I have a field SSEEndDate. I have some records in which this field is empty. What I would like to do is add a comment to explain why the field is empty on a report if possible. Click on it or move the mouse on it or whatever and the comment would show up.
I have Field "BC1Chng" which requires user input. I want to be able to write a code to reference to "BC1Chng" if there is an input in that field for any record...I want to copy the Remarks into each record in the Remarks Field.
I was able to get the remarks1 field to loop through each record copying what was in that field into each record.
Now I want it to look at the BC1CHng field and only copy to remarks1 field if there is any input in that field???
I have a query where data is first sorted by user input; first field's criteria: [fieldname], then by another field's criteria: Is Null.
I know there are records containing null values in the second field, as I have run a select query with the criteria: Like "*", to make sure they are null, and not zero-length-strings.
I just can't figure this out..I have two fields in my database that I want to be able to have a regulation that if the user Enter Yes to field1 than they MUST enter some comment on field2. They can't skip it. However, Field1=No, they can skip field2..Is this possible? is this have something to do data validation? Please help..thanks in advance..
I have a list of departments, 1-17, where each needs a SUM of their price for each end of day.
At first I was going to make 17 queries, and place each into a new sub-report, but there must be a way to list all 17, even if they haven't had a sale put through.
I've tried linking using "show all values in tblDept and only those that match in tblOrder" - but I cam across a very obvious issue.
The items are grouped by Z1 Number, a unique number for the end of day sales. If there is no department linked to a Z1 number, then it won't show it. For example, if there were no sales in dept01, then there is no record under tblOrder to show a Z1 number for dept01 - so there is nothing to link to in the report.
I was then thinking of creating false data at the end of day so the Z1 number mentioned each department at least once, but that would get messy and not 'normal'
I'm thinking of a type of loop to generate the report so a 17 row report is generated,
Okay Stupid question, But I have tryed different things and have not got anything to work yet, So I am using Microsoft Acess 2003. I would like to be able to comment out block of code. Thanks Sorry for the stundness...:confused: :confused:
I am very new to access. I have made a database that holds certain company information.
As part of a process a company must fill in and complete form and send to me and once they have I enter a 'yes' to the form and then link directly to said form.
I am wanting to be able to run a report to be able to only see the companies where a certain field has not been filled in.
For example I have a field for doc 698, if I have had this form back I enter a yes in this field, if I havent had this back I leave it blank and these blanks are what I want to pull off in the report.
I have made queries and then just filtered to show blanks but I would like to have in report form.
I am new to access. I have created a report form a query and have fields with a value of "0" or "$0.00" I would like to set a static textbox to Null. I belive it can be done with the IFF function but I get a syntax error.
i have been trying to figure out how to make a textbox if it is null to be invisible on a report.
I selected the detail section on the report, under the Event tab, On Format option then selected [Event Procedure] and then clicked on the ellipses.
Tbl_Receipt_Description is the name of the text box. ******************************************* If Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description = " " then Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = False Else Me.Tbl_Receipt_Description.Visible = True End If *******************************************
I am developing a database for my company which will produce reports based on data entered on various forms.
When the report opens, I would like its name to dynamically change to include the site, the client and their reference number. Although I know very little VBA, from searching this and other forums I have managed to get this to work on other forms.
On a different form, I have managed this by giving the form the caption "Caption" and then running the following code on load:
However all this produces is "Property Assessment for , reference". If I try entering just "[SiteDetailsAddressLine1]", "[ClientDetailsName]" or "[PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber]" I receive an Invalid use of Null error message.
If I create text boxes on the report for [SiteDetailsAddressLine1], [ClientDetailsName] and [PropertyAssessmentClientJobNumber] they are filled with the correct information so I know that these fields are not blank.
I have a report based on a query with 3 fields (Tested, RMA, OpenRMA). The query searches all the tables in my database and gives me a count of the equipment tested, RMA reported and open rma.
The report has two fields (Equipment, NumberTested) with a total below and also a total of the RMAs and OpenRMAs. I'm trying to hide RMAs and OpenRMAs from appearing in the body and only showing below the total. All three totals are showing correctly, but I am still seeing RMA and Open RMA with a null in the count in the body.
So in the report's Equipment.control I wanted to put
Iif([NumberTested] is null, null, [Equipment])
Meaning if the numbertested field is null the equipment field will be blank, if it is not just leave what is in the equipment field there, but it returns a #Error in the printout. It seems to handle the two null records correctly. Trying Equipment.Value also returned the same error.
Really simple one this one. Though I can't find it in the help or in forums. So simple it doesn't rate a mention apparently.
Except that I would dearly love to know how to comment out SQL code whilst writing queries in Access 2000 SQL view. All that retyping and copy/pasting is causing me RSI.
I have a command button with the VBA code below. I'd like a message box to appear with a comment and an "OK" button that continues the code below . . is this possible?
Private Sub cmdDuplicateOverpayments_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdDuplicateOverpayments_Click Dim stDocName As String
Like in excel, when there's a red triangle in the corner of the field which pops up a small comment box, is there a similar functionality in Access that when a field.
Has either a comment associated with it, that a comment box can be made available?
I am working on a database which will basically serve to be a massive Auditing Checklist. Lots of "Is this done" type yes/no questions to record, some with a comment.
Brief Description: I have many child-forms on a tab-control, each with a different heading/category of things to check for. When someone visits a store, I would like them to record their findings in this form.
In the above example, if the Floors are clean, no input is necessary. If the floors are not clean then the user ticks the checkbox and the text "Floors were not clean" should be automatically entered into the field: Cleanliness 1. The reason for this is that I wish to link the value from this field to a Microsoft Word document using mail merge for reporting purposes, and in the report it needs to state any problems in full sentences.
I have tried using this code in order to update the comment field when the checkbox is ticked, however, the problem with this is that I would have to insert code manually for every single checkbox in my forms, and I have about 150 checkboxes in total.
Code: Private Sub Cleanliness_A1_AfterUpdate() If Cleanliness_A1.Value = -1 Then 'If checkbox is checked Cleanliness_C1.Value = Cleanliness_C1.DefaultValue Cleanliness_C1.Enabled = True Else Cleanliness_C1.Value = "" Cleanliness_C1.Enabled = False End If End Sub
Trying to run a query using criteria to populate the query by looking at information from a field on a form, if from is closed I need that criteria to look at the table and return all date in table.
Can someone tell me that more remark / comment lines in VBA might be one of the reason of increasing the db size?
Because now a days I am removing the queries from my db and started to use VBA code lines behind each forms and keeping some remark / comment lines to know what a particular set of code line means and what they are doing. So I put everywhere some remarks / comments line. Now my forms are faster than before but the over all size of db become heavy.
Are comment lines one of the reason in increasing db size?
Hi please i have a problem withthis and i need some help, i received some great help so far thank you So much Markoc. and now i'm stucj here.
I have two tables : one called reviews [rid, review] and the comments [cid, rid, review]
the first two pages work fine, but whenever i click on submit on the second page it take me to the third one which cannot be displayed. here is the code on the pages, please if you can help. ------------------------------------------------ on the first page i have " reviews listing " -------------------------------------------------
<% Dim oConn, sConnection Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=xx" & _ "Persist Security Info=False" oConn.Open(sConnection) set rsUsers = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsUsers.Open "select * from reviews" , oConn %>
<center><table >
<% Do while NOT rsUsers.EOF getrid = rsUsers("rid") getreview = rsUsers("review")
rsUsers.MoveNext Loop rsUsers.Close set rsUsers = Nothing %>
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the second page is viewreview.asp AND ALSO I HAD A TEXT BOX FOR THE USERS TO LEAVE COMMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is my code...if I take out the where statement..it copies the remarks all the way down my table to all the records...with the where statement..it's prompting in for parameters..
Private Sub Remarks1_Click() Dim strMsg As String, strQry As String, strRemark As String strMsg = "Update All Comments in the Current view. IMPORTANT!!! Will update a the Viewed records."