Remove 3S From Scanned Entry

Aug 9, 2007

I am working on an access 2003 database for our Shipping Dept that is using tables created from odbc linked tables from a SQL Svr Database. The shipper will scan the BatchNo barcode to a field on a form. If the BatchNo Scanned follows the Format: 07317751 the number is found and the rest of the fields are populated and written to another table(Dock_. This will work fine as long as the 8 character BatchNo Matches. My problem is the Barcode has 2 leading characters (3S) that are inserted when the label is printed by "Bartender" for the AS/400 to identify. I need to remove these 2 characters in order for the "Select DistinctRow" lookup command string will populate the remaining fields. I am only a novice when it comes to programming and this is probably an easy job but I am stumped. I can zip a copy of the DB (With the Data lookup tables populated) to anyone needing to see the complete structure if it will help. My thanks in advance to all responders.


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To Store Scanned Object In MSAccess

Apr 9, 2008

Dear Expertise..

How I can store scanned object in Access. Becuase I have a employee database. I have to store all employees signature in the database Also I have to verify thier signature with the previously stored in database when they are trying to log .

With Thanks

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Forms :: Combo Box With 6 Scanned Signatures

May 16, 2013

I have 2773 equipment records, a form for each and each equipment needs to tested annaully. I use the form to update Test Date and Tester. Tester may change for each equipment. I need either a Combo box with 6 different scanned signatures or an image box that changes based on a combo box I already have that contains the Tester's initials.I can get a sample DB or step by step instructions.

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Queries :: How To Filter Between Times Trays Are Scanned

Jun 25, 2014

How to filter between times that trays are scanned. I want it to tell me basically how many trays are scanned between 9:00 to 17:00 17:01 to 1:00 and 1:00 to 8:59 but not having any luck. I've been able to get it to show me everything from 1:00 to 8:59 but I've not been able to get anything else to work.

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General :: 2D Matrix That Can Be Populated With Data And Scanned Once Printed

Jul 30, 2014

I found the IDatomation Datamatrix barcode in the ActiveX controls.

Is buying their software the only way to actually get this barcode to work?

Any other way to create a 2D matrix that can be populated with data and scanned once printed?

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Forms :: Attach Multiple Scanned PDFs To One Record?

Apr 20, 2013

I would like to be able to add more than one scanned document and link them to one record.

If it is possible, I would like to have a command something like "Attach file" on the form displaying the record. The user could browse to find the scanned document and it becomes a link. The user could then scan and browse for another document, which becomes a second link, in some kind of list box.

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Creating A Database To Store Training Records That Saves A Scanned Copy

Jun 8, 2015

I'm a access novice who is looking to create a database to store training records for permanent and agency staff, and contractors staff. I need the database to be able to produce reports on how many courses were trained over each month, and the total duration of the course completed (in hours).

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Queries :: How To Trigger By Date To Create A New Entry In Database Based On Old Entry

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that makes use of standing orders. That means that if a client has a standing order to receive products during for example 4 time as year (quartely at the end of the month). to automate the new entry by copying an old entry in the database.

Let's say I have a client where we will have to send a product at the end of June, it will look at a field where the next send date is, and when it reaches 2 weeks for that date, to create a new entry in the database based on that entry. This way, it will pop-up in our open cases and we are aware of it and also will be visible in our report.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Verify With Last Entry And Display Other Options Than Last Entry

Sep 8, 2013

I am working on creating an access database for tracking physical assets linked to locations. I need to make a combo box list to show items other than the current location of the asset. Basically I need it to refer to last enery of the user and define the new possible entries. so we have a unique relationship between location and asset. The assets and location will always remain fixed and there is never going to be any addition. I am creating a web form so that it can be uploaded into sharepoint.

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Sum Of Remove

Dec 7, 2006

Hi i have created a plotchart and at the bottom of the chart it is displayed as SUM of SUM of apr 05 etc for all the months is there anyway i can remove the sum of before each month??

thanks :)

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Can't Remove Security

Jul 24, 2005


I just went through the User-level Security Wizard and added security. I now can't log on using a username I created.

How can I get my database back? I have the back up file but how can I get all the stuff back without this security on the database?




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Remove Software

Oct 17, 2005


Need a little help with the following, running windows ME on a Compaq Presario Desktop, connected to Blueyonder Broadband, Blueyonder have provided a new anti virus and firewall package free of charge to broadband users, you need to remove your existing Virus and firewall package(McAfee) to load the new, which I have done, it appears that I still have remnants of a previous Norton Firewall, the only reference to it is when you access through the control panel and the add/remove programme, I have tried many times to remove it but the text is still there.

I have searched for it but nothing comes up as found.

Many thanks


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Remove Space

May 20, 2006

I have an enormous Post Code Table 1.7 million records, which I must update every month into usable sectors for our carrier cross refs, the UK postcode is in the format CB6 3HQ, CB6 3HR, CB6 3HS, CB6 3HT, CB6 3HW etc I need to be able to remove the space then only use the first 4 chrs ie CB63, in the above examples I know I could do a search and replace " " with "" but I need this to be run automaticly where would be the best place to do this and if coded how?

Any help or alternative suggetions appriciated

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Remove 1 Set Of Dup Records

Jul 22, 2005

:confused: I am importing a file from excel into access. The table has about 6300 records. Some records are duplicates or even triplicates. How do I write a querie to leave only 1 of of these records and rmove the duplicates.

Second, I will be importing new files weekly that after I do the above I will need to append to the first table and then remove duplicates. How dod I do this.


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How To Remove The Primary Key?

Sep 1, 2005

Hi All,

I have one serious emergency.

I have 2 options (2 qeustions) in front of me.

[1] How can I remove primary key and not the column
[2] How can I rename the column which is primary key.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance


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Query To Remove - And /

Oct 1, 2005

I have an access database and table name called student. The table includes field name such as identification_id and registration_no. The value in identification_id is 3434-34-213 and registration_no are 234/45. Can i query the field name so i can get both value without the sign - and / so the output will be 343434213 for identification_id and 23445 for registration_no?

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Remove Spaces

Nov 4, 2005


i want to replace spaces in my query, but there are a few hard parts in it.
I dont always know how many spaces. en second, the spaces that need to be replaced are after the first character. The rest needs to be removed.

i have:

the "-" are spaces!!
and i want it to show

this is what i tried replace([MinutesID];" ";".") & " - " & [minutesTitle]

can someone assist...

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Need To Remove A Character

Jan 11, 2006

Hello, Tried a search but could'nt come up with an answer.

I have a number field with an amount.
The format will always change as far as the LEN is concerned.
I need to remove the decimal.
There will always be 2 numbers to the right of the decimal but the left will always change.


21543.11 Need 2154311
11.20 Need 1120

Thanks in advance! :)

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Remove . And BE In A Number

Mar 30, 2007

I have a big table with belgian tax numbers all in this format:

BE 401.031.867

I would like to remove the "BE" and the "." which are in this field so i have only the numbers.

Cant figure it out myself, any help would be greatly apprieciated

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What Is The Best Way To Remove Duplicates

Apr 12, 2007

I have a query linked to a main frame database. One of the fields is [significance] and gets a number 1-20. Usually when this data is entered, it gets multiple significance numbers. This causes my query to return separate records for each significance number. For example if case number 123 is given significance codes 1, 5 and 12, then my query returns 3 records.

I need a query that will show all records one time that have a significance code other than 12. This would be easy if there were not duplicate entries for the same case number because I could simply say "Not 12". So in the example above, my query returns 2 records showing significance codes 1 and 5. But I don't want to see the record for case number 123 because it also has a 12 significance code.

So what is the best way to handle this?

I appreciate the help.


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Remove Duplicates

Jun 14, 2007

If have a table with billing occurances and one of the fields is "business name" how would I need to setup a make table query which lists unique occurances within that data?

Essentially, I want to remove duplicates. If ABC Pet Store has 5 billing occurances and XYZ Pet Store has 1... I want both to only be listed once.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks for any help as to how to set this up!

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Remove Spaces In Between

Feb 22, 2008


Is there a way that i can remove the space in between the cahracters of the string.



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Remove Filter

Mar 15, 2005

Is it possible to remove a filter using VBA.

I need to remove a filter on a form when a user clicks on a drop down box.

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Cannot Remove Filter

Dec 13, 2005


When I filter on a form on our database, I cannot then remove this filter. In order to continue working i have to exit the database completely!

Please help!

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Sep 3, 2004

I would like to remove duplicates from the following query. I would like it to display only one record depending on the InvoiceID. So only show one unique record based on Invoices.InvoiceID. Thanks!

SELECT DISTINCT Invoices.InvoiceID, Invoices.CustomerID, InvoiceDetails.InvoiceDetailID, Invoices.InvoiceDate
FROM InvoiceDetails INNER JOIN Invoices ON InvoiceDetails.InvoiceID = Invoices.InvoiceID
WHERE (((Invoices.InvoiceDate) Between #8/1/2004# And #8/31/2004#) AND ((InvoiceDetails.DeliverBy)=0))
ORDER BY Invoices.InvoiceID;

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Remove Unwanted Row

Aug 18, 2004

I need to remove the automatic (empty) new row that access produces under the last record in the table, because i
would like to remove it when i view a query.
Could any of you kind people suggest a way that i could do this??
thanks for you help.

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