Report Inside A Form

Jan 21, 2005

Hello everyone, its been a while since i asked for advice.

This is probably a silly question, so if it can't be done, please let me know. you would save me time in trying to makeup code to perform the action.

Is it possible to have a Report embedded into a Form. [i was guessing that the sub report/form] is where to start.

If that can be done, i would then have to find a way to get the embeded report to link to a primary key. And also size the report view to around 50%

.......... now ive wrote this, i'm more sure it can't be done, so what the heck, i'll check with you geniuses anyway

Best Regards


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Forms :: Referring A Form Inside A Form Using Access 2007

Mar 10, 2013

I have a Form called X which contains a subform called Y. I have placed this Form inside another form called Z.

There is a CommandButton which when clicked must refer to the Subform. How do I do this?

I tried using [Z]![X]!Y, Form_Z.Form_X.Y, [Z]![X].Y but it throws an error saying the form name has been misspelled ...

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Forms :: Open Form Directly Inside Navigation Form?

Oct 28, 2013

I would like to know if it's possible to open an specific subform inside a navigation form using an event.

I also need to to this using macros ( really can't use vba in this project =/)

Form example:

the main form has "nav_opt1", "nav_opt2", "nav_opt3"

By double clicking a record in "nav_opt1", it will open "nav_opt2" with some filters (but all in the same window), as if I was just browsing through the navigation forms usually.

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Creating Search Form And Show Results Inside The Form?

Jul 27, 2015

creating a searching form and to show the results inside the form! It's like a Library type searching. u want to search for some type of monument or so and it shows the results, all the info, photos and that!

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Forms :: Recordset Of Subform Inside Another Subform Which Is Inside A Mainform

Dec 16, 2013

I'm having a problem with the syntax of a recordset of a Datasheet inside a subform which is also inside a Main Form.

Main Form - frm_1_0_LMS
Subform - frm_1_4_0_TeamApprovals
Subform(Datasheet) - frm_1_4_1_TeamApprovalsList

Here is my code:


Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Forms!frm_1_0_LMS.frm_1_4_0_TeamApprovals.frm_1_4_1_TeamApprovalsList.Form.Recordset
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
Forms!frm_1_4_2_ApproveDeclineUserLeave.Controls("lblFiledDateLeave").Caption = rs!Leave_Date
End If

I am getting this error: Object doesn't support this property or method

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Forms :: Datasheet Inside Form

Jun 7, 2013

I have been fighting a problem with sorting the data in a subform that is in a datasheet. It is sorting the data automatically so the entries are not in the original order. Is there a way to disable the feature so that when I put data into the datasheet it will appear in the same order that it was originally.

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Automation Of Bullets Within The Textbox Inside The Form

Mar 7, 2005


I have created a text box for user to enter some descriptions of a particular product. On Enter, i want to have bullets... For example, when the user press enter one time, one bullet will appear, and he/she can continue typing, press enter another time, another bullet appear.Could anyone advise on this?? :(

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Opening A Form Inside A Subform Area

May 4, 2006

I have a form (eg. frmMain) with a subform (eg. frmSub).

The subform is going to be a query which displays results based on criteria defined in the main form.

So say frmMain had a field called 'OrderDate'. When they typed an order date, all the orders on that date appear in the subform.

The way I have it set up at the moment is that the query criteria is like [forms]![frmMain]![orderdate]

Do this means that once the order date is entered - there is still no results in the subform because the query has already run when the form was opened and, as this field was then blank, no results were returned.

I would like to keep this setup, but - instead of having the subform set to the query, it would be set to another form which just has a commond button.

The user will then input the OrderDate - click the button (which is in the subform) and the query will run. This can be done easily. HOWEVER, is there a way for the query results to be displayed in that subform area after the button has been clicked instead of opening up a new form.

I know in web design you can target links to frames, so wondered if this was possible?

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Form - Putting Textbox Inside Frames

Mar 29, 2007

I've created a frame but I'm not able to actually to put textboxes inside it, only radio buttons. Is there anyway to force textboxes inside the Frame? Thanks in advanced.

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Forms :: Cannot Select Form With Button Inside Tabs

Jan 29, 2014

I have a master form named frmCustomer. I then have a set of tabs (not the navigation tabs) embedded within frmCustomer. The tabs are Invoice (frmInvoice), Contacts *frmContacts), Notes (frmNotes) and Orders (frmOrders). All form are Single Form. There is another form named frmInv that displays an invoice in a formatted manner. frmINV gets its data from a q1uery called InvQ.

It has a criteria that reads [Forms}![frmInvoice]![Invoice_ID]. I placed a button on frmInvoice that calls frmInv. If I run frmInvoice separately outside the tab the correct invoice displays. If I click the buttom from within the tab I am asked to enter the vale of [Forms}![frmInvoice]![Invoice_ID]. How do I call the frmInv form from the tab?

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Forms :: Simple Listbox Query Inside Form?

Jan 23, 2014

I have a form with a list box. This list box has a row source that I've set as a query for five different fields with a where clause. This where clause should pick up a value that is already within the form. And this is where I think it's going wrong, because if returns no results, but if I set it to point at the same value from another form (previous to this one, it does work). So there is something about the order or something so that this variable isn't passed to my listbox when it executes.

So, my list box has: select ID, title from table where ID = [Forms]![CurrentFormName]![ID]

and it doesn't work.However if I add a text field and set that to point at =[ID] then this does display the ID. And if I amend my query to point at this text field using the same convention above, that doesn't work either.

I presume I am mis-referencing, or there is something in the order that the listbox loads and it does this before the ID is set?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Access Description Inside Form Error Event

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to extract information from Err.Description within a form's Error event. Alas, Err.Description does not seem to be available from there.I have a form that normally displays in DataSheet view. If a trigger on the Oracle back-end raises an error, I want my Access app to be able to parse out Err.Description and deliver a more user-friendly message than ODBC's message. I want to get the info about the message from the error coming back from Oracle, not by matching up error codes.

If I change the form to Single-Form view and put a Save button on it, I can capture Err.Description in the command button's Clicked() event, and then parse out what I need.So if I must display this form in Datasheet view, where can I trap the ODBC error and display my user-friendly message?

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Forms :: Form Opening Inside Access Window In Background

Apr 8, 2015

I have three forms:

Form_A (main form for the application - should always be open)
Form_B (always open, but sometimes has visibility set to false)
Form_C (opens from button on Form_B)

When I press the button on Form_B, the only code behind it is DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_C". This seems to hide Form_B, and open Form_C behind Form_A (which is the main form of the application) inside of an Access window.

I would like Form_C to open in front of Form_B. I suspect that I set up the form incorrectly or something when I created it, and it is therefore opening inside an Access window.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Textbox And Button Inside Form Of A Frame Of A Webpage

Oct 9, 2013

I am writing a macro to automate the filling up some data from excel to company website. I have changed the website name in this post for data protection purpose. The excel will login for different clients by using the combination of username and password for respective clients and then some data are required to be inserted in a text box on a web page, I think the text box is on a form and form is within an iframe, within the web page. Once the data is inserted into text box, one button (Submit), which is also on the same form, is to be clicked.

On the click of a button, the updated data appears on another section, I could not make out if it is an form or frame, which is under the abovementioned form. Once we are happy with the way data appears on the web page, we have to click another button (Update), which is on the same section, to finally updating the data on website.

I wrote the following code to login to the website and then to navigate to the web page where I have to fill up the performance numbers in a text box. The first problem is how to access the text box inside the form from VBA so that the macro can write a number in that text box and how to access the button to submit the data. The HTML code, which can be seen on click of F12, is attached below. The second problem is how to access the Update button inside the other section, so that the data will be finally uploaded.


Sub LoginToCorpAccount()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


<div id="ssc-consumers-holder"/> -

This the line which gets highlighted when I click on the section where the data appears after clicking the submit button, and from here Update button is to be clicked.

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A Tab Inside A Tab

Mar 29, 2005

is it possible? if so, how?

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Tab Inside Of A Tab

Jan 7, 2005

I've been trying unsuccessfully, but i'd like to put a tab control on the page of another tab control. is this possible? i don't see why it wouldn't be.


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Add Table Inside A Tab?

Oct 16, 2013

i add a tab control, but i want to insert a table inside my tab how can i do that?..cant find any tables in my design tab when i work on my tab control

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For Statement With Space Inside

Jul 27, 2007

My following sql statement is wrong. "Scenairovalues Step02" is the table name. How should I write this one with the empty space in the name?

vtSql = "Select * from Scenairovalues Step02"

Thanks a lot in advance!

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8 Querry Inside 1 - Can I Simplify?

Mar 19, 2006

I have a table with the following fields:

Record_No <--- This is an autonumber field
Est_COE --Date Field Type

I then have used multiple querries that just count records based off of Status:

Example of one of the querry's:
SELECT Count(borrower.Record_Number) AS Close_Of_Escrow
FROM borrower
WHERE (((borrower.Est_COE) Between Date() And (Date()+7)) AND ((borrower.Progress)="active"));

Another Example of one other querry:
SELECT Count(Borrower_Journal_Notes.ID) AS Followups_Not_Done
FROM Borrower_Journal_Notes
WHERE (((Borrower_Journal_Notes.Follow_Up_date)>Date()) AND ((Borrower_Journal_Notes.Followed_Up_Complete) Not Like -1));

Then I put both these querry's into a another querry so i can get the data put into a single form using one record source. (The master querry)

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Problem With Min Max Inside Crosstab

Jan 4, 2008

here's my problem...
i have a crosstab query where in one field (value) has a range of 1 to 19.
I used the min and max for two separate row headings....

the min and max works only on values (1 to 9) or (11 to 19)
example... the 2 columns have values 8 and 4
the min returns 4 and the max returns 8

however, when the values became a mix of single and double digit (e.g. 11 and 8)
the min returns 11 and the max returns 8

does the min function on compares the values with only the same digits?

pls help.

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If To Only DCount A Box With Values Inside

Feb 1, 2005

I've been trying to figure out but can't come up with the proper expression or code to do what i want to.

basically when I focus on a field I want it to first check if there is any data/value in it and onyl do a DCount if there is and otherwise not (IE if the field is null skip the DCount)

I figured it would be similar to IF [Host] = 'NULL' THEN (Nothing here) ELSE (DCOUNT here)

But each time I try i get a syntax error, could anyone shed light on what is the proper code for such a thing?

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Grey Box Inside The Checkbox

Oct 13, 2006

I have a checkbox that has a grayed out box inside of it. What causes this/ what is it? I looked up the record and there should be a checkmark in the box. In the table it is set to have one.

I know that if the prefeances of Enables is set to No then all of the check box and the text label box is all grayed out, But in my case it is only the inner part of the box…. (And it is a Checkbox…)

The box name is ABC1 and it just reads the record, that’s it... It is used for reports later down the road. So there is not any code set to this check box.

Anyone have any ideas?



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Subtracting Inside Of A Field? CAN IT BE DONE!!!

Jun 2, 2006

I am looking to subtract number inside the same field. and then return the difference to a new field (column). This data is used to generate a graph and the this is currently done by hand. I know there has to be an
easier way to do this.

Below is an example of what I am looking for.

I have a table called Numbers, and fields or columns called...

Value(s) Result(s)
-70 0
-70 1.02
-68.98 1.09
-67.89 3.11
-71 .71
-69.29 1.52

So what I am doing is subtracting row two from row one. The difference is then put in another field(column) in row one. The process repeats, row three from two, four from three, five from four, etc, etc. This occurs for hundreds of rows.

Is there a SQL statement that can do this? Your help is much appreciated!!!

Thanks for your help.

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Create Help File Inside Of Access

Oct 6, 2005

I created a help file in access that lets you have text mesasge up to 1024 chars. Just press F1 key on any control that you have setup to bring up help message.

Does any one see any problems with the way I did this?

Help File: = ""
Help Context ID: = 0

For each control on the form where you would like to have a help message do the following.
Help Context ID: = Set to one of the help index numbers in the help table.

Add KeyDown Event to the control

Private Sub Text0_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'Add this line
KeyCode = DisplayHelp(KeyCode, Me.ActiveControl.HelpContextId)
End Sub


Function DisplayHelp(KeyCode As Integer, HelpContextId As Integer) As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstRecords As DAO.Recordset

If KeyCode = VBKeyF1 Then ' 112 = F1
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstRecords = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT tlbHelp.Index, tlbHelp.HelpMessage " & _
"FROM tlbHelp WHERE (((tlbHelp.Index)=" & HelpContextId & "));")

With rstRecords
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call MsgBox(!HelpMessage, vbInformation, "Help")
End If
End With
DisplayHelp = 0 ' Clear KeyCode
Set dbs = Nothing
DisplayHelp = KeyCode
End If
End Function

Create Table and Fields

Table Name: tlbHelp
Field Name: Index as Number
Field Name: HelpMessage as Memo
Field Name: FieldName as Text
Field Name: FormName as Text

How type in custom number and message for each help message.

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Printing The Text Inside The Listbox

May 28, 2007

hi everyone..

can the text in the listbox be printed?? not the entire form.

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Syntax Error In My Dlookup Inside Qry

Dec 22, 2007

I wonder if you can help me. In my query, for this calculated field, i get an error message about a syntax error missing operator in query expression.
what did i do wrong? thanks

FormulaID is a text field.

UnitRM Combined: nz(DLookUp("UnitRM Combined","QryFormulaSummed","[QryFormulaSummed].[FormulaID]='" & tblCostJunction.FormulaID & "'"))

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