Removing A VBA Reference Before Front End Loads?

Aug 27, 2014

Is there a way to script in the removal of a Reference (this one is "Outlook") as some of the users I have use Runtime Access which doesn't contain that particular library.

I'd like it to load the first form without an error and being able to move the reference before it all loads would be nice.

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Embedding Loads Of Photos

Jan 26, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to embed all of the photos that I have into my photo table automatically. I have the table set up with all of the data that needs to be there but I have over 1500 photos that need to be embedded and wanted to save myself some time and automate the process somehow. I already know that embedding these photos is going to make my database huge but that isn't an issue for this particular project.

As far as I can tell from this forum, the help and the Northwind database this isn't possible without manually going through every photo but I am pretty new to Access so thought I would throw the question out there.


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New Record When Form Loads

Sep 25, 2006

How do i set a form to start on a new record when it loads? I have tried the data tab in properties but there isn’t anything there what do I do? Can I use some VBA code?

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MsgBox Appear After Form Loads?

Mar 16, 2005

hello all,
i have a form which I have set so that it opens a blank record once opened. After it has been opened I want a msgbox to appear. my code so far is:
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Select Case MsgBox("Please select the Registration Number from the drop down menu or type it in", vbOKOnly, "Select Registration Number")

End Select
End Sub

but the problem is that the msgbox appears before the form is opened.
any ideas how to fix this would be grately appreciated. thank you

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Wipe A Query's Subform When It Loads

Sep 20, 2005

I have a form with a query's subform when the form loads appears some junk records. I want to load the form with the subform blank.

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Child Form Loads Before Parent?

Jan 26, 2006


I've got a parent/sub-form set up, both of which derive their data from linked tables connecting to a central database. As a result I've had to add coding to the NewRecord events to fetch the next primary keys from the database.

Unfortunately I'm finding that one loading the new record, the child form seems to be loading before the parent, ie the child form_Current event occurs before the parent form_Current event. Is this how it should be? It seems intuitive that the parent should load first.

I'm sure I can develop some cunning logic to get around this problem but I'm sure there must be a better way. Has anyone any experience of this parent/child set-up with linked, central database tables?



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Open Web Page When Form Loads

Jun 8, 2006

I have a form that displays data based on a simple query. The query asks for a PO number (from the query) and then displays the data. I wish to open a web page after the PO number is put in. What is the vb code to do so and is it on the onLoad or onOpen portion of the form?

Also, the web address needs that PO number. So, the web address would be: where PONumber is what was entered into the text box that was prompted by the query. Any ideas on where to start on this one? Thanks!

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Forms :: Filters Are Not Remembered Between Loads

Apr 19, 2015

I have a search form which suddenly stopped remembering filters between loads. I managed to accidentally replicate the behaviour on a second database where I knew the filters worked - in this case the code was

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Filter = "(False)"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

Turns out that simply commenting out then uncommenting this section (while the form was open) was enough to break it. Filtering still works, but the form's filter property is forgotten when it unloads, and the only way to change it permanently is in Design View.

So I made a very simple test db with a filtered form, started faffing around with the code while it was open, and lo and behold the filters have stopped working. But I've compared the functional and non-functional versions and I can't for the life of me see what's been changed. I suspect I've run into some kind of bug (not that I should be fiddling with code while in form view anyway) but what can I do to revert it?

It turns out that I can force the filter to be saved by hitting Ctrl+S before I exit the form. Still no clue as to why v1 mysteriously works and v2 mysteriously doesn't. In the meantime, can I replicate Ctrl+S in VBA? I tried DoCmd.Save acForm "FormName", but no luck there.

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Controlling Scroll Position When A Form Loads

Oct 20, 2004

I have been trying to make forms open scrolled to the top and have had very little success.

I found a function on the following site that works great as demonstrated and when I attach the following code to a text box the form scrolls to the top.

Private Sub Text98_Click()
Dim lngret As Long
lngret = fSetScrollBarPos(Me, 1)
End Sub

What I am trying to do is have the form scroll when it opens but by attaching the above code to the form's on_open event there is no effect.

What am I doing wrong.

Any ideas

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Combobox To Show Only Last ID In List When Form Loads

Mar 4, 2015

How I can get a combo box to show only the last id in its list when the form loads.

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Event On Parent Form After The Subform Loads?

Jan 7, 2013

I have parent form and child subform. one field in the parentform is calculated on sum of records on the childsubform when the parent form loads initially the value in the calculatedfield is 0 then it shows the correct value when the childsubform value is populated i have another-field i want to change the property of the onotherfield.backcolor= RGB(0,0,255) when calculatedfield.value<0 but its taking the initial value(0) not the calculated onewhich event shall i invoke on the form so that it waits the subform to complete then fires ... i tried current, load, activate events .. with no success.

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Un-enable Buttons On Subform When Main Form Loads

Jun 19, 2006

I did a search in the form forum and couldn't find anything close that had a response.

I have a parent form and a sub form.

I have the parent set up to make the enable property false for the command buttons that aren't appropriate when you first open the form: Like Save and Undo.

I want to do the same for the child form, which has different data linked to the parent form.

The parent form always grays out the inappropriate boxes.

The subform will gray them out only if I open it as a stand-alone form. When I put the code in the Open, or Load or Gotfocus events I get an error message that it cannot locate the subform.

Any ideas where to go?


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Modules & VBA :: Switch From Form To Report As Soon As Database Loads?

Mar 21, 2014

I have VBA code that switches a form to a report that works with buttons but refuses to work when first loading up the database.

Ideally I want the database to open , with a control form set as the default load form, and then this immediately loads a report, which it does, but it doesn't ever switch to it?

I use as standard: DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_here", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal

And now I've tried:

Application.DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, "rpt_Embroidery_Screen"

Which will both run and work fine using buttons but not on initial database/form load.

Using Access 2010.

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Forms :: Command Button Outline When Form Loads

Dec 5, 2013

I have a couple of command buttons on a form. They have embedded bitmaps as pictures with a caption below. For some reason when the forms loads (and also in design view), there is a narrow white outline / border around them. As if the button is drawn on a slightly larger white square?This border disappears as soon as I hover over the button (in form view) or click on the button (in design view).

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Forms :: Empty Combobox Values When Access Form Loads Vba

Feb 25, 2014

I want to empty the combobox every time when form loads. Using the below code


Private Sub Form_Load()
combo1.RowSource = ""
End Sub

But Combobax is not emptying.

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Modules & VBA :: Show The First Primary Key Field In The Combobox When The Form Loads?

Aug 30, 2013

I'm using a combobox to select a record based off my primary key field, and then a separate button to print that particular record.

When the form loads, it has the first record selected but the combobox is empty so that if I press my button it will still print the first record.

when I press the combobox my list of entrys in the primary key field shows up and the combobox is no longer blank.

How do I show the first primary key field in the combobox when the form loads?

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Forms :: Splash Screen While Other Form Loads In Background On Startup

Jan 4, 2014

I have on very large form in my db that takes several seconds to load. I want to optimize things, so I am trying to have it load hidden in the background when the db first starts up, this way it can be immediately called on when it is needed later. Please read further :

I want to have a splash screen that loads as well. I have set the splash screen to the default form when the database opens. However, I am not quite sure how to get the other form to load in the background as hidden, AFTER the splash screen opens and appears. I tried calling it with the oncurrent event of the splash screen, but then splash screen wont appear until after the other (hidden) form has finished loading. I have tried different orders of events, but am having no luck getting the desired results.

Summary: I want the splash screen to show first, then the big form to open (hidden) in the background. The user can click on a continue button on the splash screen and then the main switchboard will open.

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Forms :: Make Column Invisible In Subform When Main Form Loads?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a column invisible in my subform when the main form loads?

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Removing MDW Protection?

Jun 28, 2005

I'm not good with access at all, i'm basically after removing all workgroup protection from a database file. I have full access to the file, admin passwords etc, i'm just having serious difficulty trying to find a tutorial or any information regarding how it can be removed!

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Removing 3 Numbers

Aug 18, 2005

I am looking to create a make table query to eliminate some portions of numbers from a field.

i have 23899999999

I need to parse 899999999 into a new field.
Is there a formular for that. Do I use a LEN formula.

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Removing A Field

Jan 25, 2006

I use the template service call management . In the work order section there is a field called Entered By . I would like to remove it as I do not need it and if you do not enter it the work order will not complete . Is there a way to remove it or make it so you do not have to enter anything there >> I have tryed to remove it but somehow it is connected to some thing else and I get error

THXS for Help


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Help Removing Characters

Feb 21, 2007


I am totally new at this database stuff. I have been searching the archives for a couple hours and confused on how to accomplish what I need to do. I saw references to using a module but I have not used that feature yet.

I am using Access 2003. I need to remove/delete " - " space dash space, "-" and "&" from a string in one field (DGName). I'm trying to do this with a make table query

P1000 - SMLS
P1000-CA (not a type error)
UD000 - C&B

and I want it to come out like this



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Removing A @ From The End Of A Field

Mar 15, 2007

Hi there I am extracting user names from e-mails in an access database.

I built the following command to do it

Left([E-Mails by Source - Test]![E-Mail],InStrRev([E-Mails by Source - Test]![E-Mail],"@"))

where [E-Mail] is the e-mail address.

It works great. But I still get the @ and the end of the name.

Any idea how I can get rid of it (other than using find and replace)?

Thanks for your help.

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Removing The First Character Using VBA

Sep 20, 2006

I posted an earlier question about an Access query export to Excel putting leading apostophe (') before all data.
To remove them I thought I would use Find/Replace but the Apostophe is not recognised!

Is there a way (programmatically) to remove the first character of each data entry in each cell in a column?

thanks in advance


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Removing Prompts

Nov 1, 2006

Can anyone please help me, I currently have a series of queries that are called by a macro, these create a number of tables. But when each query runs it provide a prompt stating what it is doing, my question is can these be stopped so that the queries run without a user being present.


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Removing Duplicate

Nov 20, 2007

I have a table that has mutliple records for the same person. I know how to create a query to remove duplicates but i don't know how to create a table to remove duplicates but keep the most recent record. Is this possible?

client status date
123 A 1/1/07
123 C 2/5/06
123 A 9/3/07


client status date
123 A 9/3/07

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