Reports :: Extra Blank Page Appearing In Report After Modification

Sep 11, 2013

I have been modifying an existing report that was formatting and printing fine but since I modified it (adding some text boxes and moving some controls around), it is now adding a blank page.

For example, If the report was normally 2 pages long with page numbers, it is inserting a blank page without page number between page 1 and page 2......

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Reports :: Extra Page On Report

Mar 23, 2015

We recently converted to Access 2010 after using 2000. This problem has suddenly appeared. It doesn't happen on every report but there is one in particular right now and I can't figure it out.The first page of the report is complete but it prints a second page containing only the page header and footer, the rest blank. There are only 2 detail records on the first page and plenty of blank space.

It's not the issue of the page overflowing onto extra pages because the page size bleeds beyond the margins. Everything is safely inside the set margins, and in fact as a test I brought the page width down to 4 inches with .5" margins and it still prints a second page.

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Reports :: One Page Report Showing Second Blank Page

Apr 20, 2014

I have a report that should only show 1 page yet I have 2 and one is blank . I cannot find out why?

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Reports :: Getting Rid Of Blank Page In A Report

Nov 17, 2013

I have a complicated report in which there is a main report which contains other reports within it. One of these reports (call it "Number Six") within the main report has several subreports. Within this report, I can successfully cancel the subreports so that they do not print if the data does not match the right criteria. I use VBA code to cancel the Number Six report if none of the subreports will be printing. Nothing then appears on this individual report. All I get is a blank page which makes sense since I've shrunk all of the subreports.

When the main report prints, the Number Five report prints, there is a blank page for the Number Six report and then the Number Seven report prints. How do I get the main report to not print that blank page for the Number Six report? When the Number Six report will result in a blank page, I want the Number Five report to print followed by the Number Seven report. I've tried using "No" in the main report for the Enabled option for Number Six but the blank page still shows up. I am not forcing any page breaks either.

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Reports :: Report Prints A Second Blank Page

Feb 10, 2014

I have a report that's oriented landscape. I have scaled and placed everything to fit on a 11" x 8.5" page (the current dimensions of the report are 10.375" x 7.75"). The Layout view shows that everything fits within the borders.

Despite all of this, Print view insists on including a second, blank page. And since the general user will initially be viewing it in Report view (which doesn't indicate 2 pages), then printing if they so desire, they won't know there's a blank page.If not, I'll just tell people to make sure to only print page 1 in the printer dialog box.

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Reports :: One Last Blank Page Prints At Very End Of Report

Mar 13, 2014

I have an access report that consists of numerous other subreports. My issue is that one last blank page prints at the very end of the report. All margins are sized correctly and have set the 'Force New Page' setting to 'None' for all Group Headings (I should mention that I have each subreport within it's own group a total of 8 subreports in 8 group headings). The odd thing is that I have the page #'s printing in the page footer and on the last page it's printing page + 1 of x pages (e.g. page 129 of 128). I have removed the report header and footer, but have the same result. None of the other subreports produce an extra page when run separately.

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Reports :: Printing Labels - Report Producing Blank Page

Aug 13, 2015

I have a non standard size report (for printing labels)

The report is just over 10cm wide and just over 15cm deep.

I have solved the blank pages caused by exceeding the width but I'm still getting a blank page when I move some data down. I am still within 15 cm but it's throwing me a blank page. Even if I extend the in design mode depth to say 20cm (ie the height in Detail) it's throwing a blank page (I can see this in print preview).

I initially set up the report (it's a long time ago so memory fades) using the label wizard setting up a label 4*6 inches (10.16 * 15.24 cms) and it is this i'm trying to tweak. Is there a property I'm missing somewhere?

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Sub Report - Data Stops Appearing In Sub Report After Page 2?

Dec 21, 2012

I have an asset data base to generate individual asset detail reports with a sub report on the same page listing similar assets from a separate query. I have set the master and child fields, one to many. This works perfectly for the first two assets (pages), however the sub report stops showing data on the third asset (page).

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Reports :: Date Not Appearing In Field - Column Is Just Blank

Aug 12, 2015

Access 2010

One of the Field Names in my table is titled ActionDeadlineDate, with Date/Time selected as the Data Type for the field. On one of my forms I have created a text box based on this field. Under Properties/Control Source for this text box I have inserted the following formula:

=[DateReceivedinADR]+40 Basically, this forces the text box to auto populate to a date 40 days beyond whatever date is entered in the DateReceivedinADR text box. On the form itself everything works flawlessly.

I have created a query that includes the ActionDeadlineDate field. However, when I run a report off this query it will not populate the date for this field. On the report this column is just blank, with no date indicated.

All other date fields I use on the form (at least those without an underlying date formula) appear as they should. Is there a way to make a date based on a formula appear on the report as well?

Hope I didn't make this too complicated. Maybe what I am asking for is not possible since a date formula is being utilized in the text box, rather than a simple date.

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Reports :: Generate A Blank Page After Every Page

May 23, 2013

I have made a report on my query. The page setup is all around merging 0.2" and page size A4

When i view this report in preview it looks all my data whatever i want in a page but after every page it will generate a blank page.

I have included my report.

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Extra Lines Appearing In Query Builder!

Jul 1, 2006

Can anyone help please?I have a search form that passes 4 parameterers to a query. In the query builder it reads:Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" >=[FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtStartDate]<=[FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtEndDate][FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourseID]This works fine. But I also want it to search on only 1 or 2 parameters and set the rest to Null so I have used this statement for each one. Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" OR Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*" Is Null This again works ok and I can search on any parameter. However, every time I enter data into the search form and run the query it repeats the query string in the query builder. i.eLike [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"Like [FORMS].[frmCourseSearch].[txtCourse] & "*"etc...It does this with all 4 parameters and it's starting to look very messy. The SQL view is the same with a new repeated line added each time I run the query.How do I stop this happening? Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: How To Get Rid Of The Lines Appearing In A Report

Jul 13, 2013

how I get rid of the lines appearing in a report? I've set everything to transparent but the group header and subsequent records in the subreport all have separating lines.

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Reports :: Chart Not Appearing On Report In Print Preview

Aug 21, 2014

I am having an issue with viewing a report. I have a button set up to show the print preview of the report. There is a chart based on the report's record source, and two sub-reports showing related data. The print preview section however shows the the chart area where it would appear is blank, i.e. there is a white area where the chart should go. There is no error message. The two sub-reports appear correctly. If I go to print the report, however, the chart appears, and it will also appear if I change the view type (e.g. to layout and back again).

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Reports :: Extra Spacing At The Bottom Of A Report?

Jul 16, 2013

I have a sub-report and the last row is highlight, however, there seems to be extra spacing after the last row. I removed all report/page header/footer so all what's left is the Detail section but I still have this white space after the last row.

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Forms :: Page Header Not Appearing?

May 28, 2014

I made a blank form, created everything on my form then added a header to put the title etc in and tried to view it using form view and the header isn't appearing. What do I need to change?

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Extra Blank Line In Form

May 23, 2006

I have a pop-up form in Continuous Forms mode used to enter notes tied to the id field of my main form.

Two fields - notedate and status. Everytime I click in the blank field "status" another blank record always shows up underneath.

I have "notedate" set to auto fill when the focus is set to "status" and this is creating extra records in my table.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?

"Cycle" set to All Records - changed to Current Record with no difference.

Private Sub status_Click()
If IsNull([notedate]) Then
Me.notedate = date
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
Me.negid = Forms!OpenContracts!negid
End Sub



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Forms :: Blank Form Appearing When Query Returns No Record

Mar 24, 2013

When a query returns no records, the form appears blank. How can I make the form appear eventhough there are no records to show prior to inputting data.

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Reports :: How To Keep All Yes / No Fields In Report On Same Page

Sep 4, 2013

I have a few fields "yes/no" in report and I want to keep all of this in one page when I'll print it. How could I do that.

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Reports :: Centering Report On Page?

Nov 14, 2013

I'm using Access 2010.My reports are all crowding the left margin, with the reports printed in Landscape being the worst.My Page Setup shows Top and Bottom margins are 0.2 inches, Left is 0.35 and Right is 0.213.

Paper size is 8.5 x 11, in Landscape Mode.

1 column.

Column is 10.4"

I'm getting that error that says that the report is wider than the paper so I may get blank pages, but I don't. It just prints the 6 pages of the report.The Report Property Sheet says the report is 10.5104" and I cannot for the life of me get that to change.

When it prints, there is absolutely no margin on the left side (in landscape mode). When the report renders on the screen, it appears to be perfectly aligned.Reports printed in Portrait mode have extra white space at the top, with the footer being printed right along the bottom edge of the paper.

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Reports :: Limit Report To 1 Page?

Aug 2, 2013

I have a report that is generating a few pages, but I am only interested in the first page only. I have tried adding in code to cancel everything after the first page, but this just gives me a blank second page:


Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Cancel = Me.Page > 1
End Sub

I am outputting this report to PDF, and it is very annoying to have a blank page.

Is there a way to force the report to only be one page in length.

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Reports :: Create Different Report Page

Nov 26, 2013

I am having a DB and a report is there from query now what i want is ;

if query fields are apple, bat, cat, dog, elephant and I want in report the first three fields like apple, bat, cat to be displayed at first page then remaining on next and so on. Whereas I have a proper report header and footer which I do not want to change for any page means will remain same for all pages..

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Reports :: Insert 25 Row To One Page In Report

Dec 10, 2014

How to set my report page view 25 row...

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Reports :: Footer To Appear Only On First Page Of Report

Jun 5, 2014

I have a 14 page report in which I want the footer to appear only on the first page. I accomplish this with some code in the OnFormat event of the page footer:

If Page > 1 Then
Me.PageFooter2.Visible = False
Me.PageFooter2.Visible = True
End If

The first page has the footer (great).

The 3rd thru the 14th page does not (great).

The 2nd page also doesn't have the footer - but - it only shows a half page of data! The data continues where it left off on the third page!

So, to sum up:

1st Page: Footer with detail section containing 16 rows of data.

3rd thru 14th Page: No footer section with 28 rows of data.

2nd Page: No footer with only 16 rows of data.

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Reports :: Different Report Margins On First Page?

Dec 30, 2013

I'm using Access 2003.

Is it possible to set the top margin on the first page of an Access report different from all the other pages?

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Reports :: Can A Report Be Published On Web Page

Apr 11, 2014

I have report &/or form which lists booking availability, basically a list dates & number of spaces. I would like to publish it to my wordpress website somehow, preferably quick & easy, not too much export import etc.

Access 2007.

I know I can export to html just note sure if this is the best way & how I then publish it to my wordpress site or upload via ftp hopefully from within Access.

Thought about google spreadsheet, this can be very easily integrated into Wordpress, html code provided.

How to get data to google? Just not sure how it could all fit together or even possible.

Also this export to html does not format very nicely, just black text so far, my report has colours & background colours (mostly from conditonal formatting)

There are a few wordpress plugins that have calendar availability apps but assume the data in web based (database) and no way to get at this.

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Reports :: Add / Expand Page In Report?

Aug 22, 2014

I have a report that needs to show about 20 different fields from 24 records. I have it set up in landscape view, with one record per line (running horizontally). It allows me to show about 15 of the fields, spanning two pages (wide). I don't know how to add a third page to show the remaining fields.There are no Groupings.

Also, is there a way to "wrap" text in the column header?

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