Reports :: Email Report To Several Individuals

Apr 3, 2014

I want to be able to email a report to several individuals and have only the data that pertains to that person attached in the email? Is this possible?

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Email Reports Using 2 Addresses For Several Individuals

Jul 14, 2014

In my database for our charity there is a field for email addresses. Most of the contacts have a single email address and we can send them their individual reports without any problem. However a number of the contacts have 2 email addresses and these are stored in the email address field with a semicolon between the 2 addresses. However the system can't send emails to these contacts! Are we storing the addresses in the wrong way? Or is there some reason why Outlook won't regard the 2 addresses as separate email addresses - does it think that it is one strange email address that it doesn't recognise?

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Reports :: VBA Report To Generate PDF And Email

Jan 20, 2015

I found the vba to generate multiple pdf's from a single report which is working well (see below).

The script below generates about 15 pdf files and stores them in the specified directory

I'd like to be able to now email these to the individual users (SCNAME) but cannot work out where to start, i've tried a lot of things from the research on emailing, just not working.

All the information I need is in one table which includes the users email address field (SCemail).

I've also created an update query which generates a unique file name into the field (SCInstallDate) (currently not using this field data)

Private Sub cmdSC2PDF_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [SCNAME] FROM [Schedule];", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rst.EOF
strRptFilter = "[SCName] = " & Chr(34) & rst![SCNAME] & Chr(34)

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Email Report Based On Supplier?

Apr 14, 2014

I have a report that creates purchase orders, this could be many suppliers these suppliers have e-mail addresses.

is it possible to get the report to look at the supplier name , find the e-mail for that supplier and send it to them.

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Reports :: Email A Report With Address As Variable

Jun 10, 2014

I am using vista and access 2010, what I want is to be able to email a report from access that was created by a form with DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportOrder", acViewReport. I have a button that when i click it it will send the report via email, but the email address has to be a variable so when the report is created i can use the email that is attached to the report data.

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Reports :: Automated Sending Report By Email

Jan 8, 2015

Every month I have to make a report about registration of hours of a group of employees. (These employees have a deal with direction about travel hours vs. working hours).This report has to be send to the group members but only the data which is valid for the group member in it. There are 11 persons in this group so I have to send 11 reports.

I made a query with the hours registered from this group. I couldn't export it because it was read-only. That was because the query contains joins to the employee table. After that I tried it with a report. That nearly went well but it contained all data and not the seperated info.What I need to know:What is easier/better: use a query or use a report?Is there code which looks in my query or the report and makes it into seperated reports?I've tried the code of Tony Hine but I can't make it work.After that I need to do a mail-merge. But first of all do I need to make the seperated reports to work.

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Reports :: End Of Month Report Automated Email?

Jul 16, 2015

Is there a way to have my database see that its a new month and then run a report that could be automatically emailed?

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Reports :: Sending Email Form Report?

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to send an Email from a report . Using this code

On Local Error GoTo Some_Err
Dim MyDB As Database, RS As Recordset
Dim strBody As String, lngCount As Long, lngRSCount As Long
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Set MyDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)


I am getting an error on lblStatus.Caption.

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Reports :: Relevant Record Entries Into Report And Email

Jan 20, 2014

I'm struggling to produce a report that pulls out pre defined fields from the active record displayed on a form and attach / embed to an email.

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Reports :: Exclude Individuals From False List If They Are In True List

Jul 15, 2013

I have created my tables and form and am now trying to run reports to organize the data. I have figured out how to group the individuals by group and treatment, but can't figure out how exclude individuals from the final list if they are already in another. As background, some of the individuals are eventually excluded from the experiment, though I keep the initial data. When the exclude individual checkbox is checked ("True" on the report) I do not want the individual to be listed in the "False" list, even though there are entries for that individual when that checkbox wasn't checked (when it was "True"). This is so I can get an idea of the current totals in each group.

Implant Period
>>Exclude individual?
>>>Individual ID

I feel like this should be a fairly simple task, but I cannot figure it out... Maybe there is coding to exclude individuals from the "False" list if they are already listed in the "True" list?

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Reports :: Email Individual Reports - Attachment To Be A PDF

Aug 15, 2013

I am working on an Access DB and I need to email individual reports to email addresses linked to the corresponding email. I would like these email to be sent though outlook and the attachment to be a PDF.

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Modules & VBA :: Allocating Work To Individuals

Oct 19, 2013

I have a database that uses a table to capture work by reference number. I would like to be able to allow users to only be able to see work they have been allocated.

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Queries :: How To Select Individuals With More Than One Skill

Jan 2, 2014

How do I select individuals who have, for example, both access and excel skills? I have a table of candidates and child table with the list of skills.

I have a form (called "search" at the moment) with a subform (called "skillslist subform"). The subform's record source is an empty table called "searchlist" with a single combo box using the master list of skills as the source. This is so I can select the skills I am looking for.

Then there is a button that (1) saves the records and then (2) opens the query, as follows:


SELECT SkillList.CandidateID, searchlist.searchlist
FROM SkillList INNER JOIN searchlist ON SkillList.Skill = searchlist.searchlist
ORDER BY SkillList.CandidateID;

Is this problem need to be solved with a subquery?

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Forms :: Distinguishing Between Two Same Surnamed Individuals

Feb 16, 2015

I am having difficulty distinguishing between two same surnamed individuals.

I am providing my sample which provides my provides my problem.

I have two same surnamed individuals but when I highlight them in the form the same data appears in the subform.

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Email Reports

Mar 25, 2005

We have a report that will result in a number of customers (which will be broken apart via a page break) being listed. The plan is to be able to trigger a report (that will run a query) to find all loads that have not been delivered. This report will then be sent to receiving customers to let them know the status of the loads crossing the US via truck.

We want to be able to send these reports via email simply by pressing a button. No matter the fact that there will be more than one customer, we want the report (or portion of) to go to the correct customer.

We already have the customers email address in the database, but I need to figure out how to link the page of the report to the customer and have it sent.

Ideas? Solutions?

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Reports :: Email Record With Button

May 2, 2013

1:is it possible to have a clickable button beside each record in the report format that when clicked runs another report and inputs data into parameter querys automatically that the second report asks for? Etc. the second report will ask for [Username], [start Date], [end date]it copies and pastes the details from the row clicked into these parameters? or get it to work in a simular way? reason being for this the details need to be in a certain format layout that then on a button click Emails the report as a PDF

2:is it possible to have a button on the report screen that will Email the report as a PDF file with only the parameter data shown?

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General :: Exporting Reports To Email?

Jun 8, 2013

I need to export my reports (invoices) to rtf format or pdf then create seperate emails for each report with email subject title of [Address] [Suburb] [Supervisor]

I also need it to only create them but not send them, as I also need to attach photos and forms prior to sending them.

Is this possible to do in access?

It was so much easier when I could just run the saved export button & drop the 1 file into email.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Best Way To Email Report?

Jun 11, 2007

I have a report that I'm looking to email as opposed to fax. What's the easiest way to achieve this?

Any and all advice appreciated.



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Reports :: Subtract Totals From 2 Sub-reports In Main Report Of Access?

Dec 28, 2014

I am trying to create a P&L statement in access. I know what I want to come out at the end. I am just starting to play with access and having trouble getting what I want to come out of it.

On the sales side I have a query that gathers all the revenue sources and calculates a total for each date. I then use a second query to just take out the data I want for the P&L report. I created a sub-report that displays the data I want. I use the grouping and grand total features to get the total into the report footer. So far so good.

On the expense side I created a form of a query to manage the one to many relationship to capture the data for expenses (one purchase with many line items). I created a query based of this query to get the relevant data for my expense sub-report. I created the sub-report and got everything looking and calculating the way I want it to. I use the same grouping and grand total features to display the data in the report footer. Still good.

I created a new main parent report with the two sub-reports (sales & expenses) on it and even was able to pull the totals from the sub-reports into the main (so currently the subtotals of the two sub-reports are displayed twice). Now when I try to use the textboxes I used to pull the sub-report totals into the main report to perform additional calculations (sales - expenses) I get #error. I have tried different things and gotten ?name.

Control source for the two textbox controls on the main that display correctly, but don't let me do any further calculations.


=[rptP&LSalesOverview]![AccessTotalsTotal Sales]

To do the subtraction I have tried using the references above, as well as just using the names of the unbound text boxes in the report that bring the totals into the main report.

As a work around, I tried to build one query with all the data from sales and expenses, but can't "filter" based on date and get the data I want in the query results because the two sets of data are not necessarily related. I either get a long list of records, or no records (I am currently only playing with about 5 days of data).

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Reports :: Check If Client Has Email Address

Jan 2, 2014

I currently have details of my clients in a table called tblSites, this tble includes a field with an email address. I currently produce a invoice which is automatically saved as a pdf and an email generated with the invoice attached. However, a few clients do not have email addresses (these are sent by post). My code (see below) will successfully produce the email with the attachment, but if the client does NOT have an email address in the tblSites it comes up with the "Invalid use of Null" error. What I want it to do is continue the process of just saving the invoice with a Msgbox stating "This Client does not have an email address etc etc.

'Save Invoice as PDF and annotate Invoice Number, Date and site name

Dim StrFile As String
Dim slSQLString As String
Dim rsEmailAddress As Recordset
Dim slEmailAddress As String
StrFile = "C:Redwatch Invoices" & Forms!frminvoice!txtInvoiceNr.Value _
& "-" & Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yy") & "-" & Forms!frminvoice!cboSiteName & ".pdf"

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Send Two Reports In Email Body?

Jan 15, 2015

With the code below , I send the report: “ESERT4H”, in email body. How I could add yet another report on the same body of the email ?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "ESERT4H", "HTML(*.html)", "D:Access empESERT4H.html", False, "", 0, acExportQualityScreen
Dim Out As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Folder As MAPIFolder
Dim Mens As MailItem

[Code] ....

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Sending Reports With Email Body Having HTML

Nov 20, 2014

I need to send different reports to a bunch of different persons every hour... I had several macros that did it for me, But Then they wanted me to include a e-mail body that was more than 255chars, so i had to go VBA and i have this (for every set of persons and Reports):

Private Sub Command38_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "REPORT NAME", "Extension", "EMAILS", "", "SUBJECT", "EMAIL BODY", True, ""
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub


so everything is good, but NOW they want the body of the email to contain another paragraph totally separated from the first one and they want it highlited and also in Red, How can i add Html to this or do i have to use another method?

I have tried this:

Public Sub TestEmail()
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")


But it keeps on giving me errors, about objects not being defined.

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Feb 24, 2006

I have a form with a subform. The form is the date field. The subform are all the stores delivered to on that date. I need to have a command button to open an email with the current date showing and list all the stores with their delivery numbers next to it inside the email.

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Output Report To Email

Dec 21, 2004

Access 2003

Is is feasable to output a report with variable data to html/email. I would like to be able to send my quotations and invoices via email to my customers as many are now requesting I use email. At present I have to print it as PDF then open Outlook, then attach the PDF document etc etc.......

Any assistance or suggestions greatfully welcomed.


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Automated Email Report

Mar 24, 2006

I have set up a process to automatically email reports from MS Access 2006. Everything would would perfectly except that when the process runs, a messagbox pops up stating that 'an unknown prgram is trying to send an email on your behalf'. Before the email is sent you have to click on the button to allow sending. I need this program to run very early in the morning when no one is around to click the button.

I have tried several things to get a round this by digitally signing my Access project and setting up certificates in outlook but nothing has worked.

Is there any way around this without lowering my security level, my antivirus or antispyware software?


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