Removing Table Links

Mar 2, 2007

This may seem like a silly question, but I can’t find the answer to it on this forum. People only say 'Remove the table links' but never how. I can’t seem to be able to remove the table links completely, so I only have one database file (no backend or frontend). I can’t seem to do it though the Table link manager or any other way. Any help?

Thanks in advance

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Table Name And Links ---URgent

Feb 28, 2008

i have 2 mdb and both mdb have table link

in one of the mdb , they had a link to dbf (paradox) and they have lot of queries and reports created.

Now the functionality has changed so we have created a access table and need to replace the dbf with the table.

The problem is we need to retain all the queries and reports as such but the table will be access table instead of dbf.


First.mdb has test table
Second.mdb has a table called old.dbf. and associated quries

but now test table is been linked to second.mdb and we got to rename or delete old.dbf and associated all queries and reports pointing to test table

is there a way to do it automatically or should it be done manually?

Please let me know as it is urgent

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Combo Box That Links To A Table

Jul 31, 2005

I wonder if you can help. I am trying to make a combo box with peoples ID numbers in which links to a table with that persons details. I have made the combo box with the names in but now trying to link the table to it.
For example: Fred is in the combo box with ID number 1 and the user selects him and wants to see his details about him after clicking continue. The form has autonumber 1 showing Fred's details after clcking this.
Any help
John :cool:

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Automatically Change Table Links

Feb 13, 2006

I'm creating a leave (holiday) database but each year must be kept seperate for analysis. (I have split the front and backend of the database) I thought of using a dropdown on the main page which could be used to select the year which relates to the leave being dealt with. Depending on the choice selected (present financial year as default) the links would update to the required database.

Any ideas?

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Identifying Table Links/relationships

Mar 22, 2007

I am new to Access and just inherited a very large database to work with. Is there an easy way to figure out the relationship between each table and how they are linked? Thanks.

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Removing Duplicates From A Table

Aug 19, 2004


I'm running MS Access (2002 SP-2)

I have a table that has the following columns in it:

Sent NBR (text) / Sent Date (date/time) / PIC (text)

It's a customer listing of our customers and which long distance carrier they have selected. Unfortunately my data also shows OLD customers that no longer own that phone number. Because of this, various phone numbers are listed numerous times, but only the Sent NBR with the most current Sent Date is the one I need to see. The others are irrelevant and need to be deleted. I'd manually delete the duplicated Rows but I have over 115,000 duplicates!!

Do you guy know of a way to eliminated the duplicates for each Sent NBR and only show me the Sent NBR's with the Most current date?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Removing All Captions From Table - Macro?

Apr 12, 2005

I regularly import tables with many fields from a third party application into Access 2000.
These fields all have captions as well as field names (obviously!) but I give them much more meaningful "friendly" names. But to do this I must first manually delete all the captions.
Is there an easier way?
Thanks in advance.

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Removing A Subset From A Main Table

Aug 2, 2007

I have 3 parcel tables. Table 1 contains the parcels of the whole county. Table 2 contains open space parcels and table 3 contains preserved farmlands. I would like to remove parcels in tables 2 and 3 from table 1. Tables 2 and 3 are subsets of table 1.

Basically I have these:

Table 1
PIN attribute1 attribute2 .....attribute6

Table 2

Table 3

Note that tables 2 and 3 only contain PINs
Does anyone have a script for this problem?
I would appreciate your help on this. Thank you.


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Tables :: Removing Duplicate Records From One Table

Feb 18, 2014

I have a table with at least 13.000.000 records. There are many duplicates records... For example

ID Name Family mobile car number chassis Register_Year
1 Roy Jalbout 9999 123456/G ASF4546 2005
2 Roy Jalbout 9999 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2009
3 Tony Elishah 1234 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2012
4 Sam Markos 5478 854658/G GRK554JFJD 2014
5 Roy Jalbout 9999 123456/G ASF4546 2005

As you can see ID Number 2,3,4 have the same car but every one bought from another so it's not duplicates

The duplicates here is the ID's number 1,5. So how to remove the duplicates. I remember you i have at least 13.000.000 records. I try to make a query to find duplicates then i make a copy of the original table and than i should make a primary key then append the data from the original table to the copy table, but here i have more than one criteria

When I made a query to find duplicates the result was 680.000 records and every one have a minimum 2 duplicates an maximum 4 duplicates so it's about 2.500.000 duplicates records at least....

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Removing Parentheses And Its Contents From Access Table Field

Jun 18, 2014

I am very new to access less than 1 week since i started trying to build an horse racing database, i am trying to link data from 2 different sources via the horses name however one source displays this with the horses country of origin in parenthesis foe example FRANKEL(GB) and the other source displays the name as just FRANKEL, to be honest i haven't yet tried the link but guess it will fail.

I am therefore looking to get rid of the parentheses and their contents from an access table field and create another field without them.

In Excel i use the formula B1:

=TRIM(REPLACE(A1,FIND("(",A1&"("),FIND(")",A1&")")-(FIND("(",A1&"(")-1),"")) and that works fine.

I guessed the solution for Access would be newname:


But this doesn't work as in returns undefined function "FIND" in expression error.

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Queries :: Removing Grand Totals From Query Pivot Table

Jun 17, 2013

To keep it short and sweet, my query set up is: Employee, Team Name, and then I have the same field in the column as I do in the data and it presents pass/fail data. I have the data shown as a percent of the row so that there is a success rate shown but I want to remove the grand totals from the rows because it is obviously going to be 100% every time and it's unnecessary.

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Queries :: SELECT DISTINCT Not Removing Duplicate Records In Staging Table

Jan 29, 2015

I have a database with an import process which normalises incoming data and appends to various tables. No issues with that. I also have a function within that process which counts the number of new entries for a summary popup when the process has completed.This works by querying the staging table, prior to the append, into a recordset and using the .RecordCount to increment the count (multiple files can be imported at once so this effectively provides a running count, per file, to give a total for the whole import)

I thought it was working fine but this morning I noticed that the count which appeared on the popup was 1 greater than the number of actual new records. I checked the source files and noticed that, for whatever reason, there was a duplicate entry in there. So I presume that's why the count was out by 1.

There's no integrity issue in the main tables as the composite primary keys ensure that duplication shouldn't be a problem. Indeed, the record in question, duplicated in the source, appears only once in the main table post-import. So not too worried about that.

However, I need the count in the popup to be accurate (it tells the users how many new entries require further investugation). And what's puzzling me is that I use DISTINCT in the query, which I would have thought should eliminate any potential dupes in the recordset and thus provide the correct count. It seems it doesn't?

Public lngNewBalancesTBI As Long ' Defined in a separate module...
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String


Why the dupe, which is still present in the staging table, also makes it over to the recordset, even though I'm using DISTINCT?

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Removing "/" In A Table

Aug 5, 2007


I want to make Audio/Visual --> Audio Visual in a table.(remove "/")

Can anyone please give me a method to do this?



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Odbc Links

Mar 18, 2008

sorry if thi9s is the wrong place but I thought I would try somewhere.

I would like to create links to table trough an odbc link.

whta I have is an estimation programme that creates 4 tables in a directory/folder each time you create a new estimate I have an odbc link that points to the given folder where the tables are being created. What I would like to do is to search this folder and link specific tables to my database which is a contract control programme. the tabels are given unique name for each estimate example names are: 0001_assembly, 0001_data, 0001_increment, 0001_system

so to sum up is it possible to create a lnk to these tables on the fly. any one got any ideas and possible codes samples for doing this.


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Fuzzy Links Possible?

Aug 22, 2006

Hi all,

I've got two vast tables of data which I need to link, however the field unique to each was, at it's source, a typed field, and as such both have errors, typos, formatting problems, known deviations etc.

An example would be something like this:

Table1: SFOC0912JB3
Table2: F0CO9I2JB3

(These are harware serial numbers for what it's worth). I could do with creating a link between the two tables which would return a true based on a number of possibilities, such as:
Match if:
- String matches with prepended 'S', 'C' and/or
- String matches with substituted 'I' and '1' in any or all positions and/or
- String matches with substituted 'O' and '0' and/or

I think Levenshtein had the right answer from what I've been reading, but I haven't yet found an implementation for access (freely) available.

Any ideas?


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Button Links

Feb 21, 2005

i have constructed a switchboard/main menu and have set up buttons which link to forms. i have also made a 'return to main menu' button which does as it says, the only problem is that after going back to the main menu both forms are now open...any ideas on how to stop this problem

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Access/Excel Links

Dec 20, 2005


I would like to set up a form in Access that accepts the input of an Excel spreadsheet file (browse for file) and then creates a pivot table on one of the sheets, and appends that data to an Access database table..

can you give me some ideas on how i should approach the problem?

Many thanks :)

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Adding Links To Posts

Feb 28, 2008

Sorry, cant find this in help, and cant do it by trial and error

How do I add a link to a post/thread in a reply

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Using Links Access 2002

Aug 15, 2006

I have an existing database using access 2002 which has been split. In the part containing the data (back end I think its called) there are 3 existing tables which are clearly linked from the front end (forms queries etc.). If I now try to add another table in the back end it is not shown in the list when trying to create a link from the front end.

Anyone got the answer

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Photo Links In Tables

Mar 5, 2008

I have recently learned how to link photos to a database using a form and a table listing the path to each photo. Is there anyway to format the records in the table so that when you click on the path the photo shows up?

I have browsed around past threads and have not found and answer.


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Query Links Dropping

Nov 8, 2005

I working on a Project in which I have a table that is being updated from the values in another table. The problem that the table is deleted and rebuilt in code before the Query is executed. Access is so smart, it drops the links between the tables when the table is deleted even if the query isn't open.

To get around this, I recreate the SQL in Code for the Named Query involved just before I execute it. This works OK but probably creates bloat and is a little slower.

Is there a better way around this problem other than recreating the SQL for the Update Query each time?

Thanks for all meaningful suggestions. :cool:

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Queries Using Tables W/o Links

Feb 20, 2008

I have a query where I am trying to set the where criteria expression using an unlinked table. The unlinked table name is INV DATES. The criteria field is [THE_DATE]. I cannot really link the fields for the two tables since I am using an expression. This design works, but it goes really slow.

Any ideas?


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DSum, Specific Links Or Anything Else?

Feb 22, 2008

Dear all, imagine a table named "Database" with fields

Par1, Par2, ... ParN, Amount,

where most of the parameters in Par1,...ParN are in text format.
The structure of another table, "Criteria", is exactly like "Database" less "Amount" field.
Suppose we want to summarise "Amounts" from "Database" according to the sets of "Criteria", for each of its records. A set does not always include all of the fields, e.g. an empty field (or sort of wildcard) may mean that any value fits.
It seems like classical application of DSum function, but I've already spent a lot of time in desperate attempts to solve this problem and will highly appreciate your suggestions.

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Creating Links In Tables

Dec 2, 2004

Hi all.

As i'm still what can be called a "newbie" in MS Access, maybe one of you wizards
can help me out with this.

I'm having a product table in ms access, containing a few columns. The regular stuff (type, ID, ..).
It also contains a column i want to store the links to their documentation to, called "download'.

The fields of that table are loaded into a data access page.

Now the data access page is loaded into the frame of an HTML page. Everything works well, but when it
comes to the download-field, i get no link, but a piece of code instead.

Now these links are relative links (not absolute ones). What i'm searching for (for quiete some time now), is a way to make the links show as normal links.

Is there anyone who could give me a hint or who can help me out with this?

Thank you very much in advance,

Kind regards

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How To Change Links In An MDE File

Sep 23, 2005


We've got an old database consisting of just an MDE file and its point to the UNC path of a server we need to decommission. Is there anyway I can amend the Links to an external mdb so it points to either the new server or folder?


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Problem With Refresh Links

Dec 14, 2007


I have a splitted database. I have moved the location of these files to a new directory and when trying to run the refresh links, I get a warning for each table.
Is there a way I can avoid this?
I run the Linked Table manager utility but get always the window "select new location for table....". Considering that my program has a lot of tables, is there a way I can get around this problem? Thank you.

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