Reports :: Generating Report With Points Fields?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a report that is purely for points gained from products. Each product is split into 3 (e.g. Investment A, B + C) and there is a indicator that means the points gained can be added up (e.g. I for Investment and S for Savings).

I have made the report which is many unbound fields. There is a summary section for all points added together with fields Total Amount, Monthly Target, Quarterly Amount and Quarterly Target.

Then the report is split into each of the 4 products (Each of these have different amounts of points. Number indicates it):

Investments (10), Savings (15), Pensions (15) and Protection of Life Savings (20).

Each of these have 4 fields - Total Amount, Target Amount, Quarterly Amount and Quarterly Target.

I need a way to generate these point scores using the Product_Points field. I already have Quarterly Target and Target Amount because there is a set field called Points_Annual_Target.

EDIT: I also don't want it to come up with the 'insert parameters' so all the info is one page.

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Reports :: Generating A Field In A Report

Jul 30, 2014

I have a database with a bunch of related tables. One holds information on (let's say) types of food. A field in that table tells whether the food is HOT or COLD. Foods are grouped by MEALS in a related table - the PK of the foods table is stored as an field in the MEALS table. What people here are looking for is a report that lists all the foods in each MEAL, the temperature of the food, and whether the meal is HOT, COLD, or MIXED - foods are both HOT and COLD. I've got a report that lists all the FOODs, grouped by MEALs - it's just the overall temperature of the MEAL that I am missing right now.

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Reports :: Generating Report In Writable PDF From Access

Aug 7, 2013

I want to know if it is possible to generate reports in writable PDF format? Also, is it possible to send the report automatically to a list of emails recorded in the Access db using Outlook?

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Reports :: Generating Totals In Monthly Report

Jun 1, 2013

I've got a simple invoice database with 10 amount fields, that needs to be summed up intoa Total including Gst box on a monthly report.

Report only has Date, Invoice Number And Total Amount fields on it, so I need to pull the information from table and sum it into Total Amount.

ie. = sum ( t1 +t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 + t7 + t8 + t9 + t10)
and sum above divided by 10% then added together to form total.

I'm just not sure how to do it, everything I've tried so far ain't worked.

Every example I've looked at is only doing maths with 1 field.

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Reports :: Booking Sequence - Report Not Generating From Correct Form?

Oct 7, 2013

I have a booking sequence. Sales representatives take an order on a booking form and then then click a button to draw up the related report. The form is showing all Booking forms, not the specific one just taken.Do I need an OpenArgs statement? I've tried that but can't seem to get it to work.

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Reports :: Generating Report On Time Elapsed - Date Approved

Sep 5, 2013

I have a large table with a number of fields. I have written the query that I want but can't quite work out how to get it to do the main thing I need. I have several fields that I need to generate in the report but what I want it based on is the field called Date Approved.

When the Date Approved has been Active for more than 4 weeks I want to pick it up in the report. I don't want to set a date to start from but pick up everything that has passed 4 weeks in "Date Approved".

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Reports :: Get Print Preview Ribbon To Return When Generating A Report?

May 12, 2015

I've seen this question asked in multiple places but do not understand the answers (yet). I haven't worked with the ribbon and XML before.

I'm able to turn off the navigation panel and the ribbon completely which gives the user a nice, empty screen. However, when reports are selected, they open up in Print Preview but the ribbon doesn't return with the Print Preview.

In short, how do I get the Print Preview ribbon to return when generating a report?

Access 2013.

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Reports :: Generating Report In Access From Forms For Starting And Ending Date

Jul 24, 2014

how to generate a Report through "Form".I should be able to input the date ex: text box1= Start Date and text box2 should be End Date, by Clicking a button ...i.e Generate Report Button, a report should generate should be generated showing data in between the Start Date and End Date.

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Reports :: Generating Multiple Reports Based On 1 Query

May 2, 2014

I have a queries that do all the calculations and dumps the output to Query X for all different types of customers. At the moment I am required to generate a report for each of the customers and send it to them, manually.

End Goal:Initiate a Macro (at a given time at a given frequency) that would run a process to generate different reports for all different types of customers using a standard report template. I am also trying to avoid having to create a report for each customer (as the customer base grows, the report count will grow) so looking at something that would look into Query X and generate # of reports depending on number of customers.

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Reports :: Scrolling Down Report Changes Report Fields To Errors

Jun 26, 2013

I have an odd thing happening with my reports. There is a main report that gives class information (from query). There are two subreports (from queries also ) with scores (one for each type of test). There are some unbound controls on the main form that display a count of how many scores are recorded which are totals from the subreports. The controls all report the correct numbers however, when I scroll down to view each record, some of them change to #error, or #name, or similar for a moment. Sometimes they will stay in error form when I stop scrolling but change to correct if I scroll up just a bit. Is this because the controls won't calculate unless that report record has focus?

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Reports :: Unbound Report - Print Preview OK But None Of Fields Print When Report Directly Send To Printer

May 25, 2013

I have an unbound form with an associated report. When the user hits the 'print' button on the form/screen, the report is launched in the background. In the On Load event of the report I populate the report fields from the forms field as so:

Me.txtAddrMainLine2 = "NAME " & UCase([Forms]![frm_OrderRx].[txtPatientName])

This works like a charm as long as I call the report in Print Preview mode (i.e. with acViewPreview). But if I send the report directly to the printer, none of the fields print.

I've read about using other report events to populate the fields (e.g., On Format and On Print) and also something about using TempVars to pass the data. But I haven't read anything that's clear and definitive about the full answer.

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Reports :: Sum Of Calculated Fields In Report?

Jun 19, 2014

This Works:I have a report with subreports that provide totals to the main report. The main report is grouped to provide the totals by customer. Here is the format:

Customer Labor Materials LineTotal
Cust1 $100 $10 $110
Cust2 $200 $20 $120
Cust3 $300 $30 $130

[Labor] - ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],[rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0)

This doesn't work:

I am trying to create totals for each field (i.e. LaborTotal = $600, see below)

Customer Labor Materials LineTotal
Cust1 $100 $10 $110
Cust2 $200 $20 $220
Cust3 $300 $30 $330
Totals $600 $60 $660

I've tried the following each resulting in #Error:

ControlSource =Sum(IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],[rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0))
ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],Sum([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall]),0)
ControlSource =IIf([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report].[HasData],Sum(Nz([rptSchedE_STS_Sum_Installs].[Report]![TotalExtInstall],0),0)

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Reports :: How To Keep All Yes / No Fields In Report On Same Page

Sep 4, 2013

I have a few fields "yes/no" in report and I want to keep all of this in one page when I'll print it. How could I do that.

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Reports :: Concatenating 5 Fields To One On Report

Apr 1, 2015

I have five reason fields in my table and I would like combine them into one field on my report, with line breaks between so each reason starts on it's on line. Also if there is a blank record, I would like the report not to display a blank line. I have found ways to do this online for 2 records but I need this for 5.

Also when I do manage to get the lines all to show in the report there are 3 paragraph returns between them - making the reason display of the report 15 lines tall, not just 5. The code I have so far, which displays each of the reasons but spaced as described is:

=[REASON1] & " " & [REASON2] & " " & [REASON3] & " " & [REASON4] & " " & [REASON5]

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Reports :: Calculation For 16 Fields In A Report

Jun 23, 2013

I'm using Access 2010 and creating a report that is summing 16 fields but the wizard says I have too many fields selected. I had tried creating the report from scratch adding a sum field in the group footer but the field appears blank.

Below is what I am adding together all from one table. I have another report that will need to sum up 20 fields from a query.


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Generating Reports Based On Dynamic Query

Mar 2, 2005

Hello All,

How can I create reports in Access based on dynamic queries? I did a lot of search on this but couldn't find anything reasonable.

Any help to get me started will be extremely appreciated.


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Generating Reports For Individual Grouped Records

Oct 19, 2006

This probably is a very stupid question but I am a new user and have been pulling my hair out for a week over this. I have created a report and linked it to my table but it generates a list of all of the values in my table on the report. What I want is a way to generate a report page for every row in my database table grouped on a key record that is unique to each data row. If anyone has any advice it will be much appreciated, thanks.

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Generating And Loading Report

Jun 27, 2005

Hi every body. I wonder how i can generate and load a report when a button is clicked on access 2000 form. I be happy if some one show me an example.Thanks

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Reports :: Report Excluding Empty Fields?

Jul 23, 2013

I have a hourly report I need to run and one of the records will always be filled with a name of the employee. I need to hardkey some data in every day and instead of changing who is there that day I would like to be able to enter in, for example, sales data in a seperate record and when I go to create the report it will exclude any employee names that have 0 sales data or a blank record. so the table would be something like:


So when I run the report it will only pull Mathew's name and sales information and leave John and Steve off the report.

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Reports :: Blank Fields On Report Invoice

Apr 18, 2013

I have 2 blank fields on my report "Invoice":


These fields are correct on the reports AFR, Tear Down, and 8130-3.What am I doing wrong and can this be corrected?

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Reports :: Grouping A Report With 2 Fields From 2 Tables

Nov 8, 2014

I'm trying to create a report with data from 7 different tables. It's supposed to be an assignment overview for a transfer company (driving people from A to B, dunno how to call it in English). I put assignment and customer details into the page header, which is working out fine so far. But now I want to show transfer details and it's proving to be a bit troublesome.

When creating the assignment, the user can choose whether the transfer goes from/to an address or from/to an airport. Depending on which one he chose the data is stored in different tables. To determine whether it is an outward journey/collection, outward journey/target, return journey/collection or return journey/target, I put a field in each of those tables ("Schritt", its value being either 1, 2, 3 or 4).

To visualize I made screenshot of the tables in relationship view, but since I'm a new member i can't seem to post images, so I'm giving you a pseudo URL...

[abload (dot) de (slash) img (slash) transeren40p1r.png]

The final report should look like this:

outward journey
---collection (1)
---target (2)
return journey
---collection (3)
---target (4)

Having the "Schritt" value for each step in either one or another table (address(es) or flight data) is making it a bit hard for me to wrap my head around the problem. Is that doable with expressions or is there a way in VBA to solve this problem?

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Reports :: Conditional Formatting Two Fields In Report

Mar 26, 2015

In my Access 2010 report, I am attempting to perform conditional formatting of one field based on the difference between two fields. In particular, one field is "Time Scheduled" and the other field is "Time In". If the "Time In" is equal to or greater than 60 minutes of "Time Scheduled", I would like to format it to be red font. If it is less, I would like to format it to be green I can conditionally format to do this?

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Reports :: Add Conditional Formatting To Several Fields In A Report?

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to add conditional formatting to a several fields in a report. So far i can use the contional formatting to set a field called [colour] to set that field to red and bold. But i believe I need to use an Expression for all fields, so I can make all fields that = red go red. I have used the the expression:

[colour] = "red"

but nothing happens.

Expression Is [Subtotal]+[Freight] > 50

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Reports :: Omitting Black Fields From A Report

Aug 21, 2013

I've created a report based on emergency contacts however some fields are blank as there isn't a "contact" and rather then have lots of empty fields all over the report is there anyway to omit them based on whether they are populated or not? there might be 2-3 records that have "every" field filled the rest are varied as to how many contacts they have.

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Reports :: How To Not Show Blank Fields On A Report

Aug 15, 2013

I have a report based on a query. Sometimes some of the fields on the report are blank because the information is not available. Is there a way to not show the blank fields on the report and to move the next field up into the space?

I have tried using Is Not Null on the query criteria but if any one field is null it doesn't show any of the others on the report.

I have currently got it so that the height is set to 0 and can shrink = yes and this seems to work but the field is still there (although hidden) - I would rather it was removed completely if it is blank as I am hoping eventually to make the output for each field show on a PowerPoint presentation and I don't want blank slides which I think this solution might do??

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Reports :: Yes / No Data Type Fields On Report

Aug 28, 2014

I've got a table that has several yes/no data type fields. I'm trying to the data into a report and show either yes or no as opposed to -1 or 0.

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