Reports :: Error Depends On Date Filter?

Oct 8, 2014

I have a cross-tab query that is filtered on user-defined date range using a where condition of:>[Forms]![Reports_Menu]![txtFilterDateFrom] AND <[Forms]![Reports_Menu]![txtFilterDateTo]

the Query functions perfectly. The report based on that query, however, only functions with a DateFrom that is before 1/28/14 and a DateTo that is after 2/27/14. If I enter a date in either field that is outside of those ranges, I get the following error:The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize " as a valid field name or expression.I have defined both of my Query Parameters as Date/Time in the Xtab query design.

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Reports :: Date Range Filter For Report

May 27, 2015

The data the query pulls is employee name, course ID, course name and course completed date. I have added criteria in the query that asks for the Course ID to filter on a given course and a dynamic field in the query AnnualReqDate: DateAdd("d",+365,[TrainingCourseCompleted]). What this returns is a list of employees that have completed course X the date they completed and the date (12 months) when the course is due. This works great, have created a report that reflects this very well.

The issue comes in when I try to add the ability to filter by date range on the AnnualReqDate dynamic field. the AnnualReqDate dynamic field does not exist until the query is run the Between [Start Date] And [End Date] criteria add to the AnnualReqDate dynamic field wont work.The query fires off but returns zero records.

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Reports :: Show Salespeople With 0 Sales Within Date Filter?

Jul 6, 2013

I want a very basic report that shows:* all field reps (sales people),

* their quota in terms of new customer registrations

* their actual new customer registrations for a particular month

The report should include field reps with 0 sales. The query I've created works fine as long as there's no date filter. But adding <1/1/2013 removed all field reps with 0 sales. I want to make sure the filter concept was working before getting into date ranges.

SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_ksFieldRep.salesRepName, tbl_ksFieldRep.quota, Count(tbl_customers.dateRegistration) AS NewRegistrations
FROM tbl_ksFieldRep LEFT JOIN tbl_customers ON tbl_ksFieldRep.[salesRepName] = tbl_customers.[ksFieldRep]
WHERE (((tbl_customers.dateRegistration)<#1/1/2013#))
GROUP BY tbl_ksFieldRep.salesRepName, tbl_ksFieldRep.quota;

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Forms :: How To Filter Reports By Date Types In A Drop Down Or Combo Box

Jun 26, 2013

filter reports by specific date types in a drop down or combo box I would like the dates to be

The next 3 days and the next 7 days

i don't want a date picker or between dates I have tried searching but cannot seem to find an answer They are for my engineers, they want to know what callouts they have today or tomorrow or the next 3 days or this week.

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Reports :: Report Date Error - No Current Record

May 9, 2014

I have a report that shows weekly schedules (each week start with Sunday date for the row) for multiple teams (columns). It prints 1 year at a time.I have to add the Sunday dates by hand into the table for each year. I have added 2016 but when I generate the report I get a "no current record" error.By the way, I am not a "programmer" but I can usually figure out whats going on when we have a problem by looking at other code in the system and by finding answers for similar problems on the forum!!

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Modules & VBA :: Filter Records - Adding Unbound Date Listbox To Filter String

Feb 10, 2014

I'm trying to hash two scripts I've found into 1 functioning filter, however I'm still relatively new to vba and can't figure out how to get this working.

I'm trying to use Allen Browne's Search Criteria:

with another snippete of code I found here:

'Purpose: This module illustrates how to create a search form, _
where the user can enter as many or few criteria as they wish, _
and results are shown one per line.


It's the date part I'm having trouble with, the rest of the search criteria work fine without the date, but I can't get it working when I try to modify and merge the date sections of each code.

Also I'm using a listbox for the "Yesterday";"Last 4 days";"Last 9 days" and not a combo box.

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Calculation Depends On Different Values..

Mar 13, 2007

Best to have a look at attached relations picture.
Basicly this is what I'm wondering about:
I add a new customer who bought a product from a specific supplier.
That unique combination gives me the right on commission.
From company A I get, let's say 5% of the capital.
Company B gives me 4,25%

Products are insurance policies, so at certain products you are insured for a capital i.e €100.000,-
Percentages given are to be calculated of that capital.

So I have a lot of possibilities here which determines my provision.
What is the best way to handle this ????
I have no clue where to start.

The field [Polissen.Provisie] is now manually filed in on the Form where I add all details, which should remain possible (sometimes there are different agreements concerning the fee)
Hope it's a bit clear..
Please ask if more info is wanted.

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Set Of Data Available Depends On Category Selected

Aug 4, 2005


In a form, I am using two comboboxes per record (i.e. when you add a new record, two more comboboxes for that record appear).

My goal is to have the second combobox show entries specific to what the first combobox was, with certain caveats (see below).

My current approach is using three tables - tblTypes, tblOptions, and tblEntries. tblTypes would store the different types of entries. Each of the types in tblTypes would contain options depending on its ID.

Basically, the first combobox will list the data in tblEntries and the second combobox will list the data in tblOptions, depending on what "Entry" was selected. New "Entry's" for the first combobox would be created in tblEntries, where the ID in this table would indicate what "Options" are available for that entry. As shown in the sample table below, I want to allow more than one entry with the same "ID" (i.e. there could be more than one entry with the same options, but the entry name would be different.)

A sample of what the tables would look like is below:

ID |Type
1 TypeA
2 TypeB
3 TypeC

ID | Option
1 Data1
1 Data2
1 Data3
2 Data1
3 Data4
3 Data5

ID | Entry
1 Entry1
2 Entry2
2 Entry3
3 Entry4

Is this approach sound? If so, how would I create the comboboxes to use with this set of data? I tried doing so but ran into a certain problem - that is, the first combobox doesn't allow you to "select" entries with the same ID - it lets you select the first one, but no other... (using a query that simply selects all of the entries and its associated ID - I used the ID to populate the second textbox appropriately.

If this approach sounds unreasonable, how would you approach it? And after creating the tables, how would you go about setting up the combo boxes?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Combo Values Depends Upon Another Field?

Nov 24, 2005

I have a serial no combo box which displays serial numbers available for shipment. What i need is some way to make the combo box show the values 'serial numbers in stock' (simple sql) when the [tocompany] is not 'CVP' and to show 'serial numbers out' (another simple query) when the [tocompany] is 'CVP'

Basically i need to change the row source depending on the value in the [tocompany] field.

Thanks in advance


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Table That Depends On One Another Lookup Column

Nov 6, 2014

I have a table machine with fields:
ID(PK)model ( lookup column to machine model)serialnotype

Then a table meter reading:
IDmachineserialno (lookup column to tblmachine/serialno)readingdatetotalcounter

I want it to be like when i press lookup column in tblmeterreading/ machine shall show the machine serial no|model in the popup combobox.

Instead it shows my machine serialno|id,

for example: when I select the machineserialno. a combobox shall show:
s/n:221233 | sony

instead it show:
s/n:221233 | 1


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Queries :: Date Filter - If Date Is In A Future Month

Apr 20, 2015

I've two fields to work with:

[Date of Device]

If i was explaining it, it would be as follows:

If [DischDate] Is in the next month after [Date of Device] then Y else N.

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is also April then i'd expect a N answer

to add for example if the [Date of Device] is April 2015, and the [DischDate] is May then i'd expect a Y answer

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Reports :: Cannot Filter With A Particular Name

Dec 28, 2013

I have a table with the following fieldsAgencyUserID

So all the fields work perfectly when entries are added. There are multiple users in one AgencyName. So when I filter a PCC, I do not get the exact data. I've attached the database file. Password to login form is test

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Filter Error Message

Jan 26, 2005

I have created forms for inputting into my database.

First of all a form opens with a choice of opening up another form displaying certain tables to input into.

On the startup form there is also a text box for the user to type in text and then using a command button filter the next form with what they have typed in.

Firstly when they dont enter anything into the text box but still press the command button this error box appears
"Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expression '[Last Name]='."
Then it just has an ok box

How do i get it come up with the message
"Please enter a Last Name before clicking run"
And then an OK

Secondly, once someone has entered the last name in the text box, pressed the command button, and the filtered form has opened and displayed the results, and then they close the results form and return to the original startup form. The text they entered in the text box is still there. Is there anyway of clearing it each time when they close the filtered form.

Many Thanks

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Error In Combo Filter

Dec 11, 2005

Pleae take a look at the attached database, open frmUpdate and select an item in Group1.
I get a message box "Enter parameter Value" - Group1.

After I click OK, sometimes I get a run-time error, usually everything works fine until the form is reopened.

Can anyone see my problem.


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ADP/ Apply/filter Error

Jun 13, 2006


I am working on an ADP ( first time working with this ). I have a form that is based on a parametized query.

The record source for the form is the parametized query which works fine the first time it is brought up. When the user wants to change the client number, a button "change client" is clicked and the event that gets triggered is openform=("edit client")...... Well, instead of being prompted, I get the error "The ApplyFilter action contiains a filter name that cannot be applied".... When I do a right -click on that same button, and "remove filter "I can get my prompt, but I dont want to keep doing that. I am not sure how to remove the filter from this button. I am not sure what the error message is telling me. Thanks for your help.

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Error When Doing Filter On Form

Oct 26, 2006

Hello All
I have an issue I am trying to resolve and I need some help.

I have a database that I just created in access and pulled in data from an old Approach database.

When I try to do a filter on Form it gives me an error and closes out. I sent the error report to Microsoft and they said to intall the updates. I did that and restarted and still I have the issue of not being able to filter on the form.
I have other forms in this database and I can do it on them, but not on the main form.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Reports :: Passing Date Range Parameter To Multiple Sub-reports

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to pass a date range parameter & an additional parameter (Type of Audit) to 6 subreports based off individual crosstab queries and housed on one Unbound Report ("rptFinal").I have an Unbound Form "frmDate" passing a date range and Type of Audit using [Start Date] and [End Date] to rptFinal with a button that simply opens the rptFinal as follows:

stDocName = "rptFinal"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewReport

In each Crosstab query, I have set the parameter criteria (in both the Parameter section & the query itself) to:

[Forms]![FrmDate]![Start Date] And [Forms]![FrmDate]![End Date]
and also,
[Forms]![FrmDate]![Enter Type of Audit]

On each subreports On Load Event, I have added:

Private Sub Report_Load()
Me.Filter = "[DteAuditDate] BETWEEN #" & Forms!frmDate![Start Date] & "# AND #" & Forms!frmDate![End Date] & "#"
Me.Filter = "[Type of Audit] = #" & Forms!frmDate![Enter Type of Audit] & "#"
End Sub

and I've set the Filter On Load property to: Yes..I can open frmDate, fill in the date and Type of Audit, launch the report and it runs with no error, I have 6 blank subreports in report Preview. The headers are showing up but none of the data.

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Reports :: Filter A Report Not Query

Jun 27, 2014

I have a report based on a query.There is a field in my personnel table and the query: [Field] with values from my lookup table and has three choices:


I have a report and would like to filter based on [Field].I can filter by putting [Field]=Inspection on the Filter On Load, then typing 1 into the parameter box. And it works.I cannot however choose more than one of the three choices and I have to type the number in. Fine for me but it won't be for other is used for more than one report. I would also like to avoid having seperate queries for all these reports.In other words, I would like to filter the report, not the query.

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Reports :: Filter Report Results With VBA?

Jun 7, 2013

I have a report containing all the fields from my "main table". I want to create buttons on a from that will filter information from the report. For instance, I have a field titled "Priority". I want to create a button that will filter the report to only show records with a "Level 1" priority. Is there anyway I can do this using VBA?

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Reports :: How To Filter Report Using 3 Criteria

Jan 18, 2015

I have following table, forms and reports in my access database:

1- maintbl
1- mainquery based on maintbl
1- Input or mainform based on mainquery
2- unbound form: to Filter report
1-mainreport based on mainquery


I want to filter report on followings:
Year (Number)

I have 3 combo boxes on ubound form and want to filter report based on three above mentioned criterias.

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Reports :: Filter Report Yearly

Aug 17, 2015

I made a report that show a list of data where there is a date. It sorts the report by year then by month.I collects the information about the date from a field in a table where the whole date is inserted (example28.12.2014. (date/month/year)).What I want is to make a combobox or a listbox where you would chose a year you want it to show you the report for and a button that would open the report.So to make it clear in a form you would have a combobox where years would be displayed (and i would like the combobox to somehow know what years are inserted in the table), you select the year and click on the button that would open the report for that year.

The report name is "rptClients". The table from where the data for report is taken is "tblCustomers" and the field where the date is in the table is called "DateOfUse".Also in the report the date is in a field called "DateOfUse" also.

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Reports :: Filter A Sub Report On Open

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to filter a subreport on open.

In my report I have a field called "Packages" and my subreport consists of a table, one of the columns is "Packages" so I want to use the value that I have in "Packages" to filter for only those items in the sub report.

Is this possible?

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Reports :: Open Filter Dialog With VBA

Jun 9, 2015

How to open the regular filterdialog (with the checkboxen for the different values) in a report with VBA. With the regular filterdialog I mean the one you get when you select a column and then push the filterbutton.

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Error 2001 Problem With OpenArgs And Filter

Jan 12, 2006

Ok heres the situation, Ive had to edit a piece of code that worked fine filtering but wouldnt allow me to refresh a subform on the main search form. Now im using OpenArgs to pass the Selected bike ID to a popup form. This bike ID should then be used to filter the pop up form. But i get error 2001 (You cancelled the previous operation) when the code is run.
The Code follows:

Private Sub cmdSell_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmSubSell"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria, , acDialog, Me.frmSubBikes!BikeID


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim SearchStr2 As String
SearchStr2 = "[BikeID]= " & Chr$(34) & Me.OpenArgs & Chr$(34)
Me.Filter = SearchStr2
Me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Thanks, Sci

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General :: Combo Box Filter Error In Code

Sep 6, 2012

I am using a combo box to filter a 2nd form upon clicking a button. I posted on this topic the other month and was given some code that works. I am attempting to tweak it for another part of my database.I am receiving a Run-time error "3464': Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

DoCmd.OpenForm "Utilities Contacts", , , "[Utility] = """ & Me.Utility.Column(1) & """"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Utility Menu"

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Reports :: Filter Report By Month And Year

Apr 30, 2015

I have a report filter that filters the reports by month and year:


DoCmd.OpenReport "AttWholeCity", acPreview, , " Month = '" & txtCourseDateMonth & "' AND Year = '" & txtCourseDateYear & "'"

I want the code to also show these two columns where there are null/blank values aswell, for example if I filter by apr 2015 i want the report to show these columns as well as blank columns is this possible

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