Report Fields Problem

May 14, 2006

Hi can somone tell me how to please do this

i want my rport to print all towns this job is in. Pickup at town, constructin at town and deliver at town

Mostley they are same thing so i dont want to say SanJose SanJose San Jose only SanJose 1 time. But if its in 2 towns I want to say SanJose and Monterey. Not special which is pickup and deliver, only worker need to know before start they will required to go to 2 or 3 towns on this job.

example 3 towns are SanJose Monterey SanJose
show only SanJose and Monterey
example 3 towns are all SanJose
show only SanJose
example 3 towns are SanJose montery and Sandiego
show SanJose montery and Sandiego

anybody knows how to write this in report please I will be very happy! thank you!

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Does MS Access Report Support Hide/Show Fields At The Report View Time?

Aug 19, 2007

Does the MS Access Report support Hide/Show specific fields according to parameters or even by click?

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Reports :: Scrolling Down Report Changes Report Fields To Errors

Jun 26, 2013

I have an odd thing happening with my reports. There is a main report that gives class information (from query). There are two subreports (from queries also ) with scores (one for each type of test). There are some unbound controls on the main form that display a count of how many scores are recorded which are totals from the subreports. The controls all report the correct numbers however, when I scroll down to view each record, some of them change to #error, or #name, or similar for a moment. Sometimes they will stay in error form when I stop scrolling but change to correct if I scroll up just a bit. Is this because the controls won't calculate unless that report record has focus?

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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How Do You Refer To Fields On A Sub Report

Sep 25, 2005

I have a main report which has a subreport. On the main report I have txt fields that I want to change their background colors based off values in fields on the sub report.



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Do Not Report If All Fields Showing An N

Jul 28, 2005

:p Hello,

I am wondering if anyone can help me create a query (which is used as a basis for a report) using a criteria which is clever enough to know that if all fields are have an N (no) that a report should not be generated - but with anything else e.g. all Y's or a mixture of Y's and N's that a report will be printed. There are 6 columns where there could be a Y (yes) or an N (no) and I would really like to know if this is possible in access??


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Text Fields On A Report

Jun 5, 2006

Hi people,

I have a report that is linked to a data entry form. Is there a way to not show certain labels and text boxes if a text box on the form has the value "N/A"?

Something like:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If txtFireType = "N/A" Then
txtFireType.Visable = False
End If
End Sub

This doesn't seem to work by the way!

Really appreciate all of your help.

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How Many Fields Can You Enter In A Report?

Jan 27, 2005

I am really close to finishing up my report. But, as I had discussed in an earlier posting, I keep coming up with an error "#name?". I believe I am getting the error because I have reached some kind of maximum amount of fields aloud for a report. Does anyone know how many fields can be added to a single report?

I am going along, copying one field to the next, with a minor change to each new field, and then all of a sudden I start getting the error message.

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Merge 2 Fields In A Report

Apr 19, 2005

Is there anyway that I can merge two fields together in a report? For example instead of having first name and surname as separate fields I want to put them together so that I don't have a big gap between them. The report is based on a query if that's any help!

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Text Fields On A Report

Jun 5, 2006

Hi people,

I have a report that is linked to a data entry form. Is there a way to not show certain labels and text boxes if a text box on the form has the value "N/A"?

Something like:

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If txtFireType = "N/A" Then
txtFireType.Visable = False
End If
End Sub

This doesn't seem to work by the way!

Really appreciate all of your help.

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Max No Of Fields In Form & Report

Aug 16, 2006

sorry if this is a silly question but I'm an access beginner..

I have tried to create a form with about 125 fields using the wizard (fields selected from quieries) once I have selected all fields access goes to the Form view but no fields are displayed. if I go into design view I can see all selected fields. Why can't I see anything in form view?

Is there a limit to the number of fields that can be used in a form?

Also, is there a limit to the number of fields in a report?

if there is a limit.. how can I get around this as I need to show all fields ?

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Report - Columns Within Fields?

Nov 21, 2006

I'm new to access, so any help is greatly apprciated. Is there a way to have one field within a report show up as 2 columns? Thanks much!

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Merge Two Fields At One In Report

Mar 28, 2013

How to merge two fields at one in report

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Problem With Sequential Fields In A Report

Jul 5, 2006

I'm making a database that has to do with ski lifts. There is a report I'm trying to make about some safety equipment, the way the boss wants it structured with six consecutive text boxes, like this:

[Function][location][check box][Function][location][check box]

Now the text boxes are filled with values from a table. The problem is that if you put two text boxes side by side it will just display the same values. I was wondering if there is a way to get it to display consecutive values from the table even if they are side by side.

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How Do You Access Recordsource Fields In VBA For A Report??

Oct 28, 2004

I have report in which I have to do some custom calculation in the detail section (using VBA) of the report. How do I access the fields provided by the report, which should come from the query or table fields of the query or table set in the recordsource property of the report in design view. I am able to access some of the fields but not others. Could someone explain to me how this is done.

thank you

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Report - Show Only Fields That Have Values Above 0

Mar 8, 2005

I am trying to generate a report, or even a word merge doc, that will print only the fields containing values above "0". I have to print a one page benefits report for each employee, yet not everyone has values in each available field. On each report, I only want to show the fields that actually pertain to the employee. Is this possible?

I have tried doing this as a Word merge, but the field names do not show up, only the values...I have been struggling with this for over a day...please help!

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Only Showing The Avg Result For Fields-report

Jun 12, 2006

Please help

I have created a database to track student grades. I have made a report that shows the different grades for each criteria of each unit but, because the students get to do the unit many times it shows the same criteria many times on the report. What I want to do is have the report show only the best grade for each criteria.

i also want to be able to work out the average grade for each unit from the best grade for each criteria and store this for use in another table.

If you require more info i would be happy to supply this. Thanks

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Size-changing Fields In A Report

Dec 11, 2007

I've asked this question in different forums before, and though some people say it can be done, I have not found anyone who is successful yet.

I have a report that puts down a person's address, however the address information is stored within the database in separate fields ('Address', 'City', 'State', 'ZIP'). The issue I have is with the City/State/ZIP. Some city names are longer than others, is it possible to have the fields adapt to the different word lengths.

Say the address is, Albany, NY 10023. The database would output this alright, but then if the city name is San Francisco, CA 94143, the fields are in disarray.

I have the same issue with names. Last name and first name are stored separately. I would like to display Last, First. My workaround has been to right-align the Last name, and put it adjacent to the left-aligned first name field. This works unless the person's last name is very long, disporportionately from the first name, in which case, it looks very much off center in the overall report.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Reports :: Sum Of Calculated Fields In Report?

Jun 19, 2014

This Works:I have a report with subreports that provide totals to the main report. The main report is grouped to provide the totals by customer. Here is the format:

Customer Labor Materials LineTotal
Cust1 $100 $10 $110
Cust2 $200 $20 $120
Cust3 $300 $30 $130

[Labor] - ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],[rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0)

This doesn't work:

I am trying to create totals for each field (i.e. LaborTotal = $600, see below)

Customer Labor Materials LineTotal
Cust1 $100 $10 $110
Cust2 $200 $20 $220
Cust3 $300 $30 $330
Totals $600 $60 $660

I've tried the following each resulting in #Error:

ControlSource =Sum(IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],[rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0))
ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],Sum([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall]),0)
ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],Sum(Nz([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0),0)

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Reports :: How To Keep All Yes / No Fields In Report On Same Page

Sep 4, 2013

I have a few fields "yes/no" in report and I want to keep all of this in one page when I'll print it. How could I do that.

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Reports :: Concatenating 5 Fields To One On Report

Apr 1, 2015

I have five reason fields in my table and I would like combine them into one field on my report, with line breaks between so each reason starts on it's on line. Also if there is a blank record, I would like the report not to display a blank line. I have found ways to do this online for 2 records but I need this for 5.

Also when I do manage to get the lines all to show in the report there are 3 paragraph returns between them - making the reason display of the report 15 lines tall, not just 5. The code I have so far, which displays each of the reasons but spaced as described is:

=[REASON1] & " " & [REASON2] & " " & [REASON3] & " " & [REASON4] & " " & [REASON5]

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Reports :: Calculation For 16 Fields In A Report

Jun 23, 2013

I'm using Access 2010 and creating a report that is summing 16 fields but the wizard says I have too many fields selected. I had tried creating the report from scratch adding a sum field in the group footer but the field appears blank.

Below is what I am adding together all from one table. I have another report that will need to sum up 20 fields from a query.


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Report With Unique Fields As Columns

Apr 24, 2014

I have a large query that has information from accounts sorted by date, account repeat but they are always associated with a different date. I'd like to create a report where each date has it's own column with an associated field displayed as the information in the column. However, as data is added to the table I'd prefer to do it without having to make a query to filter each date each time information is added.

The information is added in bulk with all the same dates, so ALL accounts (excluding newly opened accounts that may have no information with a certain date) should have information for each date - there will not be single accounts with their own date. For example: An account numbered 12345 with data of 57% on 1/2/13, 63% on 6/2/13, and 89% on 12/2/13. I'd like each of the dates to have their own column, with the account numbers as the row and the percent data to show under the date they are associated with. how to manage this in a report, or if it is possible.

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Summing Specific Fields On A Report

Feb 14, 2014

In the footer of my report I have a field that sums the Transaction Amounts - =Sum([Transaction Amount])

I would also like to break the totals down further by Transaction Type Codes.

Something like =Sum([Transaction Amount]) where Transaction Type Code = AL-Exp-Paid

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Subtracting Aggregate Fields In A Report

Mar 21, 2012

I'm trying to create an expense report based off two tables. I have a table for Bouts, and a table for Bout transactions. In the Bout transaction table there is a field that specifies whether the transaction is an expense or a revenue.

I'm trying to create a report that will split the transactions out by expenses and revenues, then in the summary show the total income, (income - expenses.) I have the report formatted, but I'm not sure how to get the grand total.

I currently have the report laid out as such:

Bout Name


Sample Revenue 1 $100
Sample Revenue 2 $50

Revenue Total: $150


Sample Expense 1 $100

Expense Total: $100

Net Total: (I would like to subtract the 150 from 100 here)

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What Is The Logic On How Report Fields Are Exported To Excel

Nov 13, 2007

Tried to export a report to Excel using Tools>Office Links>Analyze It With Microsoft Excel menu. The order of the fields appearing in Excel doesn't seem to match the order on the Access report layout. What is the logic on how the fields exported? Thanks.

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