Reports :: Access 2007 / Grand Total Field Outside Of Column Grouping?

Sep 19, 2013

I have a report (Access 2007) with multiple totals and subtotals. However, one field, whenever I click "show Grand Total," always shows up all akimbo (out of line with the other grand totals), unbound and without the nifty little blue "grand total bar" above it.

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Reports :: Grouping Total Values On Footer?

Nov 2, 2013

Placing the grouping total values on the bottom of the last page of this report, such as below?

Common . . . . . . 44.55%
Convertable Bond .14.55 %
Preferred . . . . . . .40.91%

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Forms :: Grand Total Of Subform Datasheet

May 6, 2014

After having no luck with the standard datasheet E-Totals, i'm now trying to have a textbox on the main form that totals a subforms column called lineTotal.Line Total is a calculated query field that works out the Qty*cost.So say if they put in 5 lines on the subform, the textbox field will sum all of there linetotal and shows a rolling grand total.

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Queries :: How To Sort Records By Grand Total Descending

Aug 9, 2013

I've recently been building a database on Access to replace the rather clunky and slow one we currently use here (built in Excel).Generally, I've been making it up as I go along which has worked quite well for me so far. However, I've encountered pivot tables. Normally, it shouldn't be a problem; the tables themselves are easy enough to understand. However, I've found that the tables aren't nearly as flexible as I would have liked. At least, not in a way directly apparent to myself.

(After trying, and failing, to include links to Imgur with details on my issue, I have included a .zip file with both images I was going to show)Generally, in Excel, the table works everything out for us, then we sort by largest to smallest and work out the totals for the last 7 days and the last 7-14 days (the week before last). After that, the last formula works out a percentage (loss or gain). [excel.png]

In the access table, though, I can't find a way to make this happen. There's no readily apparent button to add a new calculation field. I've tried using the create calculated total button, but that seems intent on making a separate total for each day on the table, which I don't want. [access.png]

Also, I can't figure out how to sort the records by grand total descending. I would have thought right clicking the grand total and clicking sort descending would have done it, but apparently that would be far too easy. I feel that it's prudent to mention that I'm not all that experienced with Access. I completed MOS and ECDL courses when I was in primary school, but it's been a really long time since that and all of the Office applications have changed rather dramatically.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Some Results In Subreport But Keep Grand Total Of Report Itself

Oct 25, 2013

How to display only the first few records in a subreport but keep the grand total of the report itself. When I limit results in query; it gives me the records but only totals for that set. I thought about putting code in the on format in detail section like:

If me.control.value >10 then
me.control.visible =false

but doesn't work.

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Queries :: Using Query To Place Single Grand Total On Row Based On Particular Criteria?

Dec 7, 2014

I have a very simple query on an accounts form to show a running transaction history.

Identifying from the TransactionID (shown for display purposes only - normally hidden) three or four postings make up one transaction.

Using TransactionID 10 as an example, I'd like to have a sum of total [Credit]-[Debit] and have the query display on one line (either at the top of £1,429, or at the bottom of £16,995) to identify this is in fact one transaction, having three posts.

Transaction 9 will have obviously have one total, as this is a single post.

11 the same as 10, by having one total Transaction Value either at the top of the row or bottom.

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Reports :: Access 2007 Trim And Field Text Addition

Mar 11, 2013

I created a form letter as an Access 2007 report. I want the greeting to read, "Dear [first_name]," e.g., "Dear Alan,". The [first_name] field is bound to said field in a query. When I just use the [first_name] field, I get "Dear Alan" with no comma. I've tried to add the comma various ways:

"=Trim[first_name] & ",", "=[first_name] & ,", "=Trim([first_name] & ","), etc., etc.

Any addition to the basic field produces the "#Type!" error. I also created labels from the same query using

"=Trim([first_name] & " " & [last_name])",

and that works fine.

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Reports :: Display Total At The Top Of Column Instead Of At Bottom

Mar 15, 2014

I have reports that total the figures in a column and displays the total at the bottom of the column. I would like to display the total at the top of the column since the length of the column continues to grow and I would like to see that total before scrolling down to view the various individual entries.

No matter how I try the =count(x) always shows an error. Is it not possible to display the total figure at the top of a column instead of at the bottom?

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Queries :: Grouped Sum With Proportion Of Total (Access 2007)

Feb 20, 2015

I have a table of transactions (close to 1m records) from which I want to query totals by currency and direction (ins and outs) and then also show the proportion of the overall total for each currency. All amounts are absolute (i.e. ins and outs both represented by positive numbers)

To throw some added complexity into the mix, the transaction table records only refer to account (AccountID), which links to a separate account and currency tables.

I can query the sum totals by currency and direction (although I'm not totally happy with the SQL syntax .

SELECT tblCurrencies.CurrencyCode,

[Code] .....

I'm struggling to get the proportions per currency though? I tried adding :

((SumPayUSD+SumRecUSD)/Sum(tblTransactions.USDAmount)) AS Proportion

But it tells me that the specified field 'tblTransactions.USDAmount' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of the SQL statement.

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Grouping In Reports In Access

Aug 19, 2004


This is a bit of a stupid problem but I've been trying to get a report in Access that will display data in a certain format but have been having real difficultly getting the grouping right.

This is the SQL query that I've got which gets all the results

SELECT Student.Surname, Student.Forename, Student.Admission_No, Student.Year, Course.Course_Title, Student_Course.Grade, Student_Course.Points, Student_TotalPoints.Total_Points, Student_TotalPoints.Mean_Points, SchoolTotal.School_Total FROM ((SchoolTotal INNER JOIN Student ON SchoolTotal.Year=Student.Year) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOIN Student_Course ON Course.Course_Id=Student_Course.Course_id) ON Student.Student_id=Student_Course.Student_id) INNER JOIN Student_TotalPoints ON Student_Course.Student_id=Student_TotalPoints.Stud ent_id;

See attachment for results this produces...

I would like to get these results to be displayed like this:

Name Admission No Year Course Grade Points
Dave Jones 1856 2004 Business D 60
RE C 80
Total Points 140
Mean Points 70
Becky Smith 1974 2004 Chemistry A 120
Physics B 100
Total Points 220
Mean Points 110

I know I could do this for a webpage using ASP so there must be somewhere to get the report looking like this in Access....

Any help would be much appreciated...


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Queries :: Column Total In Access 2003 Query

Apr 19, 2015

how to have our Access 2003 query total our report column "ProfitLoss`and produce on our report a Total Value of -$420.17

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Reports :: Total Field Contents Not Visible Until Click On It?

Oct 2, 2013

Imagine that you see a column of values and then a total at the bottom. The only issue is that the total value does not appear until you click on it.

Any setting that would cause a total value in a footer section to not appear automatically?

Behavior is noticed on reports as well as subreports. An image is attached.. Imagine the $37,000,000 simply not appearing until it is clicked with the mouse.

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Margin Error When Printing Reports In Access 2007

Apr 25, 2012

I am receiving the following error when printing different reports to several different printers in Access 2007: "The section width is greater than the page width, and there are no items in the additional space, so some pages may be blank. For example, the report width may be wider than the page width." According to my co-workers this issue began immediately following the upgrade to version 2007 from 2003.

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Reports :: Reset Total Pages For Each Group In Access Report

Mar 3, 2013

I can not get my Access Report to give me a total number of pages by group. I've been able to have it give the correct page number per group but not the total number of pages in each group. I've looked at the threads and it appears that in order to get this, you must do a 2 part pass. 1st to get the page number and then to get the total papers per group.

I've used the code supplied and when I do a print preview, I get the message that it can not find the control, Me!ctlGrpPages. This is the control I created and placed in my page footer section of the report. I've also seen numerous references to the report, "Employee Sales by Country" in the Northwind database. I downloaded the database but could not find this report in the database.

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Reports :: Center Check Box Under Label On Report In Access 2007

Mar 21, 2013

I have created a report with the report wizard in Access 2007 that includes a check box. The check box is located under the label but to the far left side. How can I center the check box under the label?

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Reports :: Access 2007 - Covert Numbers (sum Of Apx Cost) In Words

Mar 26, 2013

I am using access 2007 i need to know that i have a field as combined sum of apx cost with the name =sum([apx cost]) in the report section, i need the value coming in this box to be converted in text as pak ruppees.

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Reports :: Printing Custom ActiveX Controls (Access 2007)

Sep 30, 2013

I wrote a custom ActiveX Control in C#.NET using a guide (Google ".net activex control step by step", first link on CodeProject). The control is compiled as a .dll and registered in Access 2007.

When I place the ActiveX control on a Form or Report, I can call its methods from VBA and see its output just fine.

When I open a Print Preview, only the top left corner of the control is shown, the rest is a blank white box. This does not happen with built-in ActiveX Controls (e.g. Calendar control), which print as they should.

I also tried a basic ActiveX Control build using VC++ (the sample control created by the MFC wizard), and that displays and prints correctly.

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Reports :: Forced Page Break(s) In Access 2007 Report

Sep 30, 2013

I am writing a book, using MS Access 2007 (seemed like a good idea at the time I started, and the report that creates the formatted book content works quite well).

The book content is "per paragraph" which gives me total flexibility to move content to whatever spot in the book I might wish, simply by changing the paragraph number (free field, not auto-number primary).

To save paper (or pages) in printing (or viewing) the book, I have the report printing off para by para (as many whole paras as will fit to a page). This is fine but I want each new chapter to start at a forced new page, for "presentation"/appearance sake.

The relevant fields for the purposes of this post are:

forcepageifticked (a Yes/No box), which goes with each paragraph and which I thought might come in handy, I had in mind to link it to a page break control at the top of the "detail" part of the report in design view, and which would be "invisible" except if the report formatting process had got to the start of any chapter, and the Yes/no box was ticked.

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Reports :: Access 2007 - Report Not Rendering Until Fields Are Clicked

Jul 24, 2014

Upon opening a report (it does this randomly), the report opens and it is completelty blank - no lines, lables, or fields - nothing. However, when I click on an area, the group I clicked on will render and display perfectly. So when this happens, I either have to click every where on the page or scrolling up and down (if the report is long enough) will render the whole report. It doesn't do this everytime; about 25% of the time though.

As you can imagine, when other people use the database and this happens, they freak and just think access is broken. What is causing this or what can be done to prevent this from happening?

I'm using access 2007.

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Reports :: Access 2007 Crashes When Running Report Based On Query

Apr 14, 2014

I have DB in access 2007. I have a report that is uses a select query to generate the information for the report. It has been working great, But however lately like maybe with in the last month, it has been causeing Access 2007 to crash. I am having the same issue with another DB that uses the same information but that information is imported in. both Databases have worked great up until two months ago. Microsoft states that it is because of the program. I have tried to repair the DB by using the Repair option. I am confused as to why this would be happening. I can create a new report and it seems to work. but I do not want to change all the DB on everyone's computer just for this reason. I also have two buttons on my report that utilize macros to close or print the report.

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Reports :: Access 2007 - Report Printing Black And White On Color Printer

Jan 21, 2014

I have a lovely report that includes a small color photograph. I'm sending the report to print on my HP Color LaserJet, but it is printing in black and white.

I can't find anything in the Properties that specifies whether this prints in color or black & white.

How to print this in color?

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Access 2007 - Autofill A Form Field Depending Upon Value Of Another Field

Feb 20, 2012

I am new to Access 2007 and I am having trouble in creating a form. It is simply a data storage table which would be fed in by users. That it.

I need to create a user friendly form so that :

When the user selects : Career_Goal field as "None", the next field called: Years, should be automatically be populated as 0.

In any other case, they should be able to select the years from the dropdown list.

How do I create this if else conditions? Do I use expression builder, if yes then how?

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Reports :: Date Not Appearing In Field - Column Is Just Blank

Aug 12, 2015

Access 2010

One of the Field Names in my table is titled ActionDeadlineDate, with Date/Time selected as the Data Type for the field. On one of my forms I have created a text box based on this field. Under Properties/Control Source for this text box I have inserted the following formula:

=[DateReceivedinADR]+40 Basically, this forces the text box to auto populate to a date 40 days beyond whatever date is entered in the DateReceivedinADR text box. On the form itself everything works flawlessly.

I have created a query that includes the ActionDeadlineDate field. However, when I run a report off this query it will not populate the date for this field. On the report this column is just blank, with no date indicated.

All other date fields I use on the form (at least those without an underlying date formula) appear as they should. Is there a way to make a date based on a formula appear on the report as well?

Hope I didn't make this too complicated. Maybe what I am asking for is not possible since a date formula is being utilized in the text box, rather than a simple date.

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How To Avoid Duplicate Column Values In Access Reports

Dec 31, 2010

I have a report which has say two columns - staff number and visit date. For a staff number (which is unique) there may be more than one visit date. But I want to list a staff number only once and not multiple times in the column (but want all the visit dates of course). How can I do that?

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Field Limit In Access 2007

Jul 12, 2007

Can someone please tell me the Maximum no of fields you can have in Access 2007 and if the limit is 255 then how can one get around this problem?

Thank you,.

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Reports :: Grouping And Sorting Reports?

Jul 13, 2015

I have a table for gathering interview scores for candidates from multiple reviewers (example below)

Field1 - RankID
Field2 - Presentation Score
Field3 - Writing Score
Field4 - Applicant Name

Each applicant will be interviewed by multiple reviewers. I want a report to display the data is grouped by Applicant name, but sorted by Score.

Applicant2 - average presentationscore = 5
Applicant1 - average presentationscore = 4
Applicant3 - average presentationscore 2

it seems simple enough to group by applicant name and sort by PresentationScore, but this does not work. I have used the grouping and sorting feature in every combination I can think of and it always keeps the Applicant Names in order whether I group first on PresentationScore (which will then give me several entries for same applicant) or not. What am I missing?

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