Reports :: Cannot Insert Line Chart Into Access

Sep 5, 2013

I can not get a line graph inserted into a report by using the Wizard. I have 2 columns of paired data that I want to graph. I dragged the 2 columns to the "Data" control in the wizard and changed summarizing for both columns from "sum" to "none".

When I look at the report in Print Preview, the data points are stacked vertically in the center of the graph and the "Series" box displays what looks like the data. If I add a Date/Time column as the X-axis, I am told that I have to summarize the data, something I don't want to do.

I've made various selections using the wizard and all fail.

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Reports :: Format Line In Compound Chart

Mar 27, 2014

When you create a column chart and then change one of the series to a line, how can you then apply formatting to that line? I've attached a stripped down database showing what I'm trying to do. Series 1 shows individual monthly values (percentages) and series 2 shows the target which is 80% for each month.

The problem is that although I can apply formatting to the column series, I can't see any way of selecting the line series so I can set the formatting I want. I'm using Access 2003, on Win XP Professional, in case that's important.

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Reports :: Microsoft Chart Object In Report - Formatting Line Weights

May 5, 2015

Using a Microsoft Chart Object 6.0 in an Access 2010 report. It's easy enough to do the basics and that chart responds to data.In my case, I have 12 lines, or columns, being controlled by data. It responds to the data. just fine. What I want to do is control the line weight and colour of each line through VBA.

You can click on the chart itself on the report form, but formatting the line you actually want is almost impossible. Pretending we can, you get the pop-up configuration windows and the TAB "PATTERNS". Under that, you can select "LINE" and then choose the style, color and weight. This is what I need to do in VBA.

Lines like this do not work:Graph_Data.Columns("A").Line.Weight = 5
objDataSheet.Columns("A").Line.Weight = 5I tried a variety of versions of that and am pulling my hair out.

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How To Create A Horizontal Line Across The Access Chart?

Mar 16, 2005


I have to create a horizontal across the chart whereby the y-axis value is 1500.

Can anyone help me?


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Create Line Chart In Ms Access 2007

Feb 12, 2013

I need to display the out put of a table as chart in ms access 2007. My table is as below.

Week 1 Value
Week 2 Value





In the chart X co ordinate should be the "ItemID" and the Y co ordinate should be the week number (eg, week1, week2 ...etc). Is it possible to display the chart with the above table? Or do I need to transform the table and then dosplay as chart? Also can I transform the above table as shown below using a single Transform query ?





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Reports :: Insert Half-line Feed Into Text In A Control

May 5, 2014

Any way to insert a half-line feed into text in a control?

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Reports :: How To Insert Enough Blank Line In Order To Make Each Report The Same Length

Aug 22, 2013

I have a main report / subreport relation, just want to have a fixed length of each printout. e.g the total number of lines of the subreport should be 8 lines. However, lots of subreports contain records less than 8. I would like to know how to insert of blank line in the subreport depending on the records with content at each print, in order to make the total number of lines in each subreport is 8 each print!!

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How To Insert A Line In Access Database

Jan 4, 2015

I am busy with an database in Access Control. I want to insert a line between 2 certain lines. How can I do that.

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Reports :: How To Create A Chart In Access Report

Mar 11, 2013

How can I create a chart to be added to the last page of an access report to summarize all the data reported?

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Reports :: MS Access Chart Only Shows Sample Data

Jul 22, 2013

I have created a chart report, but for some reasons, it only shows Sample data (East, West, North, 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3th Qtr, 4th Qtr etc). It is in Design View. If I do Print Preview, it looks fine.

How to have the Chart properly displayed in Design View?

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Forms :: Scrolling Line Chart

May 19, 2013

I've developed an Access 2003 database (split) and so far so good. The main thing I'm not happy about is that I can't (or maybe don't know how) to implement a horizontal scroll bar with a line chart. I thought it would be a matter of selecting the option in a Graph but seems not. So I'm left with just selecting Top 50 records and plotting them.How could the MS Access team not know that people would want this or am I missing something? to get a scrollable line chart.

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Reports :: Access Report Chart Across Multiple Group Levels

Jan 22, 2015

I know how to create a chart in an access report, put it in the group header or footer and link it such that the the grouping filters the chart.

My VP wants me to create a chart that compares each invididual providers episiotomy rate (something that is done to pregnant women during delivery) to the overall divisional rate on a monthly basis.

I know how to do this with 2 charts, ie 2 different group levels. One chart goes in the date grouping level (the overall rate) and another goes in the provider grouping level (the individual provide rate).

is there a way to have this in one graph in an access report?

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Reports :: Select 4th Slice Of Pie Chart In Access 2003 Report

Nov 4, 2013

I've got a simple dataset that will ALWAYS have 4 rows, against which I have assigned the colours Green, Amber, Red, Grey. So I made a simple pie-chart to go on the report, but I can't work out how to assign the same colours.

Please see 3 attachments showing the current layout, the preferred layout (which I mocked up in Excel) and the chart settings screen.

The chart is working OK i.e. 4 slices appear and they are the right size, but when I open the chart, I see only East, West, North. So I am unable to manually set the colour for the 4th slice.

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Reports :: Export From Access To RTF Format Adds Line Break

Mar 7, 2014

I have set up an access application with a report being exported to rtf format. Would prefer word format if it is possible.

In the export document created there are line breaks on every row. This creates headache when the exported text is re-used in a word document.

is there any way how to have the export where the text is kept together without line breaks on every row?

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Insert A Line Of Data In A Subform

Jul 11, 2007

I have a form which records computer faults reported by users. On this form there is a subform for comment tracking eg. Phoned user, Date/Time. On the next line would be; Informed user to do this, Date/Time and so on. I have a button on my form which I would like to use to automatically put in a line of data. It is an aknowlegde fault button. What it hopefully would do is when you click the button it will automatically put in the date/time in the subform, Then the word "acknowledged" in the comment field, then prompt for the user name ( for the username field).
I am not sure on how to start the command. If i were to do it in the same form then I would just put something like;
me.Date.Value = Date()
me.Comment.value = "Acknowledged"
me.Username.value = "[Prompt]"

As you can see I have two problems though;
1. The data has to be entered in a subform
2. My Prompt I dont think will work.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Kind Regards

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Queries :: Add Textbox Value To Each Line Of Insert

Nov 20, 2014

I'm trying to set up a data import function as follows: The user fills out a form, generating an entry in the Orders table. After pushing a button, line item data will be imported from an excel spreadsheet. I've got most of this working- I have a temp table that gets cleared out and then populated from the excel spreadsheet which is then deleted, all working fine. My hangup is when I try and get the line item data out of the temp table. I need to append the Order unique ID from the textbox on the form to each line item. Here's the select statement part of the insert into:

SELECT Forms!frmOrder!OrderID AS OrderID, ItemsID, NumUsed
FROM tblTempOrder

This gets the line items fine, but puts an Ankh symbol as the OrderID for each line item.

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Modules & VBA :: Read CSV Transaction File Line By Line And Add Correct Transactions To Access Table

Nov 29, 2014

I have a module which reads a CSV transaction file line by line and adds the correct transactions to an access table and places the wrong ones in a logfile.Now some transactions are rejected twice there is even one rejected six times. Whereas one wrong transaction is processed only once. I am certainly overlooking something obvious in the logic but what. Here is the relevant code.


Function ImportCSVForConfederation(inputCSV, ORG)
Dim TNO As Integer, TACT As Integer, TABLE As String, TLINE As String, I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer
Dim FLD1 As String, FLD2 As String, FLD3 As String, FLD4 As String, LogFile As String, LogPath As String
Dim Lim As String, ITNO As Integer


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Modules & VBA :: Insert (Append) First And Last Line In XML File

May 31, 2015

I need to insert(append) first and last line in xml file...

So I have xml file and I need to insert one line to the top and at the of the text... Xml file contains Cyrillic characters and method to recreate xml file is going wrong with characters conversions... The last line a can append easy but the first line is a problem...

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Forms :: Go To End Of Field And Insert New Line And Date

Jan 2, 2014

I have set up a customer database for our small electronics company and i have built a form called contact history. In the form i show a few details about the customer (name phone number etc) but the bulk of the form is a large text box for a contact log.I would like to have a button on the form that takes me to the contact log field, inserts todays date and allows me to update whats been said to the customer etc. I have it working using setfocus and date functions however it erases any information already in the field. Is there a way to skip to the end of the field and insert a new line, then add the date and allow me to begin typing?I would like the end result to look like the following.

16/02/2013: Introduced Myself and the company, spoke to joe bloggs and agreed to call back on 28/02/2013.
28/02/2013: returned call to Joe Bloggs but was out of office, will call back 01/03/2013.
01/03/2013: Spoke to Joe Bloggs and have arranged for him to visit us on 10/03/2013.

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Modules & VBA :: Insert Into Function - How To Carry Over To New Line

Oct 24, 2013

I am using "INSERT INTO tablename(a1,a2)" function but i have to many "a" objecjts. How to carry over to a new line without having error?

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Reports :: Custom Reports Creating Chart Based On Month Not Calendar Year

Jun 15, 2015

I am editing a database that provides the option of creating custom reports, where the user can input a date range of their choice and receive aggregate data for that time frame. Although all of the numbers in the report are correct, I am having trouble with a chart that I inserted into the report.

Specifically, if the date range requested spans 2 calendar years (i.e. April 2014 through January 2015), the data for January 2015 appears at the beginning of the year (so the chart x-axis is for Jan through Dec, and the Jan 2015 data is showing up in Jan (as if it was 2014, not the end of the given range in 2015). When I try with smaller time frames within a calendar year, it adjusts just fine (i.e. shrinking the window so just March-May is displayed on the graph).

How to adjust the axis so that it properly records the data range- so that it would start the axis with April and end in January, for example?

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Reports :: Chart On Subreport

Jun 20, 2014

So I am adding a chart (on a subreport) to a report that has multiple subreports already. I have gotten the chart to show up correctly on the report, but now 2 of my other subreports are not working. I am being prompted to input parameters for these subreports that used to pull their parameters (between dates) from the main report.

I read somewhere that charts master/child linking doesn't work but I'm not sure if that applies to subreports with charts on them, or just charts in general. I've tried changing the query on the chart subreport a little without luck. Is this likely some glitch thing? Should I keep trying to alter the query or maybe there is some other work around option?

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Reports :: Pie Chart On Report

Oct 8, 2014

I have a query written that has two numbers. One is the trucking fleet size (63) and the other is the average number of trucks used over a time period (in this example, its 52.2)..I just want to create a pie chart that has 52.2/63. so the pie would be roughly 90% filled.

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Reports :: Creating A Pie Chart Format?

Apr 20, 2013

I have browsed a few forums and am still having trouble creating a pie chart that has the proper layout that I would prefer.

I have created a query that will list the data I would like to organize into a pie chart. The query, when run, will prompt the user for a start date and an end date and then display the data in this form:

EmployeeX | SumofProject hours | SumofDemo Hours | SumofAdministration hours | SumofEtc hours (5 other categories of hours)
EmployeeY | SumofProject hours | SumofDemo Hours | SumofAdministration hours | SumofEtc hours (5 other categories of hours)

OK, now that I have the data in this format I would like to create a report that includes tabs for each employee, each tab will have a pie chart that has one employee and a pie chart showing how their hours are allocated to each task. e.g. tab 1 would have Employee X and the pie chart would show what percentage of this employee's hours was dedicated to project/demo/admin/etc...

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Reports :: One Chart For Each Team In Database

Nov 11, 2013

What I'm doing wrong with the chart in the attached DB? I need just one chart for each team but I'm getting 5 times as many charts as I want.

I'm using Access 2010 on Windows 7 & Vista

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Reports :: Unable To Resize Chart

Jun 12, 2014

I can't seem to size any of my charts to 100% of their object's size. I've attached screen shots of a chart in Design View, the chart properties, Chart Design View, and Print Preview. I've tried all of the Size Mode options.

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