Reports :: Accessing Data From Form To Report

Mar 25, 2014

I Created a database that allows the user to create a jobsheet (Sign off Sheet) with inputting minimal information.I am having some problems accessing the data from my form to a report. I managed to get the full name of my AssignedTo and OpenedBy come up with this

=Trim(IIf([tblJobSheet] & " " & [tblJobSheet.AssignedTo] & " " & [Title] & " " & [FirstName] & " " & [LastName],[Title] & " " & [FirstName] & " " & [LastName]))

But this is only bringing up the information in my tblContacts and not actually assigning itself to the jobsheet. I have tried to just put in the "assigned to" but then this comes up as the ID number rather then the full name. And I have also tried to do this via the join table tblJobSheetContact but this only brings up Mr.

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Reports :: Create Report Containing Data From Main Form And Subform

Jan 12, 2015

I'm trying to create a report that contains data from a "main" form and a subform. However, I can't get the main form data to populate no matter what I try. I've been through all sorts of queries and just can't get it to work. The main form and subform are both separate tables, and there are no redundant fields.

Basically, the main form is an inventory of assets, and the subform is designed as a way to submit trouble tickets when one of those assets requires maintenance or repair.

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Reports :: Hide Report Footer Based On Report Data?

Dec 21, 2014

How do I hide the report footer based on the report's data ?

I'm trying to hide if number of users = 1

The report's data is a query built inside the report's RecordSource, not a self standing query.

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Accessing Reports In Another Database

May 5, 2005

From an Access Project database would like to run reports setup in another database, which contains some custom reports. I would like to go directly to the report preview not just open the second database. Can someone help me with how I would be able to accomplish this? I have tried using a macro but have not been successful.

Thank you,


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Reports :: Pulling Data Into A Report From Another Report

Mar 20, 2015

So I have a text box in a report that I want to pull in data from a field in another report, so the 'control' for my text box looks something like this...

=[Reports]![rptSalesReceiptSub]![Text141] (i.e Text141 is the data I want to pull into my report)

...the path is completely correct but when I run my report I get.#Name? If I run the report that has the data I want, it's fine (in other words Text141 has valid data in it)

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Reports :: Report To Show Data Details Selectively For Each Field / Qualitative Data

Apr 16, 2014

I have data from a survey with qualitative responses. For a single qualitative question, I moved the ID & responses into a new table and categorized the response according to a bucket/theme, where each column is a new bucket. I now have 10 columns. Each response is represented in 1 or more columns. I used an excel formula to copy the response data into the column itself.


A1 // B1// C1 // D1// E1//... L1
ID // Response // Cats // Dogs // Elephants //.... Column 10
1 // I like cats // I like cats //(null)//(null)// ... (null)//
2 // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs // I like cats and dogs //(null)//..//
3 // etc.

However, now I'm realizing that Access always wants to show data for all records, or at most I can limit using a WHERE clause in my query.I want to use Access to generate this report:

1. Section 1: Show all responses from the Cats bucket where there is data
2. Section 2: Show all responses from the Dogs bucket where there is data
3. and so on

I know how to do summary values, and I know how to do filtering that apply across the whole report, but this seems like more advanced filtering, where I want to see selective details differently for each field.

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Problem Accessing Reports From Forms.

Oct 4, 2004

Generally for doing filtering on the reports, we attach a form that gets activated on opening of the report(i.e, by attaching the event to open a form on opening the report). But I would like to know if there is any way that the report can be opened on some event fired in the form?

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Reports :: Using Calculated Data In A Report

Mar 19, 2014

My employer is using Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 (a few machines have Office 2010, but not mine). Furthermore, the machines are running the Japanese language OS, which has caused some comparability issues with my English XP/Office 2003 at home.

I have a form containing an unbound textbox, with the name MIS. The form's Current event has the following code:

If IsNull([[ResignationDate]) Then
MIS = DateDiff("m", [NichiiGakkanStart], Date) + Int(Format(Date, "mmdd") < Format([NichiiGakkanStart], "mmdd"))
ElseIf [ResignationDate] > Date Then
MIS = DateDiff("m", [NichiiGakkanStart], Date) + Int(Format(Date, "mmdd") < Format([NichiiGakkanStart], "mmdd"))

[Code] .....

The calculates (correctly) the Months in Service of the employee who's information is being viewed.

Now, I am trying to create a report which lists the employees by work locations. The above , and other calculated information, is to be displayed in the report.

I used the wizard to create the report, using data from two different tables (employee & location).

I need to display the calculated information above for every employee at every location.

"Work Location"
"Employee Number" "Given Name" "Family Name" "Months in Service"

The report, as it is now, displays all work locations and the above employee info except the calculated data.

I've read up on using calculated fields in tables, and I'd prefer not to take this approach.

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Reports :: Cannot Pull Data From The Report

Jul 9, 2013

I posted the following code on a button (report to a first sergeant). I can't pull e-mail addresses from the report (rptLateByUnit).


DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rptLateByUnit", acFormatPDF, Me.CCF_EMail, Me.CCS_Email, , "FOUO: Open Personnel Data Discrepancies", "This document contains information which must be protected in accordance with AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy Act Program, and DoD Regulation 5400.7R, DoD Freedom of Information Act Program; and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended applies. This document is For Official Use Only." & vbCr & vbCr & _


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Reports :: Exiting A Report When There Is No Data

Aug 11, 2014

I've got a database written in Access 2010 that shows many reports. When the report is selected and data is available, it is shown as a full screen preview with the print dialog box displayed over it. However, I am having a problem in that when there is no data, a message box is displayed that's invoked from the 'on no data' setting but when it's dismissed the report is still displaying. How do I prevent this from happening?

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Reports :: Masking Data In A Report

Apr 22, 2014

Is it possible to mask data in a report? I have a report that contains a field for an ID number. Depending upon who is receiving the report only a partial ID number can be shown.

Example: Instead of showing ID#: 123456 the report can only show ***456.

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Reports :: Choose What Data To Be On Report

Aug 11, 2013

I have Access 2013 but am new to Access and am learning as I go along!I am making a database of song lyrics so have made a table of the title of the songs with the lyrics for each verse as different fields. I want to be able to choose multiple songs by their title to then show the full lyrics on a report.

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Reports :: How To Integrate Data From Another Report

Nov 25, 2013

I would like to create a text box in an existing report that uses data from another report. I create a new text box and go to it's control source and select the path.

In my case: =[Reports]![Radvantages members]![AccessTotalsAmount1]. When I run it, it sais "#Name?"

Is there another way to integrates data from another report? I don't want to use a subform becouse it doesn't work with my lay out

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Reports :: Sub-report Chart With No Data

Aug 27, 2014

I am working on a project that is requiring me to hide a subreport that happens to be chart graph, when the chart has no data and my problem is that I cannot seem to get the report to properly hide and show the label behind it when the data is not there. I am in need of a SQL code that will read my blank record source as a zero instead of blank. I have tried Nz, IsEmpty, and IsNull and none of them seem to work.Here is the current SQL code:

FROM Case_review
WHERE (((Case_review.[Type of Issue].Value)="Clinical"));

Here is the current VBA code (which is in event on load) for the main report:

If Me.Rpt_Clinical.Report.HasData = -1 Then
Me.Label29.Visible = False
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = True
Me.Label29.Visible = True
Me.Rpt_Clinical.Visible = False

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Reports :: Query Data To Appear On Report

Jun 3, 2013

I am having trouble getting data to appear on my Report. The report is based of a Query, qryLabel. When I run qryLabel the correct data is displayed but when I try to use this data on the Report, I get an #Error or #Type. Here are the methods I have tried so far to get the data on my Report:

=DLookUp("[StoneLength]","Stones","[StoneName] = Forms![Product]![ProductID]")

Using The Query

Using the Table

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Reports :: Save Additional Data From Report To XLS

Oct 25, 2014

I have a form where user can chose his own criteria for the report, like time period, ppl involved and other parameters. i open report filtered with these conditions. I also create a nice text (as public variable) bout what where the search criteria and put it in the header/footer. Then I export the report as xls file. it's nicely saved as column names and data, just what i to add a field that would store the criteria, ie that string public variable that has it all neatly explained?

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Reports :: How To Create A Report Using Data From MS SQL Database

Dec 28, 2013

I have a database in MS SQL. The users connect to database via MS ACCES ADP applications.

Some tables (like a TV Station or Names of employees) in the database have fields that serve as the flags. If the flag has a value of one, then such a record is used in the query to create a report.

Because there are multiple users of the database, frequently happens that flags overlap. One user sets the flag to one, and second sets the flag to zero. Therefore, it often happens that the received report incorrect.

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Reports :: Report Showing Data From Previous Run?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a REPORT containing 7 ('columnar') subreports. Each subreport is to show showing a days worth of medical doses.... to visually represent a wall planner.

When the report loads - user enters a week value # via Inputbox(). This value is written to a TEMP table. Each subreport accesses this same TEMP table to retrieve the week # value. In the Recordsource for each subreport I have the following code :


... where the DayVal goes from 1...7 corresponding to the columnar position of each subreport on the display ie. for each day of the week.

The problem I am having is that when the report runs - I see the display showing the data from when the report was previously run. ie. I have to run the report twice to see the data for the correct week value entered. All the SQL works as expected when I run from Query view but when I run through VBA..

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Reports :: Blank Data Field In Report

Mar 18, 2013

I am creating a report that contains name andd birthdate on one line. I need to have up to seven lines in the report for some groups, but do not want to leave blank lines where no names exist. I am working in 2010 and have read about canshrink in 2007, is this approach availabel in 2010 and for date as well as text?

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Reports :: Passing Data To Report From A ListBox

Mar 14, 2013

How can I pass data (an employee's first and last name) to a report ? I captured the employee's name from the listbox, but can't seem to pass it to the report. The desired report will only have the employee's name and records for related fields on the report. The table (contains emloyees' history data), form name, listBox (contains employees' names), and variable (contains the employee's name) are listed below.

Form_Employee's Reports
stremployee (variable

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Reports :: Data To Be Shown Subtotaled On A Report

Oct 23, 2013

I've created a query that runs from a form and I would like the data to be shown subtotaled on a report.

Basically, I have Year Group, Behaviour Type, Behaviour Location and I would just like subtotals and %'s for each change. So, for example, there may be 1000 records in total 200 in Year 3, 500 in Year 4, 100 in Year 5 and 200 in Year 6. I would like to show this in a table with %'s as well as figures if possible (a pie chart is the eventual aim!)

Then I would like to subtotal the same records for the changes in Behaviour Type e.g. Bullying, Verbal Aggression etc to find out how many issues of each type have occured and the percentages.

I can get this information in a report using the group feature but it's a real mess and it's broken down far more than I expected.

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Reports :: Suppress Data In A Field On A Report

Mar 4, 2013

I've got a report that is displaying addresses which are all identified as 'public' or 'private'. I want to be able to display the 'public addresses' and leave the 'private' addresses blank (but still show other fields.. phone no.s etc). The field that the data appears in is Address 1 (for both public or private), depending on what the data entry clerk has selected as the preferred address (ie public or private).I've been playing with the Iif function, but have not had any success...

Address Type: Private or Public
Address1: Address details

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Reports :: Data In Report To Show Horizontally

Apr 10, 2014

I have a report that lists part numbers. With beside the part numbers are the components that go into the part. It looks something like this:

Part # Component Part 1 Component Part 2

1 abc

2 abg

3 abc

Part 1 has 2 components (abc,abd) how can I get these to display side by side.

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Reports :: How To Insert Data To Table From Report

Jun 9, 2014

I have a report, which is based on query that links various table.

There is also a form, which starts when the report opens, which has dual function: 1.) user selects criteria to filter out only particular customer but 2.) is for user to add some new data that are not available in query/linked tables.

I need to be able to create now a command button that would add all records from the report to for example 'Report Table'. My report has a tabular form but I have also lots of text-boxes in Report Header that would need to be added too.

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