Report Parameters
Apr 20, 2007
I am trying to figure what code to use. What i am trying to accomplish is when the use clicks to open a report i want a form to open and make them choose from a combo box a "training activity". then the report will generate info for that activity only.
Any thoughts??
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Oct 26, 2004
I've created a database where I have all the information for people like name, address, etc. Then there's a list box to choose what events they will be attending. I want to be able to run a report and see all the information for the people who are attending any specific event. Is there a way to create a form where I can click a button then it brings up the screen to choose the parameters of my report, then generates the report? Thanks!
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Aug 25, 2004
I have a field in a table called reasons. Then I have a list of possible reasons in a drop down list for my form. I want to create a report that allows the user to select from a drop down of these reasons and do a query for only those records with that specific reason. I know you can ask that info be typed in by using brackets in the query but instead of typing the reason I want to be able to select from the drop down list to produce the report. Can this be done?
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Jan 11, 2005
I created a report using wizard and altered the parameters to what I need on my report and saved it as a new autoformat. The autoformat did not retain the parameter adjustments I made...only the basic size changes...grouping I added ...a seperator line between the groups and the bound items I deleted that I did not want were still there. All I want to do is to be able to use the report format I created numerous times as it is without me having to go in and make adjustments with each query I pull a report from. There are several different query's with different tables involved. To sum it up one report format to use multiple times....Help Please!
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Jan 7, 2005
I would like to run a report that uses a stored procedure with parameters. Is there a way I can pass the parameters from the report to the stored procedure? I am NOT running it from a form.
I want to call the report from VBA code and pass it the parameters that are necessary to run the stored procedure. Any ideas?
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May 13, 2013
I have an SQL statement which is dynamically built on a form.
It can be truncated to read
[Colour] = 'Blue'
Or it can be left as a complete statement - SELECT * from tblOrders WHERE [Colour] = 'Blue'
The statements work when I open a form.
Is there a simple way to open a report (or query) with these parameters?
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Jul 16, 2014
I have an report that uses name paramaters.this is the sql for the report
PARAMETERS [whatCompany] Text ( 255 );
SELECT tblInvoices.ClientCompany, tblInvoices_Details.Charge, Sum(tblInvoices_Details.Hours)
AS SumOfHours, tblInvoices.InvoiceID
FROM tblInvoices INNER JOIN tblInvoices_Details ON tblInvoices.InvoiceID = tblInvoices_Details.InvoiceID
GROUP BY tblInvoices.ClientCompany, tblInvoices_Details.Charge, tblInvoices.InvoiceID
HAVING (((tblInvoices.ClientCompany)=[whatCompany]));
How do I pass the paramaters to the report? I've tried several different ways but can't get it to work
Dim stdocname As String
Dim stLink As String
stdocname = "RptWithParm"
stLink = "ClientCompany = " & "'" & Me.lstCustomer & "'" 'Using the field name doesn't work
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname, acViewReport, , stLink
'When I try to set the value of the paramater that doesn't work either
stLink = "[whatCompany] = " & "'" & Me.lstCustomer & "'" 'using the paramater name doesn't work
DoCmd.OpenReport stdocname, acViewReport, , stLink
I know I could use the value of the form in the criteria like this
HAVING (((tblInvoices.ClientCompany)=[Forms]![frmTesRptParm]![lstCustomer]));
If I use the list box as the criteria I want to be able to use reports in other than one place, plus there are over 80,000 records and it'll run faster if I set the criteria before the report opens instead of setting a filter after it opens to only show up to about 100.
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Aug 12, 2014
I've made a report on a blank report template. I've dropped in 5 sub reports. I have entered into the criteria for each of the queries based on [forms]![ClientForm]!CleintID. to run the report. It wortks but I have to enter the ClientID 5 times. Usually, when I create a button to run the form from, it only asks for the CleintID once. The 5 reports are based on 3 separate queries.
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Feb 27, 2013
I need the following report to open with date parameters. I have the following code, but it doesn't quite work.
When an item is chosen from Modl (a list box) a box pops up asking for LowPop, then another for Start Year and then another for End Year.
Those last two aren't doing what they should. They should restrice the [Date] field to between the years entered as start and end. I would like to put it in the "OpenReport" line, but don't think that's going to work.
Private Sub Command27_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim ModelWhere As String
Dim strQuery
Dim LowPop As String
Dim SDate As Date
[Code] .....
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Nov 7, 2005
I am trying to create a report based on a table field called "ClassNo".
I would like there to be a pop up that asks for the begining and ending "ClassNo".
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Sep 17, 2006
hey there
i have a main PatientForm that contains patient information from multiple tables:
[GENERAL] values
Subform - [RefMD] values (referring doctor)
Subform - [Drugs] values (prescribed meds)
Subform - [Diagnosis] values (medical diagnosis)
Subform - [Encounters] values (visits to the doctor)
what i have is a form (image attached) and i need to be able to select any combination of parameters (including state, zipcode from GENERAL, i.e. referring doctor last name from RefMD, Drugname from Drugs, Diagnosisname from Diagnosis, and VisitType from Encounters) and filter PatientForm where all the selected parameters are true..
does that make sense?
all tables are linked using the field HistNum
how do i code this? i am pretty lost right now
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Oct 21, 2004
I'm pretty new to Access, so if I'm doing this the hard way, that's why.
I work in a quality control position, and I'm trying to set up a single Access database for the QC staff to use instead of everyone having their own seperate Excel workbooks.
The issue I'm running into at the moment is on a report. Each record is graded on four seperate types of criteria, Error Type 1, Error Type 2, Error Type 3 and Error Type 4, all of which need to be reported on seperately. So I have at least four queries set up, all with the same parameters (right now, just review date.) I'm trying to pull through all four queries on the same report, and so far I've had success having the report ask for the parameters only once and then applying it to all four queries. However, I'm running into a problem where Access is now forcing the filters of each individual query on to each of the other three queries, so it's only pulling through records for all four queries that match the criteria of all four. Any record which only matches the criteria of one, two or three of the queries is being left off the report.
Sorry if this sounds confusing. Anyone have an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?
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Aug 15, 2006
I would like to have a user enter a start date and an end date into two
textboxes on a form. The two dates will be used to query a table. I
would then like to print a report that was created from that query.
Here is the query created as a stored procedure:
SELECT Transactions.*, Hoods.*
FROM Hoods INNER JOIN Transactions ON
WHERE ([Transactions].[Date] Between [@StartDate] And [@EndDate])
ORDER BY [Transactions].[Date];
What would be the best way to pass txtStartDate to @StartDate and
txtEndDate to @EndDate in the VBA code of the form? How would I open or
print the report created from that query filtered on that date range?
Any suggestions? Am I going about it wrong? Should I have created the
report from the above query, or should I do it another way? Can anyone
direct me to some code that does all of the above or something
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Jun 19, 2013
I very new to Access. I am using the Contact Database template from MS and added a field of text. I am trying to get a query to search the field for partial text. I've typed the following parameter to narrow it down because I only need partial information:
Like "*" & [How are the contacts involved in Organization?] & "*"
I used the query builder off of a report that was already created. I just want to be able to get contacts on the report that match the parameters inputted into the box.
When I run the report it gives me the following error:"You either have an error in your expression or you have attempted to use an undeclared parameter. Check the expression for errors or enter the parameter '[How are the contacts involved in Organization?]' in the Query Parameters dialog."I hit OK and it pulls up the report without data filled in.
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Dec 22, 2014
I have a command button (well, I have a few) that I would like to open a report, first opening a form that allows the user to enter a start and end date.
The code so far is:
On Error Resume Next
If Err = 2501 Then Err.Clear
DoCmd.OpenForm "DateSelect", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "All Events Report", acPreview
Now, when run, this code opens the form (DateSelect), but the report starts to run immediately - the On No Data event of the report kicks in (message box along the lines of "No data, closing report", so before the user has the opportunity to enter the dates, the report has decided that there is no data an closes.
Is there a way to pause the opening of the report until after the OK button is clicked on the pop up form?
Just for the sake of clarity, the pop-up form DateSelect is used to open various reports, so I can't add the open report command to the code for the OK button (that I know of?)
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Feb 23, 2015
I have a query that sums up the number of parts used. This works fine.
I want to be able to limit this query to parts used after a specific date.
I have in my report
DoCmd.OpenReport "Part Totals Report", acViewPreview, , "[Part Date])>= " & SQLDate
The report is bound to a query that has 2 group by fields, 1 count field a a further field, a date field ([Part Date], that I put a default criteria on. This field is not displayed. If I don't put a criteria on this field disappears when I close and open again.
I pass a date to the program via a form and this ultimately ends up in SQLDate. When I run this I get promted to enter [Part Date] even though I'm setting it equal to SQLDate above. I can out garbage to a proper date in here either way the report picks up the default date entered in by the query.
1. Get rid of all of the parameters off the query.
2. Then you can use the Where Clause of the DoCmd.OpenReport code to specify the parameters based on your variables.
1.Not sure what this means but when I get rid of the criteria for the parameter the field disappears (I'm setting the show field to no as I don't want totals group by date). Getting rid of the field gives me all parts used.
2.I think I'm doing this in the above but will bow to superior knowledge!!
or is it I can't pass a parameter to a report run by a query that is grouping fields together to produce a count.
Incidentally once the report has been run (albeit with the wrong parameters) and I go into design mode and look at the property sheet for the report the correct filter is there (i.e., the date that has been input) but it quite clearly ignores this.
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a navigation form that will have 6-8 tabs. We were using about that many databases, but we are finally consolidating them into one. The result of us using so many databases has been the multitude of forms and reports that were necessary for each database prior to merging them together.
The problem: There will be anywhere from 12-20 (text boxes) that the user can use to search anything in our database. What we need to have happen, if possible, is for those search parameters to show up in the header of our report if they have text in them. If the text box is blank, it should not show up in the header of the report.
I have read how to to do the start/end date technique, but I do not know if that would work for what we are doing since the boxes would only show up if they are populated by the user.
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Apr 11, 2014
I created a Access 2010 database query to allow a user to search a list of orders between 2 dates, and I created a form for them to use for this search.
Then I created a report for the search results to land on. What I want to do is have the 2 dates that the user provided be displayed in the header of the report.
I created a new Text Box and placed it in the header. In place of the "Unbound" filler that was there, I placed
I used the following steps to do this:
Clicked on the Text Box controlPressed the "Property Sheet" buttonSelected the "Data" TabPressed the "..." button next to the "Control Source EntryThe "Expression Builder" came upDouble-clicked on the database name in the "Expression Elements" windowDouble-clicked on "Forms", then double-clicked on "All Forms"Selected the rpt_DateRange" formSelected "txtStart" from the "Expression Categories" window.I did not select anything in the "Expression Values" window.
When I go to "Report View", and see the Text Box I added, but inside it, it just says "#Name?"
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Jan 29, 2015
What I have is a single table that I need to create a report from. It has vehicle unit numbers, dates of service, repair details and costs. I am trying to generate a report where I can select a unit from a combobox and enter a date range.
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Feb 11, 2015
In our Student Administration database, we have a Student Evaluation Report which prints a 1 page per student report in memo like format. The instructor had previously input rating numbers (4=Best, 1=Worst) for 9 categories for each student via a database form into the Evaluations Table.
Two other elements of the rating are an Attendance based on number of days absent and a Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated from the student's test scores. The instructor then prints and reviews the report with each student.
There is an Evaluations Parameter table which has the following fields:
The autonum key field.
eg., 2015-1
Evaluation Number
A single digit (eg., 1, 2). There may be more than 1 evaluation for each class.
The "as of" date of the evaluation.
There are then several other tables that are input to a query that will be the record source for the report:
Student Name, Class
Has a record for each student's absence with date and a 1 or .5 indicating a whole or half day absent.
Test Grades
Has a record with each student's test results with date and score.
Holds the rating score for each of the 9 rating categories.
The Student Evaluation report is launched from an unbound Reports menu form via a button. On the Reports menu form I wish to have controls for the user to select which evaluation to report on. The Absence and Test Grade information needs to include records that are <= the EffectiveDate in the Evaluation Parameter table. The Evaluations records need to match the Class and Evaluation Number in the Evaluations Parameter table.
I would like the user to be able to select the Evaluation Parameter via a combo box vs. specifying the Class, Evaluation Number and Effective Date separately and then have the query record source for the report use those two fields as criteria. But my limited understanding of the Combo box indicates that only 1 field from the lookup query of the Evaluations Parameter table can be stored in the control whereas I need 3 (Class Evaluation Number and EffectiveDate).
How the user can select the desired Evaluation Parameter record on the Reports menu form and use the 3 fields from the selected record as criteria in the report's record source query.
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Aug 9, 2013
So I run cash flow for a business, and we export data from Oracle and insert it into an access database. I have to run about 25 queries, entering in the same parameters for each. We number each week of the year. So for say the first week in January, I would run the first query and it asks: Beginning Week, I enter in 1, then another paramter value asks me the ending week. I have to enter in these parameters for each of the 25 or so queries, and it becomes quite irritating. Each query has a number of columns, but I am only interested in obtaining the sum of one of the columns, titled Distribution amount. So I am looking for something that will run each of my specified queries, then spit out the total of the distribution column for each in a table like.
Query 1: Total Distribution
Query 2: Total Distribution
Is there anything that would allow me to do this, with entering in the week parameter once, say week 1 start, week 1 end. and it use those same parameters for each query?
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Mar 16, 2006
I have created a report from the results of a query. The query has 2 parameters.
SELECT Nonconformances.DateRaised, Nonconformances.Customer
FROM Nonconformances
WHERE (((Nonconformances.DateRaised) Between [Enter start date] And [Enter end date])) OR (((Nonconformances.Customer) Like [Enter customer name] & "*"));
Now the problem is that I have been asked to add the search criteria to the report header. If the search criteria came from a form, no problem, but the user enters the criteria into a parameter box generated by the query. So if the start date was 1/5/05 and end date was 31/12/05 and the customer search was F.C, how do I capture this and show it on the report?
Any help appreciated.
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Sep 1, 2006
When I want to run a form it prompts me to enter some parameters. I wonder what could have caused this issue?
Any help will be very much appreciated.
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Jun 3, 2005
I have a date field. I have
Between [Please enter second begin date] And [Please enter second end date]
as my criteria so that the user may enter two dates. But, I want the extreme dates to be included in my data.
For Example: If the user enters 1/1/2005 and 1/31/2005, I want the information for the 1st and 31st to be included. How can I do this using just about the same criteria statement?
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Nov 29, 2005
Below is a query in SQL view that is driving me crazy.
When ran it ask for a StartDate, EndDate, StartDate, EndDate.
Can someone please look and see if they can determin where the criteria is coming in from. In design view there is no criteria set up to ask for dates. Also, there is no parameter set in the parameters box.
SELECT tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber, tblGroupInformation.strGroupName, tblGroupInformation.strGroupNumber, tblSystems.ysnSystemWork, tblSystems.dtmSystemWorkComplete, tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedBook, tblBooksAndContracts.ysnNeedContract, tblBooksAndContracts.intBookAndContractCarveOut, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent]) AS [Book Complete], tblBooksAndContracts.dtmContractDistributedToMarke ting AS [Contract Complete], CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing]) AS [B/C Complete], ([tblGroupInformation.dtmDateMembershipReceived]+[tblBooksAndContracts].[intBookAndContractCarveOut]+30) AS ECD, CompareDates([tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]) AS [Master Complete Date], tblGroupInformation.dtmEffectiveDate, tblGroupInformation.strRegion, tblGroupInformation.strNRC
FROM (tblBooksAndContracts INNER JOIN tblSystems ON tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblSystems.intTrackingNumber) INNER JOIN tblGroupInformation ON (tblSystems.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber) AND (tblBooksAndContracts.intTrackingNumber = tblGroupInformation.intTrackingNumber)
WHERE (((EntryIsComplete([ysnSystemWork],[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[ysnNeedIDCard],[dtmMailIDCards],[ysnNeedBook],[ysnNeedContract],[ysnNeedDraft],[ysnNeedFlyer],[ysnBookAndContractComplete]))=Yes) AND ((IsBetween([startDate],[endDate],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmBookShipped],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmASODraftsSent],[tblBooksAndContracts].[dtmContractDistributedToMarketing],[tblSystems].[dtmSystemWorkComplete],[dtmMailIDCards],[tblGroupInformation].[dtmDateMembershipReceived]))=Yes));
As well as when it does run, and you enter the span dates, if the field is blank it inputs 12:00 am in the field and includes it in the query. I checked the tables and it is not set up to input 12:00 am as a default value, nor is it stored as 12:00 am in the tables.
I am at my wits end here and any help/advice would be helpful.
If this does't make sense let me know and I will try and explain further.
Thanks in advance!
*please disregard the grammer, I am typing this fast before I head out to get the kids..a mommies job is never done!*:eek:
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Sep 21, 2006
Please look at this sql statement and tell me where the error is. When I try to open the recordset, I get a "Too few parameters. Expected 1" error. That kind of error usually goes with missing # on dates or ' on text
DateTime is a DateTime field that defaults to Now().
The problem appears to be in the dates because when I comment out all after the user parameter, it works, and taking out the "AND Used Is Null" doesn't help.
sqlstr = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM tbl_Usage " & _
"WHERE User = '" & UsrNm & "' " & _
"AND DateTime >= #" & Date & "# and DateTime < #" & DateAdd("d", Date, 1) & "# AND Used Is Null"
This is from the immediate window
SELECT * FROM tbl_Usage WHERE User = 's5ucba' AND DateTime >= #9/21/2006# and DateTime < #9/22/2006# AND Used Is Null
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