Replace Data From Txtbox To Subform

Oct 3, 2006

friends, a small question.

I have placed a txtbox on my form and via a cmdbutton a can copy data to another text box. Is there a way I can replace data? Will appreciate any help.

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Cannot Perforn 'Find And Replace' In Subform

Dec 20, 2007

When I use the built in 'Find and Replace' utility in a subform (datasheet view), it does the replace on multile rows but when I try and navigate to another record on the main form I keep getting an error mesage 'Operation Not Supported in Transactions' and have to close the form and all the previous 'find and Replace' I did have been undone and rolled back to their previous state :confused:

Any ideas how I can the 'Find and Replace' to work on teh subform?

Many Thanks

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Dlookup To Replace A One Field Subform

Jan 3, 2007

Thought this would be a good solution, but having trouble with the syntax.

=DLookUp("[StartDate]","[tblJobHistory]","Me.[EmployeeID] =" & tblJobHistory!EmployeeID & " AND Min([tblJobHistory]![StartDate])")

I am getting the dreaded #Name? can I use the Min command like this?

Any help appreciated:)

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Queries :: Make Replace Query To Look In Order To Find What To Replace

May 6, 2014

I have this working query:


But Iwant to be able to use a set of data to be used in the Replace Statement, so I create a table to add each string I would like to have replaced by "nothing", and trying to make the replace query to look there in order to find what to replace.I also created a table where I will list the systems that I dont want in the select, so I removed the "ACTIVE DIRECTORY" and replaced by the colum that have the list of system I dont want listed.This is the result:


The thin is that this keeps asking me to enter the parameter value for "PREFIXOS_E_SUFIXOS!Valor" and for "SISTEMAS_EXCLUIDOS!Sistema"

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How To Replace Old Data With Import Excel Data?

Apr 15, 2007

Hi, i am a new comer. i have a table for students' comment for the first semester. however, in the 2nd semester i want to replace them with import data from excel to this table, but on the same student there are 2 rows of records (1 is 1st semester and 1 is 2nd semester).

how can i replace the new data to the old data? or how can i delete all the old data in the exsiting table so that i can import a new excel file?


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Replace And Data Types

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all!
I'm experiencing an apparently simple problem, but it's taking me too long to solve :confused:
Two tables with a "text" (100) column on each. I want to select those who are identical. ¡So easy! thats the where clause:

AND a.sDesEntidad = b.sNombreLargo

That works fine. But... i want to "relax" the clause, by not considering dots ( . ) when comparing, and i do like this:

AND (Replace([a]![sDesEntidad],'.','') = Replace([b]![sNombreLargo],'.',''));

and i get a run-time Error 3464, Data type mismatch in criteria expression. Oooops!
My access version is 2003, spanish. I would really appreciate ur help, since this matter shouldn't be keeping me busy for so long :(
Regards and thx in advance!

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Append Or Replace Data In Table

Dec 12, 2005

Hi, I'm fairly new with working with Access and programming in VBA, and I was looking for some help. I have a database with many tables, and relationships between the tables. In particular, I export two of these tables to text files from one machine and need to import them back into the database on another machine. I have this working if I delete all the records before useing the transfertext command to import that table. But my problem is that I need to either append a record if it doesn't exist in the promary keys, or if the new record exists in a primary key, I need to replace it. I was thinking about reading the table to a temp table from the text file and checking each record in some sort of query to see if it needs to be appended or replaced in the table. Does anyone have any ideas of how else this could be accomplished a little easier that looping through each record, for this might take a while, as I do not know how many records can be importing each time. All I know is that I need a way of taking data from a text file and either appending or replacing the records in the table in the database. I appreciate any help I can get with this. Thank you.

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Forms :: Find And Replace With New Data In Table

Jan 7, 2014

Is it possible to have a Find & Replace in the table using access forms. ( Like the inbuild option in Excel ), I want the user to search some data & replace with the new data which may present in more than one record.

I want to do it with forms, because i dont want the user to use the tables.

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Queries :: Update Query To Replace All Data In Field

Apr 8, 2013

Is it possible for an update query to simply replace all the data in a table's field with the results from a query?

For example, I have Table A with the field Years. This table performs various calculations within based on the field Years.

I would like an update query that simply replaces the Years field data in Table A with a new set of years based on a query's search criteria.

When I run the below query, I get an error saying the query must be updateable- but Im not trying to update the query, rather the Table

I've attached a photo ......

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Queries :: Extract And Replace With Additional Data Append Delete Query

Jul 1, 2015

I have a Table1 served by Form1..It is a list of: UnqID, process, quantity, totaltime(in seconds).I want to click on a record to bring up a filtered Form2 with the chosen record on it.What I want to be able to do is to now split the quantity (and the time) and put these new records back into Table1 and delete the original record


ID1,10,write a report,2400

I want to delete this and replace it with two (or three/four etc) replacements, but still adding up to 10 quantity and 2400 seconds so that the new data could be:

ID2,5,write a report,1200
ID3,5,write a report,1200

My initial thoughts are to create a holding table to:Append filtered data on Form2 to a holding Table1hld (i don't know how to do this) delete data in Table1.then enter the new quantities into a holding Table2 (that I will input myself) and then append (through a series of queries back into Table1).The first problem is how to append (and subsequently delete) the filtered record from Form2 to Table1hld.

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Grey-out Txtbox

Mar 30, 2006

I have a form that has several fields that a user will enter data. When finished, the data is inserted into a table. Works great. What I want to do now is look at one of the fields entered and if it is equal to a certain value, I want to disable one of the other text boxes (fields) on the form AND pop a screen that will allow the user to enter a list of names that will update a different table.

So, if user inputs a directory name GENERIC, the txtScriptName box needs to be disabled/greyed-out and I need a form to pop so the user can put in a list of script names. If any other directory name is entered, the txtScriptName box needs to remain editable. (For directories equal to GENERIC, there will be multiple script names instead of just one)

I've been successful at getting the form to pop if GENERIC is entered but can't figure out how to grey-out the txtScriptName field. I tried using Me.txtScriptName Locked in the Before Update of the preceding field but it didn't work - could still update the txtScriptName field.

Any other sugestions?


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Select Between (Date) AND In TxtBox

Jul 4, 2005


I'm trying to make a report query work but with no succes so far. Can anyone please help me?
I've got a multiselect listbox and a txtbox (txtCursisten) where the results from the multiselect listbox appear.
I want to get the results out of a table (tblAbsentie) where I can set a start and end date AND use the people selected in the txtBox. So far I've got a NOT working query, a report based on the query and a button on my form.

The VB code behind the "show report" button is this:

Private Sub cmdAbsentiePerCursistPerPeriode_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdAbsentiePerCursistPerPeriode_Click

Dim db As Database
Dim Q As QueryDef
Dim sql As String

If IsNull("Me.txtCursisten") Or Me.txtCursisten = "" Then
Exit Sub

Set db = currentdb()
Set Q = db.QueryDefs("qryAbsentiePerCursistPerPeriode")
Q.sql = "SELECT tblCursist.Naam, tblAbsentie.Datum, tblAbsentie.Lesuur, tblAbsentie.AantalLesuren, tblAbsentie.Deelkwalificatie, tblAbsentie.Docent, tblAbsentie.Gemotiveerd, tblAbsentie.Reden, tblAbsentie.Status, qryCountLesuren.SumOfAantalLesuren" & _
"FROM (tblCursist INNER JOIN qryCountLesuren ON tblCursist.OVnr=qryCountLesuren.OVnr) INNER JOIN tblAbsentie ON tblCursist.OVnr=tblAbsentie.OVnr" & _
"WHERE (((tblAbsentie.Datum) Between [Voer begindatum in] And [Voer einddatum in]) AND ((tblAbsentie.OVnr) In ("Me!txtCursisten"))); "

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAbsentiePerCursistPerPeriode", acPreview
End If

On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Selecteer klas en cursist(en)."
Resume Exit_cmdAbsentiePerCursistPerPeriode_Click

End Sub

I get a syntax error when pressing the button. Please help...

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Insert The Value From A Txtbox Into A Table

Sep 15, 2005

Hi there

Can someone give me a basic example.

I have a form that contains a textbox and a listbox. The listboxs rowsource is tblSPNZ.
The table has 2 fields 1 is and autonumber and the other is where I want the results to go.

How do I make a command button populate the table? Avoiding putting any results into the autonumber field?

Thank you for your help.

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Txtbox Ctrlsource = Query Question

Dec 14, 2006

I have a form, on the form a textbox. Through the expression builder I have assigned one value to the control source of that textbox from a query. The query holds three values, all three of which I would like to use in a separate textbox. When I open the form the textbox just displays #Name. I'm guessing since nothing is happening because the query isn't run by command yet. I've used code like this:

Private Sub AppointmentID_Click()
End Sub

to get a query to open, run etc. But that one is located in a subform which has the query as a control source. How does that work in the case I have now? Can I use the DoCmd function to run the query and get a value from it for the specific textbox? Or can't I use a (segment of a) query as the controlsource of a textbox at all?

I'm asking this since now I calculate and store certain totals by use of a textbox with =Sum() as control source in the footer of a form, which values I then assign to some fields in a table.

But I would also like to learn the right way, using queries, maybe for a later version of my DB when my skills have improved. I've been struggling with this now for a bit, but without succes. So that's why I wonder if I can assign a query or more specific one value of a couple of values in a query to a textbox in a form which has a totally different control source itself.

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Date Criteria From A Form's Txtbox

Aug 20, 2007

Hi all,
I have a select query that pulls in two date values from a textbox on a form.

FROM Table02 INNER JOIN Table01 ON Table02.Servicer = Table01.SRV_NAME
WHERE (((Table01.IMP_CUTOFF_DT)=[forms]![frmreport].[txtsqldate].[value]))

However when I run it I get the following error message:"This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may...." but when I copy and paste the value of that txbox from the form into the query it works fine.

Can anyone see where the problem lies? I can't work it out.

Thanks in advance,

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Validation Rule For Length Of TxtBox

Jun 27, 2005

Here's a bit of a pickle I've been trying to wrap my noodle around.

Anyone have an idea what route to pursue (unbound form, or afterupdate, etc?) to force a validation rule on the number of characters in a text box based on the value of combobox in the same form.

If cboBox1 = 840, then len(txtBox2) = 6
But if cboBox1 = 820, then len(txtBox2) = 3
And so forth?


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Update TxtBox With Combobox Description And Not ID?

Jun 7, 2014

I have a form that has a combobox and a field text. If i select any value in combobox i want to update the txtBox but not with the ID of the selection. I need to get the description of the combobox selection which is essentially the Column 2.

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Counting Columns And Storing Result In TxtBox

May 18, 2007


In a form I have "txtBoxA". I would like store the number of records from table "A" based on a specific field into "txtBoxA".

Table 'A' fields: QuoteID, Date, GenerateOrder

What would be the exact syntax for this??
The following code is not working

Me.txtBoxA.Value = DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT COUNT(GenerateOrder) FROM A")


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How To Make Form Txtbox = Multilpe Fields?

Jun 17, 2005

Having had a pretty good look around, I think I must have missed something...

I just want to try and make a Forms single Address textbox = multiple table fields values:




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Populate A Bound TxtBox And Not Have It Update Table?

Mar 12, 2008

It's an unusual request, I know, but it's necessary for my purpose.

I have a form, frmMain that I use to update a number of tables. On it is a number of combo boxs, comProduct, comBrand, comSize, comPrice and comQuantity. comProduct opens a new form, frmNew if the users input is not already in the table. On frmNew there are again combo boxes comProduct, comBrand and comSize. This form adds the record to the table.

So, if I input a new value - not already in the database - for product in the comProduct combo box, the form frmNew appears and I can proceed to define the product, brand and size of the new record. The form then closes and reopens frmMain and tabs across to comQuantity (skipping the fields I've already defined in frmNew).

Now if you can wrap your head around that, here is the problem: Because I've already entered the values for product, brand and size in frmNew, I want them to automatically appear in the appropriate combo boxs on the frmMain form. I've been using the following code (executed from frmNew, so Me = frmNew):

Code:[Forms]![frmMain].[comProduct] = Me.comProduct[Forms]![frmMain].[comSize] = Me.comSize[Forms]![frmMain].[comBrand] = Me.comBrand

It works, but I've since discovered it creates a new record in the table so I end up with two duplicate records (one when I submit frmNew and another when the values are automatically input into frmMain.)

Now, my question: How can I display these values in frmMain without having them create the second record? I was thinking of using a SELECT query somehow, but I don't know where to begin. I also considered using labels instead of comb boxes, but I'll need to be able to edit them if the record already exists.

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Queries :: Criteria Using DLookup String From Another Txtbox?

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table tblDateGroups, with two field, [Group] (like This Week, Next Week, Last Month, etc) and [Code] that holds the code for criteria for each group in a query. I know the code is fine (like next week = Between Date()-Weekday(Date())+8 and Date()-Weekday(Date())+14 ) because I tested before putting in the table.

On my form I have a combo box that list all the [Group] and i hidden textbox that looks up the code based on the cbx after update...all that is good.

However, when i try to requery the report the criteria is not working. I am simply using the date criteria to read the hidden text box with the code string.

Forms!frmMainHome!subaWelcome.Form!txtCodeForQuery .

the error code is "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."

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Changing A TxtBox To A Check Box Or Similar, Based On A Field In Db

Feb 22, 2006


I have

Form with 3 list boxes.
1st LB populates 2nd etc.

The 3rd LB value chooses a field.
The Fieldname Table has field "Field Type"

I want to change the Text box next to the List box to this entry in the Db.

Ie. If I choose a field in the LB, say "Done?", then to update that field it needs to offer me a "yes/no" field type
Therefore it changes the TextBox to a Checkbox (or combo with Yes and No as options)

Any ideas?

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Using Expressions To Display Value In Txtbox Based On Combo Selection

Aug 2, 2007

hi Guys

I would like to write an expression (i presume) to auto fill a text box based on the selection made from a combobox...can anyone help or point me to a tutorial that deals with this??

Many Thanks,


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Subform Blues - Data Entry Setting Itself To 'No' & Requerying 1 Subform From Another

Dec 5, 2006

2 Subform problems

I have a data entry subform that is only supposed to show an empty record ready to be populated, and a display records subform that is supposed to show all the records. The subforms are both on the same tab of a tab control on my main form.

Problem 1:
The data entry subform shows all the records rather than a blank record. Something on my main form is causing it to show the records when it should not. Any ideas? The Data Entry is set to Yes.

To try to isolate the problem, I created a new form and added the subform to it where it behaves properly:confused:

I then added Me.DataEntry = True to the form open to see if that would solve my problem but it still sets the data entry to no.

If I have the properties box open when in form view of my main form, I can set the data entry to Yes and it works fine until I move to the next record of the main form when it resets to no. Teraing my hair out here.:mad:

My final attempt was to search the entire project to see if there is a "DataEntry = False" somewhere but there isn't. What is setting this property? Any ideas where I should look?

Problem 2:

After entering data in the first subform (data entry form), I want to re-query the second subform but I just can't get the syntax right. I have wrestled with the "Syntax for subs" document downloaded from (Microsoft MVP site) but to no avail.

My main form is called fdlgPrjDetails, the data entry is via fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry and the subform I wish to requery is fsubPrjCommentsUsers.

None of the attempts below worked giving a cannot find control error.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler


'DoCmd.Requery ([fsubPrjCommentsUsers])
'DoCmd.Requery [fsubPrjCommentsUsers]

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Error in fsubPrjCommentsUsersDataEntry: Err 003"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

Any Ideas?

Both problems have me stumped so I'll be grateful to anybody with a scoobie on this.:)

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Forms :: Display Data In Form As Select Record In Subform In Data Sheet View

Nov 11, 2013

i have a main form named(EMP) i have a subform named(SEMP)with EMPID i have an another form Named(SDetail) with EMPID i want to open form Sdetail with filter records for data select in subform (SEMP) ,EMPID field Subform SEMP in as datasheet view. i can open sdetail for selected records only

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Subform Data To Mainform Data

Jan 9, 2006

Would like to be able to update a text field on the main form with information from a dropdown box on a subform when the subform data equals a certain value. Would like the main form field to update as soon as the subform information is selected from the dropdown box.

Example (sorry don't have code for it)

Mainform field = Mytext
Subform dropdown field = Newtext1, or Newtext2, or Newtext3

If Newtext2 is selected on subform, I would like Mytext to immediatly show the value in this field (mainform/mytext). Do not want either Newtext1, or 3 to ever show in Mytext but want it to remain in subform field

It can either be on Lostfocus from subform or onupdate from subform, etc.

Whatever works best/easiest
Thanks for the help in advance

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