I have several reports on access 2010 that lists items and at the bottom in the report footer gives me a total for the columns. Is there any way that those totals can be put at the top of the columns such that the person reviewing the reports can see the totals first, then scroll down to see the details?
The data within my tables is formatted correctly and when I run a standard query on the data, it comes through the query with the same formatting. However, when I run a query that needs to total the values (whether it's sum or average) the values lose any formatting (and by total I mean the one in design view, not in datasheet view).
I then need to manually format each columns "Format" and "Decimal Places" properties to what I want. I have quite a few queries with quite a few columns, so this is very time consuming. Is there a way to do this faster without VBA? In Excel I can simply highlight multiple columns and format all of them or apply a format painter. I don't see any similar functionality in Access 2010.
I have simple table data structured as follows;[Origin], [Code], [Weight]. The Code field is a lookup field that will contain one of 8 choices; 10, 13, 13c, 23, 25, 27, 27a, & other. The other fields are pretty much self explanatory. Sample data would look like this:
What I need to create is a totals query where I first group by origin value, then a column for each "code" value which totals the weight for that "code". A sample output would look something like this:
The only way I can think to accomplish this is to restructure the original table to include a field for each code and enter the weight in the appropriate 'code' field. If this is the only solution then Ill have to live with it, but is there any way to create this output using my original structure?
I am trying to create a P&L statement in access. I know what I want to come out at the end. I am just starting to play with access and having trouble getting what I want to come out of it.
On the sales side I have a query that gathers all the revenue sources and calculates a total for each date. I then use a second query to just take out the data I want for the P&L report. I created a sub-report that displays the data I want. I use the grouping and grand total features to get the total into the report footer. So far so good.
On the expense side I created a form of a query to manage the one to many relationship to capture the data for expenses (one purchase with many line items). I created a query based of this query to get the relevant data for my expense sub-report. I created the sub-report and got everything looking and calculating the way I want it to. I use the same grouping and grand total features to display the data in the report footer. Still good.
I created a new main parent report with the two sub-reports (sales & expenses) on it and even was able to pull the totals from the sub-reports into the main (so currently the subtotals of the two sub-reports are displayed twice). Now when I try to use the textboxes I used to pull the sub-report totals into the main report to perform additional calculations (sales - expenses) I get #error. I have tried different things and gotten ?name.
Control source for the two textbox controls on the main that display correctly, but don't let me do any further calculations.
=[rptP&LSalesOverview]![AccessTotalsTotal Sales]
To do the subtraction I have tried using the references above, as well as just using the names of the unbound text boxes in the report that bring the totals into the main report.
As a work around, I tried to build one query with all the data from sales and expenses, but can't "filter" based on date and get the data I want in the query results because the two sets of data are not necessarily related. I either get a long list of records, or no records (I am currently only playing with about 5 days of data).
I am trying to obtain totals from two columns in the list box into text boxes on the main form, but my third argument is not working as expected.The source of one of the tex boxes is:
Is there a way to have say five different reports that give out information and at the bottom the totals. I would like to take each of those separate reports to create one report with just the totals.
If I have a report that is returning numberous records from a table, how do i set it up to total the values in each field (AT THE END)
I have a series of query's that can calculate the totals I am looking for but cant find a way to place them at the end of the report. If I place them in the header or footer it puts them on every page....
Any thoughts how to just have them show up at the END of the report?
I need some help with a report that has running totals of both positive and negative values. The report needs to have a subtotal of the positive values only, then the negative values only. The negative and positive values appear all in the same list. The running sum property over group/over all only adds all the values together which is of no use. Is there any easy way to do this?
Example Report snippet: (Ignore all the dots - its the only way I could get everything to line up)
Invoice Number | Customer Name | Item | Item Cost | Invoice Date | Paid | Date Paid
Example of data:
AK001 | A Brown | Blue Car |1000 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK001 | A Brown | Red Car |2000 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK001 | A Brown | Yellow Car |500 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK002 | A Brown | Black Car |1000 | 7/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK003 | B Smith | Blue Car |1000 | 12/4/2013 | Yes | 25/4/2013
I want to create a report from this table that outputs as:
Invoice Number | Customer Name | Total Price | Invoice Date | Paid | Date Paid
Example of report from Example Data:
AK001 | A Brown |3500 | 1/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK002 | A Brown |1000 | 7/4/2013 | Yes | 20/4/2013 AK003 | B Smith |1000 | 12/4/2013 | Yes | 25/4/2013
Is there an easy way to do this.. or will I need to make a new linked table with the invoice number as a lookup?
I have monthly reports developed from various query's and what I want to do is have a single report that I can display my monthly totals from each monthly report without developing a whole new report. I want to use the existing totals from the monthlies and have them all on one report. Can anyone help me? Jaxfire
I am trying to get my totals from my subreports, and dividing the number by 2 or 4, and put the new number on the main report.
for Operator/Trainer Productivity, I used: =([rptEmployEvaluationOperator subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[rptEmployEvaluationOperatorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/2
for Auditor/Trainer Productivity, I used: =([rptEmployEvaluationAuditor1 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor2 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditor3 subreport].[Report]![OPTotal]+[EmployEvaluationAuditorTrainer subreport].[Report]![OPTotal])/4
These both work if there are values in all totals subreports. When one of them might not have a total, I get an error message.
I'm fairly new to Access but I've been tasked to re-jig an old databse running on Access 2003. So far the database is doing more or less what I want it to but I need to generate a report showing totals from multiple fields in combo boxes. As an example, I have a combo box for a job booking-in form which requires the type of task to be selected e.g Video, photography, editing. The report needs to show the total booking numbers for each tasks (combo field) at the end of the month. I've managed to create reports for totals of a single field in the combo box but I'm struggling in achieving the multiple totals.
I have a combo box named Session which comprises of am and pm. I have a number of fields that relate to this combo box.
E.G. Monday am Sales £1000 Monday pm Sales £ 2000
I want to create a total Sales of the am and pm to derive a total of £3000.i.e. Monday Sales is £3000 which is a combination of the am and pm sessions.
I routinely produce a report for regular Committee Meetings which includes statistical date derived from the total rows for various fields in 1 or more Tables.It should be possible to extract such data automatically, probably using a query. So far, my endeavors in this direction have been unsuccessful.
I remember reading a tut on how to count records using Running totals in a report - but I cannot remember where I read it. It went something like this.
In the section that you want to count, add a field with record source '=1' and make it a running total for the group.
In the header (one level up from where the running total resides) add a field with record source =Max(RunningTotalField)
Although the 'intellisense' sees my 'RunningTotalField' when I create the above mentioned formula, when I run the report, its asking me to input the value for the 'RunningTotalField'?
Have I confused some concepts or am I on the right track?
Report 1. is attendance from January to June Report 2. is from June to December Report 3. is from January to December
The are all run from the same query with different Between Dates.
The scenario is that Paul attended the support group from Jan to June so in the Jan to June report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values
Paul attended the same support group from June to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values.
This shows the Paul attended he support group from Jan to December so in the June to December report he is counted once. The query removes duplicate values, if you removed the duplicates from this query he would be counted twice.
Not all people attend the same group for 12 months but if they do the are a duplicate and Paul is a duplicate. That is ok because we need to know now many duplicates there are for the year.
If I print all 3 reports with the duplicates remove query and you looked at the totals it would show (Example) 30 attendees in the 1st report and 30 attendees in the 2nd report but in the 3rd report it would show 59 not 60 which is the total of reports 1 & 2. we need to report these figures as 1st 6 months with 30 and the second 6 months with 30 but the whole year would be with 59 and 1 duplicate.
The way it is now I have to run all 3 report and do the math by hand this way.
Is there a way on the to do the math with code calculations on the full year report with the figures from the 2, 6 month reports to automatically show total attendance for the year 59 with 1 duplicate?
We recently have had a change to our hourly rate that we pay and now the Totals calculation is not adding up the numbers correctly.
In the query that the report is based from:
ExtendedTotal: CCur([Hours]*[Rate])
In the footer of the report: (Provides a Total for each Day)
Sub-Total: "Control Source" is: =Sum(CCur([ExtendedTotal]))
Report Footer: (Provides a Grand Total for the Month) Total: "Control Source" is: =Sum([ExtendedTotal])
Problem comes in with the odd dollar rate time partial hours. For example:
$9.73 x 4.5 hours = $43.785 (Rounds to $43.79) which is fine...
but when you have a whole column of these rounded numbers, the totals are coming out off by pennies which add up to a good bit at the end of the month. I cannot match up the totals with the invoices that are coming in either.
I have a database where my team will enter manual payment calculations into. Once entered, they will run and print the report for actual payment.
The report I have groups by payment type (see attached image of paymetn types) and then sub totals by group.
I need to somehow get these totals and use them to generate a gross payment. In the attached example, the gross would be the sum of worked hours + before tax allowance + after tax allowance. I'm not sure how I can do this in the group footer.
i have a table with health facilities (A,B,C,D) . each health facility has data from several months (Jan, Feb, Mar etc). the table has 2 fields (New Patients) and (Cumulative Patients) . Cumulative Patients is a total of New Patients for current month plus the total patients for the previous month. In the Facility Footer of the report if i create text boxes with data =Sum([New Patients]) and =([Cumulative Patients]) works well.
However in the Report Footer =Sum([New Patients]) works but =Sum([Cumulative Patients]) totals everything. if i try =([Cumulative Patients]).
I have a report that uses a subreport for summary/totals information. It was working perfectly until I made a change to the format. Now, the name of the subreport (e.g. subrBalances) is printing at the top of the section. It was not doing this before. Why is this happening and how do I get rid of it?
I have two columns in my report that at the bottom it gives me the following total, as I put below. I am trying to take the two totals that is gives and get the percentage. 1058/3024 = 35%.
=Sum([TotScrwBlank]) =Sum([TotalAmount]) .349 or 35% 1058 3024
I had did the equation as =Sum([TotScrwBlank])/([TotalAMount]), but this is giving me the answer of 46% which is not correct.
I can't seem to find a way to SUM two seperate columns on my report. I've attached an example of what I am talking about. I was able to add the SUM feature to the 'Estimate' column, but it doesn't allow me to add that to the 'Plan' column too. The only options available are Count Records or Count Value.how I can have these both SUM seperately within their columns?
Hey all! This is my first post. Been searching through the net all day trying to find a solution to this problem. Basically i have a table that looks like this (regular text is what i have and bolded text is what I need:Name Date Qty MOBrad 12/12/2007 23323 4423John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 John 12/11/2007 344 4432 John 12/11/2007 45 4432 John 12/11/2007 44 4432 John 12/11/2007 3445 4432 Grand Total: (Qty)And then I'd like to be able to carry this over and display a grand total at the bottom of every page of a report that I would need to generate. Our company produces forms and we sometimes have 60 - 70 people working on a single job. We want to see their hours individually but we would also like to see a grand sum of all their hours. If someone could help with this or needs more info let me know. Thanks for all your help!
I have an Access 2009 report that displays the sums at the bottom of some columns. Is there a way to calculate and display the percentage one sum is of another?