Report-Listing Names

Jun 22, 2005

I have a report that i am trying to list in the header section, a listing of all the names for a particular field, if it is in my report. I will use these names to send the report to.

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Hi And A Hope Of Help Over Listing File Names In Access

Nov 14, 2006

Hi, newbie here to this forum, been looking about for ages to try and find an access based forum.

I am not a great coder, have not really done it, nor remotely understand it, but I have still managed to write a database in access for the office.

We run a residential care home, where we had 5 databases (MS Works) which held different information of the residents within the home but duplicated name, dob, etc. I have successfully writen a access database which works well. But now I want to start pushing it a degree further if I can.

We took delivery of a HP officejet all in one printer, and it has a scanner with document feeder which we scan letters in so we can share them with head office, but what I would really like to do, is scan letters in relating to a specific client, and be able to save the file name as a link, so an other user on an other PC can open the document on their PC. Basically, I want to avoid us going to the filing cabinet to refer to a letter which was written to us.

I am using XP Home, with Office 2003 Pro, and Acrobat 8 Pro.

Any ideas where to even start looking?? I did do a search, but have no idea how to start.

Thanks in advance.

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Listing Words In Report

Feb 23, 2006

So I am using 2003. On the report I have created I have this one entry that exists for all my records, it is a Name, and at the bottom of the report I am trying to create a summary that will list each of those names. I already have a count going, so I thought maybe I could tap that, but not every record has a name listed. I am farely inept at coding.

What I want is this:
(Institution 1) Accrediting Institution: ACICS
(Institution 2) Accrediting Institution: ACCST
(The part above is Done, what I need in Below)

(SUMMARY) Accrediting Institutions: ACICS, ACCST


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Reports :: Report Listing Overdue Items

Feb 13, 2014

I'm trying to design a report which lists jobs that are overdue. I've got a field called [ExpectedCompletionDate] and a field called [Status]. The Status field is polulated by a combo box, which has the following options

In Progress

My issue is that i'd like the report to list all the jobs which have exceeded the expected completion date and whose status is not listed as 'Complete'.I'm using the following code in the underlying query

Overdue: IIf([ExpectedCompletionDate]<Date(),IIf([Status] Is Not "Complete","Overdue"))

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Reports :: Listing Consecutive Dates In Report

Dec 1, 2013

Is it possible to list out each consecutive date in a report when given a range of dates without having to create a table of dates?

For example, given the date range 12/01/2013 to 12/05/2013:

In report:

Is it possible to do this dynamically in vba?

I want to ultimately join this to a recordset for the report.

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Formatting Names On Report

May 23, 2006

This is probably a simple question, but I can't find the answer and can't seem to be able to format my question into a searchable format, so here goes.

I'm building a report that contains names; prefix, first, last, title. I would like to somehow link these so that instead of a bunch of spaces in between the data, the data is seperated by a single space. I.e. instead of


It says:

Mr. Bob Smith, Director

Is this possible?

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Forms :: Report Names Changing Randomly

Jul 15, 2014

In my database, my "switchboard" consists of two listboxes: "Available Forms" and "Available Reports". The Available Forms listbox lists all the forms that can be accessed, and Available Forms listbox lists all the reports that can be accessed. I did this so that I wouldn't have to create buttons for each new form or report. They all are automatically listed in the listbox for the user to double-click on to open.

Since all my form and report names are not user-friendly (ie: fmComplicatedAndUglyName, rpComplicatedAndUglyReport) I want a way for the db admin to easily assign captions for each form that the average database user would find intuitive and easy to understand (ie: "Car Maintenance" instead of fmCarMaintenance). To do this, I built a table called tbDBObjectsCaptions consisting of these fields:

dbObject_ID (PK - Long Integer)
Caption (Text)

Next, I have an unbound form (fmDBObjectsCaptions) consisting of two subforms:

1) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Forms, which lists all Forms with captions
2) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Reports, which lists all Reports with captions.

Each subform's record source is tbDBObjectsCaptions with an Inner Join between the table and the MSysObjects table so that I can show only forms (Type field in MSysObjects = -32768) or only reports (Type field in MSysObjects = -32764). So, the record source looks like:

SELECT tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID, tbDBObjectsCaptions.Caption
FROM tbDBObjectsCaptions INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's subform record source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)Each subform also consists of a "Caption" textbox and a combobox that lists all the forms or reports in MSysObjects. The Row Source for those comboboxes are:

SELECT MSysObjects.Id, MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name) Not Like "*sbf*") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's combobox row source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)My first day playing with fmDBObjectsCaptions went fine. Both subforms' comboboxes list either Reports or Forms and would easily let me choose a form or report. The subforms would record the same "Id" from the MSysObjects table into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table and each Caption I typed in was recorded into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table for each "Id" I chose. It worked just fine.

However, the next day, I noticed that the captions I assigned for forms/reports were now assigned to different forms and reports! In fact, the fmDBObjectsCaptions no longer shows any captioned reports as their Types have somehow changed from -32764 to -32768 and are therefore now displayed in the Forms subform.

Either the dbObject_ID is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the tbDBObjectsCaptions table or the Id is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the MSysObjects table. I don't know how or why but that's what's happening. So now, in the fmDBObjectsCaptions form, my Forms subform is displaying the wrong captions for the forms, and is also displaying records that were originally Reports (items that have captions but blank comboboxes were originally entered in the Reports subform).

I attached a copy of the database. Any different solution that allows for easy Admin'ing of displayed form/report names?

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Tables :: Populate A Table With Report Names

Apr 1, 2015

I want to populate a table with the database's reports.

And somehow be able to select a row and open a report in design view.

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Please Have A Look At My Report. It Shows Numbers (for Lookup Fiels) Instead Of Names

Mar 29, 2008

In my db the look up fields show up as numbers.
for example i have a look up field called "company" and i have two companies in it (Reddot & Thingz).

But on report they come up as 1 and 2 instead of their names.
The db is attached.
If anyone knows the solution, please help me.


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Modules & VBA :: Report Names - Changing Settings For Array

Nov 6, 2014

I have the following script which I use to modify all report settings, with an array so that I can easily list reports that I want to change the settings for, there could be 50+ reports.

I can use a string but I have to put str1 as string, str2 as string etc... whereas an array would be easier (if I knew how to do it).

Public Sub ModifyAllReportsProperties()
Dim obj As AccessObject, dbs As Object
Set dbs = Application.CurrentProject
Dim ReportName As String

[Code] ....

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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Reports :: Repeating Row Names And Column Names

Jan 17, 2014

How can I repeat column names and row names on multiple pages of the report ?

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Query Listing

Jan 11, 2006

Hello All,

I am have some difficulies in the following query:

The result i need is Summary5 ResultG/001, G/0015 (Room) and soo on

Field Names Are:
Room & Summary5

I realy am not sure as how to do this, if it help the reason why i need to do this is for a report that will show "Asbestos Found In Rooms ...."(Summary5:Asbestos Found In Rooms" "&[Room]) is what i tried but this does not show it right, any ideas.


**************************** Resolved With Thanks to raskew (Bob) & Matt Greatorex*****************

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Listing By Date

Dec 19, 2005


I have a table with a list of lectures and the dates and times they are running. I then have a related table which lists the feedback marks and comments for each lecture. I want to enter them via a form and have set up a form with the the lectures and then a subform for entering the feedback. This all works fine. However I would like to be able to have the lectures listed by date order and wondered what the best way is to make this work so that the user can simply scroll through each lecture on the form and it automatically goes through the list by date.

I hope this is clear and thanks for any help.


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Importing Directory Listing

Mar 13, 2007


Having recently correlated the impossible pile of photos that I have on CD, including a lot of re-naming etc... I have now managed to get them down onto DVD.

I there an easy way to import a directory listing into an access database other than inputing the lot by hand? I don't wan't to add thumbnails just the file name and the directory it's in. I can embelish other details later via ASP, just need the bulk of the work done easily.

I have some experience of database design but not huge amounts of programming, other than the ASP side of things so if anyone has a complex answer please go gently with me!!!


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IIF In Query Q - Listing All Entries

Jun 20, 2006


I currently have a DB that has a field in a table that records which shift (A, B, or C) that some data was collected on. I am trying to write a Query in order to filter the results so that either the data from shifts A,B, or C show up, or if "All Shifts" is selected, then all the data shows up. I have another table set up that records the shift selection from a form. I was trying to use an Iif statement but it does not seem to be working for the "All Shifts" option. Selecting "Shift A" or "Shift B" etc. works fine.

IIf([ShiftSelect]="All Shifts","Shift [ABC]",[ShiftSelect])

**[ShiftSelect] containts the users selection for which shift they want to view.

I have also tried this with a wildcard statement (Like "*") instead of "Shift [ABC]", to see if I could get any data to show but I still get nothing when "All Shifts" is selected!

Let me know if you can see the problem, or know another way to go about this query!

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Listing Reports In A Listbox

Mar 15, 2006

I have a Form named frmClearances that lists the name, age, Club Clearing From, Club Clearing To and the Date of Clearance... this is used for my local sporting Club.

I have created reports that separate names into "Clubs Clearing From" so that each Club is aware of who has gone. The Reports are named...

I have searched this Forum and all over as well, including Tutorials and I cannot understand how I can make a list box that contains the names of the reports so that they can be selected individually when required for each Club.

I copied the SQL for each query and placed it in the RecordSource of each Club Report so that I did not have numerous queries.

I have even copied code from other list boxes to then changed a couple of things but that has been to no avail.

Could somebody please explain to me how I do this? Thank-you very much in advance for any assistance.

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ComboBox Not Listing Values

Sep 23, 2011

So I have a textbox on a form that contain values. I want to convert it to a ComboBox. Since a lot of these values are the same in a lot of records (for example, "Inventor"), I want the entered values to appear in the ComboBox dropdown so they can just be selected instead of typed in. I converted the textbox to a Combobox by right-clicking on the textbox => Change To => ComboBox. It changed successfully, but I want it to list the values in the dropdown, but it doesn't.

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Listing Controls On Open Form

Apr 15, 2006

Dear Friends

How do I list al the controls on an open form including mutiple subforms

Please advice

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Listing Data Rows As Coulmns

Jun 27, 2005

Hello all,

I have a crazy question. Is there a way to write a query that would display data rows with common ID's as if they were columns in a query? It's for visually representing row data as if they were one record in a list. Basically, I would like to take the following data...

fldID fldDetail fldValue
1 Shape Round
1 Color Blue
2 Shape Square
2 Color Red

And display it in a recordsource like each is one record:
ID Shape Color
1 Round Blue
2 Square Red

Is there a way to do this? HTMS.

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Listing All Records Not Linked To Another Table

Apr 22, 2006


Relevant to this query are two tables, tblNames and tblLinks.

I've been trying, with a very limited understanding, to generate a list of every tblName.Name where tblName.NameID IS NOT in tblLinks.NameID.

Is this something I can do in the query design view or do I need to work with raw SQL?

Any tips appreciated:)

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Combo Box With Listing Record In List Box

Sep 19, 2006

Hi all,

Please refer to the pic 'figure1' to review my question. Thanks.

I need to use a combo box to select the employee name and show the following Ref No. by using the list box. is it possible to do that? If can make it, how bout i need to delete the selected record, any idea for that? Thank you.

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Forms :: Combo Box And Listing All Information

Oct 7, 2013

Our software was purchased with a volume license, so I want to make a combo box with all of our volume license purchases and when the person selects the volume license number all of the PCs that have software purchased with that volume license are displayed.Below is my code

Private Sub cboVolumeLicensing_AfterUpdate()
'Moves to Volume Licensing field and
'finds records where "Volume Licensing" matches whatever is selected in the combo box
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!cboVolumeLicensing
'Set value of combo box equal to an empty string
End Sub

The Query is Volume License Query and it is composed of Main Table and Volume Licensing Table connected by serial number on the main table and volume license on the volume licensing table..The combo box is volumeLicensing .And the form I am trying to do this in is called Volume License Form

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Queries :: Listing All Data From Table One And Two

Dec 16, 2013

My aim is to chart the career history of many people in my DB and my intention is to achieve this with two "Main" tables with many smaller tables linked to it.

Table 1 will contain the generic data about the individual, employee number, name, DOB, etc etc (there are many more fields) and Table 2 would hold their career history. Where they have worked, when, etc.

When viewing Table 1, I see all data, including a sub table showing career history, which is great. What I would like to do however, is have a query that will return all data from table 1 and Table 2 that refer to the employee number.

Attempts that I have made thus far, mean I have to enter the employee number twice (I would prefer to enter this only once) and then it gives me many pages (in report view) each page has all data from table 1, and one entry from table 2.

I would like to see all data from table 1 and then all data from table two, listed.

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Forms :: Listing DB Tables In A List Box

Sep 17, 2014

I am after creating a list box that will display some of the tables within my database - there are between 10 and 15 tables and the names all follow the same pattern (They all start "tblD10").

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Listing All Records For Same Field In Multiple Tables

Oct 27, 2006


I want to list all the records of a particular field from all tables in my database. The field has the same name in all the tables. Ideally I would like one long list of the records. How can I do this?



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