Reports :: Count Column Of Dates Older Than A Year

Aug 21, 2013

So I have a report generated, listing all my companies personnel in one column and the next column has the expiration dates of a certian training certificate. My question i would like to add some statistics to the bottom of the report, mainly how many certificates are expired, which is the ones over a year.

I have attempted to use:

=Sum(IIf([AT_LEVEL 1]<"Now()-365",1,0))

previously in excel my spreadsheet counted it like this:


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SQL - WHERE Record Is Older Than A Year Old.

Apr 18, 2006

Hi Guys, How do I make an SQL statement that returns records that are over a year old. I tried this...

SELECT * FROM tblExample WHERE Date<365

But that does not work.

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Reports :: Show Data For Current Year With A Record Count

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to show data for the current year, but with a record count.

So, for example: I have 3-OVI, 3-Conduct Unbecoming, and 3-Did not transport for the current year.

When I run my report, it will show the above data for the current year, but in this format;

Conduct Unbecoming-1

and so on.

What I would like is;

Conduct Unbecoming-3
Did not transport-3

If I take out the date code for the current year in my query, then I get the desired results but I get all data.

If I leave the date code in, then I get the data for the current year but I get the first example above.

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Reports :: Count Dates In A Report?

Sep 30, 2014

I need the total of days in a report but exclude the repeated ones.

So user are working sometimes in different work orders on the same day but our administration only needs to know the number of days worked in one period of time.

i send a jpg with the example i use the =Nz(Count([Date Worked]),0) but that way i get all the entries counted

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Queries :: Expiration Date - Older Than/ New Than With Dates

Nov 27, 2013

I've built an an update query that updates a Yes/No field "Expired?" to "Yes" if the expiration date has passed i.e. if the current date is newer than the expiration date. I thought this would translate into the current date being greater than the expiration date?

SET Alert.[Expired?] = 'Yes'
WHERE Alert.Current_Date>Alert.Expiration_Date;

When I run this, it identifies the records to be updated, but then stops updating the fields due to "a conversion failure."

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HELP: Changing Dates To FY (fiscal Year) And YTD (year-to-date) Values

Apr 25, 2006

I have a huge table with transaction dates. I need to slice and dice
this data (sum, %'s, etc), but group by FY. Our fiscal year is from
7/1 thru 6/1.

For example:
1/8/2004 = FY 2004,
8/12/2004 = FY 2005,
2/3/2006 = FY 2006

THEN . . . . I need to also isolate certain periods, for example July-
March for YTD (year-to-date) analysis and compare YTD of 2006 with that
of 2005.

What do you suggest? Many thanks.


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Reports :: How To Count A String In A Column And Print It In A Report

Oct 3, 2013

I am migrating a database from Spreadsheets to Access 2010. Everything else is going well but I am stuck at one point. A table has Name, Gender, and Nationality fields. Now, I need a report that will have only Nationality and Gender fields. The nationalities will be in a list and another column should have total count for each nationality. Then, the Grand total should be print at the bottom of the report. Moreover, two other columns should have a count of each gender (male and female) against every nationality.I need Report which will have Four columns i.e. Nationalities, Total, Male, Female... The nationalities column will contain a list of nationalities that are there in the data table [field name: National].. The total column will count and show the sum of each nationality from the data table [same field: national]... The Male and Female columns will do the same i.e. count the occurrence and show the total for Male and Female from the data table.

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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Queries :: Count Dates Between Dates In Two Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have two tables with dates. Between (!) every two following dates in table1, I want to know the number of dates in table2. How do I write an SQL query for this? The tables I have are up to a few hundred records in table 1 and a few thousand records in table2. So to prevent that this takes hours I need a fast query.

To explain the query I need, for example:


So the answer of the query would be 2,0,4.

Between 01/01/2014 and 15/01/2014 in table 1 there are 2 dates in table2 (01/01/2014 is not included between the dates)
Between 15/01/2014 and 17/01/2014 in table 1 there are 0 dates in table 2
Between 17/01/2014 and 30/01/2014 in table 1 there are 4 dates in table 2

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Subtracting Dates From Adjacent Dates In Same Column

Sep 7, 2006


I have a database with 5000 entries, corresponding to about 10 entries for about 500 people. Each of the entries is dated, and I need to calculate the time intervals between each person's sequential entries in the table.

One way of doing this is to create another column that contains the date of the previous entry. I can then use DateDiff to subtract one date from the other and give me the difference in days.

This approach falls down if I then work with only a subset of the entries - I would have to re-enter the previous entry dates as the time intervals would have changed.

What I really need is a way of subtracting the date from the date in the cell directly above it. Will Access let me do this, or is there a better way?

Many thanks, Jules.

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Reports :: Custom Reports Creating Chart Based On Month Not Calendar Year

Jun 15, 2015

I am editing a database that provides the option of creating custom reports, where the user can input a date range of their choice and receive aggregate data for that time frame. Although all of the numbers in the report are correct, I am having trouble with a chart that I inserted into the report.

Specifically, if the date range requested spans 2 calendar years (i.e. April 2014 through January 2015), the data for January 2015 appears at the beginning of the year (so the chart x-axis is for Jan through Dec, and the Jan 2015 data is showing up in Jan (as if it was 2014, not the end of the given range in 2015). When I try with smaller time frames within a calendar year, it adjusts just fine (i.e. shrinking the window so just March-May is displayed on the graph).

How to adjust the axis so that it properly records the data range- so that it would start the axis with April and end in January, for example?

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Conerting Dates To Year/Season

Jun 22, 2007

Can anyone help me? How am I going to convert the date to a Season/Year format? Like the following:

"May-13-2006" TO Spring/2007

thanks for your help in advance

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Count Months Then Put In Year Columns

Dec 28, 2005

I appologize if this has been posted before I have been searching all afternoon off and on and have not found anything yet. Using Access 2002 SP3 on an Windows XP

:eek: .

I have a table that contains the following

effective date
renewal date
monthly premium

I need to calculate the following. If effective date is 10/01/2004 then multiply monthly premium by 3 for a total for 2004. Then if renewal date is 10/01/2005 I need to mulitply the monthly premium by 9 for 2005 total. I have dates that go from 2004 - 2007 I need to be able to calculate total for year by name irregardless of todays date.

Sample expectation (based on above example.)

Name 2004 2005 2006 2007
rr $12,000 48,000 0 0

Thank so much in advance for anyones help.

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Combobox List A Year Of Saturday Dates

Oct 31, 2006

I have a form and I need a combobox on the form to produce a list of Dates for every Saturday starting from the current day displayed in a short format for the user to select. Does anyone have an idea how I could manage that?

I was going to make a table and write in each one and use that for the rowsource, but someone said that there might be a way to do that dynamically.

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Queries :: Filter Query By Year Of Dates?

Jan 23, 2014

I'm trying to filter an append query by a year selected in a combo box [cboYear] for a field [ProgramDate]. The AfterUpdate on the cbo filters the append query based off of the selection (or selections-I'm using multiple combo boxes on the form). I then run a report based off of the appended table for a report.

I set my criteria for [ProgramDate] the query to be:



The above code isn't working, even when I just try to run the query while the form is open. It's still returning all records.

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Queries :: Matching Dates By Month And Year

Aug 27, 2013

Looking to match to date fields within a query by using the month and year only, is it possible and how.

I'm using Access 2003

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Conditional Formatting Of Dates By Fiscal Year?

Mar 30, 2015

I've got the conditional formatting thing down and am able to determine if a date is close to expiring by using 'value is less than now()+30', but I'd like to replicate the same thing, but the expiration date is based on the fiscal year (October to October).

The date entered is the date of qualification. How can I conditionally format to fit my needs?

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Year From Month Count?

Jun 16, 2014

I have a table that has a field for month represented by a number. I would like to report by month but group by year. The report would group months 1-12 into year 1, months 13-24 into year 2, months 25-36 into year3, etc..... up to possible 20 years. Is there an easy way to identify and group the year? I was thinking of adding another column to the table and when I write the values to it include a year. I would rather do it some other way as the data is spilt and would require a lot of table modifications to distributed db. It would be easier to do it with a query or some code in the front end.

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Queries :: Write A Query To Pull Out Dates With Current Year Only?

Jul 18, 2013

all using access 2010. I have a date field. I need to write a query to pull out dates with current year only. ex data: 1/1/10, 1/1/11, 2/1/12, 2/1/13. Need to pull all dates with current year which would be 2/1/13. Tried in query criteria of the date field: =Format(Now(),"yyyy") I received data mismatch. this is a date/time field.

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Queries :: Grab Custom Fiscal Year Count Based On System Clock Date

Aug 13, 2015

How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?

I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.

I need the System Clock's FY value in this query

SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete]
FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;

Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up

fiscalYear: IIf(Month([Issues].[Opened Date])>=10,"FY" & Year(DateAdd("yyyy",1,[Issues].[Opened Date])),"FY" & Year([Issues].[Opened Date]))

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Month End And Year End Reports

May 1, 2006

For the record, I have indeed searched the forum for help with this, but no luck so far, so here goes. (C++ programmer, little background in access).

I have a table that stores a person's name, gross amount spent, gst spent, pst spent, and total amount spent.

I need to be able to create a query or something that asks me to enter a year, and it will sum up the amounts, gst, and pst over the course of that year, and print it neatly on screen.

Also, I need to be able to create a similar query that asks for a year and a month (does access possess Java's ability to easily create a pop-up calendar applet-like instance that provides a GUI for selecting months/years, or does the data need to be entered through a command prompt?) which will create a month-end report in the same manner, but only spans a 1 month period?

Any information that could be provided to me, even a means of getting started on this problem, would be great. Thank you and cheers everyone!

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Reports: Problem With Year

Oct 17, 2006

I have a report which has details of the projects. I have them sorted by the year they were done and i was wondering can you the different years on seperate pages


say 2004 had 4 projects that be on pg1
2005 had 20 projects that be on pg2 and 3
2006 had 80 projects be on pg4,5,6,,7etc

is this possible?

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Reports :: Force Actual Page Not Column Breaks In Label Reports

Jul 19, 2013

I print a report onto labels (Avery 5960: 3 columns of 10 labels on a letter sized piece of paper). The report and labels print fine BUT...

I need physical page breaks between certain sections. When I click on "keep whole group together on one page" in the "group by" section of the report, it starts a new COLUMN of labels (which Access sees as a new page), but does not force an actual new piece of paper.

How can I force a real page break?

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Count Between 2 Dates

Nov 28, 2006

I have 2 dates. How do i count the number of days between the two dates?

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Count Between 2 Dates

Nov 19, 2004

I know this is a simple question.
Using the design view in access, what is the setting to get the total number of records between 2 dates?

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Count Of Dates

Dec 7, 2004


I am trying to count the dates in the datebase, if date given in the textfield and the date in the table are equal.

sql="select dateField,Count(dateField) from Exam WHERE dateField="+dateField+"";


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