I cant get the report the way i want it anyway but basically i have a subreport header embedded in the Page Header of my report.I can see it in Report view but not in Print preview and it does not print of course!?
I have a database used for several product lines. Depending on the product line selected, I need to add an image to my report as the header for it. I need to store the images (there are only 3) in the database and cannot have an external link to them. Have been trying to figure out the best way to do this and I am finding both OLE Objects and Image Objects.
I have a report, rptAllCSCS which is based on a query qryCSCS2...
One of the fields in qryCSCS2 is Status and each record is either "Current" or "Not Current"...
My report is being viewed via a navigation form, so one of the tabs says CSCS and when clicked the user can see the report...
I have added a button in the report header which when clicked opens the report in print preview so the user can print the report. (Done with a macro in the On Click of the button.)
I would like to add a combo box cmbStatus which has the values "Current" and "All" in the report header. (Current will show only when the Status field = Current and All shows all records so Current and Not Current together). This will act as a filter for the user to see the corresponding records and they can then press the print button or just view on screen.
I haven't worked with filters before except when you specify the criteria in the query and point it to a control on a form which then opens the report... As this report is already open I'm having trouble, as well as specifying the "path" when something is in a navigation form being a bit tricky...
Any way to repeat the Report Header on every page?
I had my header in the Page Header so that it would repeat on every page, but it did not have the CanShrink option so I put it in the Report Header so it shrinks when I want it to, but now it doesn't repeat. I was hoping there was some kind of code I could implement that would let me repeat the Report Header on every page.
Or is there a way that I could get the CanShrink property in the Page Header?
I can't get my reports' unbound field's to display the criteria parameter I enter when report is opened. I have done this before but not in Access 2010.
In my parameter, I do have a long string inside the brackets (e.g. =[Enter START Date "1/1/14" or Leave Ranges Blank to show ALL]). I am wondering if this or the quotes inside the brackets are causing it not to work.
I create several reports for several different companies. Report data is the same but the report header data changes based on the company selected. All works well until I attempted to add their individual logos. I have tried many of the suggested methods both here and elsewhere to set the image path in Image.picture and image.control source. But I get "windows can't open file". Access 2010 on Windows10 insists on using the insert picture window when i select an image control. There is a drop down in the property sheet. I've gotten it to work a couple times but then its gone after restart.
The header data comes from a table [Company] which has the fields - name, addr, phone, path to image, and active(yes/no)
I'm producing PDF reports in a VBA routine in Access through the DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport.
The routine works great, however i have now a new requirement and i need to change the report header so to if Country X is selected in a drop-down menu, then only image X is shown on the report header; if country Y is selected then only image Y is shown on report header.
I was simply thinking to make this through the "visible" option of the image, however it doesn't work because i get error "report must be open".
I have a main form (Parent) along with a subform(Children). I want to have a button that generates a report with the Parent information as a header and the items in the subform as details. In addition, I want the report to show only the children that were recently added not all of the children.
I have date picker which works correctly in form. When I put that form as subform to reports header calendar shows up but after selecting date on calendar textbox stays blank. Format of textbox is Short Date, Show date picker property is For dates.
Is it possible for a Header in a Report to always appear at the top of the screen - i.e. even when you scroll down the report?
I have a few buttons at the top of my report (viewable on-screen only) and would like them to remain at the top of the screen and the rest of the form to scroll if possible.
In my report when the Group Header and the Detail section will not fit onto one page, it prints the Group Header on one page, and all of the Detail on another page. Is there a way to keep them together?
I have already tried the 'Keep Together' option in the Sorting/Grouping window, setting it to both Whole Group and With First Detail, but nothing seems to work.
My report has an empty Page Header, a Group Header, Detail, and an empty Page Footer.
On a report, I have it grouped by last name. Right now, because of a large number of information in the detailed section, the last name doesn't continue on the next page. How do I make it so the last name shows up on the next page if the detailed section continues on the next page?
What I wish to achieve is to create a report that groups and sorts without the need of a header section as it is taking up to much space cascading :
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
rather than :
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
I basically want it not to cascade but do the exact same thing as it does inside its own header. (We need to dramatically cut down the page amount as a delivery schedule is printed out daily and could do with the page count around 10 rather than 50 ).
I have a report - I have a agent header and code header.
It should look like this:
Jeff Moenning Agent Header 1-Active Code Header Report Details
For some reason the first page just has Jeff Moenning and nothing else - after that the pages are correct. They are breaking when the agent changes and also when the codes change within the agents.
Background: Developing a DB to track purchase orders. Each order can contain one or more items.
Table Design/Relationship: I have two tables 1) Order and 2) OrderDetails in a one to many relationship. The Order Table contains general order info and has a field "GrandTotal" which is the sum of all the item prices in the order. The OrderDetails Table has a record for each item in each order.
Objective/Problem: I have a report that joins the two tables and displays the current months orders and the contents of each order. The report is grouped by order number and displayed in the group footer is the GrandTotal field. The order contents (the items making up the order) is in the details section. In the report header i want to display the the total of all the orders. In a text box i placed =Sum([GrandTotal]) but the grandtotal of each item gets multiplied by the number of items in the order. For example, if there is one order with a GrandTotal of $2 and in that order there are two items, Sum([GrantTotal]) returns $4 instead of $2.
Does anyone know how I can display the sum of all the order's GrandTotals in the report header?
I have a report, a phone list, which has two columns, see the attached file for a screen shot.
The Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text is in the "Page Header". The Data fields that retrieve from the table are in the "Detail" section. The whole report is 8.89cm wide. The two columns fit perfectly across a portrait A4 sheet.
When I run the report to Print Preview, I get the two columns fine, but the Employee Name, Mobile Phone and Desk Phone text doesn't repeat at the top of the second column. Is there some way of achieving this? I want the part I have circled in RED to appear over the top of the second column as well.
I would have thought there would be a simple check box somehwere that would be something like : "Repeat Page Header on multiple columns", or something as equally useful. Strange that this is so difficult to do, as am sure that this sort of thing is something that lots of people would want to do?
I have a report that gets it's from / to dates from a dialog form that is open. This is working fine but I would like the date format in the report header to be 10 Mar 08 at the moment it is displayed at 10/3/08 how do I format this?
I have a unbound text box in the header with the following set as its control source =Forms!frmDialogEmpl!RepStartDate & " to " & Forms!frmDialogEmpl!RepEndDate
hi, I have a report that has a header,detail. The header is grouped on last name. Whenever I have names that are the same, two Smiths in a row, for example, I only get the first one. THen, I seem to only get partial information in my detail section. I've fooled around with the grouping properties , but I only make it worse. How do I make the second "Smith" appear? This must've been happening before, but I didn't notice it. Thanks so much.
I am working on a access report for financial analysis.I created a form with a drop down list to select cost center from tables, so the report will only show the data from the selected cost center. My questions are:
1. I want the chosen cost center automatically shown at the Header of the report, as selected from the form;
2. The data was grouped in a particular sequence, such as: Revenue, Compensation, MM&S and Other Expense, not simply ascending or descending
3. There are some category data I do not want to show, for example, other expense, how can I hide it?
I currently have a form that will simply display the values from a query, which was called by a form. What I want is for the header (a text box) in the report to have the value that the user selects from the form that calls the report. Also, when the form calls the report, it only prints it off. I would like to know how the form can just display the report instead.
I have a report where I number pages based on the Store (muliple stores in report but page numbering resets when Store changes) I do this by manipulating the page number field on the report by code in the report sections to reset it and to increment it.
Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) Me!PageNum = 0 End Sub Private Sub PageFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) Me!PageNum = Me!PageNum + 1 End Sub Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) Me!PageNum = 0 End Sub
The report has a Page Header with various fields and labels and that's been fine however I've had a request to hide a field on subsequent pages (i.e. print it on the 1st page of each store then hide it).
So I added the following code to various sections, but can't get it to work correctly. The fields (label and text box) appear on Page 1 for the first store then get hidden but never return even though when I step through the code it is functioning 'correctly'. The GroupHeader code is performed but the fields don't get displayed on the report. I think is isn't re-painting that section but adding code to the Paint event does nothing, and in fact doesn't actually get run, so not sure when that event is triggered.
Private Sub GroupHeader0_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) Me!PageNum = 0 lblMemberNo.Visible = True MemberNo.Visible = True