Report Sorting Order?

Feb 9, 2005

I have created a report from the information submitted on a form. When I pull up the report, I would like it to sort differently than it is. I am not sure what it is using to sort from but I want it to sort by a designated # I have assigned it.

Is there a way to make it so the access's record # will always match our companies record #?

Today I entered information in a form that should have gone in as record 96 but when I went back to look at the record in the report, it was record # 72. ??????? Now what do I do?

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Tables :: Autonumber Sorting Out In Order

Sep 2, 2013

I am creating a database for cases. I want to set autonumber into sequence, Let say if there are data numbering 1,2,3,4,5. If I delete no.2, The data will rearrange in oreder from 1,2,3,4. While If I add a new value it would be the no.5.

Instead of data value autonumber 1,2,3,4,5 as I deleted no.2 and add new records. The data has become 1,3,4,5,6.

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting TextBox Values In Numerical Order

Sep 20, 2014

I've got a rapidly expanding database that I designed to do my quotes for work and now I'm trying to expand it to add up the invoice amounts when the jobs come to fruition. I've got 99% of it working well but as I'm not the only one entering data I'm trying to make it as foolproof as possible and here is my problem.

I have a multi-line textbox that receives 'vehicles' in an abbreviated format and I need to get them in order based on a sort column number in the appropriate table. This i can do but the code I have found removes the duplicates which I don't want as I can can two identical vehicles on the same job.


Vehicle Sort Order
UNT/FL 500
FL4/45 400
E7/F5 600
UNT/FL 500

I want as

FL4/45 400
UNT/FL 500
UNT/FL 500
E7/F5 600

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Forms :: Sorting Recordset Clone Without Changing Order By Of Form?

Sep 27, 2013

I would like to get the Min + Max values of the data currently in the form, but without changing the sorting currently on the form.

So I was hoping for this, but it is not working. The data in the recordset are not sorted.

Set R = Me.RecordsetClone
R.Sort = "SendOn ASC"
MinDate = R!SendOn
MaxDate = R!SendOn

Any other method except iterating through the entire recordset?

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Sorting Records In A Report

Jul 30, 2005

Is there a way to Sort records in a report by a Report total? I have a report that is created by a crosstab query that sums orders by Billing Client but the query also has a billing client qroup which can contain many Billing Clients. Since the report total (Counts) are by Billing Client I do not have the actually totals per client group in the query to sort by. I know how to do this in Crystal Reports by the report would needs to mulpiple workstation, which have the crystal reports engine but not the actually designer (In other works I don't know the code to print a crystal report from Access with only the crystal reports engine on the workstation).

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Sorting Numbers On A Report

Feb 15, 2012

I have a table that contains a text field [drawing number] and a report that displays the drawing numbers and I can not get the sorting correct.Each record has a drawing number like:


The report sorts them like this:


What I want is this:


Is there a way to get the sort order the way I want it?

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Report Sorting From Form Selection

Sep 27, 2004

I am trying to create a form where the user can select which group of data they want (records complete, records due, etc) and also how they want the report sorted (project name, due date, etc.)

I created an option group for the record selection part with a variable named myFilter being equal to the required filter (i.e. myFilter = "(([Assessment Details].[Completion Date]) <= Now())")

I then created a combo box for the record sort part with a variable named myOrder being equal to the required sort (i.e. myOrder = " ORDER BY [Project Description].Deadline")

Finally I created a variable named myCriteria which is equal to myFilter & myOrder. Then I try to open the report with DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , myCriteria.

Now, when I run the form and try to get the report, I get the following error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '((([Assessment Details].[Completion Date]) <= Now()) ORDER BY [Project Description].Deadline)'.

Is there any way to have the user be able to select the sort order and have it pass to the report?

Thanks in advance.

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Help Sorting And Filtering Data For A Report.

Oct 22, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am having a little trouble using a 'canned' Access database. Using the built in Asset Tracking database, I am trying to get specific information on the Assets report. The Assets report generally shows all assets, I've made a new report to show the data sorted by the phone extension number, also the room number (which is how our inventory is tracked).

This works well, except, I want to be able to view one extension/room at a time. To do this, I added a button on the 'Enter/View Emplyees' form to preview the report, and created a macro to get this info. However, it only shows whatever data is highlighted in the emplyees sub-form. How can I get all of the data assigned to each extension to appear on the report?

Tried to upload the file, but it's too large. Can email if requested.


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Access Report Header And Sorting

Aug 18, 2015

I am working on a access report for financial analysis.I created a form with a drop down list to select cost center from tables, so the report will only show the data from the selected cost center. My questions are:

1. I want the chosen cost center automatically shown at the Header of the report, as selected from the form;

2. The data was grouped in a particular sequence, such as: Revenue, Compensation, MM&S and Other Expense, not simply ascending or descending

3. There are some category data I do not want to show, for example, other expense, how can I hide it?

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting And Filtering A Report With A Form

Jul 9, 2014

I'm having a bit of trouble with a piece of VBA code I have. What it's supposed to do is filter and sort a report using a form. But there are two lines, which both I need, in it that are not compatible with each other. When both are in and I apply the filter with only a sort, it gives me a "Run-time error '5': Invalid procedure call or argument."

But the code runs beautifully when only one of the pieces, which I've highlighted in red below, is in it. The debugger highlights strFilter = Left$(strFilter, lngLen) after I have received the error.

lngLen = Len(strFilter) - 5
If (lngLen <= 0) And ([cboSort1] = "Not Sorted") Then
MsgBox "Insert criteria before filtering.", vbInformation, "No Criteria"
strFilter = Left$(strFilter, lngLen)

[Code] ....

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Reports :: Sorting By Date In Query For A Report

Jul 27, 2014

I have a query where I ORDER BY ClientId, MatterId and Transdate. The result of the query is correct. All of the transdates are in ASC order within the Matter.

When I run the report for a MatterId the relative transactions are not sorted on transdate

Can there be something in the report that could be effecting the order of the transactions.

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Need User Friendly Sorting Of A Report Using A Sort By List...

Jun 29, 2006

Ok, I am a noob at reports and did a search on this. My searching DID NOT HELP ME! I thought I would make that clear :D Maybe someone can tell me what to look at for this issue.

I need to take one report, allow the users to easily use a dropdown or listbox on a form to Sort and Group many fields of data. To recap: The user will click on name in the list and it will sort report by name. Also I need them to be able to select up to three sort criterias.

EX: Sort by Name then LastName then Company

Please guide me to the answer. Thanks.

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Reports :: Combination Of Grouping And Sorting In Report Does Not Work

May 15, 2013

Access 2010. I have a table with the following fields:

- From
- To
- TypeOfWork (to be chosen from a combo-box)
- Activity (text field to be filled in freely)

In a table i have a complete day with times (from -> to), the type of work between those times and the activity performed between those times a bit like this:

00:00 - 11:00 Welding Welding clamps
11:00 - 13:00 Welding Welding anodes
13:00 - 15:00 Cleaning Cleaning pipes
15:00 - 18:00 Cleaning Cleaning floor

I would like it to show in the report like this:

00:00 - 13:00......Welding............00:00 Welding clamps
...............................................11: 00 Welding anodes
13:00 - 18:00......Cleaning...........13:00 Cleaning pipes
...............................................15: 00 Cleaning floor

So it should sort on "From", then group by "TypeofWork" and repeat the "From" field(I think...). But I now have tried every combination of sorting and grouping I could think of and nothing works!

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Reports :: Group Data In A Report From Single Table Using Grouping And Sorting

Dec 2, 2014

I'm trying to group data in a report from single table using grouping and sorting and I want the percentile of every record over group total. I'm using a query to fetch data from table, however I'm unable to get percentage of every single record over group total.

I want to display the report as attached image in single report. I'm unable to get data in "Perc" field. It's populating wrong values.

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Reports :: Sorting And Formatting A Report Based Off Of Values And User Input?

Jul 1, 2013

I'm trying to make a report that a untrained user can use to review the relevant data from the database I'm creating. All of the work I've done so far has been directly in the tables . Here's a quick outline of my general data organization:


Needs_Work (check box)


Basically, I want the user to select a department to view using a combo box or option group (which I'm not sure of how to do in a report). Then, I want to view the employees within that department sorted first by whether or not the Needs_Work check box is selected, and then by how many of their competencies are unchecked.

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Order By In A Report Dynamically

Oct 31, 2004

How do I let users choose the way they want to sort their reports through a form dynamically?

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Modules & VBA :: Report In Wrong Order

Feb 26, 2015

I have a cool little form for the use of the organization's treasurer wherein she enters checks and deposits. I have a query that generates a running sum, so each line in the accounting report based on the table has the account total as of that date. The query behind the report is exactly what I want and is in the correct order. For example, the four transactions for 9/15/2014 are in the order entered, and the line total is correct. The report insists on listing the 4 in the example in some other order with or without OrderBy specified. With code from someone, perhaps on this forum, I added the following to the OnPage event:

Private Sub Report_Page()
' Offset from right edge of Control where our
' Vertical Line will start - adjust as you desire.
' Expressed in Twips
Dim intLineMargin As Integer


The result is a beautiful report (albeit in the wrong order) with vertical lines all the way to the bottom of the page.If I remove the OnPage code, the report is still in the wrong order, so obviously that wasn't the problem. OK, I think it is corrupted. I open a new db, import all into it. Still in wrong order. So next, I begin to recreate the report from scratch. Hooray! Right order! But I still want the vertical lines between the columns. So now, I copy the OnPage code and paste it into the new report's OnPage code. I get error message: "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" with the line "Dim MIPSstr As udtPrtMips_str" highlighted. Ok, I delete all of it and reenter it line for line manually, leaving out the comments. Get the same error message. After trying to research it, the only suggestions were to add Activex reference which can't be the problem, because the other version of the report doesn't throw an error and both are in the same db.

I have attached a clip of the report and a clip of the underlying query. As you can see in the first capture.png, the check numbers are in the wrong order and the amounts in the Total line don't sync with the total above adjusted by the amount on that line.

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Autonumber Interfering With Sort Order In Report...?

Nov 16, 2005

Need help pls

I'm designing a report that should be sorted by field A, B, C, D, or a combination of BD or CD.

Problem is (it seems) the report ignores the sort order and lists the results in ascending order of the autonumber field - 1,2,3,4,5 etc.

The reports run off queries and the queries work fine - they sort the fields in the proper order.

Is the autonumbering somehow interfering with the sort order in the report?


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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Reports :: How To Set Order For Specific Row As Last In Access Report

Sep 5, 2014

I have report which record source is a Union Query, The query contain Order Details and a single row for "Freight Charges", I just want to set Freight Charges show in Report at last row.

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ORDER BY Clause Works In Query But Not In Report?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a Report that uses a query as it's record source. I have the query ordered by a field, which works as expected in the table view of the query. In the report, however, the ORDER BY clause does not seem to carry through. The field is not sorted Ascending. What's going on?

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Incorrect Sort Order In Access 2002 Report

Sep 30, 2004

I have a problem getting pages of an Access 2002 report to print in the correct order.

I have a report which prints one of four pages per record. The data source for the report was initially sql which retrieved records from 2 tables. The sql was working fine. The order of the records was set by the ORDER BY clause. ORDER BY ON is set to Yes. ORDER BY is set to a text field called SortKey. Because the report was not printing the pages in the correct order, someone suggested that if I create a table (I called it SortReports), make sure that the table is sorted by SortKey, and make the table the data source, it should work. But it does not.

The pages in the report still do not follow this sort order. I have also made SortKey the primary key field. No matter what I do, the report continues to sort by another field called SystemKey, as well as something else. I have been looking at Microsoft and other websites for a similar problem and solution, but no luck yet. Any ideas?

I would greatly appreciate any help, or a push in the right direction.


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Sorting A Table, Apply The Sorting To A Form

Mar 10, 2006

Hi all.
I've created a database which contains information about stores. I want to have the forms automaticly sorted by the department number.
I've tried to sort the table by department, but when I try to add a department, the sorting doesn't seem to affect the form at all.

Lets say I have department 1,2,3,6,7,8 in the form, and I add department 4, it will be the last post in the form. I want it to be the fourth, and so on..

I'd apreciate some help with this :) Thanks

Here's the database (

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Reports :: How To Insert Enough Blank Line In Order To Make Each Report The Same Length

Aug 22, 2013

I have a main report / subreport relation, just want to have a fixed length of each printout. e.g the total number of lines of the subreport should be 8 lines. However, lots of subreports contain records less than 8. I would like to know how to insert of blank line in the subreport depending on the records with content at each print, in order to make the total number of lines in each subreport is 8 each print!!

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Reports :: Edit Current Report That Lists Production In Week Number Order?

Feb 26, 2015

I've been asked to edit a current report that lists our production in week number order. I need to look at way we can 'flag up' orders that are within a 4 week period from the current date.

For example,

10 Orders in total in our database. 5 of which are due the drawings back within 4 weeks from today (26/02/15). I'm looking for a way for the report to show the 5 orders as priority, either by formatting the orders in bold, a different colour or under their own heading/group.

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Question About The "order By" Report Properties

May 9, 2007


I have noticed something kind of strange about one of the reports I have created. My report is based on a query that goes through multiple tables. The report seems to work fine, except that whenever I check the "properties" of the report, I have a value in the "order by" field. It is populated with a field that I would never sort by in the first place, so I don't think I ever put it there. I delete it, and it comes back when i close the report and re-open it to check the properties. What is that about? How do I fix it?
thanks !

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