Reports :: DCount - Give Count Of Each Attending Equaling Yes Only

Oct 3, 2013

I have this query:

ID Attending Trauma RN Date
1 A No Yes 1/1/12
1 A Yes No 2/1/12
1 B No Yes 1/1/12
1 A Yes No 3/1/12
1 B No Yes 6/1/12

I merged this query into a report to give the count of each attending equaling yes only. I am using this:

=DCount("*","qryMainJan-Jun13","[PeripartumHysterectomy] ='Yes' And [Text30] = ID")

The goal is to show each attending on a separate page with count on text box

The issue I am having is I can't show the correct total in one page for each attending. for example I am showing attending A twice for trauma with total 1 for each page. I need to show attending A with total 2.

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DCount Or Count

Sep 26, 2006

DCount or Count either one doesn't work with my form

So I have this queries already that counts

SELECT Count([Work Request].[Work Request #]) AS [Count of ALL WR]
FROM [Work Request]
ORDER BY Count([Work Request].[Work Request #]);

when I try to copy this on my control source it doesn't do anything
i tried
=DCount("[Work Request #]"," [WRs_All]")
and it doesn't work

i also tried
=Count(WRs_All![Work Request #])

and it still doesn't work
need a lil help pls

oh also I used bound

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DCount Or Count Function

Mar 17, 2008

HELP PLEASE!!! There are two fields in my form that need the following relationship:

1. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in my form, I need my "Number Field" to enter a "1"
2. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" for this record to enter "2" but "1" to remain on the first record.
3. If I enter 1001 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" to enter "1"
4. Continue this logic for all records without modifying the previous "Number Field" record.

I was told there was a way to accomplish this using DCount or Count function. Maybe there's an easier way??? Any help is greatly appreciated!! TX!

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Reports :: Give Control A Unique Criteria

Apr 15, 2015

I have a report that is filtered like Year_ = "2014/15".

Say for example on this report it contains two text boxes:

Text box 1 has a control source of "March_T"
Text box 2 has a control source of "Aprril_T"

How can I make text box 1 be filtered by Year_ = "2014/15" and text box 2 be filtered by Year_ = "2015/16"?

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Using DCount To Count Fields On Query

Jan 3, 2005

Good day:



I have a query with these fields: DIVISION, DEPARTMENT.

The DIVISION fields are populated with undergrad or grad. The DEPARTMENT fields are populated with ENGINEERING.

I wish to count the occurances of undergrad engineering and count the occurances of grad engineering and return the values in separate text boxes.

Any ideas on how to count occurances of TWO fields?

Thanking in advance.


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Forms :: DCount Function - Getting Count Of 3 Dates When There Is Only One

Nov 9, 2013

DCount function.

Me.ImprovementNotice5DayCount = DCount("[txtReferralReason]", "qryRTOFileReferralPopupCount", "[ComplianceTargetDate]-[DateNow]<=5")

I am not sure where I have gone wrong.

What I would like Dcount to count are those dates in the ComplianceTargetDate form control that are <=5 to the DateNow form control.

I get a count of 3 when there is only one. I may have the syntax of the Dcount wrong.

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General :: Count Number Of Records Based On Certain Criteria Using DCount

Jun 5, 2014

I have a report that I am trying to complete based on several queries. I am trying to count the number of records based on certain criteria and using the following DCount.

=DCount("[Calculated time]","IPG1","[Calculated Time] <= 0.04" And [Ship-to party] In ("SN00207PJZ","SN09162XXX","SN09324XXX"))

I want to count the number of IPG1 records that are under .04 and have the Ship-to party of the ones listed. I have tried everything that I can think of to get it to work but can's seem to get it to. I figure it's something easy but I don't see it.

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Reports :: DCount With String For Fieldname?

Jan 22, 2015

Access 2010 report. I am trying to use DCount but have a string for the fieldname and cannot figure out the correct syntax. This is what I have tried:

txtMiscYes1 = DCount("[" & str1 & "]", "tblTemp", "[" & str1 & "]" = '1')

I want to count any answer that has a 1 and skip a 2 or 3 answer.

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Count In Reports

Mar 27, 2006

I am trying to count how many times a name comes up. I dont want to tally how many in field.
For example. I have a field name: School District. Underneath that I have hundreds of schools. I want to know how many times JFK High School or Plainview High School in a report.

Thank you.

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Reports :: One To Many - Count Last Record Only

Aug 15, 2013

I have two tables - one contains customer names, the other customer appointments. So one customer - many appointments.

Each appointment is booked at a set interval (every 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks...) which can vary from one appointment to another.

I want to do a count, in a query, to show in a report.

I need to count:

Total Cus_ID by interval - so how many customers are booked every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, etc.

I need the count to be based on the customer's LAST appointment only.

I have tried, select query (group), crosstab (!)... querying a query... Total line using Max... then Last...

Nothing I tried works. The sum of appointments by interval should equal the total number of clients in the database... It gives me 4 times that... so it is counting every appointment, not just the last appointment entered.

I also will be including two other fields: activecustomer = yes and source = Eve - need to know criteria to set.

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Reports :: How To Count The Records

May 13, 2013

I have a report where I would like to count the records. I can do this in a typical way to count the records but I'm a little stuck on this scenerio.

In my report I pick a date range of 04/01/2013 to 04/30/2013 it displays all my records. I have 3 records for 04/01/2013 what I would like is for that to count 1, not 3. So on and so forth - so it will show me at the end of the report how many times a week they worked. Is there a way to do that?

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Reports :: Sort By Count

Oct 1, 2013

I am trying to create a report that shows how many sales each sales person has in a 2 year period and sort it from the most # of sales to lowest. I want to show all sales people not just top 5 or 10.

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Reports :: Count By Age Range AND Gender

Jul 8, 2015

For example, I have 1 table with 3 fields : Name, Birth date, Gender. Then I want to create a report where all data are grouped by age range and gender

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Reports :: Count Dates In A Report?

Sep 30, 2014

I need the total of days in a report but exclude the repeated ones.

So user are working sometimes in different work orders on the same day but our administration only needs to know the number of days worked in one period of time.

i send a jpg with the example i use the =Nz(Count([Date Worked]),0) but that way i get all the entries counted

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Reports :: Count Of Populated Fields

Apr 13, 2013

If I have a Report, with three fields (all data-type Text) named 'Jan', 'Feb' and 'Mar', and I want to have a fourth field (Unbound) alongside them, providing a count of the number of fields out of these three fields that are populated.

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Reports :: Count Number Of Records Under Value Of 6

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to get the number of records under the value of 6 ... E.g. On the report it looks like this

Date Result

1 5.6
3 8.2
4 6.6
5 4
7 10

And the code I am using is


The resulting answer is 5 , when the correct answer should be 2

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Reports :: Display A Count Of Type

Nov 19, 2013

I have a report where I have added a package type to my Query (STD or XL).I have currently included this in the report although I dont need to show it, however I do need to show at the bottom of my report how many rows are Type "STD" and How many are Type "XL"

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Reports :: Count Unique Records Only

Sep 30, 2013

In a report, I have a textbox to show the number of employees in the report.

I use this formula : =Count([last name])

Sometimes the same person has multiple entries, so the count is wrong.

How can I show only the number of different employees and ignore the duplicate names?

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Reports :: Returning A Unique Count In A Report?

Oct 27, 2014

I have a report. behind that report is a query.

The query returns the parts used for each job. This could be 1 to many, so I get 1 to many rows returned in the query for each job. There can be a number of jobs to a work schedule (I'll call this WS). Each job is for a particular model. So I bascially have


I want to count the number of jobs each model appears in ie MODELx appears in 2 jobs, MODELw appears in 1 job.

I've read DCOUNT can eliminate duplicates but I can't see how to use it to do so.

I have (general gist)

DCOUNT("model number"."query","model number" = [model num])

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Reports :: Count Unic Days In Report

Oct 9, 2014

how to come up with the number of unic days worked as the DB i atached if worker works in diferent work order in the same day in the report it comes up as he work two days

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Reports :: Concatenating Sum And Count Functions In Footer

Mar 21, 2013

I have a report that I'm trying to concatenate some "sum" and "count" data into one line. This is what I have

Code : "There is currently" & " " & =Sum([pounds]) & " " & "Pounds in" & " " & =count([quant]) & " " & "Containers"

but it gives me a syntax error when going from Design view to Report View.

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Reports :: Hidden Count Box For Dividing A Set Of Values

Aug 11, 2015

I am trying to get my report to divided numbers that are there. I get this data from subreports, then want it divided by the appropriate number. Example:

this would equal 48, but I want it to be divided by 3, not by 6. Or say the next report would have:


which would equal 45 and this would be divided by 5, not by 6.I was wondering is there a way by creating a hidden box that would check each value to see what it would be divided by. Example: iff(report.hasdata, control +=1)

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Reports :: Not Count Duplicate Records In Report

Mar 30, 2015

I have a simple report which looks as given below:

ID Number Products
122 Cups
133 Pencils
122 Cups
133 Pencils

When I use the count function I get the total count of the record as 4.what I want is count the product varieties which should be 2

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Reports :: Calculating Sum (count) And Percentage Field

Jun 16, 2013

I am trying to work out the expression that will first count the number of 'Yes' returns in a series of yes/no boxes and then display as a percentage.

To explain...The yes/no boxes represent attendance over a 20 lesson course. I have added a count for each lesson for student attendance..(grouping them in the footer) but I would like to add the number of attendance for each student.

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Reports :: Expression To Count Values In A Range

Sep 3, 2013

I have been stuck trying to write an expression that will calculate the Yes values in a range of 16 Yes/No fields.

I have attached a screen print of the report I am working on.

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Reports :: Count IIF In A Report Field (2010)

May 22, 2014

I have an unbound field in a report that i'm trying to do the following:

=Count(IIf([Total Build Time]<=15,1,Null))

This gets me the closest to my answer. Tried it in many different variants, this will get me the total number of records, but will not use my criteria (<=15). The "total build time" field is formatted as short time 00:00 and i have tried my criteria in the same many more. This will count the records but will not limit the result to 15 or less.

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