Reports :: Conditional Hide Section - No Value In A Control

Aug 7, 2014

I have master and child fields in my query, and in my report I have blank controls where there is no child record to the master. I'm trying to set the section (Group Header and Detail) to be invisible when there's no value in a control.

However, as soon as I introduce an If statement to the VBA in a report, regardless of the event I put it in, it just stops working completely.

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Reports :: Hide Section On 1st But Show On Rest

Mar 22, 2013

I want to add a section to my report and control the visible value based on page (1st, 2nd, etc...)


1st page show 'Page Header' which has lots of detail, but dont show 'AccNum.Header' section.

2nd, 3rd, etc.. don't how 'Page Header' as I don't need lots of detail, but show the 'AccNum.Header' as this has customer name and Invoice numer, which is enough header information of all the rest of the pages.

Tried using 'On Page' and logoc aroung [Page] but no progress.

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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Hide The Detail Section

Jun 2, 2006

I currently use

Me!frmPatientLookupResults.Form.Visible = False

to hide a subform on my form that is in the detail section of my form.

Is there a way to collapse or Hide the Detail section of the main Form??

I notice that their is a property under the Detail section called Visible
with an option for Yes or No.. How would I manipulate that option through
VBA? I am assuming that is the option that I am looking for

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Hide The Details Section In Form When Using Split Form View?

May 1, 2012

how to hide the the 'Details' section in my form when viewing it in Split Form. I tried to use


Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End Sub

but that just makes the Details section look blank, as oppose to not having it there at all.

have only the Form Header and Datasheet visible in the Form View of my form. Similar to the 'Contact List' form in the Contacts Template that comes with Access.

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Conditional Formatting WITH Hide Columns Combination

Feb 22, 2005

Hi All

Has anyone experienced this:

I have a datasheet as a sub-form on a main form. Because the main form is accessed from 2 different forms in the system (let's call them A and B), I hide a column on the datasheet that is not relevant when the access is from Form B. This was working fine.

Until I added a new field to the datasheet/subform with some conditional formatting (background colour change dependent on field content). Now the hide column function causes an error which locks the database. I removed the conditional formatting and the hide column functions works fine. Please note the column being hidden and the column with the conditional formatting are not the same column.

Seems the combination of hide column AND conditional formatting in the same datasheet is the problem.

Any ideas?


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Forms :: Date Control In Header Updates Appointments In Details Section

Jul 3, 2013

Working in Access 2007 - I would like to have an updatable calendar in the header section of a form, and when this is changed by the user I would like the subforms (there are several) in the details section to be updated with various appointments with dates corresponding to the date selected in the header.

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Reports :: Detail Section Randomly Highlighted

May 18, 2015

when i generate a report i intermittently get a page that has the detail section highlighted. The report generates an invoice for each customer selected, a new page for each invoice with a repeating header on each page. I have used the vba to some of the formatting on the page. Usually there are between 20-40 pages generated with each report, or there is an option to print just one invoice. I get the highlight on 1 page on some set of invoices, and other everything works fine.

I can not for the life of me figure out what variables are causing the detail section to be highlighted. Does not repeat on a specific customer, place in the report, or any specific that i can tell. What settings/variables/triggers/events would cause the detail section to become highlighted blue.

Right now i can generate the report, see a blue page(usually after its printed), and the regenerate it and its not there or on a different page. The invoices uploaded are for the same person generated right after each other..

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Reports :: Suppress Fields Or Section By Criteria

Aug 29, 2014

I have a command button that opens a report with a where filter. The report has a main section and a detail section. Its a Organisation and its Contacts. The Contacts are in the detail section. How can I suppress the detail section (and a label) if there is no records to show in the detail section?

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Reports :: Get Each Image Per Row At Report Details Section

Jun 16, 2015

My table structure is

id photoPath name
1 C:a.jpg A
2 C:b.jpg B

How to show all image per row at report details section in a report like

ID Image Name
1 Here Image of A A
2 Here Image of B B

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Reports :: Grouping And Sorting Without Header Section

Apr 10, 2015

What I wish to achieve is to create a report that groups and sorts without the need of a header section as it is taking up to much space cascading :


rather than :

---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ----

I basically want it not to cascade but do the exact same thing as it does inside its own header. (We need to dramatically cut down the page amount as a delivery schedule is printed out daily and could do with the page count around 10 rather than 50 ).

(Links below)

What It Looks Like ....

What I Want ....

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Reports :: Highlight Only Last Row Of Detail Section In A Report?

Jul 16, 2013

Is there a way to only highlight the last row of the detail section in a report?

I tried the following code in the "Format" but could not get it to work in Access 2010.

If Me.ClaimStatuses = "Total Potential Recoverable" Then
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = vbYellow
Me.Section(acDetail).BackColor = vbWhite
End If

Where "ClaimStatuses" is the control text box and "Total Potential Recoverable" is the value I want to equal so this row which is the last row will be yellow.

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How Do You Fill A Reports Detail Section Dynamically In Access2000

Feb 12, 2008


I want a user to click the report, and an input box appears asking for a product number. This product number is used in a recordset (VBA code in the report) to fill the text boxes in the Detail section.

Code:Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)Dim rst As DAO.RecordsetDim db As DAO.DatabaseDim itemCode As StringSet db = CurrentDb()itemCode = InputBox("Enter the Item Number", "Complete Catlog Prices")Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Catalog Prices Complete] WHERE Prefixprodno = '" & itemCode & "'", dbOpenDynaset)Do Until rst.EOF Me!txtCat = rst("Volume") 'error 02448 cannot assign to this 'Me!txtPrice = rst("Price") rst.MoveNextLooprst.CloseEnd Sub

I'm sure my text box is called txtCat though. Is it an array I should try to fill? If so, any suggestions :S


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Reports :: Variable Row Height In Report Detail Section

Apr 16, 2013

In the detail section of my report, I recently added a second row which has only 1 text field. When the value of the textbox in the 2nd row is null, I want the total row height equal to just the first row. When the value in the textbox in the 2nd row is not null, then the total row height is equal to row 1 and 2. I tried to make the textbox in the second row invisible when it had a null value thinking that when it was null, the report would shrink to the first row height, but that didn't seem to work.

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Reports :: Size Limit To Detail Section Of A Report?

Aug 7, 2014

We are creating a report and for some reason we can no longer extend the detail section of the report. It has stopped at 2 A4 pages length and won't let us extend it further. We have about 7 pages of the report, I didn't think this was too much?

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Reports :: Adjust Section Width To Avoid Blank Pages

Nov 18, 2014

I have set up a report in Access. However, when I look at it in print preview, I get the message that the section width is greater than the page width, and that some pages will be blank. It is obvious that the Detail Section is the issue, but I can't figure out how to reduce the section width. The detail section only contains a few text boxes that are well within the margins of the other sections.

How do I adjust the section width so there won't be any blank pages?

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Reports :: Adding Entries From A Query To Detail Section Of A Report

Dec 30, 2013

I have a query with various entries, pertaining to various invoices. Each line of the query corresponds to a piece of work done, and there may be several lines in the query pertaining to one invoice. I've written the code to input data to a report.

If there are multiple lines in the query to be added to the one invoice, I don't know how to write code that will add those multiple lines in the detail section. Same type of data on each line, just basically pertains to several different lines of work.

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Trying To Hide Control That Has The Focus

Aug 30, 2006


I tried hiding a list control by setting its visible property to Flase in VB; however, it keeps returning a message: You can't hide a control that has the focus.

I don't know who to move the focus from my list control before hiding it. I searched in the MSDN online, but with no luck.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Conditional SUM As A Control Source

Sep 8, 2005

I'm creating an order form for a clinic.

Health-related services are not charged sales tax, but products are.

In order to have one subform to do the job (rather than one for non-taxable and one for taxable items), I'm trying to create separate running sums of taxable and not taxable items from the same query, but am not getting far. "WHERE" statements don't seem to be working in Control Source code.

Currently, there's a cboItem_Name that populates txtItem_Cost. There's txtQuantity and txtExtended_Price. All working fine. The cbo query includes whether the item is taxable or not, from a YES/NO field in the table.

I'm trying to get txtTaxable_Sub_Total to SUM[Item_Cost]*[Quantity] where [Taxable] = YES, but it ain't happenin'.......

Is there a better way to go about this, or can someone suggest correct syntax to me?

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Hide Focus With Control Error

Jan 26, 2005

I have read the threads on this subject and I thought I had my coding fixed, but obviously not, beacause I still get the error, "You can't hide a control that has the focus". Maybe it is a form/subform thing.

Here is my code:

Private Sub txtAge_AfterUpdate()
If Me.txtAge > 39 Then
Me!subfrmVersion.Form.chkWellness.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

txtAge is on the main form and chkWellness is on the subform.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Forms :: Can't Hide Control That Has Focus

Jan 18, 2015

I have a toggle control on a form which depending on selection uses a loop and instr to make 'not visible' a set of controls on a subform.(forms! Mainform !subform.form)I get error 2165 but if I test immediatley before the make not visible process it returns the toggle frame as being the active control.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting In Tab Control

Nov 28, 2013

I have a Tab Control "box" on a form called PatientUpdate.

I would like to apply a conditional format on the second tab named Grp Bkg. In its properties, the Page Index is 1.

In the Tab resides a subform called Patient_GroupBooking which contains the field GroupBkg_Name.

CONDITION: if [GroupBkg_Name] is not null, make the tab Grp Bkg's font color red instead of the default black.

How to write this in Form Design Tools, Format, Conditional Formatting or other.

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Continuous Forms - Hide A Control In A Record?

Sep 20, 2005

I have a form that displays its records in a Contiuous Form. The controls on the form are: txtRecID, txtStudID, cboTrimester, cboType, fld Comment, and blnReqConf.

My issue is that I need the blnReqConf (Request Conference) checkbox and label controls to only show on the reocrds when/if the cboTrimester = "Tri-2" and the cboType = "Parent" or "Teacher" are selected or displayed.

I have written:
If cboTrimester = "Tri-2" And (cboType.Column(1) = "Teacher" Or cboType.Column(1) = "Parent") Then
blnReqConf.Visible = True
lblReqConf.Visible = True
blnReqConf.Visible = False
lblReqConf.Visible = False
End If

The problem is that the controls display on all records throughout the form. How do I make it so that the controls are hidden on some records in the continous form and are shown on others based on the criteria? Is it possible?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Control On Continuous Form

Feb 2, 2015

I have a continuous form on which where each record has many controls, including control (A). I wish to set the colour of this control based on the contents of another control (B). Control B is a memo format and is placed behind another control making it hidden. The idea being that the user can then click on control(A) and look at supporting information from Control B on another form.

Conditional formatting cannot be used since this only allows conditions based on the control (A), not (B). Event procedures cannot be used since they all depend on making a record the current record, and I want the user to immediately see when further information is available. When I apply VBA code using an 'on load' event it is action for all records on the form in a way that if only one record has extra information, all records are flagged in this way.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting On Actual Data Control

Apr 1, 2013

I inherited an Access 2000 (2002?) database that uses a textbox behind another to change the background color based on two different fields.

The Format property is set to: "[Green];"[Yellow], the Data ControlSource is set to:


I understand the IIF(), but what's happening with the crazy characters? (It works the text changes from yellow to green). I tried replacing it with conditional formatting on the actual data control. That only changes color when I click on the control. The above shows the color all the time.

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Hide Forms / Reports

Jul 24, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering if there was a way to hide certain forms or reports from the view when you open an mdb? I would still like them to view it if the form thats not hidden opens the hidden report or form as well.

How would i go about doing this?

Thanks alot

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