Replication Changes Record Order In Tables?

Sep 14, 2006

I decided to learn about replication today and I made a master database.

To my surprise, I noticed the records in the tables in the Master version are not in the same order as the original version. The records are now in random order but before they were in the order of entry.

Now i have to create new queries for all the forms that have a table as a record source just to get the record ordering right.

I want to know how reliable is Access Replication and should I expect a lot more suprises like this. Is replication more trouble than it's worth?

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Tables :: Concatenate Field Names But For Each Record Order Can Be Different

Jul 10, 2014

I have

I need to concatenate these three fields into one but for each record the order can be different. What I want to do is have another field in the table to store the concatenation order as the field names not the field values.

I also need to display the concatenated field as the actual field values and not field names in a form or a report

So if field4 was the concatenated field store it would store the information like this

[Field1] & " " & [Field3] & " " & [Field2]

In a form or a report

Field4 should show as Values of those fields

Monkey Dog Cat

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Replication Issues With Tables

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to create a documentation DB with extensive lists of documents, text, numbering schema, titles, owners list, and much more info. I created a Master DB on my laptop and did a replica on the sharedrive. Now I am having many problems with the replication of my tables, queries etc. All my reports have the replication icon next to them and I cannot modify them. How do I fix this problem? I am a novice at creating DBs. I did take a level 1 course but we did not discuss these kinds of issues. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.....

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Tables :: Replication ID Import To Excel

Aug 20, 2013

I have 2,000 access databases that are structured the same way. I want to import and compile 1 of the tables from the databases into excel. I have a macro written that does this no problem, but I just realized it is not importing Number fields with field size of "Replication ID". This is critical to eventual be able to do the analysis I am looking to do. Is there any way to have excel import the Replication ID?

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Record Order

Jan 30, 2007

Please help,

I have sorted my table by the primary key as when i open the form that loads fields from the table, i would like the most recent record entered to appear instead of the first record that was entered. The problem i have is when i run the form it still shows the first record even though i have sorted the primary key field in descending order. How do i fix this?

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New Record/order From Old Data?

Mar 26, 2006

Before I start I must say I’m not a coder (not even slightly). I’m just trying to reverse engineer a little access database to speed up order processing. The guy who created it has left :(

It’s a customer order database and at the moment if there is repeat business it requires manually copying over data such as name, address etc. from their old order. Is there some way to create an order from a previous or (ideally) currently viewed order?

This is the code for the “Create new order” option:

Private Sub Command93_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command93_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command93_Click
End Sub

Is there something I could add that would copy and transfer the currently viewed name/address to a new order instead of just a new blank one? Is it even possible to copy/transfer data from currently viewed text boxes to a new order? Maybe there is a better way to do it?

Thanks :)

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Order By When You Have Joined Tables

Jun 27, 2005

If I use order by on a query that has two linked tables I keep getting an error:
This is the query
SELECT d.PDetailsID, d.po_id, d.po_uniqid, d.job_id,
d.p_qnty, d.p_desc, d.p_unitp, d.p_units,
d.p_extend, d.p_qos, d.p_grec, d.p_done,
d.cocreq, d.est_id, d.line, d.class,
d.selected, d.itemid, d.category, d.GroupID,
d.p_qosextended, d.late, d.lastsavedby, d.matid,
d.customer, SQLACCESS.tblctpur_d.jobid, d.DTime, d.Notes,
d.DescDetails, h.pur_ddue
SQLACCESS.tblctpur_d as d ON h.pur_id = d.po_id
ORDER BY d.line

The error is :
The colum prefix d does not match with a table or alias used in the query

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Tables :: How To Input More Than One Product Per Order

Nov 19, 2013

i am very new to access. Logic and method needed in order to create a data base that records weekly orders.

What types of tables do i need?
How can i input more than one product per order?
How do o group the information in a organized way?

Ideally i would like to Input the clients name the week of the order and then all the products etc that are ordered.

Then be able to see in an orders table each client that made an order and a subdatasheet (the small plus in the corner) that once clicked i see all the products that are in that order?

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Tables :: Autonumber Sorting Out In Order

Sep 2, 2013

I am creating a database for cases. I want to set autonumber into sequence, Let say if there are data numbering 1,2,3,4,5. If I delete no.2, The data will rearrange in oreder from 1,2,3,4. While If I add a new value it would be the no.5.

Instead of data value autonumber 1,2,3,4,5 as I deleted no.2 and add new records. The data has become 1,3,4,5,6.

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Auto-numbers Are Not In Order For Tables

Nov 21, 2012

My autonumbers are not in order for tables.As in for example for a customer

customerid customer first name customer last name

17 john parker
18 james johnson
19 alex scott

This is right at the top of the table the first sets of data,i want it to be


Why does it have a random number like "17" when I DO NOT have the first 17 customers !

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Tables :: Autonumber Order In Existing Table

Jul 9, 2015

I was adding an autonumber field to an existing table and I assumed the numbering would follow the order of the primary key but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Tables :: Come Up With Automatic Line Numbers For Each Specific Order?

Oct 2, 2014

I am trying to come up with automatic line numbers for each specific order. So for example, I have job number 123456 that has ordered 3 items, what I would like is that item 1 has a field with a 1 in it automatically, and item 2 has a 2 in the field and so on. But the trick is that when order 123457 gets entered and has 5 items entered, I would like it to start over at 1 and go to 5. Does this make sense? Is it possible to do this in a table? Or can this happen on the form? That I assign a value to a field. I am using Access 2010, have been for a few years now, but I have lots to learn.

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Tables :: Generate New Order ID For Same Customer In Orders Table?

Oct 3, 2012

how do i get form to generate a new order ID for the same customer in my orders table

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Queries :: Joining Two Tables In Order To Create A Form

Apr 2, 2013

I am trying to use a join query to join two tables in order to create a form. I have done this on two other occasions in my database with no issues. Now it is only pulling the ID and I want it to pull the description. I have looked at the SQL view for the other queries that are similar as well as the design view and all of them are set up the same way with the exception that this new join query is pulling CertID rather than the CertDescription.

Is there any reason why it would be doing that? Is there an error that I could possibly be doing? It seems according to my notes that I have created all the queries the same but this last one does not pull the same info as the other queries.

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Tables :: Importing Excel Data - Maintaining Column Order

Mar 4, 2013

I've been using MS Access 2007 for years to manage some Excel data. running some queries etc. Just recently I've been encountering problems when importing data into an existing table. When I do it now, I get a "Subscript out of Range" error. To troubleshoot, I imported into a new table and when doing so, the fields no longer match the column order of the spreadsheet. They all get imported but appears in a different order. I think this is why I am getting the error message. How can I go about ensuring that the data gets imported properly into my already existing table? My fields in "Design View" will match the order of the Columns in the Excel spreadsheet.

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Tables :: Adding More Data In List Sorted In Numerical Order

Sep 27, 2012

I have a list of 22 soccer players with their weights sorted from heaviest to lightest in numerical order. I want to add further players and have the list reflect their standing each time it changes i.e. Col 1 Player ID, Col2 FirstName, Col 2 SecondName, Col 3 Mass:90 Kgs Col 4 Position In group: 1

A new player registers and is 95Kg.....he becomes #1 and the rest go down etc. Can this be done?

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Queries :: Double Click On Results In Order To Go To Original Record Or See More Details

Jun 2, 2015

Is it possible to once you have run a query be able to somehow double click on the results in order to either go to original record or see more details? Similar to "show details" in excel?

I have made some queries that are working well however they are specific in nature and once found display a list of results. I have left a field that uniquely identify them and are after a quick way to view the details of the results from the query rather than take the ID# and manually search the original table.

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Auto Populate Invoice Record With Same Values As Customers Previous Order

Jun 2, 2015

I wanted to auto populate an invoice record with same values as previously ordered by that same customer. I don't want to use default values as every customer orders different things.

BUT almost all customers make REPEAT orders of exactly the same things they ordered previously.

So...for example, can I search the invoice records by customer ID/Name and copy all the data from their previous into a new invoice record. I guess I could do this with an append query?

But will an append query run when I just click on 'new record' in the invoice form? Maybe there is a property '.on new record' append query....?

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Tables :: Modifying MS Access Database - Direct Order Or Placement Of Fields Within Table

Feb 5, 2013

Is it possible to direct the placement/order new of fields when modifying an Ms Access database in code?

I need to modify the schema of an MS Access database via code - but I want to be able to direct the order or placement of the fields within the tables.

For example - if TableOne has 3 fields - Field10, Field20 and Field30.

I would like to be able to add say Field15 between Field10 and Field20 - not just append it to the end of existing fields.

I believe it is possible as you can do it within Ms Access itself. I can use ADO, DAO, ADOX or SQL for that matter - but it seems all of these offer no placement of the field within the table.

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Replication (or Not)

Aug 8, 2005


I have received a replicated db --- that is all
(not a master) I want to know if any one has experience in "unreplicating"
a db and what steps I take to unreplicate this db. I know (more or less) what replication does for you, but I have never done it !!



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Replication And FE/BE - When To Do What

May 26, 2007

Hi folks,

Thanks to the many of you who have helpped me get this far. I am finally ready to deploy my database! I would not have gotten this far in just a few months if it were not for your helpful advice. :D
One of the final stages is to place the database on the organization's server and to put FEs on each of the work stations. I've read a bit about replication and splitting of databases but I have one question I haven't found answered here...

What is the best time line for doing this?

Do I replicate the data base and then split it?
Or do I split the data base and then make replicas of the FE?

Does it matter?

Also - is replication truly needed for all data bases - I have a test copy in which I split the Access file, then just copied each front end to 2 machines and it seemed to work okay. Am I missing something that will come back and "byte" me in the keester?

Many thanks again for previous help and for your answers to this question.


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Oct 28, 2004

Need some advice on Replication of a backend mdb please. I currently have a client/server app - works great. The users now need to collect data from their internet as well as entering data themselves in-house. Situation... can not link tables from web mdb file IS dept forbids link through firewall. How might I be able to keep the data synchronized when the original backend resides within the firewall on the file server and the other needs to sit on the web server? OR ... is there another approach to allow data entry from both the internal users concurrently with data entry from the web. I'm scratching my head and my deadline is looming. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Replication Problem

May 5, 2005

hey there i want to make a MDE compression/compile but i get a msg that i cant compile a replication
how the f*** i remove the replication, cuz i no longer own the master file

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Replication Query ???

Jun 28, 2005

I have replicated my Access 2002 database and moved a copy to my laptop. (on a wireless network) - so far so good.

Here's the problem l can replicate FROM my PC to my LAPTOP - GREAT !!!

I can't replicate the other way :confused:

My PC is running XP and my laptop is running 2000.

Does anyone have any ideas ? i have a feeling it is probably some security setting in XP but l'll be damned if l can find it.



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Replication Id Issue

Nov 1, 2005

Hi Guys,

I am working with a database that uses an autonumber Data Type in it's tables, this field is set to 'Replication ID'.
I am adding records to my table but for every record i add i need to retrieve the newly added primary key (which is the autonumber replication id).
If it was a incrementing id i could simply select the MAX value from the field. But seeing as it's a replication id it won't bring me back the latest field.
In SQL Server I would use the @@Identity function to return the id.
Can anyone help me?


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Alternative To Replication?

Dec 15, 2005

I am having multiple user problems with access 2000 quite frequently, and I thought that replication would solve this, as it stands however its proving difficult to get my hands on the developer edition, just wondering, is it worth the hassle to get it, or is there an effective alternative to replication?

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