Reports :: Fields Not Showing All Data (Displaying Around 250 Characters)

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that runs from a query with fields but for some reason its not showing all the text in the field it only shows around 250 characters, I have the field to auto grow in size but still not working?

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Reports :: Displaying All Fields Of A Record In One Page

Oct 24, 2013

While creating a report , I find that the number of fields are more for a single record, and cannot be accommodated in a single sheet of A4 size paper(Landscape). So what is to be done so that all the fields can be incorporated in the report for a single record on the same page? I don't mind if all the fields for the single record are displayed in two/three lines on the same page.

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Reports :: Form Not Displaying Data Properly

Jul 29, 2015

I am brand new to MS Access 2013 & VBA.There is a form that collects the data and writes it to a SQL database. The form is a certificate order form for a school. There are two tables that data is written to. dbo.CertificateMaster & dbo.CertificationModules. There is a relationship between the two tables. A person will request the certificate and included in the request are the subject(modules) that the person has studied.As part of the request the college/school needs a printed copy of the request.As the report opens I need it populate certain fields with their full names. To do this I use the following script

Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim strSQL1 As String, db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String, db2 As DAO.Database, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL3 As String, db3 As DAO.Database, rs3 As DAO.Recordset


Problem 1:

When drawing the data from dbo_tblCourse_Department I need to populate 4 textboxes on the report. I am able to populate PgmTitle &NQFLevel, but I keep getting "Item not found in this collection error for Credits & SAQAID.

Problem 2:

I need to populate the various courses with their name which is extracted from dbo_tblCourses. However only the first course name is visible in the report. I have tried all sorts of different iterations with IF Then or Do While to get the names in the correct line of the report.

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Reports :: Report Showing Data From Previous Run?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a REPORT containing 7 ('columnar') subreports. Each subreport is to show showing a days worth of medical doses.... to visually represent a wall planner.

When the report loads - user enters a week value # via Inputbox(). This value is written to a TEMP table. Each subreport accesses this same TEMP table to retrieve the week # value. In the Recordsource for each subreport I have the following code :


... where the DayVal goes from 1...7 corresponding to the columnar position of each subreport on the display ie. for each day of the week.

The problem I am having is that when the report runs - I see the display showing the data from when the report was previously run. ie. I have to run the report twice to see the data for the correct week value entered. All the SQL works as expected when I run from Query view but when I run through VBA..

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Reports :: None Of Query Data Showing On Report?

Mar 6, 2014

I created a Report from a query. The query shows the correct data that should be on the Report. I created the report to sort by Field A and then sum Fields D, E, & F. None of the query data shows up on the Report. I;m stymied as to why I can see data on a query, but the ONLY data that shows up on the Report is Field A. None of the summations show. All are blank with the box outline.

I've created the report 3x thinking I did something incorrect. Whatever it is, I did it 3x!

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Reports :: Showing Unlinked Data From Table

Mar 26, 2015

I have three tables.

The first is my table of pupils which is linked to the second table: a list of awards and a score 1-5

My third table is the list of 10 awards.

My problem is that (in my report) I want to show all 10 awards for each pupil regardless of if they have achieved them. I'm struggling with the underlying query to always show all 10 awards.

So, little Johnny has achieved a score of 5 in two of the awards, however the report card will show blanks for the remaining awards on his report.

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Reports :: Bound Text Field - Displaying Data Horizontally

Jan 22, 2015

I have only one bound text field in my report. By default, it shows the results (150 records ) vertically. I wish to show them horizontally, 5 in a row. How to do this.

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Some Fields Intermittently Not Showing Data In Access 2013

Feb 12, 2014

I've recently moved up to Access 2013 (from Access 2010) and everything went well, until one day my splash screen was blank and the program had empty fields...after seeing that all the links to the BE were OK, I re-booted and everything worked fine....until the next day the same thing happened...... The program randomly falls over about once or twice a week and I have to re-boot to cure it.....

My splash screen has a standard dlookup ( [=DLookUp("Banner","tblCompanyInfo")] ) to display the active company name...and sometimes its populated and other times its not..... if its not populated then loads of other fields on the forms are also blank - even if they point to valid data in the database!!!!!!

Win7 (both 32 and 64bit) with Access 2013 32bit on three PC's - same problem on all!!!!

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General :: Some Fields Intermittently Not Showing Data In Access 2013?

Feb 13, 2014

I've recently moved up to Access 2013 (from Access 2010) and everything went well, until one day my splash screen was blank and the program had empty fields...after seeing that all the links to the BE were OK, I re-booted and everything worked fine....until the next day the same thing happened...... The program randomly falls over about once or twice a week and I have to re-boot to cure it.....

My splash screen has a standard dlookup ( [=DLookUp("Banner","tblCompanyInfo")] ) to display the active company name...and sometimes its populated and other times its not..... if its not populated then loads of other fields on the forms are also blank - even if they point to valid data in the database!

I run Win7 (both 32 and 64bit) with Access 2013 32bit on three PC's - same problem on all!

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Specific Fields Of Data Set Based On Combobox Choice

Sep 19, 2014

I have a Table with 57 fields. I would like to display this table in a form as a subform, but only certain fields depending on what selection is made in a combo box.

For instance, if the user selects "Missing Information" in the Combo Box, then the form will show a few standard fields such as ID, Market, Sales Manager, and then some specific ones such as date missing information requested and date missing information received.

If the user selects another option, again the standard fields will remain plus a few different ones.

I have done much searching on this and feel like I am so close but so far. I have looked into controlling the record source of the subform, columhidden =false and a multitude of others. All of which may or in fact probably do work in this situation but I can't seem to put it all together.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Data From Table To Excel Showing Only Ticked Fields

Apr 24, 2014

My database only has one table of data so it's not complicated.I would like to create a form that can create customisable Excel exports of the data based on set conditions and exporting only select fields. URL...I have one table of data (tblCustomers) which contains all of the fields in the box above.

I would like export the data from the table to excel showing only the fields that are ticked in the box (frmCustomReport).The check boxes are named chk then whatever the field name is eg. chkLocation, chkStatus. The labels are the names of the fields in tblCustomers. Is there a way to do this in SQL or VBA?

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Reports :: Sudden Graphical Glitches When Displaying Reports?

Apr 24, 2013

Just encountered a new issue in my Access database whereby reports and forms often appear transparent and graphically glitch all over the place. Hard to describe but the following screenshot will demonstrate:


If I zoom into a report then it renders properly and will print OK. If I refresh a form then that seems to fix it temporarily.

This has only started happening since we upgraded our server last week.


Access front end.
MySQL back end.
Users have a copy of the front end on all of their PCs. This issue is affecting everyone.

The database backend isn't stored on the server we recently replaced.

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Displaying Reports Within The Reports-Object List

Apr 10, 2005

I am working on my DB for work and would like to display all of the report names that are listed in the Reports-Objects of my DB.

I would like to display a Form with two boxes. The left box would display the names of the reports as listed in the Objects-Reports. When a report is highlighted in the left box it would give a description of the report in the right box. When you double click on the report name it would open the report.

Since I am fairly new to Access could you give me an example of what I would like to accomplish? Your assistance is appreciated.


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Reports :: Displaying Linked Images In Reports

Jul 9, 2013

Access 2007
Windows Vista
GOAL: Display linked images in image control, and to ultimately to export reports to pdf to share with family by email or to print
ERROR: There isnt enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.

Ive created a DB for family heirlooms and as part of this Ive included images. Ive done this by storing the filename of the picture as text in the table tblPicture with a one to many relationship to the tblItem. This allows for many pictures of the item itself. I wanted to be able to show the most represent able photo of each item and added a checkbox titled primary picture to the tblPicture. I use this value in the querys to filter out all but one image per record.

I've added around 450 items to date, many of which have multiple pictures. I have started to run into some memory trouble now when running a few query driven reports.

I have stored only the file name in a text field in a table of the DB. I store all of my images in an images folder that is relative and constant to the DB location. I use code to display the images on the form with no problems (yet).

For displaying images on my reports,
1. I check to see if the record has an image path stored
2. If not I set the image control on the report to nothing
3. If there is a relative path stored I collect the DB path, and add the relative path and set the image control to that concatenated path

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim strDBPath As String
Dim strRelativePath As String
Dim strPath As String


Lastly, I have a few different pre-built reports that generate any number of records. I can select by the original owner of the item. If that person has only a few items to their name I have no can I set up my report to display my reports with images to avoid the lack of memory. Is using the image control and setting the picture property in code wrong?

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Reports :: Yes / No Data Type Fields On Report

Aug 28, 2014

I've got a table that has several yes/no data type fields. I'm trying to the data into a report and show either yes or no as opposed to -1 or 0.

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Reports :: Shrink Blank Address Fields When There Is Other Data?

Mar 21, 2013

I designed and used an Access 2003 for some time but I have recently updated to Access 2013 and want to rejig and improve my database. My query is that I need to print invoices from my database, there is a header section with my details, then a section with the customers name and address at the left hand side, and the invoice details such as invoice number, invoice date, PO number, credit terms, etc. at the right hand side. I would like to remove any blank lines from the customers address but to still have the invoice details at the right formatted and spaced correctly. Is there any way of doing this, the canshrink property will not work due to the invoice details which still need to be printed to the right?

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Reports :: Remove Characters Before 1st Space

Mar 11, 2013

What forumla could I use in a report field to remove all characters before the first space in a text field e.g.

32A Bank Street --> Bank Street
19 Alder Street --> Alder Street

I've tried =Right([JLADD1],Len([JLADD1])-2) but this obviously doesn't work for the first example above.

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Reports :: No Numeric Characters In Print Preview

Aug 24, 2013

I have created a new simple db in Access 2007.

In the Reports, when I go to print preview or even print it none of the numeric characters are displayed.

It does not seem to matter if the character is in a numeric field or a text field and only seems to be characters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.

In the fields with a negative value the - sign is dispayed!

I have checked and appears to be only Access this is occurring with (Excel seems fine).

I have checked another database and it happens there as well.

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Reports :: Include Special Characters In Export

Apr 29, 2015

I'm trying to export either a report or a query to excel with a field name that has special characters "()". I wouldn't normally ever do this (everyone knows not to use special characters) but we're using this to import the excel document to a website, and the field name MUST be what they specified in order for the import to be successful. Is there any way to rename the field name at export, since I can't use special characters on the query or report itself?

The field name is currently DepType, but it must be
*Dependent Type
Spouse/Partner or Child/Dependent
(Required for Dependents only)
EXACTLY or it will not import.

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Reports :: Export To PDF Makes Strange Characters

Jun 11, 2015

I've created a report which i'm exporting to PDF,but when I open the PDF I can see that some characters are replaced by a question-mark in a box.

for example : RMA Number: the empty characters after number and the : are replaced by a questionmark in a box...if I export to other programs i don't have this problem..

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Split Characters And Put Into Text Fields

Jul 30, 2013

How to split characters:

Example: my expression is

I want split this and put it to 4 text field
field1: 2
field2: 12
field3: 1
field4: 10

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Reports :: Showing Up To 28 Day Average?

Jul 22, 2014

What I am thinking of is to have a fairly simple table, as follows:

Supervisor Name
Day type (Sat, Sun or Weekday)
Duty Number (combo box, looked up from a separate small table)
Time Start (auto-completed based on Duty Number)
Time End (auto-completed based on Duty Number)
Target A (which would be a number such as 1.20 or 0.90)
Target B (which would be a percentage such as 85.00%
Result A (same format as Target A)
Result B (same format as Target B)

Restriction (whole number, no decimal places)
Output 1 (percentage)
Output 2 (percentage)

Then have a report that shows each day's data for each day worked, with a set of text boxes at the bottom of the page in the footer area most likely, that show the average of all Target, Result, Output and Restriction fields for all the dates shown on the report.

It would be most likely to be ran for a 7 day period or a 28 day period, but if it could be made able to cope with any number between the dates specified at the time that the report was being pulled, that would be ideal.

Is this possible, and what would the code be to get a field to calculate the averages at the bottom (I presume that this code would have to be different to handle the decimals or the percentages?)?

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Reports :: Displaying Currency In Thousands?

Apr 16, 2013

I am working on a forecasting report that has many values, mostly in the millions of dollars. I would like to display my $ fields in the thousands of $ so that I can make the text font larger and most easily readable. How do I do this so that instead of, for instance, $2,259,123, I display $2,259.

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Reports :: Counting And Displaying All Different Values

Dec 9, 2014

As part of the report I'd like to have a table that would list all different values in column in column A and the number of times they appear in the table in column B.I have a bit of a hard time how to populate the table the easiest way.I have all the values in a separate source table, so first column is easier. but do i have to write the dcount statement for each row for second column?Could I display results of query as subquery in report.If you have a bunch of textboxes with increasing names like NameBox1... for for/next loops in reports... is there an easy way to assign those names?

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Reports :: Getting Blank In Text Box Instead Of Displaying Zero

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to display zeros in a report and at present I'm getting blank in text box where the value is zero. How do I display zero?

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