Reports :: Grouping Multiple Fields (Firstname / Surname)
Jan 21, 2015
I have a report with the fields
etc etc (they're not called field1/2 but they're irreverent at present.
On the database people can be entered multiple times so I may have
Bob Smith
Jimmy Carter
Bob Smith
Jackson Smith
Tim Jones
Jackson Smith
Bob Holmes
Now I now with the group function I could group by the firstname_ field but the results would group like the following
Bob Smith
Bob Smith
Bob Holmes
Jackson Smith
Jackson Smith
Jimmy Carter
Tim Jones
And if I do it by surname, well I am sure you get the drift.
So how can I sort so I would get the following
Bob Smith
Bob Smith
Bob Holmes
etc etc.....
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May 3, 2005
Hi everyone,
Can someone please help me out here?
I am finishing a project at my client, and they said that I could take a copy of the database I created home (i.e. so that I will support them ;) )
I have a table tblPeople, however, the only condition is that I have to change the First- and LastName columns in this table, since it contains personal information. I need to change the names for about 600 people (400 men, 200 women)
I was thinking of adding the First- and Last Names of movie stars, to keep the flair in my DB :)
Does anyone maybe have a sample database with (movie star) names that I can use to populate my DB?
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 21, 2005
I am trying to display five columns from three seperate tables. The query is fine but I have redundant fields showing. I thought the GROUP BY operator would fix this, but I have more than one column to select.
SELECT ID, FirstName,LastName, Salary,City
FROM worksat INNER JOIN store ON = store.storenumber, employee
GROUP BY city, id, firstname, lastname, salary
ORDER BY city;
Thank you.
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Nov 8, 2014
I'm trying to create a report with data from 7 different tables. It's supposed to be an assignment overview for a transfer company (driving people from A to B, dunno how to call it in English). I put assignment and customer details into the page header, which is working out fine so far. But now I want to show transfer details and it's proving to be a bit troublesome.
When creating the assignment, the user can choose whether the transfer goes from/to an address or from/to an airport. Depending on which one he chose the data is stored in different tables. To determine whether it is an outward journey/collection, outward journey/target, return journey/collection or return journey/target, I put a field in each of those tables ("Schritt", its value being either 1, 2, 3 or 4).
To visualize I made screenshot of the tables in relationship view, but since I'm a new member i can't seem to post images, so I'm giving you a pseudo URL...
[abload (dot) de (slash) img (slash) transeren40p1r.png]
The final report should look like this:
outward journey
---collection (1)
---target (2)
return journey
---collection (3)
---target (4)
Having the "Schritt" value for each step in either one or another table (address(es) or flight data) is making it a bit hard for me to wrap my head around the problem. Is that doable with expressions or is there a way in VBA to solve this problem?
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Feb 6, 2015
I have a table which now contains a couple of hundred records with more than thirty fields each, and will ultimately contain over 1000 records. Some of these fields use the multiple value feature, and the fields and the forms which fill them work beautifully. Now comes the challenge.
Without going into detail that I'm not at liberty to share, I can say that there are different offices which have different people who are responsible in different ways for the work covered in these records. It is possible for each record to have multiple people assigned to it from the same office. This requires setting the control that shows the people from each office to allow multiple values. I need to be able to create a report which will allow me to hand a list of all the records each person is responsible for in the office to the person responsible, in spite of the fact that this will mean records will show up on more than one person's report.
Before I knew that there might be multiple people in the office for each record, I created great reports grouping and ordering by this office's control and field. Now, since they allow and store multiple values, I can't use them any more. I need to be able, as I said above, to get the same effect. I think the answer lies in some sort of calculated field or formula that applies text filters. What I need to be able to do is look in the field for this office and see if a person's name is contained in the field for that particular record, regardless of who else might be in the field, too. I need to be able to use the results from this filter or calculation or formula to generate something I can use in the group and order by processes.
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Aug 8, 2013
I am currently using Access 2007, where I used to be able to concentrate First Name and Surname Fields by simply using:
= [First Name] &" "& [Surname]
However I have downloaded Access Run Time 2010 on the other employees computers so they will be able to access the Database, however since i have done this the First Name and Surname do not appear, it simply shows:
I am guessing this is because it is a newer version, however even when I open the Database with Access 2007 it still does not work, even if I delete it and add it again.
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Aug 1, 2015
I have a Table with 6 fields, 2 are named Initial and Surname. Is it at all possible to have a combo box on a form with these to fields "joined" with the alphabetical order on the Surname. I understand that using a query will not work as the result is based on an expression
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Sep 4, 2014
I'm fairly new to Access but I've been tasked to re-jig an old databse running on Access 2003. So far the database is doing more or less what I want it to but I need to generate a report showing totals from multiple fields in combo boxes. As an example, I have a combo box for a job booking-in form which requires the type of task to be selected e.g Video, photography, editing. The report needs to show the total booking numbers for each tasks (combo field) at the end of the month. I've managed to create reports for totals of a single field in the combo box but I'm struggling in achieving the multiple totals.
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Jan 14, 2014
I am using mail merge to produce reports for lift inspections and it is all going well apart from the fields that are multi value do not quite transfer. For instance the "inspections completed" field has a list of the months Jan-Dec and therefore a visit may have been completed in Jan, Mar & Jul for example.In word the first two letter of the last month are transferred across followed by Chinese symbols.
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Jul 13, 2015
I have a table for gathering interview scores for candidates from multiple reviewers (example below)
Field1 - RankID
Field2 - Presentation Score
Field3 - Writing Score
Field4 - Applicant Name
Each applicant will be interviewed by multiple reviewers. I want a report to display the data is grouped by Applicant name, but sorted by Score.
Applicant2 - average presentationscore = 5
Applicant1 - average presentationscore = 4
Applicant3 - average presentationscore 2
it seems simple enough to group by applicant name and sort by PresentationScore, but this does not work. I have used the grouping and sorting feature in every combination I can think of and it always keeps the Applicant Names in order whether I group first on PresentationScore (which will then give me several entries for same applicant) or not. What am I missing?
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Nov 3, 2004
I have a report with set up as follows:
Group Header: Division
Group Header: Subdivision
Is it possible to get the Division to only appear once per value?
NEW Division
Right now the Division appears before the subdivision every time, even if the division is the same as before. I did change "Hide Duplicates" to "yes", but that didn't help.
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Sep 24, 2014
I have a report which I would like to apply conditional formatting on multiple fields. I would like the conditional formatting to be based on two types of criteria
First criteria would be contracts that start with the year 2014. I used the following expression which worked - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Joseph Steinbok" or "Adam Godson")
To this expression I would also like to highlight fields which contracts start with 2014 AND have a particular Director assigned to it. For this I used the following expression - And [DirectorInCharge]="Name"
On their own, both expressions are working but I want to combine them. How do I do this? I've tried the following - InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014" AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name") but then nothing is highlighted. I also tried InStr(1,[ContractNr],"2014") AND [DirectorInCharge]= "Name" - in this instance EVERY record was highlighted.
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Jul 21, 2015
Working on a report that displays multiple pie charts. Each chart is based on a different query. I cannot pull a single query for all charts due to the criteria for each conflicting with each other. Each query is filtered by Fiscal Year based on what I input into my Fiscal Year Filter form. The command button on the FY Filter Form opens the report, set TempVar to the FY field (the criteria for each query), and closed the FY Filter Form. This works as I want it to.
The problem: I have additional fields I want to show up on the form such as number of completed students (WINGED). This number is based on yet another query where all completed students are counted [WingedCount]. I have tried to write an expression to an unbound field that points at this [WingedCount] field but it does not work. Then, I changed the report's source as the query with the [WingedCount] field. This does work, however this is where I run into an issue
I open my FY Filter Form and type in my criteria and select the open command button. However, now I am asked for the criteria again for each chart on the report.
I need a way to input the criteria only once and have all charts populate as well as my count field.
I have attached a jpeg of my current report and will upload jpegs of the needed output following this post.
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Jul 24, 2015
I have a report based on a query that I put inside a form. What I want to do is create 4 comboboxes from which users can choose options that will filter the report without leaving the form or opening the report in a separate window. Also, I want to make the filters dependent on each other, meaning if a select option A on combobox 1, the options i will select on combobox 2 will only be based on the earlier filter on combobox 1 ...
So far I'm able to do at least 2 of the comboboxes to filter the report, but they aren't based on which one was used to filter the report first. So if i filter the records by choosing option A on combobox 1, combobox 2 will still filter every record.
here's my 2 codes so far:
Private Sub cboLocation_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
If IsNull(Me.cboLocation) Then
Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.Filter = ""
Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.FilterOn = False
the other 2 comboboxes, I can't apply the same code cause the enter parameter dialog keeps popping out.
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Aug 19, 2004
This is a bit of a stupid problem but I've been trying to get a report in Access that will display data in a certain format but have been having real difficultly getting the grouping right.
This is the SQL query that I've got which gets all the results
SELECT Student.Surname, Student.Forename, Student.Admission_No, Student.Year, Course.Course_Title, Student_Course.Grade, Student_Course.Points, Student_TotalPoints.Total_Points, Student_TotalPoints.Mean_Points, SchoolTotal.School_Total FROM ((SchoolTotal INNER JOIN Student ON SchoolTotal.Year=Student.Year) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOIN Student_Course ON Course.Course_Id=Student_Course.Course_id) ON Student.Student_id=Student_Course.Student_id) INNER JOIN Student_TotalPoints ON Student_Course.Student_id=Student_TotalPoints.Stud ent_id;
See attachment for results this produces...
I would like to get these results to be displayed like this:
Name Admission No Year Course Grade Points
Dave Jones 1856 2004 Business D 60
RE C 80
Total Points 140
Mean Points 70
Becky Smith 1974 2004 Chemistry A 120
Physics B 100
Total Points 220
Mean Points 110
I know I could do this for a webpage using ASP so there must be somewhere to get the report looking like this in Access....
Any help would be much appreciated...
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Jan 26, 2014
I have a report showing products and their selling prices
Most products have only one selling price, however a few have more than one selling price
To cater for this I have created a group called "Products"
The selling prices are then in the reports' "details" section.
Works well, except that every product now spans 2 lines. One for the product description and another for the price. This doubles the number of pages in the report.
As products with only one price is the norm, is there a method that I can adopt to show products:
* with one selling price - product description and selling price on one line
* with more than one selling price - product description and first selling price on one line, with subsequent selling prices on line below?
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Nov 5, 2014
I have a form (form1) that will populate with records (table1) based on key fields of "Project Number" and at time-points we will update part of the record, and then we create a word document detailing the updates with a couple of other bits of information not in original record.
Basically I want it to go from the original form (form1) into another form (form2) (via a command button) taking the key field of "Project Number" where it will ask the bits of information that we don't need have already and the contact person.
I have got this to store in a different table (table2) using a key field of just "ID" from the original records (table1). A list of contact people are in a separate table (table3) using a key field of "contact name" which will include other details for them such as address and phone number.
So from "form2" I would like to produce a report that contains information form "table1" based on the "Project Number" and "table2" based on "ID" as just been generated and "table 3" which is based on "contact name".
So I want to pull information form the records based on the certain key fields but struggling for it to pull it successfully...
Got relationships between:
"contact name" fields in both "table2" and "table3"
"project number" fields in both "table1" and table2"
In a query for the report I have all the appropriate fields, but only have the "contact name" and "project number" from "table2" is this right? or do I need both in?
Or would it be easier to draw all this information into "form2" but don't really want to select that many drop down boxes or would it be able to pull it from the "contact name" and "project number" boxes????
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Feb 23, 2006
Ok Second issue: I have a list of companies that each offer 5 different programs. Eash Listing in the query (My report is built on this) has both a column for the definition and a colum with a number idenitfying the amount of people in the program.
What I need is to HIRE someone, but maybe I can do this:
I want to list each company and all 5 programs associated with that company; easy and its done.
Then I want to have a summary at the bottom of the report that goes to each company, takes the 5 programs for maybe 1, maybe 3 or maybe 92 companies, and lists them in order. Order = the top 5 programs for all the different companies. See and it gets complicated because sometimes, a program can be the largest for every company in the report, and then the second program for each company is different for each each company. So I need to arrange the programs in an order. then sort them by size, and them only show the top 5.
PLEASE, if you got through this far of my irrational and illogical brain then maybe you can help
Thanks Sean
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Mar 2, 2013
I am trying to create a report grouped by payment date. The problem I'm having is there are 3 different payment date fields on one table and 1 payment date field on another table. I cannot figure out how to get my group expression to pull up the dates from each one of the fields. Do I need to create a new table for each payment type, or is there a way to create a common field "Payment Date" and pull up date from these 3 fields. I have a criteria form which sets beginning and ending dates, but where to assign it. The report is called "Payments by Date" and I need to show PPD (primary payment date), SPD (secondary payment date), etc.
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May 30, 2013
I have a report that has a group within a group. The interior group has a footer with a textbox calculating an average. I would like the Outer group to then SUM the averages. I tried doing a =sum([TextBoxWithTheGroup Average]), but access prompts me for the value of this box when I run the report.
To summarize: is there a way to sum a textbox within the footer of a grouping
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Aug 22, 2006
I'm in the process of setting up a form, and I have 4 yes/no fields that need to be in it. I want to group the fields so that only one of the yes/no fields will be able to be selected. The fields are: Pass, Fail, N/A, and obsolete.
I tried setting up an option group, but I can't seem to get the information to filter back to the table that is capturing the data.
Any help? :confused:
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Jul 21, 2005
I am trying to display five columns from three seperate tables. I thought the GROUP BY operator would fix this, but I have more than one column to select. The query is fine but I have redundant fields showing. Oh, I'm not worried about the calculation "[employee.salary]*0.1 AS Salary_After_Raise." I just want to concentrate on narrowing the fields down first.
SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Salary, [employee.salary]*0.1 AS Salary_After_Raise, City
FROM worksat INNER JOIN store ON = store.storenumber, employee
WHERE = store.storenumber
GROUP BY city, id, firstname, lastname, salary
ORDER BY city;
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May 30, 2006
I am trying to produce a report or query that lists 11 attributes for several projects measured each month over the duration of each project. i.e. It is required to have the attributes for project A listed (horizontally) for months 1,2,3,...etc (vertically) followed by those for projects B for months 1,2,3,4,5,6... etc. Can anyone advice on how to do this please?
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Apr 10, 2015
What I wish to achieve is to create a report that groups and sorts without the need of a header section as it is taking up to much space cascading :
rather than :
---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ----
I basically want it not to cascade but do the exact same thing as it does inside its own header. (We need to dramatically cut down the page amount as a delivery schedule is printed out daily and could do with the page count around 10 rather than 50 ).
(Links below)
What It Looks Like ....
What I Want ....
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Nov 2, 2013
Placing the grouping total values on the bottom of the last page of this report, such as below?
Common . . . . . . 44.55%
Convertable Bond .14.55 %
Preferred . . . . . . .40.91%
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Feb 2, 2015
How can I change report Sorting and Grouping through code? I tried:
Dim rpt As Report
Dim strReportName As String
strReportName = "ReportName"
But this did not work. I assume because it is on the Open command for the report. I think I might have to place some Event Procedure in the Group Header - On Format or On Print? However, I can not find the right syntax to do that.
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