Report Grouping And Ordering

Jan 5, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a field in a table on Access 2000 database with takes the following information in any order and can be repeated. e.g. can have 10, etc people with contact signed, 10, etc people with PDD issued, etc.

contract signed
PIN issued
PDD issued
validation finished
Host country approval
EB approved
CER's issued.

I am designing a report in which I want to Group and order the info. in the field in the order shown above, e.g 1. contract signed, then 2. PIN issued followed by PDD issued, etc in Ascending order say and the other way round say CER's issued, EB approved, etc.

Can anyone help here? I have not much experience with designing reports but I have tried using the report Sorting and Grouping and it does it in aphabetical order, not in that order I require.

Thank you


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Ordering In A Report Column

Jan 23, 2007

I have used the following Query statement to produce a variable that appears in a Report column:

ValueInReportColumn: IIf([Number1]=0,"NA",Val(Format([AnotherQueryName].

Although the The Val function reconverts the text, produced by the Format function, back into a number the IIf function seems to convert back to text again. This means that in the Report, when I order the values in descending order I get:

NA 50 50 50 40 28.57 14.29 100 10 0 ...

Is there anyway round this, to order the numbers and leave the text value NA at either end?! Hope this makes sense! Any help very welcome. mcchu

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Grouping Problems In Report.

Nov 14, 2004


I have a problem with the output of a report , i have a couple of tables and
one table here like u can see in this relationship diagram is 'DRA' (attached file) which i want to display the combined results of table 'R' and table 'DO' in the report,although i get the reults into the report of these 3tables starting from --> DRA then table 'R' results followed by the results of table 'DO' , now the problem is its displaying , i would like the display to be like that in the 4th column (as u can see in the pic) , i have tried a lot in the reports but i cant seem to get this output , i would really appreciate the help...

Thank you,

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Grouping Products In A Report - Please Help

Dec 8, 2007

Hi everyone, I am having a lot of trouble doing something that is probably very simple.

My scenario is customers order products, lots of products, now i need to know the quantities of these products for all my customers. It doesnt have to be by customer name, all i need is the product and the Quantities.

I can produce a Report that contains what i need in it but i would like to summarise it.

My report now has the PRODUCT and the QUANTITY for each product that was entered in the order, Problem is the Same product comes up all the time in the report.

For example Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 1
Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 2

And it has a continues list in the report, i would like to group the products so that it shows like this on the report:

Product=Tray Lasagne Quanity= 1, 2 etc

Is this possible? Thanks.

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Report Question - Counting & Grouping

Dec 27, 2006

First of all, we have a database for all company customer cases (through out the whole year of 2006). Every case has its own priority level.

‘Priority’ column has three option, ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

We are new to Access, and we are trying group all the case month to month (group them by their created date) on separate pages. At the end of each monthly summary, we’d like to do a number count on ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

Here is a sample that we are trying to get to…

Sample Datebase,
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium
005 11/9/06 Medium

Sample Report we are trying to get to...
Summary for December:
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium

Total Case: 4
High Priority Case: 2
Medium Priority Case: 1
Low Priority Case: 1

your help will be very appreciated! :rolleyes:

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Reports :: Grouping By Date On Report

Mar 2, 2013

I am trying to create a report grouped by payment date. The problem I'm having is there are 3 different payment date fields on one table and 1 payment date field on another table. I cannot figure out how to get my group expression to pull up the dates from each one of the fields. Do I need to create a new table for each payment type, or is there a way to create a common field "Payment Date" and pull up date from these 3 fields. I have a criteria form which sets beginning and ending dates, but where to assign it. The report is called "Payments by Date" and I need to show PPD (primary payment date), SPD (secondary payment date), etc.

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Reports :: Grouping A Report With 2 Fields From 2 Tables

Nov 8, 2014

I'm trying to create a report with data from 7 different tables. It's supposed to be an assignment overview for a transfer company (driving people from A to B, dunno how to call it in English). I put assignment and customer details into the page header, which is working out fine so far. But now I want to show transfer details and it's proving to be a bit troublesome.

When creating the assignment, the user can choose whether the transfer goes from/to an address or from/to an airport. Depending on which one he chose the data is stored in different tables. To determine whether it is an outward journey/collection, outward journey/target, return journey/collection or return journey/target, I put a field in each of those tables ("Schritt", its value being either 1, 2, 3 or 4).

To visualize I made screenshot of the tables in relationship view, but since I'm a new member i can't seem to post images, so I'm giving you a pseudo URL...

[abload (dot) de (slash) img (slash) transeren40p1r.png]

The final report should look like this:

outward journey
---collection (1)
---target (2)
return journey
---collection (3)
---target (4)

Having the "Schritt" value for each step in either one or another table (address(es) or flight data) is making it a bit hard for me to wrap my head around the problem. Is that doable with expressions or is there a way in VBA to solve this problem?

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Reports :: Grouping Report Data From Start To End Date?

May 31, 2014

Grouping a report data starting from date 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 ??

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Reports :: Combination Of Grouping And Sorting In Report Does Not Work

May 15, 2013

Access 2010. I have a table with the following fields:

- From
- To
- TypeOfWork (to be chosen from a combo-box)
- Activity (text field to be filled in freely)

In a table i have a complete day with times (from -> to), the type of work between those times and the activity performed between those times a bit like this:

00:00 - 11:00 Welding Welding clamps
11:00 - 13:00 Welding Welding anodes
13:00 - 15:00 Cleaning Cleaning pipes
15:00 - 18:00 Cleaning Cleaning floor

I would like it to show in the report like this:

00:00 - 13:00......Welding............00:00 Welding clamps
...............................................11: 00 Welding anodes
13:00 - 18:00......Cleaning...........13:00 Cleaning pipes
...............................................15: 00 Cleaning floor

So it should sort on "From", then group by "TypeofWork" and repeat the "From" field(I think...). But I now have tried every combination of sorting and grouping I could think of and nothing works!

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Reports :: Group Data In A Report From Single Table Using Grouping And Sorting

Dec 2, 2014

I'm trying to group data in a report from single table using grouping and sorting and I want the percentile of every record over group total. I'm using a query to fetch data from table, however I'm unable to get percentage of every single record over group total.

I want to display the report as attached image in single report. I'm unable to get data in "Perc" field. It's populating wrong values.

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Queries :: Pull Data Values In Array To Become Grouping Headers In A Report

Apr 23, 2014

I have a table with application records. One of the fields captures schools the applicant will work at. This field stores data in comma delimited format. There could be 1 school name; there could be 5 school names.

My ultimate goal is to build a report which shows me records of all applications, grouped by school choice. I want to see: School A was selected by 5 people, School B was selected by 7, etc.

Is it possible to write a query from this table that will enable this?

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Ordering Help

Dec 8, 2005

i have a database with 3 main tabels: customers, items being sold and orders. i am having problems with having more than one item assigned to a order. can anyone help me please? i am new to access so if anyone can help can you explain in symple steps?

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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Ordering Sheet Help Please!!!

Feb 22, 2006

hello i have created an ordering sheet for my company. i want to know if it is possible to automatically record the time of each order made?
If possible could someone tell me how it is done?

Also is it possible to put a clock in an Access database?



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Ordering Records

Nov 25, 2005

Is there a way of , when a database administrator enters a new rocord to a database, making the new record appear at th e top of the table it is enter ed into, i.e can he prefix the entry to tell access to put the record at the top of the table

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Ordering Dates

Jul 25, 2007


I have a question on date order please see attachment. I have changed the numerical value into a date abbreviation with an iif statement in design view via another crosstab query.

I am now trying find out a way to start the data with April and ending with March for my financial year. Any help would be appreciated.


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Ordering Records

May 12, 2005

I have a database containing music library data, with fields <Composer> and <Title>. I have a form that shows a these fields as lists, but I want to add a button at the top of each list to order the data by that field. How do I do it?

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Manual Ordering.

Jun 9, 2005

I think this may be impossible but I am hoping it isn't :)

Have any of come across a way to Manually order a continuous form.

The way I would see it working is to have a column in the table called sort_order and two buttons on the form called move up and move down. Once clicked the sort_order value would change thus changing the order on the form.

I should imagine it would be alot more complicated than my brief description, in fact it may like I said be impossible.

If any of you have an idea how to achieve this I will be very grateful



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Ordering Form

Nov 4, 2006

I have actually 2 questions. They are probably very easy to solve, but I have no idea where to start looking.

1) I have a form (Form1) which has a combo box. When pressing "F2", I start a second form (Form2).

On Form2 I want my records order by Name, but I always have them ordered by ID. I tried the "Order By" property on the form, but that doesn't seem to work.

2) When closing the form, I want the selected (or the newly created record) to be the current record in the Combo box on Form1. How do I do that?


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Ordering By Date In A Form

Dec 10, 2014

I have created a form with many companies. each companies have 4 events in one year,but the first event in the form is the last one. How can order this events in this form chronologically?

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Ordering A DISTINCT Query Of Dates?

Jul 20, 2005

Is this possible, if using the following:

SELECT DISTINCT (Format([Month],"mmm yyyy")) FROM Table;

Adding a ORDER BY [Month]; gives a "distinct and order by" conflict...

Is there any way to alleviate this?

I want to display a "mmm yyyy" formatted combobox in order (i.e. Jan 2005, Feb 2005, Mar 2005, etc...)


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Ordering/Sorting Data In Form

Feb 24, 2005

Hi all,
I have a simple 2-table database. the 'parent' table is tblProducts, and the 'child' table is tblDocuments. (one [products] to many [docouments] relationship)

My data entry is done using a 'documents' subform inside a 'products' parent form. The data entry works fine, except i would really like it if my products and documents would be listed in alphabetical order in their respective form/subform {makes it easier on the user, and saves me needing a find record button}. At the moment they seem to be ordered by the time in which they were added to the table. I guess Access is using the primary Key as the 'order by' parameter.

The thing that is infuriating me is that i have gone into my two tables and told access to sort the data by Product Name, and Document name in the respective tables. I can verify that this has worked by going to data view; lo and behold the data are listed in the order i specified.

Further I have gone into my form and sub form properties, into the Data...Order By property and have keyed in the name of the field i want to sort by (product name in the parent form, and document name in the sub form).

I have tried all combinations and permutations of the above processes but nothing seems to work.

It seems i am missing one crucial piece to the puzzle, as i haven't had much luck finding a solution on or anything else (maybe im using the wrong search terms). I am having this problem with all of my databases, so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Ordering A Drop Down List In A Page

Aug 22, 2004


i have a page, with several drop down boxes, each containing quite a few options, but they dont show in alphabetical order so its a pain trying to find the one i want. how can i order them by alphabetical order,?



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Forms :: Ordering 10 Line Items At A Time

May 22, 2014

How to generate prescription order form, so that I can order 10 line items at a time. I have the following tables,

SupplierAccount No
SupplierPhone No

Order Form Header
SupplierAccount No
SupplierPhone No

Order Items
Item Name
Item Description
Item Size
Item Code
Item Qty

Item Name
Item Description
Item Size
Item Code
Item Qty

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Queries :: Ordering Columns Cross Tab Query

Nov 26, 2013

I have a cross tab query. Essentially it groups together posted volumes into week numbers for different offices.

However, when I run the query, the order of the columns is not in a logical number order. I get Week 1 then Week 10 then Week 11 and Week 2 is further down the list and then Week 20 comes after that.

I would like if at all possible the Week Numbers to follow after one another i.e. Week 1 first then up to Week 52 in correct number order.

In my Dates Table I do have a SortID column which I hoped would resolve this issue so I could sort on the SortID column however this fails to work.

Attached is the query...

PARAMETERS [Forms]![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![cmbOfficeSearch] Text ( 255 ), Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtStartDate] DateTime, Forms![frmSumOfVolByCCAndFormat]![txtEndDate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS SumOfTrafficVolume
SELECT tblOffice.CostCentre, tblOffice.OfficeName, tblTrafficFormat.Format, Sum(tblTrafficEast.TrafficVolume) AS [Total Volume]

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Ordering Database - Field Not Printing?

Mar 24, 2015

I have an Ordering database where the order form contains a subform with the order lines (Order_line_subfrm). In this subform footer I have 4 currency fields, one f which is delivery fee (default is set to zero). When I add a fee into this field on screen, everything works (i.e. adds up) and the value is there to see. When I go to print the form (paper or PDF) the delivery fee returns to zero (the database entry is still present).

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