Reports :: Export A Query In Spreadsheet Format

Mar 20, 2015

I have a Query derived from a single Table in Access 2010 which I routinely export in spreadsheet format.

I have now built a report from the Query in which has labels have been added to suit an external agency. I wish to export this Report in Excel format, but the resulting file does not include the additional labels and is merely an xls version of the underlying query.

Is there an alternative method of achieving what I need?

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Tables :: Export Table In Spreadsheet Format Automatically At Given Time Or Date?

Sep 23, 2013

I have a simple and small database having only one table. I want the data table to be exported in a spreadsheet format automatically at the end of the month. Is there any code or function to do that?

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Queries :: How To Export A Query Result To Excel Spreadsheet

Jul 3, 2013

how to export a query result to an Excel spreadsheet, using the DoComd as this

DoCmd.OuputTo acOutputQuery, "#query_name#", acFormatXLS, "#excel_sheet_title.xls#", True.

My problem (if you can call it that) is how to append the current date to the name of the spreadsheet. E.g.,

DoCmd.OuputTo acOutputQuery, "qry_query_all", acFormatXLS, "Query_all.xls", True....

So the spreadsheet would be Query_all_03072013.xls.

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Reports :: Export From Access To RTF Format Adds Line Break

Mar 7, 2014

I have set up an access application with a report being exported to rtf format. Would prefer word format if it is possible.

In the export document created there are line breaks on every row. This creates headache when the exported text is re-used in a word document.

is there any way how to have the export where the text is kept together without line breaks on every row?

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Queries :: Export Query Date Format?

Sep 6, 2013

I'm creating a query with VBA, then exporting it to Excel. I have a couple calculated date fields that are exporting in the format of dd-mmm-yy, but I want them in the mm/dd/yyyy format. In the query, they're in the proper format, but not in the export. I tried using Format([DateField],"mm/dd/yyyy"), but then they left align in the export, but are fine in the query.

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Export All Tables In Access To A SpreadSheet

Feb 29, 2008

I have created about 7 tables in Access, which all have the same column names. I want to export all of the table's data at the same time into a Excel SpreadSheet using VBA.

Also I want specify where i want the data to go in the SpreadSheet e.g. All data will be exported to cell A4.

Any ideas or help?

Kind Regards

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Delete First Column Before Export To Spreadsheet

Aug 6, 2015

How to delete the first column in an export to excel. I am adding a primary key to imported table but do not want to export to final spreadsheet.

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Modules & VBA :: Export From Access For Each ID To Each Spreadsheet In Excel

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a table with data about a contract. Each contract has his own ID. For each contract i have Information from SAP, Information from a System called geris and a System called pauschale. No I would like to Export that to Excel. With VBA, I would like to transfer the data for each ID to each spreadsheet.

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Citrix, Access And A Transfer Spreadsheet Export Problem

Jan 18, 2006


I developed a db on a local verison of Access 2003 (saved in Access 2000 format). It works great thanks to much help from this forum.

I recently moved the db to a server and tested how it worked when using Access 2000 on a citrix platform. This is important since the users of the db will be using this accursed platform. A few things (vba functions) broke but I deleted the affected code. However, one thing 'broke' that I can't eliminate.

When I click a button on one form I have a transfer spreadsheet command run to export the output of a query to a particular xls file/location. However, in the citrix environment I get an error message "Formats that enable export as html, xls, or rtf are missing from the windows registry".

I'm guessing this has something to do with the citrix server setup. Is there anything I can do on my end to avoid this problem or, as I fear, am I stuffed?


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Export Table Data Into An Excel SpreadSheet (VBA, ACCESS)

Mar 3, 2008

I have an export function below that will export my table "Test" to an Excel Spreadsheet.

However I want it so i can choose where that data in the "Test" table will go in the Excel Spreadsheet i.e. I want to export all the data in to Cell "B2" of the SpreadSheet - at the moment it will export all the data into "A1"

Any help or ideas?

Private Sub Command3_Click()

'Export function

Dim strExcelFile As String
Dim strWorksheet As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim objDB As Database

'Change Based on your needs, or use
'as parameters to the sub
strExcelFile = "E:CSCLDMSLDMSDatabaseAppLDMS_Spec.xls"
strWorksheet = "WorkSheet1"
strTable = "Test"

Set objDB = OpenDatabase(strDB)

'If excel file already exists, you can delete it here
If Dir(strExcelFile) <> "" Then Kill strExcelFile

objDB.Execute _
"SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;DATABASE=" & strExcelFile & _
"].[" & strWorksheet & "] FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]"
Set objDB = Nothing

End Sub

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Forms :: Export Data Displayed To Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 2, 2014

I have a filter on a form using a combobox.I want to export the data displayed to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have used the Exportwithformatting Macro but it seems to export everything.

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Export Multiple Queries Into A Single Spreadsheet In Different Range Of Cells?

Jun 10, 2012

I need to export multiple queries into a single spreadsheet in different range of cells. Means one query need to be exported from B2:E2 and second query need to be exported from B10:E10. In this way need to export 18 queries' result into one sheet only on different name range.

I am using Access 2007 and need to export data into Excel 2003 format.

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Importing Data In Spreadsheet Or Table Format Directly From Clipboard?

Apr 5, 2012

I work at a hospital and I have been able to copy and paste data from a patient list into an Excel spreadsheet into a list I can customize to track patients I work with. I had a macro that would take the data copied and pasted and organize it in the way I needed it in a design that works for me.

I'm trying to convert this system to Access to give me more control over the data and to try and make the process of creating the list a little more automated. I also have an Access database for "tracking", which is required by hospital management so I was hoping I could use the patient list database to streamline the process of entering interactions into the tracking database.

I'm not sure how to get the copied and pasted patient list into an Access in a way that will let me manipulate it in Access to do what I want it to do without having to add several steps of a) pasting it into Excel, b) importing the spreadsheet into the Access database, and c) cleaning the data that ends up in the final Access table.

Is there a way to import data in a spreadsheet or table format directly from the clipboard, which would allow me to skip Excel altogether? I'm using Access and Excel 2010.

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Modules & VBA :: Format Spreadsheet To Import Into Table - Deleting Rows In Excel

Jun 25, 2014

I am trying to format a spreadsheet to import into a Table. To do this I need to delete the top 8 rows and then the 4 rows below the data I need, both areas contain header data. The 4 rows below the data I need are blank but formatted oddly and it is causing issues during import.

Sub ExcelFormat()
Dim excelApp As Object
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelApp.worbooks.Open ("Z:DataTest.xlsx")
End Sub

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Reports :: Create Query From Command Button And Export To Excel

Apr 22, 2014

In Access, it is possible to create a query from a command button and export to excel?

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Export Table In CSV Format

Apr 15, 2008

The transfer spreadsheet function only allows one to export a table from the database to an excel file format. I want to output the table to a file in csv format using a simple function. Is this possible ?

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Modules & VBA :: Using XSD Format For Export To Xml

Feb 4, 2014

Is there a way where you can use an XSD format for the exporter to xml, via vba in access 2003?

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Reports :: Creating Report Similar To A Spreadsheet

Jun 19, 2015

I'm working on a project where I'm supposed to take an excel spreadsheet and replace it's function with Access. So far I have created the form, table, and query, now I just need the report which (according to my boss) needs to mimic the existing spreadsheet.

I know this is probably not going to be fun, but hopefully somewhere out there can give me a few pointers?

Attached is an example of what the spreadsheet looks like (Capture1) and what I currently have in my report (Capture 2).

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Reports :: Spreadsheet Type Report That Can Be Printed Out

Jun 11, 2013

I have a report in access that currently works like the image Current Report.png.

I was hoping it is possible to make it look like the image in What I Want.png

More a spreadsheet type report that I can then print out.

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General :: Export File Format

Aug 14, 2013

I created a simple macro using the Export with Formatting action to export a table from access to excel. The dates in the excel file are not in the original format of the dates in the access file.How can I save the date and other formats when I export an access table to excel ?

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Report Export To Excel With Format

Feb 29, 2012

I have a beautiful report and when printed straight from access it has nice gridlines and even gridlines null fields (which I want). However when I export to excel all the fancy gridlines and bold fonts are lost. Is there a way I can get it to export to excel what I can print in access? I would like to be able to export to excel to add some extra rows before printing but not have to do all the formatting.

I've tried printing to word, same problem as excel. Tried printing a pdf and it looks exactly the same but I can't edit it to add the extra blank rows.

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Export To Excel Seems To Format Data Incorrectly

Aug 29, 2006

I have a standard form with header, detail, and footer sections.
The detail section has a range of calculated boxes and the footer section also has a range of calculated control boxes.

There is a button on the form, which runs the following code:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "Divisions", acFormatXLS, "C: ester.xls", False

This works as far as exporting the Detail section of data. However, as soon as it trys to export the footer section, it just appends them onto the end of the rows.
For example, the report lists:
ABCD 10 20
DEFG 20 30
Totals 30 50

The excel spreadsheet after export lists
Controlbox name Controlbox name Controlbox name cbn cbn
ABCD 10 20 30 50
DEFG 20 30 30 50

Is there a way to:
(a) correct this in the export;
(b) format the spreadsheet;
(c) alternative, e.g. drag the data in from a sppreadsheet ?

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Format Excel Export?

Dec 11, 2013

I'm exporting a query to Excel, and I want to be able to conditionally format certain rows of the export using Access VBA. Is this possible?

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Queries :: Export To Text File Format?

Oct 13, 2014

I currently have a query pulling data from a database - I need to now export the data to a text file to import it into a different database. I need the format to be like below. Wondering how I can tell the query to go to the second line and then the third line like below.


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Modules & VBA :: Export DAT File With Delimited Format

Aug 20, 2014

I need to export a .dat file with delimited format (using ";")

I have tried the following:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "ED File", "Employee Data Output", "c: estfilesfile1.dat", False, ""

But when I execute the code the following error is shown:

Run-time error '3027'

Cannot update. Database or object is read-only

Using the same structure "DoCmd.TransferText" but with the .txt extension in the file works perfect.

Also I have tried export the .dat file using DoCmd.OutputTo, but even if the export is done, the format is not kept.

How can I export the .dat file keeping the delimited format needed?

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