Reports :: Count Number Of Monthly Calls - Average Function In Footer
Jul 7, 2014
I have a report that counts the number of monthly calls. What I would like is an average of the monthly calls in the report footer.
My total for a particular month is =Count([Date]) and I named the unbound control MonthlyTotal.
This is in the DateFooter section of the report.
I then put an unbound control in the report footer and used the expression = Avg([MonthlyTotal]).
Of course when I changed from design view to report view, it asked me for an input of [MonthlyTotal].
I then tried =Avg([Reports]![qryLetterWritersbyDate]![MonthlyTotal]) and while it didn't ask me for an input, there was nothing in the ubound control in the report footer.
I have search for an answer, but all I find is using a query. Is what I am attempting to do possible? If so, how?
I am struggling with building and If Then statement in my Report Footer. I have a report that pulls data from two tables...Students and Homeroom. This gives me a list of the students in each homeroom class and they are separated by homeroom. I would like to use a function in the page footer that counts the number of students who are members of our PTSA organization and then returns a percentage based on the total number of students in each homeroom class.
What I need is for the function to look at the FamilyID field and determine is there is any value entered. Then I need a count the total number of records in that homeroom and the total number of records with a value, so I can then get a percent of how many students actually belong to the PTSA in each homeroom.
I am trying to create a report that has a header ( all ok ) then could have 1 or 15 detail lines ( all ok ) which contain cost for each line
then I have a footer with the subtotals of the costs and also bank details then I have footnotes
What I need the report to do is keep the subtotals, bank details and the footer notes at the bottom of the page all the time weather I have one detail line or 15 detail lines
What is happening at this time is the footer information is moving up or down depending on the number of lines I have.
On the below data i am trying to get average monthly BALANCE, based on the following query ....but i only getting all records with actual balance and not month wise average balance of the customers......
----------------------------------- SELECT [customer profit].[Customer Number], AVG ([customer profit].[VAL_BAL]) AS average, Month ([customer profit].[Balance Date]) FROM [customer profit] GROUP BY [customer profit].[customer Number], [customer profit].[VAL_BAL], [customer profit].[Balance Date];
I posted this about a month ago, but at that time I was running myself ragged and through too many problems at once. I stepped back and made some good progess. I put this in the General forum because it could encompass VBA, queries, and reports
I have a main report (Percentage Report) that has 4 subreports in it. Each subreport is based on a query that's run from three other queries. Its a neatly tangled mess, but it works fine.
The queries all count and calculate percentages for a pass rate of inspections on maintenance. There's an over-all/basic percentage that simply totals everything and divides for a percentage. There's also a "maintenance" percentage that only takes into account inspections done on maintenance (as opposed to various programs and processes.) Those both work fine for any given time period.
The third (and final) percentage deducts 0.5 points for each of a specific list of inspections (safety and other violations.) This works fine so long as you're only looking at a month's worth of data. The problem comes when you want to view any time period larger than that (quarter, semi-annual, annual.)
Basically, you end up subtracting a sum from an average and you end up w/ totally inaccurate numbers. I just can't quite figure out how to effectively either group by month or how to average the deductions based on the months covered.
I just finished completing this whole thing, and I'm pretty much done for tonight. Any help would be great. ---------------------------------------- Key words: sum totals, report grouping, report conditional format, alternate row colors (greenbar), count, calculate, percent
My database has a crosstab query that counts the number of hits by month. I have two columns that are named "Count of Material"(Frequency) and "Sum of ordered Qty"(Total ordered). I need add a colum to find the Average Monthly Demand by dividing the Total ordered/Frequency/number of months in the query. I have tried everything to make it work but can't.
I have to create a query that will reflect the number of calls and messages a person has either taken during business hours and if a message was left how long did it take them to return the message. We are open from 6:00AM - 4:30PM so my boss wants to only see how many calls a person took during business hours. now the users have to run this report daily and monthly. and have to make it accessible through a report so they can send it to the supervisors.
The two fields I have to make the calculations on is the [Date & Time Left] the time the call was made [Date Returned] if they left a message the date it was returned. Also if the call was returned in one day she wants it broken down into minutes (as in how many hours and mins was the call returned)
This is what I have so far: I noticed there was something in Excel called NETWORKDAYS?
Code: SELECT [Message Tracking].[Date & Time Left], [Message Tracking].[Date Returned], DateDiff("h",[Date & Time Left],[Date Returned]) AS TotalHours, [Message Tracking].ID, [Message Tracking].[User Returning] FROM [Message Tracking] GROUP BY [Message Tracking].[Date & Time Left], [Message Tracking].[Date Returned], [Message Tracking].ID, [Message Tracking].[User Returning]
I am currently working on a small database to track my own investment records.
I would like to create the function which enable to count the number of records that has exceeds the average value during that period.
Following is the SQL that I have managed to produce:
SELECT [ED 2013].Code, Count([ED 2013].Start) AS CountOfOpen1 FROM [ED 2013] WHERE [ED 2013]![Date] Between #1/1/2013# And #2/1/2013# AND [ED 2013]![Start]>[ED 2013]![End] GROUP BY [ED 2013].Symbol;
This SQL does work. However, when I try to add the Avg function. The Query stop working.
Meanwhile, I am wondering if there is any existing Ms Access template (free or commercial - but must be customisable ) available?
I have loads of projects in a table, they all have a status (eg Red, Green, Amber).
I have a query for each so if you run qry_RagRed, it will show in a sheet all Red projects and obviously have a total in there.
So I have a form which has buttons on it for navigation, what I want is to display various things on there so for example, a field that simply has the number of red projects, or green etc.
All I want it to do is tell me a number based upon number of items in a query.
how to create a Report with Customize Reference No. Reference Number should be continuously adding 1 count every time a user will print report. example:
On dec 16, morning..... reference no: THS-01 (1st print) dec 16, afternoon...reference no: THS-02 (2nd print) dec 17 morning.....reference no: THS-03 (3rd print) dec 18 morning.....reference no: THS-04 (4th print) etc....
THS-XX is my reference number and it will continuously counting. Is this possible in MS Access 2007 Report? If Yes? How can i do it?
I have a report that in the Detail section on Format will change a record to a certain color based a criteria. (See VBA code below). I would like to put a text box control in the report footer to count the number of records that turn a certain color, this is what I have so far for the text box control -
=Count(IIf([PO Date]=RGB(0,255,255),True,Null)).
It returns a zero.
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) 'Set the backstyle to normal (default is usually transparent) Late_Ship.BackStyle = 1 If [Po Date] > ([Order Date] + 2) Then PO_Date.BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 255)
I have a report that i can order through buttons on report or openargs. Is it possible to get a field that would count the number of time an item appears i.e., if I sort it by employee, it would count how many times each employee is on the report, if i sort it by TypeOfMalfunction, it would count how many times each appears.
I need to be able to count how many fields per date. I've tried several ways to add this to my query, but nothing seems to combine the dates, it just gives me nothing or 1 as the count for every line even when it is the same date......
I am trying to produce statistics reports in my database. The user selects the information they require in a form (date from, date to etc). A query then produces the results listing each job in turn which is what I want however at the end I would like to produce sub-totals for each client.
Depending on the criteria selected by the user, only some clients will appear in the list. Ideally I would like the footer to show something like:
Client 1 - 4 jobs Client 2 - 1 job Client 5 - 6 jobs Client 6 - 17 jobs
I am having a small problem when using the Sum function on the footer of my form. I am using the following:
=Sum([UnitQty]*[UnitCost]) UnitCost is a currency and UnitQty is a number
This is working except for one senario. Sometimes the quantity is a decimal. For instance, 27.75 X 0.5 = 13.875. It appears that when the sum is totaling this, it does not round up to 13.88 like I need it to. I also tried the following with no luck:
The below code gives me a count based on a month and I would like to get the same count based on date range. I use a calendar control to provide the date range. See quote below: I am hoping someone can steer me int he right direction to convert the code from monthly count to a date range count.
Between [Forms]![OmsStatus]![StartDateTxt] And [Forms]![OmsStatus]![EndDateTxt]
SELECT DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[FORM #]=true AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)") AS FORMS, DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[PQC #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)") AS PQC, DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[ECN #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change])=month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)") AS ECN, DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[MCN #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)") AS MCN FROM all_trucks_table GROUP BY DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[FORM #]=true AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)"), DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[PQC #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)"), DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[ECN #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change])=month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)"), DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[MCN #]=True AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now) AND Year([Date_Of_change]) = year(now)");
I'm new to Access. It is obviously a very powerful database program I've developed a data base of my agency's service purchases for a variety of clients. I have to generate a report totaling the monthly purchases and counting the number of unduplicated clients. We make multiple purchases for clients monthly. There must be a feature on this program that will sort through the client ID Numbers and count them (rejecting duplicates) in that one month or quarter or year. I've been exporting to excel, sorting by client ID and then counting each new ID number.
I am currently designing a dashboard for my team which works on projects, I have a main table which has main fields which i use for my dashboard
Project Type,Project ID (Primary Key), Submitted by, Project Start date, Project end date, Status
The tricky part is that the raw data has projects which got started couple of years back some got closed in the previous fiscal year but some are still being worked upon..I was able to put in a where clause to only display projects whose close dates either have null value ( projects which are still being worked) and where the close dates are >= 1/1/2013. My Dashboard needs to have the below fields
Project Type, Count of Projects, Count of Closed Projects, Average days to complete, Count of Active Projects & Average Active days
I was able to get it correct except the last field Average Active days as it is displaying Average no's even against the project type which doesn't have any active projects or where the active project count is zero.
SELECT TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2], Count([TblWO]![Operational* Categorization Tier 2]) AS [Count], Avg([TblWO]![SLA in Days]) AS [Internal SLO in Days], Count([TblWO]![Closedate]) AS [No Closed Projects], Round(Avg([TblWO]![Closedate]-[TblWO]![Work Order Submit Date Time]),2) AS [Avg Close Days], [Count]-[No Closed Projects] AS [No Active Projects], Round(Avg(Date()-[TblWO]![Work Order Submit Date Time]),2) AS [Active Avg Days] FROM TblWO WHERE ((([TblWO]![Closedate]) Is Null Or ([TblWO]![Closedate])>=#10/1/2012#) AND (([TblWO]![Status])<>"Cancelled" And ([TblWO]![Status])<>"Rejected")) GROUP BY TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2] HAVING (((TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2])<>" "));
I am having issues trying to run a query. What we have is a private club that keeps track of its members with an access 2007 database. What we need to do is to be able to print out new members monthly for a state audit. The way it is setup now, our members reports prints all of the members since day one. For example, we have a state audit coming up next month for November and we would only like to print out members that have joined during the month of November, but our report is printing out all of the members since we started in August.
We do have a date joined query. The fields we would like to print are: Date Joined, Member ID, FName, LName, City, State
It turns a number like this "120" into elapsed time in hours and minutes like this "2:00"
I have a report with an elapsed time for all of the items. I simply want to SUM it at the report footer, but i guess my control source turns it from a number into text, which then cannot be summed ?
I am trying to create an invoice report. I want to add all the costs from the detail section in my footer. I have accomplished this in either the Report footer and/or the page footer, but the problem is that the report footer doesn't go to the bottom of the page, and the page footer doesn't go to just the last page. I have tested a bunch of suggestions that don't seem to work.
1. Print page footer with Report header = NO - only works if your report is two pages or more.
2. Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) If Page = Pages Then Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = True Else Me.[TextBoxName].Visible = False End If End Sub
The Page functions worked, but it did not change the results from page to page. If it was a two page report, then the if statement is false and the text box was not visible on page 1, but it also was not visible on page 2.