Removing A Record

Jan 10, 2005

When I ve gone in and deleted a record from my table (new table just testing it) ie. enter number 1 deleted it and than gone in and entered (on the form) another enter the (auto number) goes to 2.
I want to know how to i get it to go back to the previous number.


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Removing Duplicates But Keeping Lastest Record

Dec 23, 2014

i have queries and tables with several duplicated "username" records. What should i do to remove the record with a smaller value of "win/loss" and keep the duplicated "username" with a bigger value of "win/loss".

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Removing MDW Protection?

Jun 28, 2005

I'm not good with access at all, i'm basically after removing all workgroup protection from a database file. I have full access to the file, admin passwords etc, i'm just having serious difficulty trying to find a tutorial or any information regarding how it can be removed!

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Removing 3 Numbers

Aug 18, 2005

I am looking to create a make table query to eliminate some portions of numbers from a field.

i have 23899999999

I need to parse 899999999 into a new field.
Is there a formular for that. Do I use a LEN formula.

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Removing A Field

Jan 25, 2006

I use the template service call management . In the work order section there is a field called Entered By . I would like to remove it as I do not need it and if you do not enter it the work order will not complete . Is there a way to remove it or make it so you do not have to enter anything there >> I have tryed to remove it but somehow it is connected to some thing else and I get error

THXS for Help


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Help Removing Characters

Feb 21, 2007


I am totally new at this database stuff. I have been searching the archives for a couple hours and confused on how to accomplish what I need to do. I saw references to using a module but I have not used that feature yet.

I am using Access 2003. I need to remove/delete " - " space dash space, "-" and "&" from a string in one field (DGName). I'm trying to do this with a make table query

P1000 - SMLS
P1000-CA (not a type error)
UD000 - C&B

and I want it to come out like this



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Removing A @ From The End Of A Field

Mar 15, 2007

Hi there I am extracting user names from e-mails in an access database.

I built the following command to do it

Left([E-Mails by Source - Test]![E-Mail],InStrRev([E-Mails by Source - Test]![E-Mail],"@"))

where [E-Mail] is the e-mail address.

It works great. But I still get the @ and the end of the name.

Any idea how I can get rid of it (other than using find and replace)?

Thanks for your help.

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Removing The First Character Using VBA

Sep 20, 2006

I posted an earlier question about an Access query export to Excel putting leading apostophe (') before all data.
To remove them I thought I would use Find/Replace but the Apostophe is not recognised!

Is there a way (programmatically) to remove the first character of each data entry in each cell in a column?

thanks in advance


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Removing Prompts

Nov 1, 2006

Can anyone please help me, I currently have a series of queries that are called by a macro, these create a number of tables. But when each query runs it provide a prompt stating what it is doing, my question is can these be stopped so that the queries run without a user being present.


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Removing Duplicate

Nov 20, 2007

I have a table that has mutliple records for the same person. I know how to create a query to remove duplicates but i don't know how to create a table to remove duplicates but keep the most recent record. Is this possible?

client status date
123 A 1/1/07
123 C 2/5/06
123 A 9/3/07


client status date
123 A 9/3/07

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Removing Dulicates

Apr 23, 2008

I have two tables: “tmptable” and “CC_CODES”

Both tables contain the same data; however the “tmptable” contains updated data. How can I compare both tables and remove all the duplicate in the tmptable, leaving only the updated data.

I will be comparing the fields “IsMandatory” from both tables

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Removing Separators

May 12, 2006

I have a field that contains serial numbers. The serial numbers are entered in difference formats. Some will have dashes, spacing and periods separating the numbers (example: 06-65432 or 06 65432 or 06.65432). I am trying to create a search field for this and the different formats makes it difficult. Is there a way to remove all separators so that all parts of the serial number are together?

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Archive, Removing Records

Jul 5, 2005


i have a form with various fields, on this form i have an archive button that places certain fields in an archive form. however this does not remove the information from the main form. pls see attached

any ideas, as some will know i'm a newbie

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Removing Duplicates From A Query

Aug 14, 2006

I am running a query to return records from a table. I want to eliminate records from the query if the values contained in one field are duplicated. I have tried using the DISTINCT keyword but it only works if the entire record is unique or if I was retieving just one field

Any suggestions appreciated

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Removing Previous Data

Nov 5, 2006

can someone help:

in a form I've created showing products bought, when I add a new new order it still keeps the previous order's data, how can I prevent that from happening?


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Removing Table Links

Mar 2, 2007

This may seem like a silly question, but I can’t find the answer to it on this forum. People only say 'Remove the table links' but never how. I can’t seem to be able to remove the table links completely, so I only have one database file (no backend or frontend). I can’t seem to do it though the Table link manager or any other way. Any help?

Thanks in advance

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Removing Scroll Bar From Subform

May 21, 2007

Can this be done I dont really need the scroll bar in one of my subforms, can I remove it and prevent users from using it?

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Removing Placeholders In Query

Oct 3, 2005

I have a date field that shows the date like 12-Sep-05 (medium date). I have a report in which the date has to display without the placeholders (e.g., 12Sep05).

I believe what I need to do is create a field in the query to remove the placeholders but I don't know how to write the code. Will anyone be willing to show me? Any help would be appreciated.

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Removing The First Four Characters From A Field.

Nov 29, 2005


I want to remove the first four characters from a field in a query.

The data are not always the same length, but it will always be the first four.


vmc_ml120e21/p -> ml120e21/p

Is that possible and how??

Thanks in advance.

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Removing Part Of A String

Nov 29, 2005

I have a bunch of server names that have names like aaa.bbb, xxx.yyy. All i need from these server names is the name before the first "." so in the first example all I would need is aaa. I've been using this formula in excel MID(A1,1,FIND(".",A1) - 1). This works great.. Is there any way to do this in access?

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Removing Quotation Marks ....

Dec 6, 2005


This is probably real easy to do, but ........ I have a field in Access that looks like this:

"12:12:01 PM 12/5/2005, 5:00:01 AM 12/6/2005, 7:00:25 AM 12/6/2005"

From this string, all I want is the last Date entry (mm/dd/yyyy). Thus in this result, it would be 12/6/2005. I know how to use the Right(), Left() and Mid() functions, but I do not want quotation marks included in my result.

Any help would be great ......

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Removing Outdated Records.

Sep 27, 2006

I have:

Database A with fax numbers:
- 1. John. W
- 2. Mark. Y
- 3. Sean .S

I exported to a dbf file to do some mass faxing and realised that Mark's fax number is no long in use. (error report by the fax software)

I can export the error report and save as dbf.

Is there a way to make use of this dbf to update and remove Mark's record from Database A?

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Removing Redundant Rows?

Jun 13, 2007

Hi All

Can anyone help me with this problem?

I have an 11 million row table that lists relationships between pairs of people. There are several columns, but the relevant ones for my problem are

personA, personB, a-b_strength, b-a_strength.

because of the size of the table i'm having all sorts of problems, and i could actually cut out half of the rows, because for every row listing eg

dave, steve, 4, 5

there's another row listing the same information, but flipped round, ie

steve, dave, 5, 4

I'm sure there must be an efficient way to delete, using a query or otherwise, one of each of these pairs (it doesn't matter which). I have another column (id) that simply has a unique number for every row, ie 1,2,3->11 million, so i was thinking of something like

from table t1
where exists
(select *
from table t2
where t1.personA = t2.personB
and t1.personB = t2.personA
and <

So, this should delete every row that has a mirror version earlier in the list.(i think)

What i'm worried about though, is performance: is this going to make a new temporary table for the nested select for each new row in the outer statement? I already created a table that listed the count of friends for each unique person with a make table query, and that took 12 hours to complete. I don't mind another 12 hour query, but not a 144 hour query!

Any advice welcome - thanks! (Sorry for the longwinded post)

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Removing Text Labels

Jul 30, 2007

I have large sets of data that has labels on them. For example "25.56 lbs". I just want the raw numbers. Can someone help with what to type in the update to field of an update query to just keep the numbers? Thanks

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ListBox Removing Filter

Mar 29, 2008

I'm stuck

I have List box called 'lstNote' base on a query 'qryNotes' with filter tied to textbox 'filter' on my main form 'frmNotes'. The filter specifies criteria for field called 'ntype' on 'qryNotes'.

I have buttons that change the filter field to specific criteria. The listbox works fine this way for filtered records.

I want to also be able to not have any filter for the 'lstNote' so that all records for 'qryNotes' are listed without criteria.

I tried, but was not successful, to set the filter criteria to a wildcard or no filter with

IIf(IsNull(Forms!frmNotes!filter),(qryNotes.nType = Like *),Forms!frmNotes!filter)

But this produces no records at all.

Any suggestions? Do I need to go down another road?

Basically I want to listbox to either show any of the filters and also all records.

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Removing Navigation Bar From Forms

Jun 21, 2005

I have a form imbedded in another and would like to remove the navigation bar from the form being imbedded so 2 do not show in the final product.

Is there a way to do this and if so, how would I do it.


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