Reports :: Filter Between 4 Conditions - Setup Buttons

Dec 12, 2013

I recently took over a DB that is based on switchboard form upon opening. Haven't done anythng with switchboards, my question is.

On my report that I have open up I would like to filter between 4 conditions. Would it be best to setup buttons in the report after it is run, or have something in the swithboard code that will filter before it gets to the report? I have looked at the code for the switchboard and it looks "greek" to me.

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Forms :: Filter Form With Multiple Conditions?

Mar 12, 2014

I want to open a filter form with mulitple of them is a date condition.

I'm using access 2013 and the code below:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Edit_Mission", acNormal, , "[Report_Date]= " & Me.Date & " And [Supporter_Name]='" & Me.Supporter & "'"

it's opens the form but with no data. I also tried the # and it's still didn't work.

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Reports :: Using Conditions On Reports - Highlight Different Outputs According To Age

Dec 18, 2013

I have reports, that are based around dates. Is it possible to make a report highlight different report outputs according to age?

In other words, if an entry is older than say 15 days, highlight it in blue, if its older than 30 days highlight in orange etc...

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Reports :: How To Setup Graph Y-axis In Report

Jun 20, 2013

How To Setup The Graph's Y-axis in Report.

When I Key in the data MONTH and SCORE. The month not following accordingly.

Example: i key in Jan first followed by Feb...Mar...

The Graph Displayed the Jan in behind (right)

like ->> Mar Feb Jan

How to fix the y-axis ?

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Reports :: Text Box Control Source With Conditions

Dec 24, 2013

I built an expression for the control source in Access 2007 report as follows:

=Sum([Weighted Value])/(Sum([CourseInfo.Credit])-Sum(IIf([StudentClassRecord].[Grade]="P",[CourseInfo].[Credit],0)))

This is to calculate the GPA. However, sometimes the denominator can become 0 and an error us returned. I would like to get "NA" in return instead.

All the field names are derived from table or query. I tried to aggregate the IIF function but ran into error message.

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Filter Buttons

Aug 5, 2005

Please help!!
I have a form with a "filter by form" button generated by a macro and it works fine. Now I need a button so that the user will not have to use the funnel button in the toolbar to apply the filter. When I tried to place an apply filter button in the form, both buttons become greyed out and the only way is to click the funnel in the toolbar. Any help!!


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Reports :: Using Form With Command Buttons To Set Criteria - Quarterly Reports

Jul 17, 2015

I am using a form with command buttons on it to set the criteria in my query to run the report.

Example : cmdQ1 'Command Button

PHP Code:

'1st Quarterly Report.
BeginDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Int((Month(Date) - 1) / 3) * 3 + 1, 1)
EndDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Int((Month(Date) - 1) / 3) * 3 + 4, 0) 

I managed to get this far but need to continue on with 2,3, and 4th quarters.

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Filter Form With Option Buttons

Oct 4, 2005

Hi All,

Just wondered if anyone can help me with this.

I have a form based on a query that has 16 options for values in one of the fields. I wanted to put an option button for each value on a form that would allow the user to view the records based on which option buttons were selected and have the form update accordingly.

The way I've gone about it is to have some code in the after_update event thingimy of each option button that updates a boolean value in a table that's linked to the underlying query the form is based on - but this just seems a long way to go about this... plus it's not working...

I've searched the archives for clues on this but haven't come up with anything. So I just wondered, is there a better way than what I'm doing. I'm not after somebody to do this for me, just point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,


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Forms :: Filter And Sort Using Custom Buttons

Sep 24, 2013

I am using Microsoft Access 2010. It provides great filtering and sorting options in the ribbon for any object. But what if I hide the ribbon and want to create custom buttons on the form to do the filtering and sorting job? There are some filter options available in macros but are not quite like the ribbon's own Filter button. When the Filter button is clicked from the Robbin, a filter menu pops-up under the active field, which doesn't happen when I try to do it using Macro functions like "Apply Filter" or "Set Filter" etc. I want to have that big "FILTER" button from the Ribbon on my form.

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General :: Wizard Not Working When Adding Filter Buttons

Jun 19, 2012

I seem to be having a problem with access 2007

When I use the filter by form, filter by selection, and toggle filter buttons located on the ribbon, they work normally on my form, in the usual way.

However when I use the button wizard to add the various available filter buttons to my form, it adds the buttons with the correct graphics on - but in form view clicking on the buttons does not actually do anything.

I've tried running compact and repair but still the same.

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Forms :: Buttons In Navigation Form To Filter Report Data

Sep 23, 2014

I want to create a navigation form, or any form for that matter that has an embedded report. The report has data arranged by ClientID. I would like to create buttons down the left side of my form (why I thought a navigation form could work) where I can put the client name on the buttons and when I click them the report will filter to only show that clients data. I have client tables and the report data linked in queries, but just need to know how to get started with these buttons acting as ID sorters.

For example:
ClientID: 1 = Client: ABC Corp

In my report ClientID 1's data is grouped along with all other client ID's.

In my form I'd like buttons down the left side with ABC Corp written on it (followed by buttons for the other clients) and then when I click the ABC Corp button only ABC Corp's data shows on the page from the embedded report...

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Round Buttons Or Oval Buttons Instead Of The Normal Square Buttons

May 30, 2005

Hello everybody,

I’m new here and I have a question for you..

Is it possible to place round buttons or oval buttons on your forms instead of the normal square ones?



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Command Buttons On Reports

Feb 20, 2008

Is it possible to put a command button on a report? I can't do any kind of programming so only use the command button wizards.
I'd like to have a button to click on in order to print or close the report, rather than use the menu bar.
Is this possible, easily?
Thanks very much.

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Reports :: Form With Several Command Buttons To Run Report

Apr 11, 2013

I have a form with several command buttons to run reports. When I open the form I used the docmd.maximize and when I use the button to run the report it runs but when I close the report it returns to the form which is now sized not maximized. I want to have the form as it was before I opened the report.

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Modules & VBA :: Looping Through Toggle Buttons To Email Reports

Apr 4, 2014

I have VBA to send multiple reports to a group of people depending on a toggle button selection. what I'm wanting to do is have it loop through the e mail process until all 5 toggle buttons have been selected and the reports have been E Mailed. Is this possible. Toggle buttons are named toggle1, toggle2 and so on.

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Reports :: Cannot Filter With A Particular Name

Dec 28, 2013

I have a table with the following fieldsAgencyUserID

So all the fields work perfectly when entries are added. There are multiple users in one AgencyName. So when I filter a PCC, I do not get the exact data. I've attached the database file. Password to login form is test

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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Reports :: Filter A Report Not Query

Jun 27, 2014

I have a report based on a query.There is a field in my personnel table and the query: [Field] with values from my lookup table and has three choices:


I have a report and would like to filter based on [Field].I can filter by putting [Field]=Inspection on the Filter On Load, then typing 1 into the parameter box. And it works.I cannot however choose more than one of the three choices and I have to type the number in. Fine for me but it won't be for other is used for more than one report. I would also like to avoid having seperate queries for all these reports.In other words, I would like to filter the report, not the query.

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Reports :: Filter Report Results With VBA?

Jun 7, 2013

I have a report containing all the fields from my "main table". I want to create buttons on a from that will filter information from the report. For instance, I have a field titled "Priority". I want to create a button that will filter the report to only show records with a "Level 1" priority. Is there anyway I can do this using VBA?

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Reports :: How To Filter Report Using 3 Criteria

Jan 18, 2015

I have following table, forms and reports in my access database:

1- maintbl
1- mainquery based on maintbl
1- Input or mainform based on mainquery
2- unbound form: to Filter report
1-mainreport based on mainquery


I want to filter report on followings:
Year (Number)

I have 3 combo boxes on ubound form and want to filter report based on three above mentioned criterias.

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Reports :: Filter Report Yearly

Aug 17, 2015

I made a report that show a list of data where there is a date. It sorts the report by year then by month.I collects the information about the date from a field in a table where the whole date is inserted (example28.12.2014. (date/month/year)).What I want is to make a combobox or a listbox where you would chose a year you want it to show you the report for and a button that would open the report.So to make it clear in a form you would have a combobox where years would be displayed (and i would like the combobox to somehow know what years are inserted in the table), you select the year and click on the button that would open the report for that year.

The report name is "rptClients". The table from where the data for report is taken is "tblCustomers" and the field where the date is in the table is called "DateOfUse".Also in the report the date is in a field called "DateOfUse" also.

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Reports :: Filter A Sub Report On Open

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to filter a subreport on open.

In my report I have a field called "Packages" and my subreport consists of a table, one of the columns is "Packages" so I want to use the value that I have in "Packages" to filter for only those items in the sub report.

Is this possible?

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Reports :: Open Filter Dialog With VBA

Jun 9, 2015

How to open the regular filterdialog (with the checkboxen for the different values) in a report with VBA. With the regular filterdialog I mean the one you get when you select a column and then push the filterbutton.

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Reports :: Filter Report By Month And Year

Apr 30, 2015

I have a report filter that filters the reports by month and year:


DoCmd.OpenReport "AttWholeCity", acPreview, , " Month = '" & txtCourseDateMonth & "' AND Year = '" & txtCourseDateYear & "'"

I want the code to also show these two columns where there are null/blank values aswell, for example if I filter by apr 2015 i want the report to show these columns as well as blank columns is this possible

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