Reports :: Email Record With Button

May 2, 2013

1:is it possible to have a clickable button beside each record in the report format that when clicked runs another report and inputs data into parameter querys automatically that the second report asks for? Etc. the second report will ask for [Username], [start Date], [end date]it copies and pastes the details from the row clicked into these parameters? or get it to work in a simular way? reason being for this the details need to be in a certain format layout that then on a button click Emails the report as a PDF

2:is it possible to have a button on the report screen that will Email the report as a PDF file with only the parameter data shown?

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I Need A Command Button To Print Preview And Email Two Reports

Oct 7, 2004

Like the title says I need a command button to print preview and email two reports. I tried using macros but the problem I have is that it'll send out two emails instead of one email with two attachments. The other problem is that it won't recognize current pages information so it'll show two blank reports. But If I go to next record and come back in form view, it reognizes the changes and the reports look fine. Any help would be appreciated.

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Add Record And Email With One Command Button

Mar 28, 2008

I have set up a work order database. On the Work Order Submission form I have
a command button that adds the record to the table. I also have a button to
email the Submission Report. When the user fills out the form and clicks the
Add button the record is added to the table. The user then has to scroll to
have the record reappear in the form and then click the Email command button.
This works fine but I want to make this a one click operation.

I have a filter on the report that will be emailed to limit the report to just the current
record. The filter is:
[ID] = Forms![WO Submission]![ID]
where ID is the Primary Key for that record. If the record has not yet been
added to the table and thus has no primary key, the report to be emailed
will contain no record info.
I'm thinking I may have to use a temporary table but I'm clueless about how
to make that work.
Any suggestions?

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Reports :: Relevant Record Entries Into Report And Email

Jan 20, 2014

I'm struggling to produce a report that pulls out pre defined fields from the active record displayed on a form and attach / embed to an email.

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Modules & VBA :: Code For Multiple Reports And Files To Email From A Record?

Nov 20, 2013

i have a database which has new customers added daily (currently we post all documentation)

when a new record is filled in the customer receives:

cover letter/invoice(report), book page(report) and a book (pdf, always the same) the reports are created from the record

rather than post all these documents i would like to email them to each customer in 1 email with the reports in pdf format.


CC (email feild from the record)

Subject (pre filled with "Stop Bullying Now! Books 4 Schools order")

Body (pre filled with "Dear ([Contact]if possible) Please find enclosed your documentation for your recent telephone order bla bla bla and our logo.jpg if possible)

then i would like to attach to the email the cover letter/invoice(report), book page(report) and the book (pdf) from the hard drive (r.eports changed to pdf)

if i can press a button on the form to send it that would be good.

if i could link it to a query to send a batch of them that would excellent.

The Database is Named: b4s.mdb
The table is called: Main Table
The input form is called: Client
The letter/invoice report is called: b4sletinv
The Book page report: b4sbook
The pdf book is located at c:Documents and SettingsAdministrator4sfinal.pdf
The query for the batch is called: coverlet&proforma

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Modules & VBA :: Form Which Has Button To Email Data Out In Standard Email Message

Jan 15, 2014

I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.

Private Sub Command60_Click()
Dim MyDb As dao.Database
Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.

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Reports :: Button To Pull ID Number Of Record?

Aug 28, 2013

I built a report that provides all of the open support tickets. My idea is to have a button (Which I called "WorkIssue_Button") that displays beside each record that is populated on the report... I need this button to be able to pull the ID number of the record (Called "ID"). I then plan on opening a form that is preloaded to this record. How to pull that information?

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Reports :: Set Record Source Of Report From Button On Form

Jun 13, 2014

How can I set the record source of a report to a saved query through VBA. I am trying to use the same report for a number of uses, all of the info on the report is the same, but the only difference is the query that the information is based on. I have this simple code below, how do I add a record source to it (if it can be done)

DoCmd.OpenReport "SellRPT", acViewReport, , , acNormal

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Reports :: Email Individual Reports - Attachment To Be A PDF

Aug 15, 2013

I am working on an Access DB and I need to email individual reports to email addresses linked to the corresponding email. I would like these email to be sent though outlook and the attachment to be a PDF.

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Email Command Button

Aug 8, 2005

I searched the forums, I downloaded sample datbases EmailA2K, example, and PrintCurrentRecord_Update however I cannot get my command button to fill the TO: with my customer email address. I have gotten lost in the code so I went with a send object macro. Maybe it's my internet service. I use Compu Serv which is a by-product of AOL. Can that be the problem? Anyway I don't understand code, I wish I did. I select send object as my action in my macro. I leave the object type and object name blank as well as the output format. In the To: I put = [email address]. In the subject I put "From CG" and the Edit Message is set as "no". When I click on the button it opens up my email provider but nothing is in the To:. I first tried to fill in the Object name and type and format and it attached the records in the form, I DO NOt want to do that. All I want is to have the Email Address be filled in the To: by clicking a button. I'm about 8 hours on this and a little on edge. I would like to get a good nights rest and not think asbout this anymore. Any Macro help would be great.

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Email Based On Command Button

Sep 22, 2006

Hello all:

Right now, I have a contact database with email addresses, and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions on how to implement a command button that when I click on it, it will do the action as clicking on a link that says

If I type the mailto: before the email address, and click on it, it will open the email message window, but I am looking for a way to have the user click on a button and then it opens the email message window.

My field for the email is fldEmail

any suggestions?


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Creating Button To Send Email

Jan 2, 2008

I would like to create a database that would enable me to select various options (from dropdown lists) which I could then have tidily arranged in an email that would automatically be sent to the recipient.
Before I attempt to design the facing page I'd like to know if this is an option in Access?

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General :: Creating A Button Used To Sent Email

Jul 4, 2012

I'm trying to create a button who is able to send a email with an attachment.The attachment will be all the time the same file.The email address to sent to is one of the field of the database.I need a copy sent in my email address as well.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Response - Reply To From A Button

Feb 24, 2014

I have a DB that holds multiple possible email responses, originally set up for just straight up create email based on this information. the Button to created the email works great. Now what I would like to be able to do is Click a 2nd button that instead of creating a new email, it would open a reply to the current opened email. I would still want to push the information to it like it does in the current new email button.

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Modules & VBA :: Button To Open Up Outlook Email

Jun 26, 2014

I would like to create a button that when pressed opens up an outlook email. The email address will be populated by one email address every time. I don't want it to automatically send as the body will need to be filled out by the user. It would be useful if the date and time it was sent could be recorded in the form somewhere too (would this be in a text box?).

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Reports :: Printing Multiple Reports From One Button

Apr 23, 2014

I have a form that produces Year end accounts, therefore each page is totally different from one another, there are 10 reports per set of accounts.

I have created 10 buttons that out puts the desired report

Profit and Lost, Balance Sheet etc.....

What I would like now is a way to print all 10 reports with the click of a button, how can this be done...

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Create Command Button On Form To Send Email

Oct 26, 2004

I have created a form and housed in the form is a combo box that pulls info from managers I work with. I want to create a command button that I can click to send them an email. I have their information tabled and then have also converted that table into a form. I have their email address I just need to know how to properly code the command. I have no visual basic experience. I have had classes where I've coded in C++ and HTML but very limited.


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One Button To Msg Box, Export To 2 Places, Email, And Reset Values :S

Dec 16, 2004

Hey all,

I've attached my access file...if anyone could help I would appreciate it very much!

If you click on the Export & Email tab on my form, there is a button which describes what i want to do in the caption.


When the button is clicked i want a warning message box to appear saying do you want to continue Yes/No. No would just cancel it.

Yes would do the following:

Export an Excel file of "Magtable" and save to C:Magazine BackupMagazine Counter.xls and W:Magazine CounterMagazine Counter.xls

Then (i dont think the order of the following matters)

Email the excel file to two people.....if its easy to do this with no data input needed by the user (ie: not having to type the subject, who its too, body or press send.....if this is too complex then that is fine..having as much in as possible would be good though)

Then I want the values in Magtable, Amount to be reset to 0 - this may have to be done before the email is sent?

BTW the company i work at uses Lotus Notes only as an email program....As long as it pops up a new email in lotus notes with the excel file as an attachment then that would probablly be enough.

Hope this makes sense :S Any help would be VERY appreciated!


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Modules & VBA :: Command Button To Print Report To PDF And Email

Aug 9, 2013

A command button on a form that can:

1- Open the Report called : ConsentForm
2- Print it to PDF printer (report is currently defaulted to that printer driver)
3- Save to folder: C:SOSConsentForms
4- Save as: Consent_[Last]_[First] (these are field names on the form)
Result i.e.: C:SOSConsentFormsConsent_Doe_John
5- Then send the file by email (Outlook) to :

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General :: Sending Text Via Command Button To Email

Mar 19, 2014

After inputting data into a text box on a form i want to click on a command button which will open an email program and then put the text there so i can send it.

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General :: Command Button To Email Report From Form?

Jan 30, 2014

I have a form that records data entered by a user who I then want to email the record via a report run from a query.

I created a command button on the form with DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport,"name_of_report", "format", "to","subject", False

The email program (Lotus Notes) opens a new email msg with the report attached as pdf. However, the data recorded does not appear.

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Auto Email By Pressing Button In Access 2007

Jun 29, 2012

So I have created this database for a lessons learnt system. Is it possible in Access 2007 to create a button that if pressed automatically sends an email out to someone? So my main form in the database is a split form which contains a search filter, which works well and also contains a button called add new lesson. This button is linked into another form and when pressed brings up this new form. In this form it has a save and close button. What I actually would like is when the form is updated and this save and close button is pressed, an email is sent to a "project head" who has to confirms the information before the data is saved into the database. Is this actually possible?

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Email Reports

Mar 25, 2005

We have a report that will result in a number of customers (which will be broken apart via a page break) being listed. The plan is to be able to trigger a report (that will run a query) to find all loads that have not been delivered. This report will then be sent to receiving customers to let them know the status of the loads crossing the US via truck.

We want to be able to send these reports via email simply by pressing a button. No matter the fact that there will be more than one customer, we want the report (or portion of) to go to the correct customer.

We already have the customers email address in the database, but I need to figure out how to link the page of the report to the customer and have it sent.

Ideas? Solutions?

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Using Create Email Button - Access Fails To Open Outlook

Dec 16, 2012

Occurs when I try using the Create Email button. I've enabled the access add in in Outlook. Same message comes up when Outlook is closed or open.

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Form Button That Will Automatically Email Each Row Of A Query Result

Jul 22, 2015

I am trying to create a form button that will automatically email each row of a query result to myself. At first the VBA code worked fine with a standard query. However when I use it with a query that contains a reference to a combobox form such as "<=[Forms]![Reminder]![Monthsleft].[Value] And >=0" I get the 3061 run-time error and "Too few parameters. Expected 1." I have included the VBA code below.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


If you intend to renew the lease, terms and conditions will need to be submitted for ECC for approval (regardless of changes or not in lease rates). If the terms have yet to be confirmed, it is important to begin the negotiation process as soon as possible with a target to provide the ECC submission at least two months prior to the commencement date of the renewed lease. To ensure sufficient time for ECC approval before the contract expiry date, please prepare the ECC paper and obtain necessary endorsements. Submission details can be found here. The ECC submission template and PSD Questionnaire could be found from this link

DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , _
sToName, , , sSubject, sMessageBody, False, False

End With
Set MyDb = Nothing
Set rsEmail = Nothing
End Sub

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General :: Exporting Reports To Email?

Jun 8, 2013

I need to export my reports (invoices) to rtf format or pdf then create seperate emails for each report with email subject title of [Address] [Suburb] [Supervisor]

I also need it to only create them but not send them, as I also need to attach photos and forms prior to sending them.

Is this possible to do in access?

It was so much easier when I could just run the saved export button & drop the 1 file into email.

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