Reports :: Emailing A Record / Report / Form From Within Access

Aug 7, 2015

My database is stores information about students such as name, student number, programme, email, etc. I have a STUDENT form with this information visible.

I also have a another table and MARKS sub form that contains the details of courses completed by the student and results. I have placed the sub form in the STUDENT form and can see each student's details and a list of their courses.

I want to be able to send this information to the relevant student via email. The student should only receive his information and no one else's.

Can this be done? Do I need to create a report first? Should I be using WORD to produce the emails?

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Reports :: Emailing From Report Sections?

Aug 30, 2013

I have many reports that are structured differently, many are grouped by semester.

What I do now, is put a button on each grouping of the report I want to email from and use the current semester (Sem) which is also a query parameter to filter the report.

Here is my current code which works fine:

Sub EmailFromReport(rpt As Report, Optional Sem As Variant)
Dim db As Database
Dim qry As QueryDef
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim Bcc As String
Dim Subject As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qry = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(rpt.RecordSource)
'set query parameters


The problem is, I need to be able to filter these queries on other criteria besides the semester.

My first idea was to use if statements to skip the records I don't want. This is messy and the report structures are different so I run into issues when using optional parameters because not all the reports are structured the same.

The best solution I have come up with so far is using a wherefilter parameter, stripping the semi colon off the querydef sql and surrounding the sql with a qrydef.SQL = "SELECT Email1, Email2 FROM (" qrydef.SQL ") WHERE " & wherefilter.

The problem is this, changes the original query, and I can't figure out how to copy a query with db.CreateQueryDef If i do db.CreateQueryDef("tempqry",qrydefSQL), I lose the query parameters.

Is there a better way to do this? If this is the best way, how do you take an existing query and make a copy of it?

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Reports :: Emailing A Single Page From Report?

Nov 12, 2014

I have a database that is strictly for generating and printing work orders. Our supervisors use it to print new work orders on the fly. normally that is fine. I have the Vb to print that specific work order

what I need to create is a VB that would allow other people to create a work order that would email it to the those supervisors. email addresses will always be the same. I just dont want to send the entire report.

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Reports :: Emailing Specialized Report To Multiple Recipients

Jul 20, 2015

I have a large report that generates information specific to a large list of contacts. I would like to email each contact a .pdf of their part of the report. If possible, I'd like access to run a loop and do this in one button click. I'm not even sure to begin with this.

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Reports :: Print Only Report Matching Current Record In Form Among Multiple Reports

Oct 2, 2013

I have been an MS Excel man all along my career and I am a novice in MS Access.I have created a table, [Initial Customer Approval] which records data from a Form, [Initial Customer Approval]. Once the data is entered in the Form, I need to do some calculations based on the data entered in some of the fields in the form.I created 6 different queries for the six possible values in those fields. now for each of those queries I created respective reports.I placed a Print command button in the Form.

1. When I press the Print button it should open the report for the current record in the Form. (Currently It Opens all the reports simulatneously, with only one relevant report containing the current record; other opened reports being blank.)

2. If user presses the Print button before pressing Save button then system should prompt user.

Here is the code (Please note [reference number] is the unique ID generated for each record entered in the tabe through form):

Private bSaveClicked As Boolean
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not bSaveClicked Then
MsgBox "You are trying to navigate away from the active record. Please either save your changes, or press ESC to cancel your changes.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Cancel = True


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Emailing Queries/report By Using A Form

Oct 21, 2005

Well im close to putting my DB into action, but I'd like to have a form that will show a list of queries and reports where they can be selected and emailed. I would like to be able to choose one or many files. I have created the email module and its working fine, I just thought I could make it a bit easier to send multipule reports with the click of a button. I just can't find a way to list all my queries/reports in a dropdown list. Can someone send me a suggestion on how to do this if posible.. Thanks in advance.


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Emailing Single Record From A Rather Large Form

Feb 28, 2005

Hi fellow Access battlers!

I've searched high and low on this forum on a step by step on how to do this and everyone's answer is either vague and assumes everyone is an access wizard, or really complex and codey and assumes every one is an access wizard!

I have a "lead sheet database" and I need to add a button on the form which emails just the contents of that current record. My company still handwrites these lead sheets and faxes them to consultants so I'm trying to bring them into the 21st century! An uphill struggle. I'm a code and VB newb by the way.

I've tried sending the form to a report as other posts suggest, but I get an error message about there being too many fields. So I'm stuck. All I need is for each form record to be emailed to a different consultant each day.

(I've had to rar then zip the database file due to size restrictions. I couldn't get the files size down enough by just zipping.)


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Reports :: Linking Record On The Report To Form Page?

May 9, 2014

I am trying to set up a very simple database for inquiries we get in the office. So far i have 1 table called Pink Sheets that has Enquiry Number, Date, Details requested, Website/telephone enquiry, Property type, Name, Company Name, Address, Phone Number, etc on it.

Then i have made a form so we can add new inquiries electronically and then made 4 reports so we can see what inquiries we get by category.

Is it possible to link the record on the report to the form page?

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Reports :: Set Record Source Of Report From Button On Form

Jun 13, 2014

How can I set the record source of a report to a saved query through VBA. I am trying to use the same report for a number of uses, all of the info on the report is the same, but the only difference is the query that the information is based on. I have this simple code below, how do I add a record source to it (if it can be done)

DoCmd.OpenReport "SellRPT", acViewReport, , , acNormal

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Reports :: Calling A Report From A Form - Record ID Not Passing

Jun 24, 2014

I am using an on-click event on my form to call up a report for the current record. It has been a while since I've used the form to call the report, but I always remember it working correctly. Today when I try to call up the report, it opens but no record is being pulled up so the report pulls up blank.

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSupplierInformation", acViewPreview, , "[OperationID]=" & [cboMoveTo], acWindowNormal

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HELP -Emailing MS Access Form

Mar 29, 2007

We are a facility maintenance company that do a variety of jobs for many commercial companies with a several different trade groups we have (electrical, hvac, plumbing, painting, masonry, etc...) Our Trade Group Managers submit estimates and budgets for the jobs they are bidding to. I created a database to store all those jobs so we can track what manager has bid to any certain job, what trades are involved, if it has been accepted-rejected-in progress-and such. As of now the managers turn a written (paper) form into me to submit an estimating inquiry request and I put it in the database and print them out a receipt of all the information they submitted to me along with an Inquiry Number (which is the primary key in the database)-then that is how we keep track of that particular bid-with that unique Inquiry Number assigned to it.
Now we are wanting to be able to have this all electronically. So the managers can submit an inquiry request electronically and get a receipt back electronically-either by email or online or whatever. On the form they fill out there are several different trades that are able to be checked off. After they are finished filling out the form I would like for there to be a button at the bottom to email that form to all the checked off trades. How do I go about doing that?

..any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!!

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Reports :: Open A Report But Only Showing The Result Of One Record In A Sub Form?

Jun 21, 2013

i want to open a report but only showing the result of one record in a sub form,

i have a field that is on all rows of the subform,[click to run] and what i want the user to be able to do is double click on this field and it will open the report with only the record information for that row displayed.

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Reports :: Automation Of Emailing Individual Reports By Group ID

Nov 16, 2013

I'm working on a project where I must send roughly a thousand individual reports to a thousand different email recipients with .pdf attachment.I know I'll need to add a table that designates the email address by SHIP_TO_CODE. Then create a form with the email subject, body, etc.. I don't neccessarily have to have the reports saved to a folder; I really just need them emailed to each account.

I was thinking I could modify the code some to accomplish my goal, but I'm not sure what to put. Maybe add a SendObject in there somewhere.CODE that I have now that saves the report to a folder. (I want to modify some to send email attachement instead)

''Module CODE:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT [SHIP_TO_CODE] FROM [qryWty&PendingData];", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rst.EOF
strRptFilter = "[SHIP_TO_CODE] = " & Chr(34) & rst![SHIP_TO_CODE] & Chr(34)
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptDraft", acFormatPDF, "C:UsersmrutherfordDesktopASC Daily Reports" & "" & rst![SHIP_TO_CODE] & ".pdf"


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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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Emailing Of Reports

Jun 15, 2006


I'm a student It's just my first time to program in MS access and my project requires to automatically send email reports from MS can i do it??

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Emailing Multiple Reports

Oct 25, 2013

I run a end of day report of daily sales by territory in NA. Currently I run a query to list the territories with sales then run a report for each territory listed showing their unique sales.I would like to create a macro that reviews the list of territories and then emails the report for each territory.Each territory has a macro with the report and email address loaded I just need something to execute the list.It is important that a report is not sent to territories with zero sales so just sending a report to everyone will not work.

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Emailing A Report

Apr 4, 2006

I have set up a database that holds wedding list details for our shop. The product images are not held in the database itself - I have linked to them using VBA as outlined in the microsoft access help pages.

Now I can print a report absoluely fine, but I can't capture the report to send as an email to wedding guests. A snapshot isn't good enough as I don't want our customers having to download software. I thought maybe I could export the report to Word and then email that as an attachment. However, when I export the report, there are no images in the resulting Word document.

Does anyone have any ideas? I primarily need ease of use for the customers picking up the email at the other end.

Hope someone can help!

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Emailing A SnapShot Report

Apr 4, 2006

I am using Access 2000, Windows XP and Groupwise 6.5. I am trying to email an employee leave report using the SendObject method. I would like to use the SnapShot format. Must I save the report before I send it? I tried acFormatSNP with no success. Thanks for all your help.

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Automate Emailing Report

Aug 24, 2006

Hi all,

Access 2000
Wondering if there is anyway to setup a report to automatically run and e-mail out at a certain time each day? I currently have a button on a form, based on a macro, that when clicked, will e-mail the report to a certain user. Just wondering if there is anyway to set it to send at a certain time, without having to open the database and manually run it.

Thanks in advance.


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Closing Report After Emailing

Feb 8, 2015

I have a button on a form to email a report.This is the code:

Private Sub EmailSfRpt_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[Property Number] = " & Me.[Property Number]
DoCmd.OpenReport "SQ FT/LN FT ITEMS REPORT REV", acPreview, , strWhere
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "SQ FT/LN FT ITEMS REPORT REV", acFormatPDF
End Sub

What is the code to close the report after the report is sent?

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Modules & VBA :: Accounts Package - Emailing Reports As PDFs

Jul 19, 2013

I've created an accounts package for my business using access 2003 and I'm just thinking of some time saving features.

We need to email our invoices to our clients.

Normally we print out an invoice, scan it back into the computer, save as a PDF and attach to an email manually one by one.

My package can now print to PDF (saving one step), but what I would like is to be able to print to PDF and attach to a new email (with the email address coming from the customer table) and possibly attach more than one PDF to a single email.

I know you can use

DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName

to send a report but I would like it as a PDF as my formatiing is lost using that code and we normally send PDFs to our clients.

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Reports :: Subtract Totals From 2 Sub-reports In Main Report Of Access?

Dec 28, 2014

I am trying to create a P&L statement in access. I know what I want to come out at the end. I am just starting to play with access and having trouble getting what I want to come out of it.

On the sales side I have a query that gathers all the revenue sources and calculates a total for each date. I then use a second query to just take out the data I want for the P&L report. I created a sub-report that displays the data I want. I use the grouping and grand total features to get the total into the report footer. So far so good.

On the expense side I created a form of a query to manage the one to many relationship to capture the data for expenses (one purchase with many line items). I created a query based of this query to get the relevant data for my expense sub-report. I created the sub-report and got everything looking and calculating the way I want it to. I use the same grouping and grand total features to display the data in the report footer. Still good.

I created a new main parent report with the two sub-reports (sales & expenses) on it and even was able to pull the totals from the sub-reports into the main (so currently the subtotals of the two sub-reports are displayed twice). Now when I try to use the textboxes I used to pull the sub-report totals into the main report to perform additional calculations (sales - expenses) I get #error. I have tried different things and gotten ?name.

Control source for the two textbox controls on the main that display correctly, but don't let me do any further calculations.


=[rptP&LSalesOverview]![AccessTotalsTotal Sales]

To do the subtraction I have tried using the references above, as well as just using the names of the unbound text boxes in the report that bring the totals into the main report.

As a work around, I tried to build one query with all the data from sales and expenses, but can't "filter" based on date and get the data I want in the query results because the two sets of data are not necessarily related. I either get a long list of records, or no records (I am currently only playing with about 5 days of data).

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General :: Stepping Through A Table Row By Row - Emailing A Report

Mar 23, 2015

I have a table, each row contains information that I want email out as a pdf.

I've created a report, and at the moment I've created a button embedded with the onscreen report which emails the report I'm actually looking at onscreen (as an attachment), all the button is doing is event-on click running this VBA code...

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rptSalesReceiptMain_UK", acFormatPDF, DLookup("[Email]", "[Sales]", "[PrintInvoice]=True"), , , "VAT Receipt for your order", "As requested, please find your VAT sales receipt attached" all works, but it's very manual....because I have to open up each report manually, & then click the button manually to create the email

Since I have the main 'chunky' parts done (i.e. creating the report & the code that emails it when I click a button), I'm now turning my attention to automating.

I'd like to add a new true/false column to my table "Receipt Emailed" (or similar) & have a bit of VBA hunt down the column, then it comes across a false condition, it runs the report & emails it.

Therefore rather than me opening the report & clicking on the button (which runs vba code), how do I get this done automatically?

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Emailing Individual Documents From Query Or Report?

Jan 29, 2015

I have limited access knowledge and everything I learned about access was from youtube videos and reading online. I have only used the features that do not require coding/programming (tables/queries/reports).

this is my problem. I am the secretary of a social boat club (about 300 members) in charge of producing invoices. I created a my member table with general data, applied a query to create a Dues&Fees Table and then I created an Invoice report from this table..etc. Right now I have a final report, with 300 invoices that i could easily print and mail. However, people are asking to have their invoice emailed and I was wondering if there is a way to mass email each individual invoice to each individual member of the club.

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Emailing A Report Based On A Combo Box Selection

Dec 10, 2013

I am using access 2010...and i have a form with a combobox on it...and in that combobox shows a list of employees names. When i currently select the name of the person that i want, it creates their own individual report of their workload.What I want to do is to be able to select that person and it generates their individual report and then attaches it in an email to that individual.

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Forms :: Emailing Report To A Client Selected From Combo Box?

Mar 6, 2013

How do I go about emailing a report to a Client selected from a combo box on a form?

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