Reports :: Concatenating Sum And Count Functions In Footer

Mar 21, 2013

I have a report that I'm trying to concatenate some "sum" and "count" data into one line. This is what I have

Code : "There is currently" & " " & =Sum([pounds]) & " " & "Pounds in" & " " & =count([quant]) & " " & "Containers"

but it gives me a syntax error when going from Design view to Report View.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Monthly Calls - Average Function In Footer

Jul 7, 2014

I have a report that counts the number of monthly calls. What I would like is an average of the monthly calls in the report footer.

My total for a particular month is =Count([Date]) and I named the unbound control MonthlyTotal.

This is in the DateFooter section of the report.

I then put an unbound control in the report footer and used the expression = Avg([MonthlyTotal]).

Of course when I changed from design view to report view, it asked me for an input of [MonthlyTotal].

I then tried =Avg([Reports]![qryLetterWritersbyDate]![MonthlyTotal]) and while it didn't ask me for an input, there was nothing in the ubound control in the report footer.

I have search for an answer, but all I find is using a query. Is what I am attempting to do possible? If so, how?

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Concatenating In Reports

Oct 11, 2005

I have a firstname field, and a surname field.

On a report I have a textbox that is bound to =[firstname] & " " & [surname]

This gives me an error. I have even tried single quotes, but no luck.

Please advise

Thank you in advance

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Two Count Functions

Feb 6, 2008

Im trying to run two count functions on one column in sql (access 2003). I need to return two new column, pass and fail. something like this; select count(grade) as pass, where grade>=40 and select count (grade) as fail, where grade<= 39.

my table is student_ID, module and grade:

student_ID Module Grade
0012 history 59
0034 history 34
0045 maths 78
0031 maths 45
0046 spanish 66

what i need is:

Module Pass Fail
History 1 1
Maths 2 0
Spanish 1 0

I have achieved it by running two seperate querys, one for pass and one for fail and then merging them with another query but is there any other way?

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Reports :: Concatenating 5 Fields To One On Report

Apr 1, 2015

I have five reason fields in my table and I would like combine them into one field on my report, with line breaks between so each reason starts on it's on line. Also if there is a blank record, I would like the report not to display a blank line. I have found ways to do this online for 2 records but I need this for 5.

Also when I do manage to get the lines all to show in the report there are 3 paragraph returns between them - making the reason display of the report 15 lines tall, not just 5. The code I have so far, which displays each of the reasons but spaced as described is:

=[REASON1] & " " & [REASON2] & " " & [REASON3] & " " & [REASON4] & " " & [REASON5]

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Reports :: Display Breakdown Of Unique Reports In The Footer

Jun 16, 2014

I am trying to produce statistics reports in my database. The user selects the information they require in a form (date from, date to etc). A query then produces the results listing each job in turn which is what I want however at the end I would like to produce sub-totals for each client.

Depending on the criteria selected by the user, only some clients will appear in the list. Ideally I would like the footer to show something like:

Client 1 - 4 jobs
Client 2 - 1 job
Client 5 - 6 jobs
Client 6 - 17 jobs

I have tried using the field:


However this only gives the total number of jobs.

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COUNT() And DISTINCT Functions Help Needed

Jan 4, 2007

Hello, guys. First of all, may all of you have a very cool New Year 2007!

In my MS Access database i have 2 tables: Table1 and Table2. These are related by means of the fields Field1 (Primary key of Table1) and Field2 (Secondary key of Table2). The relation is 1 to Many.

I pretend to count the rows from the Table2 with different Field2 values. Thus, the following query would be an ideal solution:

FROM Table2

Unfortunately, the DISTINCT clause is not admitted within COUNT parenthesis. So, what i came up with is:

FROM Table1

It works, but it takes too long to run the main query, where i embedded several subqueries like the one above.
Is there any other way to get the same result reducing the response time?

Thanks for your attention in advance.

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General :: Show Count Of Text Boxes That Have Value Greater Than 0 At Footer Of Report

Oct 19, 2013

I have a report and at the footer i want to show how many of the txt boxes i have are >0

i tried


I know that this is quite simple but i just cant get it.

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Queries :: Applying Multiple Count Functions With WHERE Criteria Without Affecting Others

Dec 11, 2013

Any way to use multiple count functions in a query with their own individual filters without affect the others?

For example:

SELECT [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord, Count([E&I Table].[Status#1]) AS [CountOfStatus#1], Count([E&I Table].[Status#2]) AS [CountOfStatus#2]
FROM [E&I Table]
WHERE ((([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Reviewed by JVV") AND (([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Reviewed by JVV"))
GROUP BY [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord;

I am trying to count in each column of the E&I table with criteria using WHERE but the problem is when you have more than 1 WHERE it affects the other columns as well... tried a bunch of different ways and I am now having to create seperate Queries than combine them using another Query...

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Domain Aggregate Functions To Count Occurrences Of Specific Value In Field

Jul 8, 2012

i need domain aggregate functions to count the occurrences of specific value in a field, and when it exceeds 1, display null. or 'group by' subqueries with count() to see if you should populate the field or not.

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Reports :: SUM A Field In The Footer?

May 8, 2014

I have a field on a report with this as its control source...

=(Format(Int([quantity]*(DLookUp("[Plot_times]","[ProductList]","[Code] = Reports![Mask_order_book]![CUST_REF]"))/60),"0") & ":" & Format([quantity]*(DLookUp("[Plot_times]","[ProductList]","[Code] = Reports![Mask_order_book]![CUST_REF]")) Mod 60,"00"))

It turns a number like this "120" into elapsed time in hours and minutes like this "2:00"

I have a report with an elapsed time for all of the items. I simply want to SUM it at the report footer, but i guess my control source turns it from a number into text, which then cannot be summed ?

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Reports :: Footer To Bottom Of Page Or Page Footer To Last Page Only

Oct 23, 2014

I am trying to create an invoice report. I want to add all the costs from the detail section in my footer. I have accomplished this in either the Report footer and/or the page footer, but the problem is that the report footer doesn't go to the bottom of the page, and the page footer doesn't go to just the last page. I have tested a bunch of suggestions that don't seem to work.

1. Print page footer with Report header = NO - only works if your report is two pages or more.

2. Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Page = Pages Then
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = True
Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = False
End If
End Sub

The Page functions worked, but it did not change the results from page to page. If it was a two page report, then the if statement is false and the text box was not visible on page 1, but it also was not visible on page 2.

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Reports :: Footer To Appear Only On First Page Of Report

Jun 5, 2014

I have a 14 page report in which I want the footer to appear only on the first page. I accomplish this with some code in the OnFormat event of the page footer:

If Page > 1 Then
Me.PageFooter2.Visible = False
Me.PageFooter2.Visible = True
End If

The first page has the footer (great).

The 3rd thru the 14th page does not (great).

The 2nd page also doesn't have the footer - but - it only shows a half page of data! The data continues where it left off on the third page!

So, to sum up:

1st Page: Footer with detail section containing 16 rows of data.

3rd thru 14th Page: No footer section with 28 rows of data.

2nd Page: No footer with only 16 rows of data.

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Reports :: Custom Report Footer

Jul 3, 2013

I current have three different reports that are the same except for the footers. That means that each time I have a change to the report, I have to remember to make the change on all three copies. Is there a way to add (1) some custom text such as "Client Copy", "Please Sign and Return", "Our Copy" plus one or two data fields from the report query in the page footer (the data fields would be different for each copy)?Basically, what I would like to do is have just one report, but print three copies of it, with each of the three copies having different footers as described above. Is this possible?

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Reports :: Sum Textbox Within Footer Of A Grouping

May 30, 2013

I have a report that has a group within a group. The interior group has a footer with a textbox calculating an average. I would like the Outer group to then SUM the averages. I tried doing a =sum([TextBoxWithTheGroup Average]), but access prompts me for the value of this box when I run the report.

To summarize: is there a way to sum a textbox within the footer of a grouping

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Reports :: IIF Function In Page Footer

Sep 27, 2013

I am struggling with building and If Then statement in my Report Footer. I have a report that pulls data from two tables...Students and Homeroom. This gives me a list of the students in each homeroom class and they are separated by homeroom. I would like to use a function in the page footer that counts the number of students who are members of our PTSA organization and then returns a percentage based on the total number of students in each homeroom class.

In the Report, I have on each page:

Page Header: Homeroom, LastName, FirstName, FamilyID

Details: LastName, FirstName, FamilyID

What I need is for the function to look at the FamilyID field and determine is there is any value entered. Then I need a count the total number of records in that homeroom and the total number of records with a value, so I can then get a percent of how many students actually belong to the PTSA in each homeroom.

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Reports :: Show Report Footer On First Page Only?

May 7, 2015

Is there away to have the report footer only to display on the first page?

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Reports :: Text Field Footer In Report

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form with attached subform from which I can choose which records to send to a report. All records in the base table have a comment text field for the user to enter additional data (comments). Typically, there are none, but when there is, if it is only a single record sent to the report, the comment is printed in the page footer. However, if there are multiple records being sent to the report and only one record has text in the comment field, unless it's the last record it the subform, it will not print in the report. There isn't enough room in the detail section to include the comment field (like I said, it's typically not used and when it is, they can be lengthy). Is there a way to get the comment field to print in the report page footer when it is not either the only record selected, or the last record?

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Reports :: Grouping Total Values On Footer?

Nov 2, 2013

Placing the grouping total values on the bottom of the last page of this report, such as below?

Common . . . . . . 44.55%
Convertable Bond .14.55 %
Preferred . . . . . . .40.91%

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Reports :: Adding File Path In Footer?

Sep 29, 2014

In Access 2010 how to add a file path in the report footer?

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Reports :: Location Of Report Footer Not Changed

Jun 12, 2015

I've got a problem in my access 2007 database. In my office, I have to print invoice reports on pre-ready papers. So the place of every printed object should be fixed. my problem is that whenever the list of sales icons increases or decreases in Detail section of report, the location of total part in report footer goes up or down. I want this location to be immobile and not changed !

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Reports :: Calculated Control In Report Footer

Mar 23, 2014

I have a report and in the footer I have added a text box (Textbox136) to work out the average percentage of the field [Percentage], which works fine.

For the value in textbox136 I want to output a grade and want to use an IIF function in the control source, something like:


But it won't work.

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Reports :: Unable To Go Beyond 3 Pages Since Page Footer Is Not Moving Down

Apr 28, 2015

I was able to create only 3 pages in access report. I am not able to go beyond 3 pages since the page footer is not moving down, means I am not able to drag it down.

It is a simple report of resume with only text boxes. My report comes around 10 pages.

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Reports :: Extra Space Between Detail And Subform (in Footer)

Jan 16, 2014

The first report example is what I get when I start on the main form and select an organization, run the report, opens report - BIG SPACE between the details and my footer section which holds a subform.

The second report is what I need it to look like, what's strange to me is I get the report correctly when I just run the report (I don't pass the organization into the report from the main form)

I tried changing the background color of the detail section and the footer section to figure out where my problem is but the space just stays white.

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Reports :: Force Report Footer Location In Subreport

Jun 14, 2014

I have a report, with a sub report. The sub report has a determined height, and can't grow or shrink.

It has enough height for 25 rows, which will never be filled for this purpose.

I need a totals box to appear after the 25th row, but it will only show at the bottom of the list, regardless of the number of rows.

I have a =sum([Price]) control box in the report footer, is there a way to make the report footer go to the bottom of the pre-defined height?

My other option was to place the =Sum([price]) on the parent form, but that got messy with Reports![rptSheet].[rptSheetSub]!Report.[Price]

It didn't like it, nor did the sum function.

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Reports :: Stop Report Footer From Printing On Separate Page

Apr 20, 2014

How do I stop the report footer from printing on a separate page. I have seen several suggestions but nothing seems to work.

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