Reports :: Dynamically Change Text To Time Period

Jul 13, 2015

Could I change my unbound textbox (txtperiod) on the Report to display the time period.i.e.

Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly

Criteria is BeginDate and EndDate on main form.

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Reports :: Counting Records In Period Of Time

Jun 7, 2013

I've been struggling with getting a report to simply count records (I don't need any detail other than the counts). Here is what I have:

Table CompressorRoundsT contains these fields (many more actually but these are the ones I care about for this purpose):

Date, Shift, Round

Possible records in the shift field are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the round field has Rnd 1 and Rnd 2.

For each date, I need to count the number of records per shift and per round. For example, the report should show that on June 7th, 1st shift has 14 records for round 1 and 14 records for round 2. Same for 2nd and 3rd shift. I don't need any other details of what the records contain, just the counts.

I've had some success but the layout ends up too spread out because it is including the individual records instead of just showing the counts and it isn't grouping the way I want.

It's a report for management to see how many readings (rounds) were missed in a period of time.

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Reports :: Dynamically Resize Text Box And Keep Them In Line

Apr 15, 2014

I am creating a database and need to produce a report that will form an itemised quotation.There can be up to 8 items on the quotation along with their associated costs to the customer. I am trying to make the "item" field dynamically expand if necessary when longer text is entered into it and then expand the corresponding "Totals" fields to match the new size.I have tried using the "Can Grow" property however for some reason the formatting does not cascade down to the fields below and the "Totals" fields remain the same size.

To try and explain better I have included a screen shot of the relevant part of the report and how it looks when printed. I should point out that the "QuotesQuote" box at the top of the screen is set to "Can Grow" and when that expands the boxes below automatically move to accommodate this.

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Forms :: Rich Text Box - Dynamically Populate Control With Embedded Objects At Run Time

Mar 29, 2015

From a info sheet on RTB Using the Add, Clear, and Remove methods, you can dynamically populate the control with embedded objects at run time. Can those 'embedded objects' be controls, e.g. list boxes, labels etc ?

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Modules & VBA :: Calculating Elapsed Time Within Time Period

Dec 1, 2013

I have a working dB which can calculate a shift duration and sum total all shifts worked within a period for the purpose of producing a labor report for payroll. I have successfully used the DateDiff function and converted the minutes to HH:MM on my form and reports. Now I want to calculate elapsed time for a specific period within a shift, I'll call it OtherHours and I am aiming to calculate a portion of time that meet the following conditions below. I am using field names of [PunchIn] and [PunchOut] and both are of type General Date.

IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Saturday,Sunday
IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Between Midnight and 0559 hours
DATEDIFF ("n", <MIDNIGHT>, [PunchOut])

My thoughts are to solve the DateDiff portion and then figure out how to apply the conditions within the IF statements.

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Change Text To Date/Time Field In A Query

Feb 7, 2008

I have created a table called - "Test"
The properties of the table is listed below

Table Name: Test
Field Name: ADMDAT2 (Text)
DISDAT2 (Text)
Operation Date (Date/Time)

I have written a query to populate a field where the Operation Date is between the ADMDAT2 and DISDAT2

Expr1: IIf([ADMDAT2] Is Null,"",IIf([Operation Date]>=[ADMDAT2] And [Operation Date]<=[DISDAT2],"Match"))

Unfornately it returns and ERROR message... I believe this may be because, the data type of the field, matching a Text with a Date/Time, I have rerun the query using a sample table where all the fields are Date/Time, and it work perfectly.

What i need help with how do i convert a text field into a Date/Time in a query?

So i can place that in the query before i populate the Test table. therefore it all should be date/time

thanks in advance

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Forms :: Datasheet Form - Change Text To Time

Oct 7, 2014

I am needing to design a form that allows a user to add or overwrite a number of records by copying and pasting the information from an Excel Spreadsheet, however one of the problems is that the information being sent has times stored as text - so, for 04:45, it is simply stored as 0445 on the spreadsheet.

Is there a way to have these autocorrect once pasted into the datasheet?Also, is there a way to make a datasheet form that copies a number of records into itself depending on a user selection? The basics of what I am trying to achieve is:

I have a number of services that operate on a number of services (public transport), each vehicle has a unique identifier (Bonnet), and each place in the schedule has a unique identifier (RunNo); there are different schedules for different day types (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to Thursday, Friday and so on), and the times that each RunNo goes out and comes in differs depending on the day type.

At the moment, I have a table which has the following fields:

ID (Autonumber, PK)

My idea/hope is that a user will be able to open a vehicle allocation datasheet for the day, select the day type (lets say, Saturday) which will then populate the relevant number of rows with the schedule information (looking at a Saturday, that would be 128 rows), and then a blank column to add to the records a vehicle ID that is being used for each RunNo for the day.

Now, on top of all this, I need to also cater for vehicles being substituted during the course of the day - - - if one breaks down, it will have to be de-allocated from the list (so presumably by changing the TimeIn to the current/actual time rather than the scheduled time) and the user will need to be allowed to add a further row to show which vehicle was used next against that RunNo.

Just to further complicate things, there is quite a number of vehicles that will have a time in which is in the following day (ie after midnight) - whilst this isn't a problem in storing the times, I also want this table to be looked up to determine whether a vehicle is currently allocated or not.

The fields for the AllocatedVehicles table are:

ID (Autonumber, PK)
Bonnet Number

It is hope that all of these with the exception of Bonnet Number can be populated by selecting the day type?

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How To Store Period Of Time

Jun 10, 2012

How do I enter and store a period of time that may be of any length: years (.. unlikely but ...), days, hours, minutes, seconds (or even micro seconds) that I can later add to other dates or times stored in my database? How do I create a sensible data entry mask for yyyy/ddd/hh:nn:ss.999 and then convert this to a field compatible with date/time functions? And what format should this data take (be converted to ..?) and be stored in?

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Adding Points To A Table On A Time Period

Aug 2, 2006

Can you help we have a data with a list of jobs that scores points, I need to build a query or scirpt that will add 5 points every 30 day fro the date the job was submitted this will help old jobs come the top of the list.

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Repeating Date Entries For A Given Time Period

Aug 3, 2005


Over the past three months I have been trying to develop an application which can repeat appointment entries.

I would like to have the option to repeat an appointment entry for a given number of weeks.

For example if an appointment entry was placed for today (Wednesday), there would be a command to create additional duplicate enties for the same day of the week for a given period of weeks ie say every Wednesday for the next 52 weeks.

Any help on how I could approach this would be very much appreciated.


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Date/time Period Criteria Confusion

Jan 30, 2008

Hi there

I have created a database in Access XP (2002). In a nutshell, the database records numbers of people attending a seminar; which can take place any number of times per week, and so hence can take place any number of times per month.

I have set up the query so that it can run immediately after a seminar to show the attendants who attended the seminar on that current date "Date()" in the criteria box. However, how would I go about setting it up so that it shows who attended every seminar in the current week or month?

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Average Number Of Sausages Over Time Period

Apr 8, 2008

We sell products out of vending machines and once in every few days (time span between readings may be different every time) read data from the machines using flash drive. Each reading from all machines produces an Excel file:

Reading_Date | Machine_ID | Product_ID | Amount_sold
2008-04-08 | 1 | 1 | 26

The only date that we have is the day on which the data has been read and this tells how many sausages were sold from the date of last reading till the date of current reading (after each reading counters are set to zero).

The problem is to get average amount of product X sold from machine Y on every calendar day. For a total rookie like me it seems like creating another column that would divide the Amount_sold by the number of days between two consecutive readings and put this average amount for every calendar day between these two readings. May it be done this way? How? Another way? How? I would be very grateful if anyone could help me and explain the solution in an accessible way.

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Queries :: Calculate Time Period For 24 Hours?

Jul 9, 2014

I have designed an access application that logs emails that come into a department. However, the team leader has asked me to create a report to work out if emails were answered within a 24 hour period.

Is there a method to do this. It is not something I have attempted to do within access before.

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Queries :: Calculating Time For Two Week Period

Jan 8, 2015

I am using access 2013 and have an issue creating a query with employee hours for a two week period.

For starters I have a table with the following:

Employee Number, Date, Time in, Time out, Description, Rate Code, Week end, Pay Period. (there are a couple others but they are not needed for the query)

My table is set up this way so that each employee can clock in and out 1-4 times a day based on what they are doing. For example I may work from 6-8 in the office then 8-10 in the field. The office has one rate code and the field has a different one so i cant just be clocked in from 6-10.

At the end of the pay period I create a report and send it to an accouting firm who does the payroll. Right now I have to manually enter in each employees time. I was hoping that by using this table I could create a query that will give me the calculations I need in order to create the report.

In my query (to Start) I need to have the following with it set up per pay period.

Employee Number Rate Code Regular Hours Overtime Hours

How to set it up so that it calculates the hours based per rate code with the given pay period.

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Queries :: Getting Count From Table But Only For Certain Time Period

Apr 9, 2015

I am trying to get a count from a table, but only for a certain time period. Here is a little bit of my table:

1617 3/25/2015 7:30:00 PM0
1530 1/8/2015 4:40:00 AM10
1532 1/12/2015 9:20:00 AM60
1533 1/14/2015 4:50:00 AM1

What I am currently doing is querying a table for the Count(*) for the day before. This works all well and good, but now I am wanting to break it down by a time range from the trDateDT field.

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Change Color Of A Combo Box...dynamically

Sep 28, 2006

What I want is in the combo box, I have a couple of options, say 1,2 and 3.
And I want the combo box to come up with different color when different option is selected.

I thought I have found out a way, with the following code to onClick:

If me.field.text = "1" Then me.field.backcolor = 255

The problem is, it's being shown on a continuous form.
And it changes the color on all the records. not just the one I am on.

Any thoughts?

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Dynamically Change Form Data

Mar 14, 2007

Hey all,

I've tried to find this on my own, but without luck. I have a Microsoft Access form that I've build. The data is pulled from tables I built. There is a "User" dropdown, an "Email" field and a "Phone Ext." field. I'd like to set it up so that when the "User" dropdown triggers an On Change event, the "Email" field and the "Phone Ext." field automatically update with the appropriate data (all from the same table). Can anyone help me with this?


- MT

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DateTime Period Between Last Record In Table And Given Time Interval

Jul 5, 2005

HI all,
I am still new in Access databases :o

I have a table with 'General Date' column. So I have to create query wich extracts records between Last record (via Date field) and 'for example' 10 days before. But Last record in Date column may differ from Now().

When this is done I have create calculations with extracted records using agregate functions.

I'm trying to use Last function for Criteria putting it into Date field and substracting with -10 (for 10 days) but it doesn't work.

Please help! :confused:

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Forms :: Count Number Of Sales In Set Time Period

Oct 23, 2013

I have a pre-established database with a form that calculates total sales and tax for a time period i specify. I want to add a box that will display the number of sale records. Ex. if i had sales of 50,000.00, and that came from 200 sales i want the box to show the number 200.

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Modules & VBA :: Disable Forms From Being Accessed For A Period Of Time

Jul 22, 2014

I'm in the process of creating a database in Access 2010 that has two front ends, basically. What I want to be able to do is lock out one of those front ends for a specific period of time every day.

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General :: Rate Calculation Over Period Of Time - MDB Format

Jan 29, 2014

Calculating the rates over a period of time. I think the attachment will give you a clear picture of what I am looking for.

To get the cost for a particular period I want the rates to be updated as per the given period. How I could get the calculation in the mdb format...

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Reports :: Change Text Of A Field To Blue Color If A Certain Condition Is Met

Oct 8, 2014

I have a report which I would like to change the text of a field blue if a certain condition is met. What I want to happen on this report is if a specific field has an "Active" - then it will be in Blue text, otherwise it is in black text.

I have gone into the report ->in the Details section -> put a procedure in the On Format event. The code I have been trying is:

If Analysis_Status = Active Then
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlue
Me.Analysis_Status.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
End Sub

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Dynamically Change SourceDatabase Property Of A Query

Feb 7, 2008

Access 2003:

I have a query (qryGetRemoteStuff) like this:SELECT * FROM Table1 IN 'k:projectssomedatabase.mdb'I have several databases where i use this technique. I don't want to link these tables to my database.
According to the properties list, "Source Database" is used to store this path to my remote database.
So far so good.
When the path changes i am in a lot of trouble, that is why i want to change the path of this query dynamically. I don't seem able to change this property.

Is this possible? How?

Immediate window:
?currentdb.QueryDefs("qryGetRemoteStuff").Properties("SourceDatabase")Returns "Property not found". Access help F1 doesn't provide me with a workable example.

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Reports :: Change Text Formatting Of Control In Report Based On Boolean

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to change the text formatting (color, italics, bold etc) of the contents of a control based on a boolean value in the underlying datasource of the report.

For instance, I have a report that generates a "Proforma Invoice" i would like to ability italicize the prices of certain items based based on a boolean value (EstimatedPrice) in the underlying datasource.

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Forms :: Dynamically Change Pivot Chart Title

Jan 20, 2014

I am trying to change dynamically the text of the PivotChart, according to the current filter. This is a user request. The VBA code should run whenever the view is changed to pivotchart. I'm im Access 2007

This is my code so far:

Private Sub Form_AfterFinalRender(ByVal drawObject As Object)
If Not (Me.CurrentView = acCurViewPivotChart) Then Exit Sub
Me.ChartSpace.HasChartSpaceTitle = True
Me.ChartSpace.ChartSpaceTitle.Caption = Me.Filter
End Sub

This generates an error:
Runtime error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Cannot change chart attributes in an event handler

I am stuck. Is there any way around? I have placed a button to the datasheet view of the form to take users to PivotChart view. I can change the chart title from the code of that button. But I can't prevent users from using the built in ribbon button for pivotchart view, so I need to run this code from an event.

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Queries :: Use Inserted Value Dynamically At Run Time

Oct 16, 2013

I am inserting a new record into a 'master' table. Primary key is generated using a sequence. Now using that newly inserted primary key value, I need to insert a new record in child table. These 2 insert queries need to run at the time of deployment. how shall I store that primary key in a variable so that I can use it immediately in next insert statement?Can I use a returning into clause?

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