Report Question - Counting & Grouping

Dec 27, 2006

First of all, we have a database for all company customer cases (through out the whole year of 2006). Every case has its own priority level.

‘Priority’ column has three option, ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

We are new to Access, and we are trying group all the case month to month (group them by their created date) on separate pages. At the end of each monthly summary, we’d like to do a number count on ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

Here is a sample that we are trying to get to…

Sample Datebase,
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium
005 11/9/06 Medium

Sample Report we are trying to get to...
Summary for December:
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium

Total Case: 4
High Priority Case: 2
Medium Priority Case: 1
Low Priority Case: 1

your help will be very appreciated! :rolleyes:

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Grouping And Counting

Jan 14, 2008

Hi, Im not sure how to ask this but i need to add together the total amount of times a see a persons name in a field i.e a person signs for 5 boxes with 5 signatures i need to be able to add those together so it gives me a value of 1 is there anyway i can do this?

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Grouping And Counting Issue - HELP!

Feb 1, 2008

Ok, I'm driving myself crazy! I've built quite a few databases in Access and pretty much know what I'm doing, but I've hit a brick wall on what seems to me a very simple database...

I'm trying to make a database that will keep track of my investments. I'm practicing to be a day trader in the Forex market and want to put something together that will let me see how I'm doing on an average basis.

In my 'Trades Table' I have an AutoNumber, Date, TimeEnteredTrade, CurrencyPair, NumberOfLots, TimeInTrade, and ProfitLoss. With this data I'm trying to group everything by date, since I might have multiple trades per day. From there I want to know how many trades I made that day, how many were profitable (count), how many were losses (count), total $ of gains (sum), total $ of losses (sum), and Net Profit (difference of profit-losses).

I've get the group by date to work fine, I can also get a count for the total number of trades grouped by date. Where I hit the wall is trying to get it to show the total trades>0 AND keep the total number of trades. I've used 'where' and have gotten it to show me >0, but when I do that it also changes the total number of trades for that day...

:confused: HELP!!!

Thanks a million!


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Report Grouping And Ordering

Jan 5, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a field in a table on Access 2000 database with takes the following information in any order and can be repeated. e.g. can have 10, etc people with contact signed, 10, etc people with PDD issued, etc.

contract signed
PIN issued
PDD issued
validation finished
Host country approval
EB approved
CER's issued.

I am designing a report in which I want to Group and order the info. in the field in the order shown above, e.g 1. contract signed, then 2. PIN issued followed by PDD issued, etc in Ascending order say and the other way round say CER's issued, EB approved, etc.

Can anyone help here? I have not much experience with designing reports but I have tried using the report Sorting and Grouping and it does it in aphabetical order, not in that order I require.

Thank you


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Grouping Problems In Report.

Nov 14, 2004


I have a problem with the output of a report , i have a couple of tables and
one table here like u can see in this relationship diagram is 'DRA' (attached file) which i want to display the combined results of table 'R' and table 'DO' in the report,although i get the reults into the report of these 3tables starting from --> DRA then table 'R' results followed by the results of table 'DO' , now the problem is its displaying , i would like the display to be like that in the 4th column (as u can see in the pic) , i have tried a lot in the reports but i cant seem to get this output , i would really appreciate the help...

Thank you,

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Grouping Products In A Report - Please Help

Dec 8, 2007

Hi everyone, I am having a lot of trouble doing something that is probably very simple.

My scenario is customers order products, lots of products, now i need to know the quantities of these products for all my customers. It doesnt have to be by customer name, all i need is the product and the Quantities.

I can produce a Report that contains what i need in it but i would like to summarise it.

My report now has the PRODUCT and the QUANTITY for each product that was entered in the order, Problem is the Same product comes up all the time in the report.

For example Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 1
Product= Tray Lasagne Quantity = 2

And it has a continues list in the report, i would like to group the products so that it shows like this on the report:

Product=Tray Lasagne Quanity= 1, 2 etc

Is this possible? Thanks.

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Reports :: Grouping By Date On Report

Mar 2, 2013

I am trying to create a report grouped by payment date. The problem I'm having is there are 3 different payment date fields on one table and 1 payment date field on another table. I cannot figure out how to get my group expression to pull up the dates from each one of the fields. Do I need to create a new table for each payment type, or is there a way to create a common field "Payment Date" and pull up date from these 3 fields. I have a criteria form which sets beginning and ending dates, but where to assign it. The report is called "Payments by Date" and I need to show PPD (primary payment date), SPD (secondary payment date), etc.

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Reports :: Grouping A Report With 2 Fields From 2 Tables

Nov 8, 2014

I'm trying to create a report with data from 7 different tables. It's supposed to be an assignment overview for a transfer company (driving people from A to B, dunno how to call it in English). I put assignment and customer details into the page header, which is working out fine so far. But now I want to show transfer details and it's proving to be a bit troublesome.

When creating the assignment, the user can choose whether the transfer goes from/to an address or from/to an airport. Depending on which one he chose the data is stored in different tables. To determine whether it is an outward journey/collection, outward journey/target, return journey/collection or return journey/target, I put a field in each of those tables ("Schritt", its value being either 1, 2, 3 or 4).

To visualize I made screenshot of the tables in relationship view, but since I'm a new member i can't seem to post images, so I'm giving you a pseudo URL...

[abload (dot) de (slash) img (slash) transeren40p1r.png]

The final report should look like this:

outward journey
---collection (1)
---target (2)
return journey
---collection (3)
---target (4)

Having the "Schritt" value for each step in either one or another table (address(es) or flight data) is making it a bit hard for me to wrap my head around the problem. Is that doable with expressions or is there a way in VBA to solve this problem?

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Reports :: Grouping Report Data From Start To End Date?

May 31, 2014

Grouping a report data starting from date 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 ??

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Reports :: Combination Of Grouping And Sorting In Report Does Not Work

May 15, 2013

Access 2010. I have a table with the following fields:

- From
- To
- TypeOfWork (to be chosen from a combo-box)
- Activity (text field to be filled in freely)

In a table i have a complete day with times (from -> to), the type of work between those times and the activity performed between those times a bit like this:

00:00 - 11:00 Welding Welding clamps
11:00 - 13:00 Welding Welding anodes
13:00 - 15:00 Cleaning Cleaning pipes
15:00 - 18:00 Cleaning Cleaning floor

I would like it to show in the report like this:

00:00 - 13:00......Welding............00:00 Welding clamps
...............................................11: 00 Welding anodes
13:00 - 18:00......Cleaning...........13:00 Cleaning pipes
...............................................15: 00 Cleaning floor

So it should sort on "From", then group by "TypeofWork" and repeat the "From" field(I think...). But I now have tried every combination of sorting and grouping I could think of and nothing works!

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Reports :: Group Data In A Report From Single Table Using Grouping And Sorting

Dec 2, 2014

I'm trying to group data in a report from single table using grouping and sorting and I want the percentile of every record over group total. I'm using a query to fetch data from table, however I'm unable to get percentage of every single record over group total.

I want to display the report as attached image in single report. I'm unable to get data in "Perc" field. It's populating wrong values.

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Queries :: Pull Data Values In Array To Become Grouping Headers In A Report

Apr 23, 2014

I have a table with application records. One of the fields captures schools the applicant will work at. This field stores data in comma delimited format. There could be 1 school name; there could be 5 school names.

My ultimate goal is to build a report which shows me records of all applications, grouped by school choice. I want to see: School A was selected by 5 people, School B was selected by 7, etc.

Is it possible to write a query from this table that will enable this?

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Counting The Responses In A Report

Jun 20, 2006

I have a database for collecting evaluation responses for training. There are 20 questions, with a combo box for each with responses: agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, n/a. I want to create a report that counts the number of responses for each question from a session. I don't know how to put a calculation field in a report to count the various responses and am not a programmer. Can someone help me.


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Counting From A Query To Report

Apr 23, 2007

Okay feel free to stamp "stupid" on my forehead if you want. I've read through all the threads I can before going cross eyed here and nothing I've tried works so far.

I'm creating yet another report from a query or table (both have the same data). I have a table with termed employee data including rate, attendance, efficiency and quality. The query I have has IIf statements for each of these, saying 1=Below, 2=Meets, 3=Exceeds and else is N/A. The table just shows the number value.

I need the report to count how many belows, meets, exceeds, and N/A each field has, and give a percent of the total. I tried copy and pasting some DLOOKUP codes but just got either an #ERROR or a 0. Any ideas?

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Reports :: Counting On A Report?

Feb 14, 2014

When entering information on the form, there is a combo box with 4 options

In Progress

There are several different areas on site here and i'd like to be able to set up a report which will count the amount of the above 4 possibilities for each section. For example i'd like the report to look something like below

Area A
Started 1
In Progress 6
Verified 3
Complete 5

Area B
Started 3
In Progress 9
Verified 21
Complete 11

So i'm displaying the number of jobs in each section and how far along they are at a glance

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Group Counting In A Report?

Nov 1, 2012

I have a group of inspectors who are assigned a group of buildings. I want to show a count of how many each inspector has. The end result should look like this:

Jones FSL 0: 0 FSL 1: 0 FSL 2: 1 FSL 3: 2 FSL 4: 2 Total: 5

Smith FSL 0: 0 FSL 1: 1 FSL 2: 2 FSL 3: 2 FSL 4: 1 Total: 6

White FSL 0: 1 FSL 1: 3 FSl 2: 0 FSL 3: 0 FSl 4: 0 Total: 4

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Counting Checked Checkboxes In A Report

Nov 1, 2004

I have a report, where some features are listed as checkboxes. I'd like to have all checked checkboxes counted at the end of report. I've created text field. What shuold be the command in it ? (to count only checked boxes).

Thanx for any help

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Counting With A Query To Give Results On Report

Dec 18, 2007

I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.

Can someone help me with this?

- Thanks in advance!

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Formula Counting Fields In Either Query Or Report

Dec 15, 2004


I would like to count number of items witin a text field,
but breaking it down identifying the different items within the
text field.


Got a field with fruits listed. Now I am identifying the fruit but want
to know how many rotten fruit there was for each specified fruit.

At the moment my query is by date and the fruit including the column
specifying if the fruit is rotten or not. But there is 3 options in the last
column. How can I count this last column to count how many of these
3 options there are for each fruit in my report?

Please let me know if this makes any sense or not otherwise I will try to explain
it a little bit better.

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Queries :: Summarizing / Counting Data In A Report

Feb 8, 2015

I'm using Access 2010. I have a report that summarises students and the number of courses they are attending after a set date. My query lists name, course date, course description, the count being on the course description. I thought it was working until I noticed that students are listed twice if they attended courses on two separate days.

For example
Liz 4
Liz 3
instead of
Liz 7

I have moved the count to other fields but it then doesn't show any students at all when I run the query.

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Reports :: Counting Unique Field In A Report

Jul 19, 2014

I have a report which is based on a query. The query combines information from TBLDwgReg and TBLDwgRegDtls. The unique field linking these two tables is DrawingNo. The query - QRYDtldDwgReg - is showing 99% of the information I want to see.

My problem is this - one drawing can be revised several times. I have my report grouped by IssuedBy and then grouped by DrawingNo. In the group footer for IssuedBy I want to count the number of drawings issued by a particular consultant. For example...the structural engineer has issued 17 drawings for a particular project but when I do a count it is returning a total 27 because some of those drawings have been revised.

I tried grouping in the query and counting the DrawingNo field there but that's not working either.

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Counting Records In Report From Select Field

Aug 22, 2015

there are 3 options Yes Somewhat and Not really I want to count the records that only have Yes.

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Reports :: Counting Number Of Distinct Records In Report?

Oct 11, 2013

I'm creating a report for an imaginary "medical clinic's database", the intended function of which is described as follows: "Create a statistic that shows the total number of distinct drugs prescribed to a patient."

Where I'm at:

I've created a query called UniqueDrugs containing drug and patient info. The SQL is:


SELECT DISTINCT Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
FROM Patients INNER JOIN (Drugs INNER JOIN Prescriptions ON Drugs.[Drug_ID] = Prescriptions.[Drug_ID]) ON Patients.[Patient _ID] = Prescriptions.[Patient_ID]
GROUP BY Drugs.Drug_Name, Patients.[Patient _ID]
ORDER BY Patients.[Patient _ID];

The results of this query seem to be what I need. All I need is for the count formula that I use to return the number of distinct drug names there are that are related to a patient's ID.

I've created a report and I've put the following formula into a text box:


Where PID is the name of another text box in the report that contains the Patient ID that I want to compare to the drug names returned by the query.

However, this *always* results in #Error, no matter how I change the formula.I have been led to believe that syntax is not the issue, as the following formula worked as intended for a different task:


How do I use a DCount to return the number of different drugs that have been prescribed to a patient?

If it did not require the number of different drugs, I would simply use the following formula, which works just fine:


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Reports :: Several Fields In Report - Counting Record Values

May 10, 2014

Suppose we have a report that outlines several fields, one field shows the City. In the report, this week, we see 10 records "New York", 8 records "Houston", 7 records "London", 3 records "Paris" and so on.

Next week's report outlines different cities and different number of records. I need to have in the report footer a "recapitulation" , a field that would say :

New York 10
Houston 8
London 7
Paris 3

Total 28

Next week cities and number of records might not be the same, we may have

Tokyo 12
Singapore 14
New York 6
London 7

Can i make my report in that way that it will count the values without using VBA ? I tried the count values option but it counts the overall report, does not take into consideration the different values.

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Reports :: Counting Test Records From Multiple Tables In One Report?

Apr 22, 2014

I have been trying to create a report to count equipment tested between two dates:

I am using Access 2000 (old I know) and I have 21 different tables with the fields laid out the same. For the moment, I will list five of the tables: Servers, Laptops, Printers, Workstations, and Monitors. The criteria I draw from each table are the fields Model#, Part#, Serial#, Test Date, Retest Date, and Technician.

I can create a report from a query (say laptops). The criteria I is BETWEEN[Enter Start Date]AND[Enter End Date] under the TEST DATE field. Works great! In my report I use =Count(*)&" "&"Unit(s) tested" & "Between "&[Enter Start Date] & " and" & [Enter End Date].

That works great too.

I am trying to create ONE REPORT using ONE Date range and display how many units were tested:


Units Tested between March 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014

Servers 9
Laptops 23
Workstations 15
Printers 18
Monitors 31

If I can get these five tables, hopefully I can add additional tables to the same report as I need them. I am not savy with VB code, but will give it a go with some direction as to where to put it and how to add to it.

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Counting Of Cases And Counting No Records

Jan 26, 2007

I have a report due the first of each week in which I need the cases open and cases closed for the previous week, the week two weeks prior and the 2007 and 2006 year to date on two different types of cases. I have a case management table with a field for Type of Case, date assigned and date closed that I uses in my queries. Presently I have two query, one that generates only Type 1 cases from the Case Management Table and another for Type 2. I then use the Type 1 Query in another query that limits the results for Type 1 cases to those opened last week, one for those open two weeks ago, one for 2006 YTD and one for 2007 YTD. In these 4 queries I have one field [Type of Cases] and I have the query count. I then do this for Type 2 cases and then go through the whole process to do Closed Cases. All my queries have criteria to automatically filter the dates to the time periods mentioned above. I then have one report query that I put all the number in for my report. This query has 16 fields with the numbers for each period, last week open and closed, 2 weeks open and closed, etc. I then generated a report that takes these numbers from my report query and puts it in a report format automatically. As you can imagine this takes some time to go through each query to generate these numbers, so I was wondering how I may do this differently. Also, I have experienced a problem when a field produces no records I get a blank sceen with nothing under the Count of column and get the same thing for my report. How can I fix this.

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