Reports :: Form Not Displaying Data Properly

Jul 29, 2015

I am brand new to MS Access 2013 & VBA.There is a form that collects the data and writes it to a SQL database. The form is a certificate order form for a school. There are two tables that data is written to. dbo.CertificateMaster & dbo.CertificationModules. There is a relationship between the two tables. A person will request the certificate and included in the request are the subject(modules) that the person has studied.As part of the request the college/school needs a printed copy of the request.As the report opens I need it populate certain fields with their full names. To do this I use the following script

Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim strSQL1 As String, db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String, db2 As DAO.Database, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL3 As String, db3 As DAO.Database, rs3 As DAO.Recordset


Problem 1:

When drawing the data from dbo_tblCourse_Department I need to populate 4 textboxes on the report. I am able to populate PgmTitle &NQFLevel, but I keep getting "Item not found in this collection error for Credits & SAQAID.

Problem 2:

I need to populate the various courses with their name which is extracted from dbo_tblCourses. However only the first course name is visible in the report. I have tried all sorts of different iterations with IF Then or Do While to get the names in the correct line of the report.

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Datasheet View Not Displaying Properly

Apr 21, 2006

I'm using access 2003 sp2 with all the current updates. I've got several tables linked to a sql server 2000 DB. We use it for an app called Altiris. Most of the queries i've written from these various tables work fine. However, a couple of them for no apparent reason, do not display the correct data in the data sheet view when the query is ran.

for example, I have a simple query with two tables linked. The first field is asking for the "name" column of one of the tables. In the criteria of that column, I put something in to limit the names of the programs i'm looking for. Lets say I use LIKE '%adobe acrobat 7.0%' When I run the query, it returns a certain number of records, but in the name column, it has all wrong info. I just ran it and it came up with 4 records: "webcast....", "abacast client", "Ibm websphere", and something else. Nothing even close to "adobe...."

So then I export the query to an excel spreadsheet and then open. Guess what? It has the correct info. Four records of adobe acrobat. The other column I have is from the other table and is just listing pc names. They displayed properly in both datasheet and excel file.

does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? I've deleted the table and linked to it several times. I've used this table for many other queries and it works most of the time. I just have no idea what is causing it to do this for only a few queries.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Query Not Displaying Properly In Report

Apr 25, 2006

I run a Query based on some data in a "drop-down" box. It works in just datasheet view, but when I print it on a report, it displays the position that the data is in the drop-down box.
How do I display the data, not the position on the report? Here's an example:
My drop down box contains:

My query returns apples, but in the report view it displays the number "1" instead of my data "apples". If the query returned oranges, the report would display "2" instead of "oranges" and so on.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Command Buttons Are Not Displaying Properly?

Jul 10, 2013

Access 2013 People,where the command buttons are not displaying properly?Notice the words and images are nice and centered in the buttons. The buttons are all the same size.Now look at the same DB in Access 2013:

See how the buttons look bloated and the images and wording are not centered anymore. And working on it in design view is a nightmare! When you try to move the command button part of it is left behind every time to try to move it.You can turn the themes property to "Off" but I like the themes.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box Not Displaying Properly

Nov 18, 2013

I have a cascading combo box on a work order form that pulls the contacts from the customer selected in the main box.

It's working fine, values are printing fine on the reports, etc. however on the form itself - when you change from one record to another....the value is not displayed even though it's there if you click the report.

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Reports :: Fields Not Showing All Data (Displaying Around 250 Characters)

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that runs from a query with fields but for some reason its not showing all the text in the field it only shows around 250 characters, I have the field to auto grow in size but still not working?

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Reports :: Bound Text Field - Displaying Data Horizontally

Jan 22, 2015

I have only one bound text field in my report. By default, it shows the results (150 records ) vertically. I wish to show them horizontally, 5 in a row. How to do this.

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Form Not Displaying Data

Feb 10, 2005

I recently have made some changes to a bound form that someone else created. Since I made the changes, simply adding a couple more linked textboxes, the form will not populate any of the fields until I lose focus from this main form to another form and come back. I have tried adding me.requery, me.refresh to the onActive event, but it does not work.

Also this only occurs on 2 machines. If I try it on mine or a couple of other computers in the company the program works fine.

I am at a complete loss as to what to do and could really use some help on this one.

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2 Querries Displaying Data In An Existing Form

Mar 16, 2007

i have 2 querrys with the same fields but different criteria (one is to search a person throw their id and the other one to search a person by their surname and dob). i can't work out how to display the results of the querries to an existing form i have. Can anyone help me please?

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Reports :: Sudden Graphical Glitches When Displaying Reports?

Apr 24, 2013

Just encountered a new issue in my Access database whereby reports and forms often appear transparent and graphically glitch all over the place. Hard to describe but the following screenshot will demonstrate:


If I zoom into a report then it renders properly and will print OK. If I refresh a form then that seems to fix it temporarily.

This has only started happening since we upgraded our server last week.


Access front end.
MySQL back end.
Users have a copy of the front end on all of their PCs. This issue is affecting everyone.

The database backend isn't stored on the server we recently replaced.

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Error 2448 - Displaying Data From One Form On Another Using Textbox

Aug 25, 2015

I'm simply trying to display the data from an open form named frmEventInput fields: [EventName] and [Description] on a new form that includes 2 text boxes with the control sources and names: [txtEventName] and [txtDescription]

It says Error 2448, You can't assign a value to this object!

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim LResponse As Integer
LResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to open 'Event Participant Registration Form'?", vbYesNo, "Continue")
If LResponse = vbYes Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

[Code] ....

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Displaying Reports Within The Reports-Object List

Apr 10, 2005

I am working on my DB for work and would like to display all of the report names that are listed in the Reports-Objects of my DB.

I would like to display a Form with two boxes. The left box would display the names of the reports as listed in the Objects-Reports. When a report is highlighted in the left box it would give a description of the report in the right box. When you double click on the report name it would open the report.

Since I am fairly new to Access could you give me an example of what I would like to accomplish? Your assistance is appreciated.


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Reports :: Displaying Linked Images In Reports

Jul 9, 2013

Access 2007
Windows Vista
GOAL: Display linked images in image control, and to ultimately to export reports to pdf to share with family by email or to print
ERROR: There isnt enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again.

Ive created a DB for family heirlooms and as part of this Ive included images. Ive done this by storing the filename of the picture as text in the table tblPicture with a one to many relationship to the tblItem. This allows for many pictures of the item itself. I wanted to be able to show the most represent able photo of each item and added a checkbox titled primary picture to the tblPicture. I use this value in the querys to filter out all but one image per record.

I've added around 450 items to date, many of which have multiple pictures. I have started to run into some memory trouble now when running a few query driven reports.

I have stored only the file name in a text field in a table of the DB. I store all of my images in an images folder that is relative and constant to the DB location. I use code to display the images on the form with no problems (yet).

For displaying images on my reports,
1. I check to see if the record has an image path stored
2. If not I set the image control on the report to nothing
3. If there is a relative path stored I collect the DB path, and add the relative path and set the image control to that concatenated path

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim strDBPath As String
Dim strRelativePath As String
Dim strPath As String


Lastly, I have a few different pre-built reports that generate any number of records. I can select by the original owner of the item. If that person has only a few items to their name I have no can I set up my report to display my reports with images to avoid the lack of memory. Is using the image control and setting the picture property in code wrong?

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Form Not Loading Properly

Aug 8, 2006

I am running a form on top of a query with around 1500 records in it. The query mostly uses tables that are joined with referential integrity.

The form has buttons and conditional formatting.

It was fine until today, when suddenly the form has stopped loading properly. It looks all fragmented on the screen and I have to scroll down and scroll back up again for it to look right.

I have searched everywhere to find out what is causing this and how it can be fixed, but no luck yet. Can you help?


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Filter By Form Not Working Properly

Feb 13, 2007


I'm working in Access 97 and I've got a form that I want to use to create filters with.

There are a couple of things that I'm not clear about and I'd appreciate any suggestions that you can make:

1. The form seems to remember the last filter, so when I click on the Filter by form button it shows the last filter by default. I've included the following in the click event:
RunCommand (acCmdRemoveFilterSort)
Me.FilterOn = False
RunCommand (acCmdFilterByForm)
Surely either of the first two statements should remove the filter, shouldn't they? and if not then what are they for?

2. I can't get the 'OR' tabs to show at the bottom of the filter by form screen unless I apply the filter once and then click on the filter by form button again. Is there any way of forcing these tabs to appear?

Thanks for any help/advice you can offer.

Bernard D

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Form Information Not Being Transferred Properly

Feb 16, 2006

Okay, here's a question that should hopefully be simple. I have a form that I am setting the default value of two text boxes based on the form previous. Here's basically the rundown of what happensfrmForm1Input Month: FebruaryInput Year: 2012OK - Opens frmForm2 and then closes this one---------frmForm2Month_Default_Value: #Name?Year_Default_Value: 2012---------And this always happens for every month and every year. So could you tell me what could possibly be wrong with my "Month" default value? Here's the code...Private Sub Form_Load()Month_Query = [Forms]![frmStatementDialog]![Month]Year_Query = [Forms]![frmStatementDialog]![Year]Me.Month.DefaultValue = Month_QueryMe.Year.DefaultValue = Year_QueryEnd SubThanks!--Mike

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I Need Help With Properly Re-creating And Old Form. (I'm New To Access And Have Q's)

May 29, 2006

I made a form a few years ago using Excel but it has become a major headache for anyone who wants to edit/update the content.

It's my responsibility to figure out how to fix this, but I don't really have any experience in form-creation! I'm not even sure what software to use... I've done some searching, and right now I'm thinking Access might have the tools that I need to help me complete this project (although I have no experience with the software at all right now).

I'm looking for some help on getting started.. so I will describe the project, and hopefully someone can answer a few of my questions.

This form has 3 sections: input, Q&A, and the summary. The input section is handled by the company before presenting the Q&A to a client. In the Q&A portion the client's name, company, and other personal information are pulled from the input section and placed mid-sentence in the questions. This is a personal touch we would like to keep when re-creating the form.

The Q&A portion also includes radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown lists and input fields where the client can type out their answers sometimes. Here is an example of what the first 2 pages may look like:

PAGE 1: Question 1:
Do you have a clearly defined purpose for your plan? If YES record the purpose below:
_______________________________________________ If NO, choose a sample purpose from the drop-down box
to help get you started:

PAGE 2: Question 2:
What selection critera did you use to select your service provider? Investment options provided Cost of service Support tools proved Quality of service

Enter any other reasons below:

One page per question.

The SUMMARY page will take client's answers and compact them into something more readable. The answers are listed one after another (no limit per page as with the questions). Also, the answers are to be displayed in sentence format. For example.. if a client checks off 3 items from a 5 item list, those three items should be listed in a sentence separated by commas. Here is an example summarizing the first 2 pages above:

Summary of Answers

1. Do you have a clearly defined purpose for your plan?
A. YES. (description of plan previously entered by client)

2. What selection critera did you use to select your service provider?
A. Investment options provided, and quality of service. Also (other resaons, provided by client)

This demonstrates the type of control that I need over the information. I managed to get Excel to do all these things.. but, like I said it is too complex to edit/update without accidently screwing things up. So lastly and most importantly... the final version of the form needs to be easy to edit!

So... does it look like Access the right program for the job? Maybe there are other programs out there that I should be looking at (something by Adobe maybe?)

But if you think Access can handle the job then do you have any tips to help me along my way? I'm not looking for specific step-by step instructions to help me build this of course.. I will figure most of it out by trial and error. But are there some major things I should be looking out for? Like, do I have to set up a particular kind of database, or use a particular kind of template? Is inserting the client's name mid-sentence a particularly difficult thing to do?

Any help to get started on this is much appreciated. THANKS.

Thanks so much.


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Continuous Form Wont Requery Properly

Apr 12, 2006

I have a continuous form (FormA) which shows records from TableA. There is a button on FormA which opens FormB. FormB allows a record to be added to TableA. On closing FormB, FormA should requery to show the most recent addition to TableA. This does not happen though, it is always a record behind, unless I close and reopen the form.

I'm using;


on my close button on FormB.

Any ideas? I have done a search but cant find a solution.

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Forms :: Form Not Visually Loading Properly

Jul 10, 2015

I have a pop-up modal form which is loaded (like 99% of my other forms) by a button on another form.

Unlike all of my other forms, however, it doesn't load its background properly. If I drag the window off screen and back or shrink and resize, it does look right, so I guess maybe it requires a refresh?Obviously, I don't want to rebuild the form from scratch, so maybe some vba which refreshes the screen?

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Forms :: Setting Form Focus Properly?

Jul 10, 2014

I have a Main Form with a tab control. On each of the six tabs is a SubForm that takes up the entire tab. So basically I have a tabbed interface for my forms, just with a bit more control over the layout than if I just opened the forms separately in the Access window.

Anyway, on one of those subforms is a button. When you click it, it opens a separate form in a pop-up window, which is used to find a specific record. Once that record is found, you can click another button, and the idea is that this pop-up window closes, and you return to the underlying form, which jumps to the record you selected.

So far so good. Now, if I am working on my program in Access, and I open that subform's source form separately in its own tab, click the icon to open the record finding form, find a record, and then click the button to load that record, the following code runs, and it runs flawlessly - closing the pop-up window, and passing the information back to the main form which displays the proper record:


Private Sub ViewRecord_Click()
Dim RecordID As Integer
RecordID = Me.ID
DoCmd.OpenForm "CDLExam", , , "ID = " & RecordID
DoCmd.Close acForm, "CDLExamCONT", acSaveNo
End Sub

Where my program falls apart is that, in actual use, this form is not open on its own. It's open as a subform on one tab of a tab control on a Main Form. So the third line of code falls apart. Access thinks I want to open CDLExam separately, but it can't because it's already open in the subform, so instead I just end up back at the main window like I want, but the form fails to move to the proper record. Basically, line 3 just doesn't do anything.

How can I make this work? I tried replacing "CDLExam" with the name of the main window, but then it tries to move to the record in the main window, which throws an error as the main window doesn't even have a record source attached to it.

how to refer to the SUBFORM which has CDLExam open, and tell THAT to move to the proper record.

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Images Not Showing Properly In Form Or Report

May 6, 2013

In one of my databases, I have a form and a report where the images stored in my tables are not showing properly for all entries. They show as an icon with the file name rather than the image itself. This is not true for every entry, so I don't think it would be a problem with how the form and report are set-up.

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Reports :: Displaying Currency In Thousands?

Apr 16, 2013

I am working on a forecasting report that has many values, mostly in the millions of dollars. I would like to display my $ fields in the thousands of $ so that I can make the text font larger and most easily readable. How do I do this so that instead of, for instance, $2,259,123, I display $2,259.

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Reports :: Counting And Displaying All Different Values

Dec 9, 2014

As part of the report I'd like to have a table that would list all different values in column in column A and the number of times they appear in the table in column B.I have a bit of a hard time how to populate the table the easiest way.I have all the values in a separate source table, so first column is easier. but do i have to write the dcount statement for each row for second column?Could I display results of query as subquery in report.If you have a bunch of textboxes with increasing names like NameBox1... for for/next loops in reports... is there an easy way to assign those names?

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Reports :: Getting Blank In Text Box Instead Of Displaying Zero

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to display zeros in a report and at present I'm getting blank in text box where the value is zero. How do I display zero?

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Reports :: Displaying Record In Report

Mar 2, 2014

I have a report, which opens a dynamic search form (built off of John Big Booty's code from this site). The form opens, and works as expected.During the dynamic search form testing, I created an 'OK' button that opens another form to display the record, but the dynamic search was opened first.

I would like to reprogram the button to display the selected record in the report which opened it.How can I get the selected record to display in the already open report?

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