Renaming PDF Report In Email?

Jul 14, 2015

I am trying to email a report and rename the report after the referenced NCR# currently selected on my form. My codes works for putting the referenced NCR# in my email subject, but I am having issues renaming the report and the error is with the SetProperty line bolded below. When I click my email button, I get Run-time error 32004: The control name "Supplier Chargebacks" is misspelled or refers to a control that doesn't exists.

Private Sub Command587_Click()
Dim stReport As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim NCRNum As String
NCRNum = Forms![NCR Input Form]![NCR #]

[Code] .....

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Renaming Issue

Jun 20, 2005


In Access 2003 when you rename a table any queries that the table is in will be renamed aswell, which is usually very useful.

However, is there a way to turn this property off, because I am trying to run over a hundred of the same query that use different tables? In Access 2000 I renamed the tables and used the same query, because it is much quicker, but I have just noticed that the data I am extracting is inaccurate, because when I undo the rename, the table names change in the query.

I will be very grateful for any help.

All the best,


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Renaming A Field

May 13, 2006

I have table with lot of fields, I would like to rename those fields, how do I do that using code or a query?

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Best Way To Email Report?

Jun 11, 2007

I have a report that I'm looking to email as opposed to fax. What's the easiest way to achieve this?

Any and all advice appreciated.



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Renaming Controls, Macros, Etc.

Jun 5, 2006

I have built a fairly large access database (office 2003) and unfortunately I was a bit careless about naming my controls and macros. I would like to go back over all of my form controls and macros so that they have more descriptive names, but I'm afraid this will break alot of dependencies. How can I have the macros autoupdate to compensate for renamed controls and vice versa?

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Query Columns Renaming Themselves??

Nov 23, 2007

Hi all,

This is a strange one. I have a VERY simple query that runs directly off a single table which contains about 7 fields and one PK. I am pulling through 4 columns from this table including the primary key. I am renaming the columns using the format "NewName: Record_Id" format. I have also tried changing the caption on the query column properties.
Basically, the problem is that I save and close the working query but when I either close the database down or make a change to another form or query, the column names all get changed to a single value of the table, currently "Report Title". When the query is run, all the columns are shown with the same header name and the data results are all the same.
I have checked my relationships and they are fine and I have also done a compact/repair but without any luck. Can anyone please help me?

Thank you.


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Renaming Table Names

Jan 4, 2008


Little question, hopefully not a big answer :)

i have four oracle db'ses mydb_db_test, mydb_db_production, mydb_db_develop

within access i have linked tables from the first one; let's say: mydb_db_test.tblOne, mydb_db_test.tblTwo

What i want to do is:
1) import the same tables from the other trhee db'ses
2) rename the table names by vba code
example: my_db_db_test.tblOne has to become tblOne
and when i switch from db (to for example the production), the tblOne has to be renamed originally (mydb_db_test.tblOne) and the other has to be renamed (so mydb_db_production.tblOne becomes tblOne).

Now the question which you probably ask me:
Why not by a connection string change...

Well, that's the problem, the linked tables are being set to readonly, and the property cannot be changed (at least, as far as i tried); so that's why i thought of this workaround. By linking all three databases, i also always have for those table the three connection strings, and by renaming them (i now do this manually) i always can pick the right connection.

Thanks in advance for the advise!

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Renaming A Filed In A Table

Jan 4, 2007

I have a table Client-Details,in which i have a record namely "bharti-chennai".this table is associated with aother table "release-details". bharti-chennai has records in relase details.i want to change the name of bharti-chennai to bharti -mumbai to do it.

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Feb 24, 2006

I have a form with a subform. The form is the date field. The subform are all the stores delivered to on that date. I need to have a command button to open an email with the current date showing and list all the stores with their delivery numbers next to it inside the email.

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Output Report To Email

Dec 21, 2004

Access 2003

Is is feasable to output a report with variable data to html/email. I would like to be able to send my quotations and invoices via email to my customers as many are now requesting I use email. At present I have to print it as PDF then open Outlook, then attach the PDF document etc etc.......

Any assistance or suggestions greatfully welcomed.


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Automated Email Report

Mar 24, 2006

I have set up a process to automatically email reports from MS Access 2006. Everything would would perfectly except that when the process runs, a messagbox pops up stating that 'an unknown prgram is trying to send an email on your behalf'. Before the email is sent you have to click on the button to allow sending. I need this program to run very early in the morning when no one is around to click the button.

I have tried several things to get a round this by digitally signing my Access project and setting up certificates in outlook but nothing has worked.

Is there any way around this without lowering my security level, my antivirus or antispyware software?


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No OLE Image On Email-ed .snp Report

Jul 16, 2005

After filling in a form which includes both text and a photograph (in a bound object frame -- different photograph (OLE object) for every form -- photographs embedded and pulled from a separate photograph file external to MS Access) I email the corresponding report successfully as a .snp file attachment. The problem is that the recipient needs either MS Access or Snapshot Viewer installed in order to view the photograph field (ie. the OLE object in the bound object frame). If I try to format the report according to any other format (html, rtf, etc.) the text shows up okay but the photograph doesn't appear in the bound object frame. I also tried to create a data access page but the OLE 'photograph' field is not even an allowed selection. Any ideas on how I can get around this problem (ie. email the report to a client who doesn't have MS Access or Snapshot Viewer installed on their computer)?

Thanks ahead of time .....

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MS Access Email Report

Oct 7, 2003


I would like to ask a question regarding MS Access reports. I used the following code to email the report created in Access.

DoCmd.SendObject [ObjectType],[ObjectName],[OutputFormat],[To],[CC],[BCC],[Subject],[MessageText],[EditMessage],[TemplateFile]

I send a report in an email in rich text format and it works. But when you open the report there is no image, lines or rectangles. The format is ok but image on top of the report and lines are missing which I used for column captions. If anyone know how to handle this problem, I will really appreciate.



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How Do I Email A Report As An AddAttachment With CDO

Nov 8, 2007


I have my email code working great, but I am trying to find a way to add a report as an attactment on the email.

I am using the following and it works fine.
Code:Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")objMessage.Subject = EmailSubjectobjMessage.FROM = UserEmailobjMessage.To = EmailToobjMessage.TextBody = EmailBodyobjMessage.AddAttachment "c: emp

How can I go about having that AddAttachment run and attach a report in the same database? I tried a few different ways of putting the report on that line but nothing seems to be working. Do I have to first have code run the report and export it or save it off as something to a temp file then attach it? If so how would I go about doing that. : )

Few things I tried and didnt work..
objMessage.AddAttachment Reports.rpt_01
objMessage.AddAttachment Docmd.OpenReport ("rpt_01")

Any help, ideas, or direction would be great! Thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Email Report As RTF But It Comes Up As TMP?

Jul 17, 2013

Using Access 2007 and Lotus Notes 8.5 ...I've got some code to output a report to email as an attachment: it looks like this

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rep09emailnotification", acFormatRTF, "(Recipients)", , , "email subject", "email body text", 0

For MOST of the people who use the database, this works fine, and they send the email with the RTF attachment which all the recipients can open - but for some users, it generates a .tmp file which if you 'Open' it is just a load of gobbledegook, but it you 'View' it looks ok - but is truncating the report.what could be causing Access 2007 to create .tmp files rather than .rtf?

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Modules & VBA :: Renaming Tables With Spaces In Name

Sep 30, 2013

I am developing code to trawl through the tables in a large number of databases that I am working on for a client and rename tables that have spaces in the name.

I tried using the following but get a 7874 error when the new table cannot be found.

DoCmd.Rename strExistingName, acTable, strNewName

I then tried copying the table using the following but get the same error message.

DoCmd.CopyObject, strExistingName, acTable, strNewName

What I need to do to rename a table with spaces in it?

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Queries :: Renaming Fields From One Table Value To Another

Mar 6, 2015

I want to automate a find and replace process to standardize names in a table, using the value from one table to replace another. The code I have is not quite working.

- Table [Checking] field [Description] has the source text field that I like to change/standardize
- Table [Rename] field [Description] has the text string used to search the [Checking].[Description] values. The search should contain wildcard logic so e.g. a [Rename].[Description] value of "Mobil" would find a [Checking].[Description] value of "Mobil 123", or "Mobil 234", or "Mobil123456 AB".
- Table [Rename] field [NewDescription] is the new value used. If [NewDescription] = "Mobilx", then the "Mobil 123", or "Mobil 234", or "Mobil123456 AB" would all be changed to "Mobilx".

I have the following code which partially works:

UPDATE checking, rename SET [Checking].[Description] = [Rename].[NewDescription]
WHERE ((([Checking].[Description]) like "*" & [Rename].[Description] &"*") );

Problem is the original [Checking].[Description] value is not deleted in full so the replacement [Checking].[NewDescription] value is not correct.

e.g. "Mobil12345 AB" might be changed to "Mobilx AB" instead of "Mobilx" (some of the original string remains).

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Renaming Crosstab Column Heading?

Mar 23, 2013

I have a cross tab query which give result like this

Date No. BoxItem1 BoxItem2 Item1 Item2
1-2-12 1 15 15 10 15
1-2-12 2 10 10
1-2-12 1 15 15
1-2-12 1 10 5 5 1

I need to BoxItem1 come after item1 and also col heading only box.Is it possible or not?

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Help Needed To Send Report Via Email!!!

Sep 29, 2005

Hi Guys,

Im new to access and i have a problem!! I have a report that i need to be sent out monthly to 3 people. The problem is i dont know where to start. I have been looking through the forum, but nothing that i can get my head around, so there anyone out there who can help???????

Thanks in advance!!!

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Email Report Generated On Time

Dec 19, 2006

Is there a way to have access remember a certain time like 2:00 pm and generate a report and send it to a specific person. I know how to make an attachment for sending someone a report but how do I get access to do it on a certain time lets say 2:00 PM?

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Reports :: VBA Report To Generate PDF And Email

Jan 20, 2015

I found the vba to generate multiple pdf's from a single report which is working well (see below).

The script below generates about 15 pdf files and stores them in the specified directory

I'd like to be able to now email these to the individual users (SCNAME) but cannot work out where to start, i've tried a lot of things from the research on emailing, just not working.

All the information I need is in one table which includes the users email address field (SCemail).

I've also created an update query which generates a unique file name into the field (SCInstallDate) (currently not using this field data)

Private Sub cmdSC2PDF_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [SCNAME] FROM [Schedule];", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rst.EOF
strRptFilter = "[SCName] = " & Chr(34) & rst![SCNAME] & Chr(34)

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Email Report To Several Individuals

Apr 3, 2014

I want to be able to email a report to several individuals and have only the data that pertains to that person attached in the email? Is this possible?

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Email A Certain Report Depending On Value Of A Field

Feb 11, 2015

I have a button setup to email a Proposal Report to specific people. Works fine. I now need the ability to email the Proposal Report (without an addendum) OR email the Proposal Report with an addendum. There are additional fields on the report with an addendum. I have tried the on format event of the Proposal Report to make the addendum fields invisible using this if statement:

if Forms![CurrentJobs]![Addendums].Form![AddendumNum] Is Null Then
Me.AddendumNum.Visible = False
Me.Label324.Visible = False
Me.Label325.Visible = False
Me.AddendumDrawings.Visible = False
Me.AddendumDrawingsDate.Visible = False
Me.Label326.Visible = False
Me.AddendumFloors.Visible = False
Me.Label327.Visible = False
End If

But I keep getting an "object required" error. how I can run the Proposal Report with or without addendum information depending on the job?

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Forms :: Get Date Create In Renaming Table

Jul 18, 2014

All, using access 2010. I have some code to rename a table in my database. Partial Code:

TableDefs("tblMstr").Name = "tblMstr" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")

This works but how do I use "datecreated" to get the creation date of the table and format it. I tried to use DateCreated in place of Date but get errors such as variable not defined or .datecreated without a with block.The result I'm going for is something like "tblMstr20140603".

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Renaming Column Headers In Pivot Table

Oct 24, 2014

I am in the process of developing a pivot table with grouping per month per year which works just fine. However, I would like to rename the column header items. It will not allow me.

The scenario:
the data is from a query that deprives data from two tables (Date from Table A) and (TypeID from Table B: Query will show TypeID in text format based on SELECT to show data in text format not numeric format).

The struggle:
Renaming the column headers which shows the TypeID in numbers based on its ID (the first column of Table B), not its Description (the second column of the Table B).

The question:
How do I make the column headers to show the TypeID in text based on its Description in the second column of the Table B?

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Embedding Single Page From Report In An Email

Mar 5, 2006


From advice I have read on here I have worked out how to create a button on a form which opens a report to show the values which match the record open on the form. It then attaches that page as a txt file to an email. Which is great.

What I would like it to do though is insert into the body text of the email the text from the report. Have looked as much as I can at the properties of DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport but cannot achieve this myself.

What I have is pretty much this:
Code:DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Your matching details this week", acFormatTXT, Me!PersonEmail, , , "Details this week " & Date, "Please see the attached text file for details this week which match your selection criteria.", False

How can I make the text appear within the email body?

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