I have a report based on a query.There is a field in my personnel table and the query: [Field] with values from my lookup table and has three choices:
I have a report and would like to filter based on [Field].I can filter by putting [Field]=Inspection on the Filter On Load, then typing 1 into the parameter box. And it works.I cannot however choose more than one of the three choices and I have to type the number in. Fine for me but it won't be for other users.it is used for more than one report. I would also like to avoid having seperate queries for all these reports.In other words, I would like to filter the report, not the query.
I have a report containing all the fields from my "main table". I want to create buttons on a from that will filter information from the report. For instance, I have a field titled "Priority". I want to create a button that will filter the report to only show records with a "Level 1" priority. Is there anyway I can do this using VBA?
I have following table, forms and reports in my access database:
Tables: 1- maintbl Query: 1- mainquery based on maintbl Forms: 1- Input or mainform based on mainquery 2- unbound form: to Filter report Report: 1-mainreport based on mainquery
I want to filter report on followings: Name(Text) Month(Text) Year (Number)
I have 3 combo boxes on ubound form and want to filter report based on three above mentioned criterias.
I made a report that show a list of data where there is a date. It sorts the report by year then by month.I collects the information about the date from a field in a table where the whole date is inserted (example28.12.2014. (date/month/year)).What I want is to make a combobox or a listbox where you would chose a year you want it to show you the report for and a button that would open the report.So to make it clear in a form you would have a combobox where years would be displayed (and i would like the combobox to somehow know what years are inserted in the table), you select the year and click on the button that would open the report for that year.
The report name is "rptClients". The table from where the data for report is taken is "tblCustomers" and the field where the date is in the table is called "DateOfUse".Also in the report the date is in a field called "DateOfUse" also.
In my report I have a field called "Packages" and my subreport consists of a table, one of the columns is "Packages" so I want to use the value that I have in "Packages" to filter for only those items in the sub report.
I have a report filter that filters the reports by month and year:
DoCmd.OpenReport "AttWholeCity", acPreview, , " Month = '" & txtCourseDateMonth & "' AND Year = '" & txtCourseDateYear & "'"
I want the code to also show these two columns where there are null/blank values aswell, for example if I filter by apr 2015 i want the report to show these columns as well as blank columns is this possible
I'm using the following code to filter a report by using a multi-select box.
Code: Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String Dim ctl As Control Dim varItem As Variant
I have a report that contains a subreport. The report is simply an image of a word document. The subreport will contain the actual data.When I open the subreport, the IN query works perfectly. When I open the main report, I only get the first record listed in the IN query. I have the master/child links set properly.
I have a report on this report there is a Destination City field and a Current City field, loaded from a table. I have a command button that loads a form to filter on the destination city, I have another command button that loads a form to filter on the current city location.
What I would like is, when I use the form to filter the destination city, then load the form to filter on current city, I want the listbox on the form for the current city to only list cities that are associated with that destination. Both form listboxes have the rowsource from the same table, just different fields. Is this possible?
I have a report, rptAllCSCS which is based on a query qryCSCS2...
One of the fields in qryCSCS2 is Status and each record is either "Current" or "Not Current"...
My report is being viewed via a navigation form, so one of the tabs says CSCS and when clicked the user can see the report...
I have added a button in the report header which when clicked opens the report in print preview so the user can print the report. (Done with a macro in the On Click of the button.)
I would like to add a combo box cmbStatus which has the values "Current" and "All" in the report header. (Current will show only when the Status field = Current and All shows all records so Current and Not Current together). This will act as a filter for the user to see the corresponding records and they can then press the print button or just view on screen.
I haven't worked with filters before except when you specify the criteria in the query and point it to a control on a form which then opens the report... As this report is already open I'm having trouble, as well as specifying the "path" when something is in a navigation form being a bit tricky...
I have a report with 2 option groups, I cannot get both of them to filter the data simataneously, they will each inititally filter the data, but when the opposite group it clicked, the previous filter data does not remain filtered. I have posted the code for the two option groups, I know I'm doing something wrong.
First option group code: Private Sub Frame43_Click() Select Case Me.Frame43.VALUE Case 1 Me.Filter = "allowable_weight Like '263000'" Me.FilterOn = True
My problem I am having is that in my database you can click around to different customers info on forms and from there you can click on a button to get to another form that lists all of the customers vehicles. From there I have a billing report that I created and I am trying to filter the report to get what I want on there.
I have been searching around and have found codes to filter reports so that right now I have it when I click on Billing Report it filters by the customers form i am on. But now where i am having some issues is that I am also looking to filter by a yes/no field so that anything clicked yes for that customer will be filtered to show on this report.
I have a database which have tbl1 with field admission year with data like august/2007, august/2008. i have entered all data with form1. My problem is that i want filter report. user click a button so a form opened and than he entered data in a text box like august/2007 when he click on show report button only those pages which have august/2007 text will display in report. second time when user change text like august/2008 in text box report also show changes.
I am using a form to filter information so that I can open a report. The report displays information pertaining job costs. Each month the company I work for records their labor, costs, and travel in a form with a year to date amount. Right now, I am having a problem opening up a report for one specific job and a specific month. So what I want the dialogue box to do is to pick from a list of jobs then pick from a list of months, click a button that prompts a preview of the report.
The data the query pulls is employee name, course ID, course name and course completed date. I have added criteria in the query that asks for the Course ID to filter on a given course and a dynamic field in the query AnnualReqDate: DateAdd("d",+365,[TrainingCourseCompleted]). What this returns is a list of employees that have completed course X the date they completed and the date (12 months) when the course is due. This works great, have created a report that reflects this very well.
The issue comes in when I try to add the ability to filter by date range on the AnnualReqDate dynamic field. the AnnualReqDate dynamic field does not exist until the query is run the Between [Start Date] And [End Date] criteria add to the AnnualReqDate dynamic field wont work.The query fires off but returns zero records.
I have a report [Report1] that gets its data from a query [Query1]. On [Report1] there is an unbound text box [EnterEndDate] that I want to use as a filter for the report criteria, and have it filter the report to show every report row with the value in the [EndDate] field greater than what the user entered in [EnterEndDate].
There is no need to save the value used in [EnterEndDate]. It will be entered after the report is run and changed on demand while the report is open for the user to see different date ranges.
I have a report based on a query, the report loads filter based on dates input to the query from Form1 when report loads. I want to filter this report further from a listbox on form2, but I want the listbox rowsource to populate based on a field in the loaded report. Is this possible?
I am quite new to Access and have been working with a sample DB from Microsoft. I have been looking for some ways to filter a report based on the values in some comboboxes, and have followed the instructions on a website (can't post link yet).
I also looked at this file (**can't post link yet**) and it seems like everything works fine here. So I started a new DB with my own table, and tried to do the same thing as in this file.
Everything works fine.
But when I try all these steps in my own DB (the sample DB from Microsoft), it doesn't work.
When I filter by "Status" (f.ex: "In Progress" or "Not Started"), it seems to work fine.
However, when I filter by "Assigned To", I get the following error message: "Data Type Mismatch in criteria expression". So I googled this error message , but this field has nothing to do with any date formatting.
It gets even stranger when I try to filter by "Project":
Then a new pop up appears and asks me to enter the "Project".
I have a command button as a field in a continuous subform which is based on a table. I click it and it opens a report. I need the report to be filtered by the ID of said record and not to show all the records.
I'm using pbauldy's code to filter a report by a multi-select listbox. The only issue is..how do I include more (7 to be exact) listboxes to the code? It seems the OpenReport vba is only allowing 1 where clause?
Code: Dim strWhere As String Dim ctl As Control Dim varItem As Variant 'add selected values to string Set ctl = Me.VP_ListBox
I am trying to create a report that filters out certain records in a look-up field.
The field is called "program status", and the options are: Housed Evicted/Un-housed Grad GRAI Closed
I want the report to display only records that are classified as "Housed" or "Evicted/Un-housed". Additionally, I'd like to be able to create a second report with only the Grad, GRAI, and Closed records.
My Access 2003 Database contains the following objects:
1. tblTrackerData - this contains over 1,000 student enrollment records. One of the fields "QualCourseName" (text) contains the name of the Training Course that the student has enrolled in.
2. qryCourseNamesGrouped is a query based upon the above table with one field only - QualCourseName. This includes the names of the training courses and has been grouped so that only 17 training courses appear, not over 1,000.
3. frmParameter is a form that includes a combo box cboFiltered based on the above query AND a command button CmdFiltered to open a report rptCourseNamesGrouped and filter the report based on the selection made from the combo box.
I have added the following code to the OnClick event attached to the cmd button" ================================================== ======
Private Sub cboFiltered_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cboFiltered_Click Dim stDocName As String
When I click on the cmd button, the entire report is opened, instead of the selection that I made in the dropdown list.
I am using the Navigation form and I have a tab that has all the sales quotes for a particular salesperson. Because my salespeople like to work with paper I have created sub tabs which contain a report with the same information but filtered based as follows: this Month, this year, and Last year. This report needs to be printable based on the filtered information so I created a print button within the report however when clicked it prints the entire report not the filtered report.
The filter criteria is located in the navigation button, navigation where under the data properties. I have the on click event of the button set to open the report in print preview but I need to know how I filter the where in the macro to read the criteria from the active navigation button property?
I have a report based on a query that I put inside a form. What I want to do is create 4 comboboxes from which users can choose options that will filter the report without leaving the form or opening the report in a separate window. Also, I want to make the filters dependent on each other, meaning if a select option A on combobox 1, the options i will select on combobox 2 will only be based on the earlier filter on combobox 1 ...
So far I'm able to do at least 2 of the comboboxes to filter the report, but they aren't based on which one was used to filter the report first. So if i filter the records by choosing option A on combobox 1, combobox 2 will still filter every record.
here's my 2 codes so far:
Private Sub cboLocation_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo Proc_Error If IsNull(Me.cboLocation) Then Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.Filter = "" Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.FilterOn = False Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.Requery
the other 2 comboboxes, I can't apply the same code cause the enter parameter dialog keeps popping out.
I'm trying to use a command button in a form to filter and open a report. I am able to get it to open the report, but I cannot get it to filter the report based on a combobox in the form. I've tried every combination of code I could think of and find. Here is what I currently have:
Code: Private Sub FilterReport_Click() DoCmd.OpenReport "Report", acViewReport, "First Name='" & Me.FName & "'" End Sub
Code: Option Compare Database Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer) Me.RecordSource = Me.FName End Sub
"FilterReport" = Form Button "Report" = Report "First Name" = Report Field "FName" = Form Combo Box