Rename Old Files With New Filenames In A Table

Jan 12, 2005

This is complex, but here goes.

I am copying many many music cds to my hard drive. However, the song file names on the cds are track01.mp3, track02.mp3, etc. I have all the real songnames for each cd listed in the database. I need a way to rename the songs with their real names one cd at a time. My thought was to populate one table with the directory and filenames (track--) of the songs and populate another table with real songnames from the database. Then, somehow, rename the files. I'm lost. I hope someone can help!

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How To Rename Files

Oct 22, 2004

I want to write a code to rename some files. the files names are xxxxxxx01.txt and i want to rename all the files in this directory to 01.txt,02.txt,03.txt can this be done by using VB in access?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Csv Files And Rename Them After Import Into (imported) And (failed)

Jul 17, 2015

I have the following piece of code for importing the .csv files from a selected folder and then renaming them into 'imported & filename' if succesful and 'failed & filename' if import failes for whatever reason (bad formating, etc.).

The problem is that the first time it encounters a 'bad' file after another, instead of going again to the Error handler, the command

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "Activitate", filename, True

gives me the default MS Access error, namely 2391. I would like it to go the the Error_handler again ang follow the course of actions and rename the files into 'failed' and 'imported'.

Here's the code:

Sub ImportActivitate()
Dim strFile As String 'Filename's
Dim strFileList() As String ' File Array
Dim intFile As Integer 'Number of files
Dim filename As String, sFullName As String, sFilename As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


Also, how can I make the routine stop cycling through the files after I renamed them all?

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Files And Then Compare With Files In Database Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have to write a code for my database,i have folder with files "pending Review" and a table with column "tblExcelLocation". when i run my database all the files from pending review folder goes to "tblExcelLocation" on a click of button.But,if the files already exists it should not insert those files and insert the rest.For this i tried to write a code but i think i m unable to do that .

Loop through files in folder
folderspec = "O:QA FilesQC ReportingPending Review"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.files


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Rename Table Name

Jan 10, 2006

In MS Access , form,

how can write the VB for rename the table name?

If I created the table named "app"

then I made a button for rename the table to "aaa"

How can I write?

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Mass Table Rename

Dec 14, 2005

I've been asked to come up with a way (one-off) of renaming over 100 hundred tables. The table are all called "STUD_ADMIN_blah". We need to remove the "STUD_ADMIN_" part of the table name.

Is there a nice easy way of doing this without having to physically rename each table individually?

Thanks in advance.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Rename Table

Jul 16, 2013

I'm having about 100 table with the following name: phres01, phres02, phres03 .....phres100

And I need to rename them to ph01, ph02, ph03 ... ph100 respectively

thus removing the "res" part of each table. Since the ctrl+h doesn't work for access LOL im in hella trouble.

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Rename A Field In A Table

May 23, 2012

I made the novice mistake of originally naming a field street #, so I changed it. I went to every place I thought it might affect and still it will not let me access my forms. Is there anyway to find all of the locations it might be and remove it? I am using Access 2010

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Alter Table Rename Column

Jul 25, 2005

Hopefully someone can help....

I'm trying to change the name of a column in a table using SQL. I've tried different combinations but always get

"Syntax error in Alter Table statement"

SQL I've tried

alter table tblImport
rename column F1 to [Date];*

alter tblImport
rename column F1 to [Date];

alter table tblImport
rename F1 to [Date];

I've checked this out via some SQL sites & think the first version (*) is correct....can someone throw light on this? I'm using Access2000

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Tables :: Rename A Table Field Name

Apr 18, 2014

I was working on my DB, cleaning up some of the field name that were cumbersome and everything worked fine. Today I was doing some follow up work and I cannot change the field names. All I want to do it change the name of a field from CITY to City, but it won't let me do it. I have tried, change from single click to double click, but I was already using double click to open an object; unchecked Auto-Correct, still nothing.

Yesterday I was able to modify a name from Actions to Action (simply deleting one letter. And State/Province to StateProvince. Worked fine. What bothers me is that I have been able to change a field name before and now I can't. I have tried compact and restore, etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Rename Table To First Column Heading

Feb 25, 2015

I am importing different excel sheets into Access dB using a file dialog. The importing works fine however, I would like to rename the tables once they are imported to the name of the first column heading. Where exactly would I ad the name change at in this code?

#' Open the EXCEL file and read the worksheet names into a collection
Set colWorksheets = New Collection
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(StrFileName, , blnReadOnly, , _
For lngCount = 1 To objWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
colWorksheets.Add objWorkbook.Worksheets(lngCount).Name

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Rename Command Buttons From A Table?

May 4, 2015

I made a Point of sale using a form with different sub-forms which have command buttons on it. They basically run a append query from tblStockMain to table cash and on to transactions. That works all fine no problem.

The one missing thing to make it sweet is to rename the command buttons automatically from tblStockMain. With other words, if I change a product in the table it would change the name on the button and the picture if possible with it.

Is there a way to do it?

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Attachments To Display Their Filenames

Jan 5, 2013

How to view the file names of attached files in Access 2010 using a Web Database, specifically the Contacts Web Database that is a template in Access.

Currently it only shows one PDF icon for all my PDF files. I would like to be able to view the file names of all the PDFs in the attachment field. While I'm certain this can't be done within the same field as the attachment box (though would be nice), I would think it would be possible to populate another field with this information.

I have experimented with different things with no luck using a new standard database for testing purposes. The closest I've come was using the SubForm/SubReport; it actually gave me the values for the attachment... see in the picture below.

But even then, it did not work and gave a error: Invalid Control Property: Control Source

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Modules & VBA :: Rename Table - Append Current Date On The End

Jul 2, 2014

I am using access 2010. I need to rename a table when I import the a new table. But I can't get the docmd rename code to work. I also want to append the current date on the end i.e.

docmd.rename, "tblOldTable(Currentdate)", actable, "tblOldTable"

doesn't work.

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Tables :: How To Rename Access Table In Visual Basic

Jul 20, 2013

i need to auto rename a table and for each new time to create date in table name and after that to use query into i am asking if that is possible.

my 1 table name is kalktbl and second table name is kalkulacija.

query is select * into kalkulacija from kalktbl and i am renaming kalkulacija.

i am using visual basic.

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Importing Filenames Based Upon Extension

Apr 10, 2008

How would one go about scanning a hard drive for all mp3 files (i.e. *.mp3) and importing all of the titles into a database? I'm sure the dir function comes into play, but it seems to only handle "current" directory and not sub directories.

I was just curious is all..... haven't really dabbled that much in the file/directory functions.

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Cannot Export, Import, Copy/paste, Rename Table With Data!

Feb 22, 2006

Hello everyone.

I've been in a new position for a new company for less than three weeks, and I need some help.

The Access database that we use has been in operation since 2002, and it has never been Compacted/Repaired (I asked my coworkers and supposed IT people, and they said "what's that?").

After adding *one* new field, I've reached the horrific "error 3190" (max 255 fields).

I've tried all of the following, allowing at least 12 hours for them to run, but I cannot:
export the data to Excel
import the data into a new database
copy/paste the records (because there are 12100+ and the max is 9500, I think; and because of the way the dd/mm/yy converted itself to dd/mm/yyyy)
or rename the table with the data.

Please, someone help me.

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Rename Access File With Excel Pivot Table Link

Jan 8, 2007

I would like to rename my access file. My problem: I have many pivot in excel link to this database so if i rename it all the links will be down...How can i resolve this?:confused: (of course rebuild all pivots could be a solution but I have around 50 pivots behind my database)
Thanks for your help!

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Dots In Filenames Throws Error When Trying To Link Tables

Apr 12, 2008

I've been using MS access to lift some text files for a number of years

I have now got an issue where by the new machinary is very clever and has alittle server to collect the data. Machine1_127.0.0.1, Machine2_127.0.0.1

Previously I picked them up via ftp and downloaded the data into a text file called Machine1.txt

Now I can run a server where by the Machine1_.txt is created locally on the processing machine

however the software included ( which I can't change) just creates text files like so Machine1_127.0.0.1 and now the link doesn't work when I create the link access throw this:

"Microsoft Jet Database engine could not find the object c:Path to fileMachine1_127.0.0.1.txt. Make sure the object exists and name and Path are correct"

If I manually copy the file and rename it to machine1.txt all is good

Any offers/thoughts or suggestions, the path is quite deep at present and that could be changed.

I can't import the files either? unless I rename them and at the moment I am doing this through the interface

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Modules & VBA :: Code For Querying A List Of Filenames Within Network Directory?

Dec 12, 2013

After several days of searching, I haven't been able to find any threads related to this. I'm making a search form that queries a pdf library table. Once a search query is entered, the user is able to open the files from a results form. Currently, I am entering the filenames from the network directory manually into the pdf library table.

For example, I manually enter the following information into the tblPDFLibrary table that contains the fields:

Date added, Filename, File Path, Series, Class, Title.

I was wondering if there's a way to have Access query all the filenames in the directory for me. In other words, if the directory contains the filenames: AccountsPDF, InventoryPDF, CustomerPDF. Can I have Access query all the filenames within the directory and automatically add all the file names (AccountsPDF, InventoryPDF, CustomerPDF) to the Filename field within the tblPDFLibrary table? If I am able to do this, I can code the other fields to populate information because the filename contains all the other field information (except for file path but I can program it insert the UNC path).

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Queries :: Rename Field Values With Values From Another Table

Mar 2, 2015

I have two tables.descriptions I'd like to relate and use to find/replace in bulk.

[Checking].[Description] (with the source data)
[Rename].[NewDescription] (with the correct data)

I'd like the values in [Checking].[Description] to be replaced with the values in [Rename].[NewDescription], including those that are "Like".

[Checking].[Description] = Geico 12345
[Rename].[NewDescription] = Geico

[Checking].[Description] = Geic
[Rename].[NewDescription] = Geico

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1 Table In 2 Files

Feb 25, 2005

Hi, [access 2000 or 2003]

Is there a way i can use one table shared & updated in 2 access files? if yes what are the conditions please

thank you

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Table Created By Files

Feb 23, 2007

I'm using access2003 and i want to organize a large amount of files in my company. There are thousands of files and I'm breaking the files up based on the dates. I want to create a table that automatically looks in each folder and links the job file with the job folder. This way I can create a custom query so a user just types in the job name and it will display what folder it is in. Can anyone out there help? Thanks

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Multiple Files Into One Table

Jan 7, 2005

Hi, I'm new to Access, but I think I've been doing fairly well. At my job, we use multiple Word tables and excel spreadsheets to keep track of information on journals we subscribe to. (I work in the periodicals/serials department of the university library.) We have a LOT of journals and a lot of information on each one.

I have already imported our "superholdings" file, which includes the names of the journals and a few bits of information on each one. What I want to do is import other bits of information from the other files into that same table. I tried importing the files into the existing table, but rather than merging all of the data for each journal title, it simply added the new records to the bottom. I tried importing the files as new tables and joining the tables with the title fields, but that didn't do what I wanted.

Really, I just want to merge all of the data. If the Title's match exactly, then I want all of that information in one record for that title. I have been VERY consistent with field names.

I'm new to Access, but I learn fairly quickly. I notice on this forum (I've read a LOT of the posts looking for answers to this question, and got answers for other questions) that most of the solutions involve coding or programming of some sort. I have NEVER done this in access. If the solution to my problem involves this, please tell me where I'm supposed to type those commands. I'm somewhat familiar with softcode (from a mux (talker environment) I started frequenting in college), but never have programmed anything. (Not since basic on our old IBM XT!!)

Okay, an example is forthcoming, once I figure out how to do it in this little window.


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Importing Over 2000 Csv-files In One Table

Jan 8, 2007

Hello,A plc is writing a profile to a csv file each minute. In order to make an analysis I need to put all these profiles together in one file. I wrote a small VBA function which works fine under the 1000 csv files. It's not a very smart function, but it works. However after the weekend i need to combine a lot more files into 1 table and when Access reached about 1050 records,I get an invaled input message. The csv file is intact. I think the function creates a memory overflow by opening and closing the table after each imported record. Does anyone have a possible solution for this?I just noticed in my explorer that the access database is 2 Gig big!! So i really looks like an improper call of function and closing.Below is the code I use. The number of files to be imported I get from a small textbox, with input from the user.Thanx in advance,OviparousDim counter As IntegerDim filex As StringPrivate Sub Knop2_Click()counter = CInt(Form_Formulier1.Tekst0.Value)On Error GoTo macro_import_profile_ErrDo until counter = 0 filex= "f:profielen" + CStr(counter) + ".csv" DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "0 Importspecification", "profile", filex, False, "" counter = counter - 1 LoopForm_Formulier1.Visible = Falsemacro_import_profile_Exit: Exit Submacro_import_profile_Err: MsgBox Error$ Resume macro_import_profile_ExitEnd Sub

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Importing Multiple Csv Files Into Table

Jul 19, 2005

I have been given the task of setting up a database which will store data which I will receive on a month basis, I have managed to import some csv files however, I will be receiving well over 200 csv files each month. Is there a way to import these multiple file.

The filename save structure is as follows: areacode-Jul 05data.csv

areacode represents each different area.

below is a copy of the csv file.....

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