Reports :: Dynamic Field On A Report?

Jul 3, 2014

I'm currently creating an invoicing report for a company, and for record purposes they need a dynamic field on the report for the specific Invoice Number of each client they invoice. I have the field set up currently as a text box =[Invoice#] so they have to enter an invoice number when they generate the report. However, when I generate the report and put in a number, I'm getting some whacky outputs.

For example, I've tested it with a test client, and when I give the client an invoice number of 1, the report somehow changes it to 49.

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Reports :: Dynamic Crosstab Report

Nov 13, 2014

I have a crosstab Query as the source for my report, of course the issue is the column headings on the report. I have Purchasers as a row heading, Year as a row heading, Month/Year as a row heading, Meter as a column heading, PaidMCF as Value and, a total as a Row heading. My issue is feeding the column headings on my report with the meter names.

Purchaser 1 has 23 meters attached
Purchaser 2 has 1 meter attached
Purchaser 3 has 6 meters attached
Purchaser 4 has 2 meters attached
Purchaser 5 has 16 meters attached
Purchaser 6 has 11 meters attached.

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Reports :: Getting Sum In Dynamic Cross Tab Report

Jul 28, 2013

I created a dynamic crosstab report with 4 unbound fields in the details section and 4 unbound fields in the header section, which all work perfectly well. The crosstab query contains 17 columns. The last 4 columns contain the values I need to take the sum of. I have put some code in the open event procedure of the report.

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Que_ProjectUren_Sel_Dept_Test")


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Reports :: Crosstab Report With Dynamic Number Of Columns?

Mar 21, 2015

I've made a crosstab query and would like to use it to create a subreport. In the column headers I have names of courses. Courses can be added or removed. How can I make a crosstab report with dynamic columns?

PHP Code:

TRANSFORM Count(tblCourses.CourseName) AS CountOfCourseName
SELECT tblNmscStaff.NmscStaffFirstName, tblNmscStaff.NmscStaffLastName, 
tblNmscStaff.PtOrFtNtl, tblNmscStaff.Ntl, tblNmscStaff.NmscID
FROM tblNmscStaff LEFT JOIN (tblCourses RIGHT JOIN [tblNmscStaff/CoursesPointer] ON 
tblCourses.CourseID = [tblNmscStaff/CoursesPointer].CourseID) ON 
tblNmscStaff.NmscStaffID = [tblNmscStaff/CoursesPointer].NmscStaffID
GROUP BY tblNmscStaff.NmscStaffFirstName, tblNmscStaff.NmscStaffLastName, 
tblNmscStaff.PtOrFtNtl, tblNmscStaff.Ntl, tblNmscStaff.NmscID
PIVOT tblCourses.CourseName; 

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Reports :: Cross Tab Report Versus Dynamic Columns

Apr 22, 2014

I have made a cross-tab query which works fine. I also have made a report which is based on this cross-tab query. Due to nature of the cross-tab query the Value column(s) is dynamic. The report I made is based on all available data types (columns). The report works if all data type is available but the report fails if some of the data types are not available (i.e columns are missing due to not having any value or data). I hope I am explaining this correctly,

Is there a way I can use expressions in the report to place a conditional clause that if the Control Source doesn't exist place a Null or 0 in the report or in its place.

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Making A Dynamic Report From My Dynamic Form

Jun 30, 2006

I have a form that shows a list of all of my records in my database. I want to be able to click a button called "Report" and have that print a report that has all the records I have filtered on my form. I have a report in the format that i want it in, however, currently it prints every record and not just what is shown on my form. (The form is dynamic and I want the Report to be dynamically based on the form) HELP PLEASE!

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Modules & VBA :: Dynamic Button Function And Single Field Report

Jun 25, 2013

I'm still learning Access 2010 and having issues getting my buttons to work. I'm working on a simple address database.edit/save button. On form load, my fields are locked and my button will read "edit". After clicking, my fields are unlocked, my search features are locked, and my button reads "save" just how I need it to. The issue happens when I try and save the field edits, lock fields, return search features, and get button to read "edit" again. I know I need to add some code into what I already have, but I'm running into a wall as I have tried many options to get it to work. Here is the code for this button:

Private Function Lockdown() 'locks controls at load
Dim tb As Control
Dim cb As Control
Dim subf As Control


Second issue is with my report button. I have not been able to get this to work once. I have done many searches on single record reports, and have found the same code every time. I added that code into my database, but can't seem to get it to work. In my database there are two address (shipping and work location) which I would like to print out together. I have the work location on the main form and the shipping on a subform. There are and upwards of 150 locations I will have in my database, Here is the code I'm working with:

Private Sub cmdrptadd_Click()
Dim strReportName As String
Dim strCriteria As String


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Help With Dynamic Reports

Aug 22, 2004

i'm having a problem making my report dynamic, i have a query which returns the
payments due in the next month, my question is, if i have a form based on this query,
how can i make it so that, if i need to print an invoice for one of the customers, lets say the currently displayed record,
how can i limit the customers displayed in that report (invoice) to just the current record that i want the invoice for?


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Reports :: Get Remarks Automatically In Field Based On Other Field In Report

Dec 15, 2013

I made a report that have 'txtRemarks' field, I just want to get remarks automatically in 'txtRemarks' field based on the other field in report. that is why I used a function like below:

Private Function Estd_Remarks(Estd_Point As Long) As String
If Me.Estd_Point < 20 Or Me.Estd_Point = 0 Then
Estd_Point = "Earlier Established"
Estd_Point = "OK"
End If
Estd_Remarks = Estd_Point
End Function

And I wrote in properties 'On Format' event this code below:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Estd_Remarks = "Ok" Then
Me.txtRemarks = "Ranked & Sortlisted"
Me.txtRemarks = "Estd_Remarks"
End If
End Sub

When preview the report then it shows
Compile error
Argument optional

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Reports :: Having Field In Report Change Based On Another Field

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report that is looking up min and max quality specifications for a product. The table with the specifications has a Yes/No check box field for when the specs are defined as "Internal". So the table looks like Product/MinValue/MaxValue/Internal

I want the report to display "TEST AND RECORD" when the Internal box is checked where the MinValue and MaxValue (that are stored in the table) would be displayed otherwise.

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Dynamic Crosstab Reports

Jun 7, 2004

I have 12 months' worth of data that the user wants displayed on a crosstab report. I have no problem creating the crosstab query or subsequent report. However, the user wants to be able to select their own 12 month time period. So, my crosstab is based upon a make table query, that will allow the user to enter parameters.
Now, my problem is that these 12 month column headers/data will change as the user enters different date ranges. How do I write the code that will allow me to pass these variables to the report? I'm using 97.

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Reports :: Dynamic Information In Form Or Sub

May 9, 2013

I have a form with payment information and need a list, what date the payments are due. These can be only 2 or 3 payments up to maybe 24 payments. The result I want is something like this:

Date Amount Total paid
1.7. 500.00 500.00
1.8. 500.00 1,000.00

The list itself is not a problem, but I need a list who only shows the number of payments as agreed, 2 lines (with paydates) if 2, 12 if 12 payments. I have the information of the total amount, the number of installments and the first payment date.

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Generating Reports Based On Dynamic Query

Mar 2, 2005

Hello All,

How can I create reports in Access based on dynamic queries? I did a lot of search on this but couldn't find anything reasonable.

Any help to get me started will be extremely appreciated.


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Problem With Dynamic Report

Aug 24, 2005

Hello to all,
I created a dynamic report based on cross tab query, the header is a sub report.
Number of lines and rows depend on the data typed in a form.
Here is my problem. When numbers of rows exceeds for exemple 15 the header and detail line continue on the line below i would like the report continue on another page (see below).

Actualy i have this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20

I would like this:

page 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Page 2:
16 17 18 19 20


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Dynamic Crosstab Report

Nov 30, 2004

I am using the following cde to generate a Dynamic Crosstab Report. I can get the column labels to work but Ican't get the values to appear in the detail section all I get is #Name?
I am using the following code in the report

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("select * from test2")
j = 0
i = 0
For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
If rst.Fields(i).NAME Like "*test" Then GoTo skip_it
j = j + 1
Select Case j
Case 0
Me.Field0.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 1
Me.Field1.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 2
Me.Field2.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 3
Me.Field3.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 4
Me.Field4.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 5
Me.Field5.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 6
Me.Field6.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 7
Me.Field7.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 8
Me.Field8.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 9
Me.Field9.ControlSource = rst.Fields(i).NAME
End Select
Next i
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("select * from test2")
j = 0
i = 0
For i = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
If rst.Fields(i).NAME Like "*test" Then GoTo skip_it
j = j + 1
Select Case j
Case 0
Me.Label0.Caption = rst.Fields(1).NAME
Case 1
Me.Label1.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 2
Me.Label2.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 3
Me.Label3.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 4
Me.Label4.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 5
Me.Label5.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 6
Me.Label6.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 7
Me.Label7.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 8
Me.Label8.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
Case 9
Me.Label9.Caption = rst.Fields(i).NAME
End Select
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

What else do I need to do to get data in the detail section
In anticipation


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Reports :: Field Not Listed To Add To Report

May 8, 2013

I have created a report but discovered that I need to add a couple more fields.

I created a query for the one field and the other field I added to the existing queries.

Neither field is listed in the "add existing fields" drop down list. The fields have been added to the corresponding forms and tables.

How can I add these two fields without creating a whole new report?

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Reports :: Generating A Field In A Report

Jul 30, 2014

I have a database with a bunch of related tables. One holds information on (let's say) types of food. A field in that table tells whether the food is HOT or COLD. Foods are grouped by MEALS in a related table - the PK of the foods table is stored as an field in the MEALS table. What people here are looking for is a report that lists all the foods in each MEAL, the temperature of the food, and whether the meal is HOT, COLD, or MIXED - foods are both HOT and COLD. I've got a report that lists all the FOODs, grouped by MEALs - it's just the overall temperature of the MEAL that I am missing right now.

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Reports :: Unbound Field On A Report

Jul 3, 2013

I have two numeric fields which make up what looks like a full decimalised number ie 20.22 - only I am unable to put the decimal point in between the two numbers.

I thought about putting in an unbound object such as a picture of a full-stop but cant get it anchored at the correct angle to make it look convincing in the report.As this is such a huge database I have tried to amend the tables, but it loses vital data ?

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Reports :: Date Field In A Report

Jun 6, 2013

I have a report where I added text then a date field based on a Table. In the table I have specified the "Co_ContractEndDate" for input mask as dd/mm/yyyy, however the format to display as dd mmmm yyyy. This works in the Form and in the report as it's own control text box, however when I merge the field with some text the formating changes.

My report text box is as follows:
="The Program Period for this Program will finish on " & Co_ContractEndDate] &"."

The output in Print Preview is:
The Program Period for this Program will finish on 30/06/2013.

I would like to show it as:
The Program Period for this Program will finish on 30 June 2013.

As a work around I have aligned the date field with the label field to get the outcome but as it is a sentence I would like to add a full stop at the end. how to show this text box in design view?

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Reports :: Calculated Field In A Report

Jan 27, 2015

I have a database which gathers and stores the odometer readings of our company vehicles every month. I have built a simple report with columns for Vehicle Number, Employee Number, Employee Name, Month, and Odometer Reading. My boss wants a field for each employee which compares the records for the last two months and displays the difference (i.e. the number of kilometers travelled in that month) /

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Reports :: How To Adjust Text For Subforms With Dynamic Heights

Jun 27, 2014

I've created an Access Report of a letter to be printed and mailed to customers. The majority of the letter is text, however there is a subform in the middle that will have a wide range of records displayed in it. This causes the subform's height to adjust from 1/2" to several inches, depending on the number of records. I need the text below the subform to start just below the last record in the subform, no matter how many records are displayed in the subform.

Access 2010

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Group Data In A Dynamic Report

Jan 6, 2005

Hi guys,

I’m creating a report on which I want to group data base on a field that has two different data one is KEY and OTHER. Now I need to be able to show on the detail section all records base on KEY, and group the rest of the records by OTHER.

Can anyone help me please?

Million of thanks

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Reports :: Summing Calculated Field In A Report?

Jul 17, 2015

I have a report that has four fields: Item, Qty, Price and TotalPrice for each line in the detail section. Total Price is calculated by multiplying Qty x Price. The text box name that holds the Total Price for each line is txt_TotalPrice. I want to have a Grand Total in the report footer. I placed a text box in the footer with the following expression: =sum([txt_TotalPrice]). When I run the report Access prompts me for the parameter value of txt_TotalPrice. I've been trying to solve this for quite a while now - but I'm totally baffled.

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Reports :: Round Up Calculated Field In Report

Jun 25, 2013

I have a report and I am trying to Round Up the calculated field SumOfAccrual Amount to 2 decimal places. I am attaching a screenshot of my report and output.

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Reports :: Blank Data Field In Report

Mar 18, 2013

I am creating a report that contains name andd birthdate on one line. I need to have up to seven lines in the report for some groups, but do not want to leave blank lines where no names exist. I am working in 2010 and have read about canshrink in 2007, is this approach availabel in 2010 and for date as well as text?

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Reports :: Text Field Footer In Report

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form with attached subform from which I can choose which records to send to a report. All records in the base table have a comment text field for the user to enter additional data (comments). Typically, there are none, but when there is, if it is only a single record sent to the report, the comment is printed in the page footer. However, if there are multiple records being sent to the report and only one record has text in the comment field, unless it's the last record it the subform, it will not print in the report. There isn't enough room in the detail section to include the comment field (like I said, it's typically not used and when it is, they can be lengthy). Is there a way to get the comment field to print in the report page footer when it is not either the only record selected, or the last record?

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