zipcode. These are all coming off the same table, and it works on our old form, but I cannot seem to replicate it on the new one.

I have 2 other issues with the form, and they are also both related to this auto-fill/auto-lookup hangup. Another table is set up with employee IDs, and their corresponding Last name, First name and Middle Initial. I'd like to be able to type in the ID and have the next field automatically enter the corresponding name. Similarly, I need to enter certain other data, and I would like the next field to fill in a short description of said data.

Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction? Like I said, I've pretty much made everything else work by learning from the designs of other tables/queries/forms we have, and by trial and error. But this final hitch seems insurmountable.

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General :: Choose Backend Location From A Form

Dec 18, 2014

I'm making updates for the front end then i send it to 10 pc's in the office then i should change the backend location via linked table manager for every pc

So is there any way to let the user choose the backend location when he open the database nad then it will automatically update the tables link

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Finding Location Of Listbox On SCREEN And Not On Form

Jun 11, 2014

I have code that finds the current position of the mouse on the screen in X,Y coordinates.

I am curious if there is something similar that can let me know the X coordinate (basically the .left function but for the screen) of a listbox?

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Forms :: Using Form To Update Location Change Of Inventory?

Dec 2, 2013

I have an inventory of equipment that is assigned to different locations. When repair is needed, the equipment is brought in and swapped with a loaner. How can I update on a form the location change from "A" to "Shop" that will show up on the related equipment table? I have "Location" in the table, but don't know if I need something to the effect of "NewLocation" to assist in showing the equipment swap.

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Forms :: Storing File Location And Opening File From A Form

Dec 5, 2014

i had a database that allowed me from a form to store a file location for a record on a form, so i any time i could access the record, and then open the file, usually a pdf, it wasnt stored as a hyperlink, but as long text

i made the mistake of not copying the files for safe keeping when i got a permanent position..i am now back self employed, i need to recreate the database.

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Location Map

Jul 20, 2006

Hi folks,

I have 50 locations spread over the UK and each site has a red, amber or green status based on several criteria. What i want to do is have a form with a map of the UK and have each location represented on the map with it's red, amber or green status based on coordinates in the country i guess.


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DB Location

Mar 24, 2005

How do I find the file location of the current database?

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Inventory By Location

Nov 8, 2006

Hi all.

I have been working on an Inventory Database over the past few weeks and I have run into a problem.

Currently I am designing the database to use the common way to calculate on-hand inventory levels (Latest Stocktake(cycle count) + Received - Used). The problem comes when I am trying to calculate this value.

A solution that seems to work is to take stocktake for a given product using the ProductID and date. I have a child table linked to this one to show the quantity and locations of the product. However, with this method, I will have to count the inventory for every location the product is in when the stocktake is taken. This method may work, but accidents may happen and an employee may forget to count both locations when taking stock. Then current inventory levels will be way off.

Is there an easier or more efficient way to do this?

Table Design



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Ouch MDB Location ... Big Huh????

Aug 16, 2007

Okay trying to get at an mdb that I have copied from the live network drive onto my own machine. Each time I try and look at a table in design or data mode it keeps trying to locate the table on the network drive.

How do I tell access to look at the copy on local drive? Using version 2003, and don't remember this issue from version 97.

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Opening An Image From Its Location

May 23, 2006


I have been trying to get an image to open from its location.... but it keeps trying to open "C:C:example.bmp" instead of "C:example.bmp" does anyone know how to take out the first directory location tag automatically?

Any help will be great!


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Moving Back End To A Different Location

Jan 3, 2005

There is probably an easy answer to this but I can't find an exact answer searching.

I have an Access 2000 database with the back end stored in a separate location. If I want to move the back end data file to a different location on the computer, how do I change the link (file path)?

The only way I can figure out is to delete all of the old links and relink them from their new location.

Isn't there somewhere that you can just change the path name to the entire back end in one easy step?

Thanks for any help.

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Help With Date And Location Query

May 25, 2006

Hi all....

Preface: Main table called tblMain. Here are three of the fields that I am interested in setting this up for.

Field 1: [IncidentDate]
Field 2: [Address] (actually street numbers)
Field 3: [CityStreet] (actually street name via lookup field off another table)

Query based of the above tables.

What I want to query is this:

If location has an entry on July 4th, 2006 then it counts it, if the same location has has another entry it counts it. If it only has a incident on July 4th, 2006 an no other prior incidents do not display it... Does this make sense.

So it would look something like this in a report generated off of the query.

07/04/06 123 Main St
07/03/06 123 Main St
05/05/06 123 Main St

07/04/06 125 South St
07/02/06 125 South St
06/22/06 125 South St


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Query : Age Group By Location

Sep 6, 2007

hi everyone,

I have a table with persons age and location and I want to generate a report of all persons by location and age group. The age groups are 0-9, 10 - 19, 20 - 29..., 90-99.
The location codes are 10,20,30,...90,99.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks


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Location Of ActiveX Controls?

Jan 25, 2005

I use the Active X calendar control 10.0 in a number of forms*. The mscal.ocx file is in c:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice 10.

(*In the calendar's Properties it says it is "MSCAL.Calendar.7", which I think is just MS's way of confusing people.)

After splitting the deploying my app, it appears lots of my users either don't have version 10.0 or it is stored someplace else; for example, in C:WindowsSystem32. Because they don't have the correct version/path, everything crashes.

So, how can I easily determine whether users have the right ActiveX in the correct location?

The Microsoft web site says "To distribute your component as part of a Visual Basic application, you can use Package and Deployment Wizard". I don't have that wizard in my version of Access (2002 SP3 on Windows XP), so that's not an option.

Microsoft also says to "To enter the base address for your component, open the Project Properties dialog box and select the Compile tab. The address is entered in the DLL Base Address box, as an unsigned decimal or hexadecimal integer. The default value is &H11000000 (285,212,672). If you neglect to change this value, your component will conflict with every other in-process component compiled using the default. Staying well away from this address is recommended." It seems to make sense that I put the mscal.ocx in the database's directory on the server to serve as the "base address", but other than that this option scares the heck out of me.

Does someone have any suggestions how to easily ensure users have the right ActiveX version on their computer - and in the correct location? (I'm not a super-coder.)

As always, thanks

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Cursor Location In A Text Box

Jun 17, 2005

Hello all,

I have a text box that allows users to type a letter to a customer with a listbox next to it. The listbox is filled with data such as the customer's name, address, etc.... When the user double clicks an item from the list box, it should insert the appropriate data into the text box.

The problem is, is there a way to determine the current cursor location in the textbox so I know where to add the data?

For example, the cursor location has been determined before the text box lost the focus and now i am inserting the apporpriate data:

Textbox = left(TextBox, CursorLocation) & DataFromListbox & right(textbox,len(textbox) - CursorLocation)

Thanks for all your help.

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Setting Window Location

Oct 31, 2005


can i set the location of my windowform?
i have created a dummy tabstyle form. It exsist out of 3 forms. Those forms are on top of eachother. is there a way that i can lock the windowlocation. for example: form.left = 0

or someting like that?


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Copy File To Another Location

Jan 20, 2006

From a command button what would be the code to copy a file from one location to another i.e copy c:datasalesdata.mdb to e:databackupsalesdata.mdb


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