Removing Text Labels

Jul 30, 2007

I have large sets of data that has labels on them. For example "25.56 lbs". I just want the raw numbers. Can someone help with what to type in the update to field of an update query to just keep the numbers? Thanks

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Reports :: Removing Small Value Data Labels In Stacked Bar Chart

Jan 23, 2014

I would like to remove small value datalabels in a stacked column barchat.

If you look at the image attached, the small value datalabels tend to clutter the image.

My graph is a MSGraph.Chart.8 inside a Report.

I am working with Access 2010.

Looks like the only possibility to remove the small values is to do that programmaticaly in VBA.

I would like a method that I could call with two parameters : graphname and a threshold value as of which small value datalabels are not displayed.

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Removing A Value From A Text Field

Dec 7, 2006

I have a form with a unbound text field which when a user inserts text and then removes the focus from that field, the text gets inserted into a memo field. By using:

Me.[NOTES] = Now() & " " & Environ("UserName") & " - " & Text27365 & vbCrLf & Me.[NOTES]

However, I have noticed an issue with this, in respect that when the user enter text then moves to the next record, the previous entered text is still there, This could then cause this old text to get inserted into the wrong record. How can I set this field to blank once it I have moved to the next record or closed the form?

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Seperate Text Boxes From Labels

Jun 8, 2006

I am learning access on my own using MS Press step by step manual and it tells me to hold down the shift key while selecting the text boxes that are next to the labels, but when I do the labels get selected also . how do I disconnect the labels from the text boxes in order to insert space between the labels and the text boxes as it intructs me to in the book. I am able to select the labels separately, but it will not allow the text to be selected separately.

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Forms :: Labels And Text Fields

May 28, 2015

I have a problem with the connection between the labels and fields in designing my form.Is there a command do eliminate the association between the two? If not I was thinking if there is a problem to delete the labels and make new ones but by doing this Access (2010) says the label is unassociated.

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Removing Unwanted Spaces In A Text Box

Feb 2, 2006

I have two questionaire forms in a database. There are no tables or queries involved.
The answers to each questionaire are compiled into text boxes, one on each Form. On the main form I have another text box that puts all the answers together so that this can be transferred to another program. An example of what is in each text box is as follows:

Text1: IIf([Check325]=True,[Combo77] & " " & [Combo59] & " " & [Text65] & " " & [Text69],"") & " " & IIf([Check329]=True,[Combo78] & " " & [Combo61] & " " & [Text66] & " " & [Text70],"")

Text2: IIf([Check326]=True,[Combo102] & "" & [Combo188] & " " & [Combo91] & " " & [Text94] & " " & [Text97],"") & " " & IIf([Check330]=True,[Combo103] & " " & [Combo92] & " " & [Text95] & " " & [Text98],"")

These are just small extractions. My problem is, if an answer is not necessary in the first lot of text, but an answer has been supplied in the second lot, how do I remove the spacing that has resulted from my Formula in Text1. -

e.g: Normal answers would show perhaps
Yes Twice 16 25 Red Peter Ford Football 1965 - Whereby the first 4 answers are from Text1 and the remaining answers from Text2.
If some answers are not necessary from Text1 I would get the following result:
SPACE SPACE SPACE Twice Red Peter Ford Football 1965

Any assistance would be gratefully accepted.

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Removing Selected Text From A String

May 23, 2006

Dear All,

Thank you for taking the time to look at this Question.

I am using a form in which i only need the last sections.

G/001 - Ceiling - Tiles - Perforated. this is what i get at the second, but i would like to drop the "G/001 - " and just have "Ceiling - Tiles - Perforated.", has anybody got any ideas on how to do this please.

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Removing Excess Text--Problem With VB

Jan 27, 2005

Hi, I got this code from a member here (thank you, dbickin!), and I've altered it several times to fit my needs. This time, though, it's not working. My goal is to delete all of the text to the left of "C-W." My previous goals were to delete text to the left of /, -, and (. Maybe it's not working now because C-W is three characters rather than one.

Here's the code... 3 samples of what WORKS, and the last one doesn't.

Function RemoveNote(TextIn As String) As String
Dim TextOut As String ' buffer for result
Dim i As Integer ' index into string
Dim InNote As Integer ' flag showing if we are inside a note

InNote = 0
For i = 1 To Len(TextIn)
If Mid$(TextIn, i, 1) = "/" Then
InNote = Abs(InNote - 1) ' toggle flag
If InNote = 0 Then ' not in note, so copy character
TextOut = TextOut & Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)
End If
End If
RemoveNote = TextOut
End Function

Function RemoveNote2(TextIn As String) As String
Dim TextOut As String ' buffer for result
Dim i As Integer ' index into string
Dim InNote As Integer ' flag showing if we are inside a note

InNote = 0
For i = 1 To Len(TextIn)
If Mid$(TextIn, i, 1) = "-" Then
InNote = Abs(InNote - 1) ' toggle flag
If InNote = 0 Then ' not in note, so copy character
TextOut = TextOut & Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)
End If
End If
RemoveNote2 = TextOut
End Function

Function RemoveNote3(TextIn As String) As String
Dim TextOut As String ' buffer for result
Dim i As Integer ' index into string
Dim InNote As Integer ' flag showing if we are inside a note

InNote = 0
For i = 1 To Len(TextIn)
If Mid$(TextIn, i, 1) = "(" Then
InNote = Abs(InNote - 1) ' toggle flag
If InNote = 0 Then ' not in note, so copy character
TextOut = TextOut & Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)
End If
End If
RemoveNote3 = TextOut
End Function

Function RemoveNote4(TextIn As String) As String
Dim TextOut As String ' buffer for result
Dim i As Integer ' index into string
Dim InNote As Integer ' flag showing if we are inside a note

InNote = 0
For i = 1 To Len(TextIn)
If Mid$(TextIn, i, 1) = "C-W" Then
InNote = Abs(InNote - 1) ' toggle flag
If InNote = 0 Then ' not in note, so copy character
TextOut = TextOut & Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)
End If
End If
RemoveNote4 = TextOut
End Function



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Embedded Table Showing ID's Rather Than Text Labels

Jun 2, 2006

I apologise in advance for my newbish question - I'm very green at Access. I'm trying to build a contact database for our company that lists Jobs done by customer.

I'll confess I "borrowed" the sample database provided with Access to help me out - which has worked well up until this issue.

The problem I am having is when I am working on our "Client Service History" form. (Basically the Workorders by Customer from the template - I can take a screen grab or something if it helps).

This form includes a sub-table which lists the WorkOrder ID by customer, the Date Entered, the Job Type, the Engineer and whether it was chargeable. The latter three options are choices controlled by combo boxes from the Workorders Form/Table. Where the status for "Chargeable" always comes up correctly, the Job Type and Engineer always show a number - which I presume is the ID of the label of each type - I.e. "5" refers to "Warranty Repair".

There are separate Data Tables for Engineers (EmployeeID) and Job Types (JobTypes). How do I get it to display each item correctly; as a summary of jobs done for each customer?

Any help would be particularly appreciated!!! :D

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Getting Results From 7 Query's And Populate Text Labels

May 18, 2005

Ok, i have tried and searched but could not find a good start to a solution for my problem.
I have a calendar form, which shows the dates and under it text labels.
Now whenever something is present in my table (tblKalender) on those dates, i want it to show in the text labels under the correct date.
Now, i have the results through a query, but i dont want to link the query to the form. Only thing that i have trouble with now is getting the information i need to show to those labels. I have written some code (early stages) which i want to show me the results for testing, later on i can fill the fields. I keep getting an error saying not enough parameters, expected is 1.

Can anybody take a look at the code or help me with this?
My query for day one is called qerKal1 and the fields i need to get back are the hour and the task. The query gets it's criteria from the label above that day (lbDag1), which shows the date.

I have this code in a module and when the form is opened it runs the fucntion.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Const strSQLWhere1 As String = "" & _
"SELECT qerKal1.Uur, qerkal1.Taak, qerKal1.Datum " & _
"FROM qerKal1 " & _
"WHERE (((qerKal1.Datum) = [Forms]![frmKalender]![lbDag1].[Caption]));"

Public Function fFillDay1()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strText2 As String

strSQL = strSQLWhere1
Set db = CurrentDb

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)
Do Until rs.EOF
If strText = "" Then
strText = rs!Uur
strText2 = rs!Taak
strText = strText & ", " & rs!Uur
strText2 = strText & "," & rs!Taak
End If

MsgBox strText & strText2
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

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Changing Text Colour Of Labels On Activate

Nov 23, 2005

Hi, im working on my school project for A2.

When the user clicks on say; the customer ID dropdown menu, i want the label text on the right of it to get darker (make it more visible). How can i do this?

(i have attached a picture of my form)

thanks, Robin

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Forms :: Align Text In Labels Vertically

Jun 1, 2015

Is there a way to align text in Labels vertically (top, center, bottom) ?

I see the horizontal text align property (right, left, etc) but do I miss the vertical or there is non?

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Forms :: Changing Color Of Text On Labels

Aug 14, 2015

I have three labels that I can't change the text color. I must have them locked or something. What should I check?

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Forms :: How To Make Text Fields Or Labels Curved

Apr 16, 2015

Is there a way to make text fields or text labels curved?

Is this even possible?

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Weird - Font On Text Labels Gets Bolder As I Move Through Records

Oct 19, 2005

Hi all,
title says it all!

I've got a form with numerous controls and labels. When i first open the form, all looks fine - all labels are Black Arial 8 Bold. But when i start scrolling through the records, the text on three of my text labels gets bolder. I haven't a clue what is causing this - the labels are just standard - two are associated with controls and one is all on its own.

I have no code written to do this, and in fact i'm not sure you could write code to do this. I've tried renaming the labels, changing the font, deleting and recreating them, but it's always the same three that get darker.



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Reports :: Text Within Report Labels Different Size In Preview / Print?

Jan 12, 2015

I have always noticed that when creating a report, when you make a paragraph using a label, the alignment and size of the text/paragraph is always different when you preview the report than when you design it.

This makes alignment of paragraphs tricky, especially when you are trying to insert a bold faced word into the middle of a block of text by using a separate label.

I am using Access 2000

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Changing Font Size Of Labels Depending On Text Length

Jul 28, 2014

I have a report that prints labels (similar to avery labels) which pulls data from a query. These labels are all unique and vary in length. Due to the length variance, I want the font size to get smaller for labels with more characters. I want the text to go down to another line when necessary.

In my report under the OnPage Event Procedure I wrote this:

Private Sub Report_Page()
If Len(Text2) > 20 Then Text2.FontSize = 8
If Len(Text2) > 10 And Len(Text2) < 21 Then Text2.FontSize = 10
If Len(Text2) < 11 Then Text2.FontSize = 14
End Sub

This works to some degree but the problem is that once there is a longer label, all of the proceeding labels are resized & the longer label that should have been resized was not.

Is there another place I should be writing this code? I looked under events for the textbox but there doesn't seem to be anything that would work since none of them would trigger when printing labels

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Queries :: Removing Text From String Using Replace Function And Wildcards

Apr 25, 2014

I have a list of consumables;

Syringe 50ml
Syringe 20ml
Syringe 5ml
Syringe Cap
White Needle

I want to remove only the number and the ml part from the list, so I would end up with;

Syringe Cap
White Needle

If I use

PHP Code:


I get the desired result for the 50ml syringe size.

I have tried every possible combination of "**ml", "##ml", "Like [0-9]ml all with no success.

How this can be resolved without having to individual enter each syringe size "5ml", "20ml" etc

I can't even just take the text from the right till the first space as this would lead to problems with other consumables in the list.

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Oct 11, 2004

I have a field in my database that list the number of personnel folders a person has, I would like to print labels for each folder for that person. For example, if a person has 4 folders I would like to print 4 of the same label at once by clicking the command button I have set up to print the label. The default is set to 1 label but I need the number of labels to change according to the number of folders listed. Can this be done and if so how?I will be using Avery 4031-20 labels

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Dimming Labels

May 24, 2005

how can i dim label that i wtn it to be disable...but visible.
i know i can do it with command button but i dont know how can i do it with label.

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IIF - Help In Query & Labels

Aug 11, 2005


Have an address list with over 600 names, and I need to create mailing labels.

Have First Name, Last Name fields, with city, state zip. BUT...

There is also a field called SPOUSE. This field is NOT always populated.

I need a query that I'll use to create the mailing labels that will;


If the SPOUSE field is blank, I need the query to filter that out, so that the address lable will only show First Name and Last Name, without a blank space in between.

Also need the query to put the '&' sign in IF there is a spouse.

Example 1: John & Jane Doe
Example 2: John Doe

Any assistance will be appreciated!

Bob in Indy

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Autonumbers In Labels

Feb 4, 2005

Uh, hi. I'm new to using access, and I'm wondering if its possible to display an autonumber at the top of a form in a label box. For example, if I had a field set to autonumber and was ading a new record to the database, could I display the autonumber field on the actual form?

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Using LABELS As BUTTONS!!! Help!

Oct 11, 2006

Does anyone know of an example (code or DB) where someone used labels as buttons? The labels should have special effects when mouse overed, clicked, etc. Also, it should have code that resets button state and checks button state. Any help would be great!!!

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Change Labels

Jan 9, 2005

how do I create on on click event to change a label in form view so that a user can customise a form??

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Mailing Labels

Feb 15, 2007

Is it possible to change the format of the mailing labels once the report has been created? I have one that has 24 labels on it, but I need for it to have 30.
Also I can't remember how I created it in the first place. What steps do I need to go through to make a new report?

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Too Many Blanks In Labels?

Dec 13, 2012

creating mailing labels starting with an Excel Workbook imported into Access. When I get to the point of previewing the labels, there seem to be maybe 10 blank labels. I don't have a clue how this could happen but I obviously don't want to waste the ten or so labels (out of about 90 total). setting the print area and removing empty Worksheets, but nothing works.

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